SEN 1921
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- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1305
USA Team Selection Reserve day
F1A - Day 2
Contestant Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Flyoff 1Total
Barron, Peter 210 180 150 150 180 189 1059 1
Spence, Steve 210 180 150 150 180 136 1006 2
Parker, Jim 210 180 150 150 106 0 796 3
Barron, Andrew 91 180 150 150 180 0 751 4
Van Nest, Brian 210 180 150 150 45 0 735 5
Jones, Kyle 210 92 150 150 0 0 602 6
McQuade, Pete 210 180 39DNF WD 0 429 7
Sifleet, Bob 193 0WD WD WD 0 193 8
Rosenzweig, ShlomiOn Team On Team On Team On Team On Team 0 0
F1B - Day 2
Contestant Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Flyoff 1Total
Booth, Bill 240 150 150 180 180 600 1500 1
Jensen, Blake 240 150 150 180 180 600 1500 2
Jones, Ryan 240 150 150 180 180 600 1500 3
Schlosberg, Aram 240 150 150 180 180 501 1401 4
Vaccaro, Tom 240 150 150 180 180 311 1211 5
Simon, Evan 240 150 150 180 180 253 1153 6
Crowley, Paul 240 150 150 180 128 0 848 7
Andruikov, Alex 240 150 150WD WD 0 540 8
Jones, Charlie 240 150 150WD WD 0 540 9
Ghio, Walt 240 128 150WD WD 0 518 10
Pischerio, Bob 240 90 150WD WD 0 480 11
Ioerger, Tom 240 150 10WD WD 0 400 12
Batiuk, George 240DNF WD WD WD 0 240 13
Allen, Carrol DNF WD WD WD WD 0 0 14
Simon, Greg On Team On Team On Team On Team On Team 0 0
At dawn the conditions were excellent but the wind was predicted to rise. So the jury decided to fly a 10 min flyoff round to first for F1B at 7:30 AM, then for F1A. Results only to be used if needed. The contest was also shortened to 5 rounds. 3 F1B sportsmen made 10 minutes. No F1A sportsman made more than 4 minutes.
The Fly offs was flown and the wind immediately rose afterwards to 5 to 6 m/s
Then the remaining rounds needed to complete the contest were flown. After the the end of the last round wind gusts rose to 9 m/s
The results were sufficient to decide the F1A team places with Peter Barron being the day’s winner and Jim Parker the aggregate third team place. Andrew Barron is the alternate
SEN administriva
We have discovered that when documents from MS word are pasted into SEN they cannot be read by people with MS Outlook. WE also know what has to be doctored to fix this. But sometimes we don't do it right
Ir appears that we may not have doctored yesterdays SEN correctlty so it ca be found on the NFFS web site.
We also reprint the day 3 article below but not all the rest of the previous issue.
Day 3 started off well with a F1B and F1C flyoff in near perfect conditions. As can be seen from the results there were patches or bad air or sometime too good air that caused some of the favorites to drop. Very close scores in F1B at the top of the list.
In F1C Charlie Stiles launched first and got a great piece of air that kept him in the sky for the whole 10 minutes.
For the days rounds the weather started off great but after 2 rounds of F1A and 1 of F1B a really nasty front came through. We moved the flight line up wind to no avail as the speed increased over 9 m/s. The locals predicted that this was there to stay for the day. The sportsmen were call back at 2 pm and the the wind was still strong but coming from a different quarter. The wind continued to drop with increasing calmer spells and maximums below the limit. Unfortunately the direction was westerly across the field. A new line was set up and flying resumes with a 150 second max to keep the airplanes off the highway. We did 2 more F1A and F1B rounds before sunset.
In writing about day 2 of the event I mentioned just some of the people who have made the event possible. Others are, Local Las Vegas man and F1G aficionado Jon Zeisloft who is the chief processing officer, doing the initial documentation check, the spot checks throughout the event, World Champs style and the detail processing of the winners. The score keeping was done by Lindy Murrell with numbers fed from the line by Mike Richardson. The finals over sight sub-committee of the TSC: Blake Jensen, Bill Booth, Charlie Jones and Chuck Etherington did lots of detail prep works was done by t. You could see Bill Booth’s neat artistic design on the various documents, F1C Fueling station and signs, from the time cards to the flight line pole numbers. As usual we had our international visitors with Liuda Stamova, Peter Allnutt and Henning this year who helped out with timing, other tasks and coaching various flyers. Bill Gannon and Randy Secor came up from California to help on timing and a variety of tasks each day .
Roger Morrell