SEN 1941
- Details
- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 2071
Table of Contents - SEN 1941
- Big Nelson
- Binos
- FAI Proposals
- Top Level Misnomers
- Dear Promotor
- Hanukkah Open 2014
Looking for a big Nelson
From: trevor payne <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
has anyone out there got a nelson combat 36 or 41 to sell I use them for open power. thanks
“(Please) use my binoculars”
In flyoffs, binoculars can be critical, particularly when there is a single timer per flyer. Some fliers think they have a better binocular (image stabilized, more sensitive to low light, larger visual field or being mounted on a tripod.) The risk to the flier is that the unfamiliar timer will botch the timing.
Time in one-timer flyoffs is scarce. Assignment of flyoff timers is typically done by lottery. In such cases, can
(1) The assigned timer be obliged to use the flyer’s binoculars if they are being offered?
(2) Can the flyer request switching a timer that declines to use his binoculars?
I think most timers would be agreeable to switching (2), if the organizers permit it. The organizers can also require a single timer to use the flyer’s binocular is requested (1).
And finally, should “use my binoculars” in form (1) or (2) be implemented in the team selection finals in a one-timer flyoff?
< text-align: start; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px; background-color: #ffffff"> FAI proposals.
To: All Concern FAI Competitors
Re: FAI Proposals
From: Ron Young
I have read the FAI proposals. I find them to be detrimental to the future survival of FIA, F1B, and F1C events. I have attended FAI contest for the past 6 years and observed the decline of interest and entries in F1C. Should these proposals for F1C be adopted, it would mean their demise.
I have the following comments re: the proposals:
* The current 5 second engine run should be left alone.
* Rules that outlaw flappers in F1A, B, and C should be left alone.
* To eliminate lengthy fly offs make the first round 5 minutes and every round thereafter 4 minutes and then fly 6 rounds.
* The first fly off round in F1C should be 10 min, F1A should be 6 min, and F1B should be 6 minutes. This fly off procedure would eliminate lengthy and timely fly offs.
* Ethanol is very different physically and chemically from methanol. Engine testing with this fuel is critical and should be done on all F1Cs. Head clearance and timing would have to be adjusted to use ethanol and also a complete range of plugs would need to be tried and tested. Who is going to make the plugs and who would make the ethanol fuel? Nelson is the only one who currently makes the plugs for F1C.
* I have read that there is a movement to limit the Venturi size. It is essential that engine testing be done to check performance of all engines. Most of the current engines have a flap on the venture, and to check the Venturi diameter you will need a ball gauge. Who is going to make the Venturis for the current F1C engines being used?
* I have read that there is a proposal to put a muffler on all FIC engines. This must be a joke. How do they propose to put a muffler inside all the current F1C models? There are some models being used that have side port Nelson’s where the exhaust exits through the side of the fuselage. Do they propose to hang an ugly muffler on the side of the fuselage?
In California F1C is a dying class. With a lot of these ridiculous proposals you might as well put the nail in the coffin. At the last team finals in Las Vegas there were only 8 entries in F1C.
At the last contest held in Lost Hills, California which was the final event for 2014 there were no entries in the F1C class. At the contest before the finals there were only 4 entries in F1C.
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Top level misnomers
From: Ross Jahnke
The F1 proposals are coming fast and thick. One thing I want to point out
(maybe two).
free flight modelers in all categories. SAM is the biggest looser and its
clearly not affected to modern technology or technological costs. Our loss
is a cultural thing beyond our control and rule changes will have no affect
on overall participation. The most it might do is shift existing modelers
from one event to another.
2. MONEY IS NOT A VALID ARGUMENT. Please look at the cost of participating
in any competitive sport at the national or international level. Equipment,
clothing, training, travel, entry fees, etc. are exorbitant. Even runners
replace $200 shoes every 3 months just to get exercise, not to compete.
Candy's not a nickel any more, Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland can't put on
a broadway show in a barn with scrap lumber and ernest enthusiasm, and
modern F1's can't be build from $25 worth of silkspan and balsa from your
local hobby shop.
Ross Dear promoters......!
From: Damjan Zulic
Damjan Zulic <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
I really got a feeling that all of the proposals that Allard (thx, Allard) forwared were suggested by People who aren't really active in Free flight modeling or were active a very long time ago…It looks like someone wants to destroy FF modeling.
Has anybody followed the number of competitors in a Fly off on continental or world championships the last 10 or 15 years? With the exception of the last European championship in Romania, the number of competitors with te max time in the finals is pretty much similar.
Towline dia 1.75mm? 2m wings span? Without the bunt? You are really trying to ruin the competitors who had invested a lot into the development of the category aren't you?
