SEN 1922
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- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1313
- USA F1B stuff
- Personal Thanks
USA F1B Team
I've got a few calls inquiring what happens yesterday at the F1B evening flyoff and who are on the team. A short notice on SEN would illuminate the uninformed.
I also would like to thank you, Chris and the support staff did an excellent job in running the finals.
As the saying - the winner gets a weak in Mongolia, the runner up two weeks, and so on.
Aram (from home base.)
Sent from my iPhone
(Not sure who Chris is .... But Norm, Jon, Mike, Lindy and a whole lot more did a great job running the event)
F1B - Day 2
Contestant Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Flyoff 1Flyoff 2Total
Booth, Bill 240 150 150 180 180 600 420 1920 1
Jensen, Blake 240 150 150 180 180 600 420 1920 1
Jones, Ryan 240 150 150 180 180 600 236 1736 3
Schlosberg, Aram 240 150 150 180 180 501 0 1401 4
Vaccaro, Tom 240 150 150 180 180 311 0 1211 5
Simon, Evan 240 150 150 180 180 253 0 1153 6
Crowley, Paul 240 150 150 180 128 0 0 848 7
Andruikov, Alex 240 150 150WD WD 0 0 540 8
Jones, Charlie 240 150 150WD WD 0 0 540 9
Ghio, Walt 240 128 150WD WD 0 0 518 10
Pischerio, Bob 240 90 150WD WD 0 0 480 11
Ioerger, Tom 240 150 10WD WD 0 0 400 12
Batiuk, George 240DNF WD WD WD 0 0 240 13
Allen, Carrol DNF WD WD WD WD 0 0 0 14
Simon, Greg On Team On Team On Team On Team On Team 0 0 0
Team is
Greg Simon
Blake Jensen
Bill Booth
Alternate Ryan Jones. Note that Ryan had to win the fly off to be on the team because Bill
and Blake placed 2 and 3 on day 1.
Question from Perth
Hi Roger,
I have been following the USA team trial process in SEN News and am wondering what happened in F1B where many of the top fliers seem to have pulled out after a couple of rounds in the second event. Can you shed any light on it?
Many Thanks,
Paul Rossiter - Perth, Oz
Because of the weather pattern and the desire to complete the event on the reserve day we flew the flyoff before all
rounds were completed. We then flew the remaining 2 F1B rounds. Because 3 people did 10 minutes some figured they had no chance of winning so did not fly. While this was the case it was a little unwise as one of the 3 was close on one round.
We did not show the times that those people scored as they did not complete he regular rounds. One or two people dropped a round the day before when we were doing the 150 second rounds and did not fly at all on the reserve date. We had to fly 150 second rounds because the wind was across the lake (not a usual direction) towards a highway with a 75mph speed limit.
AA was a little unlucky as it was reported (I did not see it ) that he stalled a little in the FO and went oos at 9 mins something close to the ground in haze.
Blake was a little lucky as he D/T at 9 mins and took 75 seconds to come down . He needs a new timer in that airplane !
Earlier in the week early morning air was unhelpful but on this day and F1C day it was not the case and people made 10 mins.
Personal Thanks
At the recent USA Team selection, I was the Head Jurist for all days. Other jury members rotated depending on what class was flying, they were:
Paul Crowley
Blake Jensen
Andrew Barron
Jim Parker
Gil Morris
Faust Parker
Matt Gewain
Mike Roberts
I would like to thank you guys for helping me by providing lots of ideas, wisdom and support to help run this event and make some very hard decisions in difficult conditions with the wind blowing from some unexpected directions. The team is great bunch of guys who will do the USA proud in Mongolia.
and finally special thanks to Mike Roberts for that special custom coffee from Sbux at 7 AM every day, It takes a guy from Seattle to understand...
Roger Morrell
Hi Roger,
I have been following the USA team trial process in SEN News and am wondering what happened in F1B where many of the top fliers seem to have pulled out after a couple of rounds in the second event. Can you shed any light on it?
Many Thanks,
Paul Rossiter - Perth, Oz
Because of the weather pattern and the desire to complete the event on the reserve day we flew the flyoff before all
rounds were completed. We then flew the remaining 2 F1B rounds. Because 3 people did 10 minutes some figured they had no chance of winning so did not fly. While this was the case it was a little unwise as one of the 3 was close on one round.
We did not show the times that those people scored as they did not complete he regular rounds. One or two people dropped a round the day before when we were doing the 150 second rounds and did not fly at all on the reserve date. We had to fly 150 second rounds because the wind was across the lake (not a usual direction) towards a highway with a 75mph speed limit.
AA was a little unlucky as it was reported (I did not see it ) that he stalled a little in the FO and went oos at 9 mins something close to the ground in haze.
Blake was a little lucky as he D/T at 9 mins and took 75 seconds to come down . He needs a new timer in that airplane !
Earlier in the week early morning air was unhelpful but on this day and F1C day it was not the case and people made 10 mins.
Personal Thanks
At the recent USA Team selection, I was the Head Jurist for all days. Other jury members rotated depending on what class was flying, they were:
Paul Crowley
Blake Jensen
Andrew Barron
Jim Parker
Gil Morris
Faust Parker
Matt Gewain
Mike Roberts
I would like to thank you guys for helping me by providing lots of ideas, wisdom and support to help run this event and make some very hard decisions in difficult conditions with the wind blowing from some unexpected directions. The team is great bunch of guys who will do the USA proud in Mongolia.
and finally special thanks to Mike Roberts for that special custom coffee from Sbux at 7 AM every day, It takes a guy from Seattle to understand...
Roger Morrell
Roger Morrell