Make a new category of retro models or fly in some nostalgia category…
Competing without DPR? Did someone even tested how much a model with a DPR actually obtain?
4 seconds of engine run? I really don't understand why 4…… why not 4.3 or 4,5 which would mean aproximately 80% of the current height? 4 seconds actually means around 60% of current height. Checked with tests. And that change actually increase the mistake at the engine time measure.
Ethanol instead of Methanol??? Who will buy us new propelers and engines which will be adapted to the new fuel??? Don't try to convince me that it doesn't matter! The old engines won't be as nearly as competitive as the new ones, the propelers will be inapropriate for the power reduction. Are you trying to kill F1C category to the very end?
The only positive suggestion is the obligatory RDT in the F1C. That is for safety. But even the RDT doesn't work in all the cases and conditions (stopped timer or broken servo)
I really have a feeling that all the current suggestions are a result of the current inspirations of the promoters, who want to change something without knowing what they are actually changing. Even without some practical tests of the suggestions. I really don't believe that even one suggestion was tested in practice. I also don't believe that the suggestions have got a lot to do with the wishes of active competitors in FF. Where is the problem if the models go high? Where is the difference between launching the model at 100m or climbing it in the thermal zone from 60m to 100m in under 30 seconds after the model launch??
Did any of the promoters even gave it one thought about how much work, time or money did we competitors invest in our existing models? I really doubt it, beacuse they absolutely wouldn't suggest all this changes which require many more new investmest and resources (mainly money). Did anyone thought about even bigger drop-out of the competitors, which will happen, because not everybody has enough resources to develop or buy new(old) tehnologies and planes? Those models are specifically made for competitions. In case that because of reckless and untested experiments they are not anymore competitive, they can't be used for hobby flights as they can be used in F3 categories.
Not only to criticise, I agree with both suggestions which was given by Roger Simpson. Why not simply increase the weight of the models for 10% or maybe even 15%. Therefore there would be no changes necesary except for the extra weight which is the smallest problem to resolve.
Best regards and I wish you much wisdom in decision making and making changes.
Damjan Zulic
Hanukkah Open 2014
Last FF World Cup event of the year. It appears to have changed the World Cup results of both F1A and F1B. Some unhappiness on FB by people not at the event around the apparent efforts to increase the number of participants in F1A thus giving Jama Danier sufficent bonus points to pass Roland Koglot in the World Cup standings. Jama and Mikhail Kosonoshkin were the only two of the top World Cup F1A rankers along with local Aviv Balisano to attend. But Israel has a lot of very good F1A flyers who have the visitors a run for their money. Interesting that people are complaining about increasing the number of participants ... There is always an interest in increasing the number of participants for the benefit of Free Flight, to encourage more people to attend the event so they get more bonus points or to aid a particular person to the same end. It seems difficult to legistate against this and should you, Of course all the participants must enter properly and follow the all of the rules ! , There are questions about the proper use of airplanes, did the airplanes have the right person's FAI ID on them ? for that matter did they have any FAI ID at all?, was the airplane used by another sportsman in the same event?. In other places I've seen favorable comments about Gerd Aringer and Alan Jack flying 2 events, here it seems its not OK to do so? or how many round do you have to fly for it to be OK ? Why did people question Igor Vivchar flying all rounds but 0 in the flyoff but it was "OK" for 2 well known Israeli F1A flyers to only fly 4 rounds and another to do the same as Vivchar and zero in the fly off?
As an organizer one of the things that irritates me is being told after the event is how I messed up by not taking action against a particular contestant because of something bad he did. Something, I did not notice it during the event and why did the contestant not protest during the event? That's what the jury is there for.
I've seen comments about other events with people, including some of the to sportsmen not having their number of the wings, with or without other associated rules infractions. It would seem to me that photos with a protest would be simple to do during the event?
I understand that the CIAM is reviewing the event .
F1A Hanukkah Open 2014
19-20 Decembr 2014
FAI World Cup Event
0 Name Country 1 2 3 4 5Sum Flyoff Flyoff Total
1 Jama Danier CAN 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 390 1620
2 Yaron Kraus ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 348 1578
3 Lior Bachar ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 338 1568
4 Moti Pinhas ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 335 1565
5 Avner Studnik ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 332 1562
6 Koby Cohen ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 323 1553
7 Shachar Limor ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 262 1492
8 Amit Kidron (J) ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 255 1485
9 Michael KosonozhkRUS 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 233 1463
10 Eli Gerber ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 218 1448
11 Liav Hershkovitz ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 215 1445
12 Aviad Levy ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 276 0 1206
13 Tomer Rozin (J) ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 264 0 1194
14 Aviv Balasiano ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 232 0 1162
15 Mati Moskowiz ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 206 0 1136
16 Omri Shecter (J) ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 125 0 1055
17 Asaf Shpringer ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 0 0 930
18 Igor Vivchar UKR 210 180 180 180 180 930 0 0 930
19 Eyal Galor ISR 210 171 180 180 180 921 0 0 921
20 yakir vaknin ISR 201 180 180 180 180 921 0 0 921
21 Victor Solomatin ISR 210 180 180 180 165 915 0 0 915
22 Shmuel Kuflik ISR 210 162 180 180 180 912 0 0 912
23 Leonid Anokhin RUS 192 180 180 180 180 912 0 0 912
24 ittai levi ISR 188 180 180 180 180 908 0 0 908
25 Ran Altman ISR 210 180 154 180 180 904 0 0 904
26 Abraham Baruch ISR 178 180 180 180 180 898 0 0 898
27 Gil Yair (J) ISR 210 180 180 180 143 893 0 0 893
28 Ittai Shichman ISR 210 180 140 180 180 890 0 0 890
29 Yuval Bishet (J) ISR 170 180 171 180 172 873 0 0 873
30 Uri Shafrir ISR 210 180 180 180 110 860 0 0 860
31 Shmuel Sitton ISR 210 180 180 106 180 856 0 0 856
32 Yonatan Levav (J)ISR 136 180 180 180 180 856 0 0 856
33 Omri Samuel (J) ISR 121 180 180 180 180 841 0 0 841
34 Evgeny KantipayloRUS 194 121 148 180 180 823 0 0 823
35 Saar Isakov ISR 130 180 143 180 180 813 0 0 813
36 Snir Aizen ISR 210 180 95 180 114 779 0 0 779
37 Ben el Shinpaker ISR 188 68 152 180 180 768 0 0 768
38 Ohad Weisfalner ISR 210 180 180 180 11 761 0 0 761
39 Roy Levav ISR 162 180 180 39 180 741 0 0 741
40 Yehuda Zak ISR 188 180 0 180 175 723 0 0 723
41 Michael Furman ISR 210 180 139 180 0 709 0 0 709
42 Ran Shtub ISR 160 180 180 180 0 700 0 0 700
43 Snir Halfon (J) ISR 210 84 126 95 180 695 0 0 695
44 Hadar Elkayam ISR 210 119 0 180 180 689 0 0 689
45 Erez Shir (ShifruISR 193 0 0 180 180 553 0 0 553
46 Grigoriy Gorbach RUS 204 97 114 49 0 464 0 0 464
47 Ittai Levental ISR 176 0 0 0 0 176 0 0 176
48 Vyacheslav AleksaUKR 0 0 0 0 129 129 0 0 129
49 Anatoly RybchenkoRUS 0 0 0 0 102 102 0 0 102
50 Yoav Yoshvayev (JISR 49 0 0 0 0 49 0 0 49
51 Eitan Hava ISR 0 5 0 30 0 35 0 0 35
F1B Hanukkah Open 2014
19-20 Decembr 2014
FAI World Cup Event
Name Country 1 2 3 4 5 Sum Flyoff Flyoff fly off Total
1 Alex Andriukov USA 240 180 180 180 180 960 300 420 480 2160
2 Gilad Mark ISR 240 180 180 180 180 960 300 420 392 2072
3 Igor Vivchar UKR 240 180 180 180 180 960 300 420 386 2066
4 Anatoly Rybchenkov RUS 240 180 180 180 180 960 300 420 377 2057
5 Tuvia Faibish ISR 240 180 180 180 180 960 300 381 0 1641
6 Yaron Karpel ISR 240 180 180 180 180 960 300 353 0 1613
7 Yehonatan Segev ISR 240 180 180 180 180 960 300 318 0 1578
8 Shmuel Kuflik ISR 240 180 180 180 180 960 223 0 0 1183
9 Aleksander Shelepov MNE 240 180 180 180 180 960 200 0 0 1160
10 Abraham Baruch ISR 240 180 180 180 180 960 195 0 0 1155
11 Gil Mitzmacher ISR 240 180 180 180 180 960 176 0 0 1136
12 Omri Sirkis ISR 240 180 180 180 180 960 167 0 0 1127
13 Gil Hagay ISR 240 180 180 180 180 960 1 0 0 961
14 Ezra Kraus ISR 239 180 180 180 180 959 0 0 0 959
15 Eitan Hava ISR 228 180 180 180 180 948 0 0 0 948
16 Or Shabat ISR 221 180 180 180 180 941 0 0 0 941
17 Daniel Cherbin ISR 209 180 180 180 180 929 0 0 0 929
18 Ohad Weisfalner ISR 240 180 180 180 143 923 0 0 0 923
19 Giora Herzberg ISR 186 180 180 175 180 901 0 0 0 901
20 Tomer Obligenhartz ISR 240 180 180 180 105 885 0 0 0 885
21 Tom Arbel (J) ISR 168 180 180 175 180 883 0 0 0 883
22 Vitaly Man ISR 240 22 180 180 180 802 0 0 0 802
23 Grigoriy Gorbach RUS 202 180 180 180 24 766 0 0 0 766
F1A Hanukkah Open 2014
19-20 Decembr 2014
FAI World Cup Event
Name Country 1 2 3 4 5Sum Flyoff Flyoff Total
1 Jama Danier CAN 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 390 1620
2 Yaron Kraus ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 348 1578
3 Lior Bachar ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 338 1568
4 Moti Pinhas ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 335 1565
5 Avner Studnik ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 332 1562
6 Koby Cohen ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 323 1553
7 Shachar Limor ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 262 1492
8 Amit Kidron (J) ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 255 1485
9 Michael KosonozhkRUS 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 233 1463
10 Eli Gerber ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 218 1448
11 Liav Hershkovitz ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 300 215 1445
12 Aviad Levy ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 276 0 1206
13 Tomer Rozin (J) ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 264 0 1194
14 Aviv Balasiano ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 232 0 1162
15 Mati Moskowiz ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 206 0 1136
16 Omri Shecter (J) ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 125 0 1055
17 Asaf Shpringer ISR 210 180 180 180 180 930 0 0 930
18 Igor Vivchar UKR 210 180 180 180 180 930 0 0 930
19 Eyal Galor ISR 210 171 180 180 180 921 0 0 921
20 yakir vaknin ISR 201 180 180 180 180 921 0 0 921
21 Victor Solomatin ISR 210 180 180 180 165 915 0 0 915
22 Shmuel Kuflik ISR 210 162 180 180 180 912 0 0 912
23 Leonid Anokhin RUS 192 180 180 180 180 912 0 0 912
24 ittai levi ISR 188 180 180 180 180 908 0 0 908
25 Ran Altman ISR 210 180 154 180 180 904 0 0 904
26 Abraham Baruch ISR 178 180 180 180 180 898 0 0 898
27 Gil Yair (J) ISR 210 180 180 180 143 893 0 0 893
28 Ittai Shichman ISR 210 180 140 180 180 890 0 0 890
29 Yuval Bishet (J) ISR 170 180 171 180 172 873 0 0 873
30 Uri Shafrir ISR 210 180 180 180 110 860 0 0 860
31 Shmuel Sitton ISR 210 180 180 106 180 856 0 0 856
32 Yonatan Levav (J)ISR 136 180 180 180 180 856 0 0 856
33 Omri Samuel (J) ISR 121 180 180 180 180 841 0 0 841
34 Evgeny KantipayloRUS 194 121 148 180 180 823 0 0 823
35 Saar Isakov ISR 130 180 143 180 180 813 0 0 813
36 Snir Aizen ISR 210 180 95 180 114 779 0 0 779
37 Ben el Shinpaker ISR 188 68 152 180 180 768 0 0 768
38 Ohad Weisfalner ISR 210 180 180 180 11 761 0 0 761
39 Roy Levav ISR 162 180 180 39 180 741 0 0 741
40 Yehuda Zak ISR 188 180 0 180 175 723 0 0 723
41 Michael Furman ISR 210 180 139 180 0 709 0 0 709
42 Ran Shtub ISR 160 180 180 180 0 700 0 0 700
43 Snir Halfon (J) ISR 210 84 126 95 180 695 0 0 695
44 Hadar Elkayam ISR 210 119 0 180 180 689 0 0 689
45 Erez Shir (ShifruISR 193 0 0 180 180 553 0 0 553
46 Grigoriy Gorbach RUS 204 97 114 49 0 464 0 0 464
47 Ittai Levental ISR 176 0 0 0 0 176 0 0 176
48 Vyacheslav AleksaUKR 0 0 0 0 129 129 0 0 129
49 Anatoly RybchenkoRUS 0 0 0 0 102 102 0 0 102
50 Yoav Yoshvayev (JISR 49 0 0 0 0 49 0 0 49
51 Eitan Hava ISR 0 5 0 30 0 35 0 0 35
Roger Morrell