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- Details
- Category: Archive 2014
- Hits: 1879
- Fab Feb Packet Version 2
- Dukie on F1C
- For sale
- Mike's Rant
- North American Flyer
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Fab Feb Packet version 2
The following link has version 2 of the Fab Feb packet with latest updated Ike/Kiwi, North American and Maxmen World Cup Flyers and Entry Information.Info. Get them and send in your entries. Plus details of all the other events that are part of the Ike namely. E-36 World Challenge, P-30 40th Anniversary, McCready Human Powered Glider Event and other AMA, NFFS and SAM events. Also FAI mini events at the Ike and Maxmen plus a trial F1S event (popular rules, to the US CIAM rules change proposal) at the Ike. Finally do you qualify to be a Grand Master, can your *** and wisdom beat Peter Allnut , the squire of Taft and the outrageous Oregonian, Pierre Brun for the title of F1A Grand Master?
There is also some back ground info and information from some of the sponsors.
Scientists report that 2014 is the driest year in california since about 900 AD. No, the Chumash people did not have rain gages back them but there is a way of linking rainfall the size of rings on a redwood tree. Note even Grand Master Allnutt, the squire of Taft remembers the drought of 1538 but a couple of redwoods did and 2014 was worse. However the good news is that the unseasonably warm winter in California has had extra rain in the last few weeks and green fuzz is appearing on the ground, looks like grass,not moss, after this all is California.
We include the North American Flyer in this issue and will have the Ike/Kiwi and Maxmen in future - but you can get the all in one go, complete with pictures in color in the packet on the above link.
Dukie on F1C (What else)
From: Douglas Galbreath
Dear sen
I'm looking at the proposals for F1c, and all I see are ideas that which will not bring the event back. The lack of participation probably is likely proportional to the increase in cost and complexity of current designs. Then, what do we do, we come up with more changes that render the existing models obsolete. Result, even more loss of competitors. Our finals in the US were a clear picture of what we are facing if we continue on with the current trends. All I see in the future are more folders, flappers, small venturis, and lousy fuel. Not one of these will do anything to increase participation.
My fear is that the FAI will junk the F1C event in favor of something even more onerous. I started flying F1C in 1959 and finally gave it up in 2009. When I started F1C we would have 5 to 10 flyers in Northern California flying the event at our monthly contests. We were all very practiced and for the most part, comparatively competent in the event. We built our own models, we fixed them, most of us designed them. We didn't just fly them. Now, the models are so expensive the competitors will not even fly them except in a team selection program situation. This means we are sending our teams to World Championships with not much practice, and expecting a better result.
What I am proposing here is a concept that may be worth considering and working on. The numbers are flexible.
What if we were to add 2 more sets of specs to F!C, lets call them Cat I, Cat II, and Cat III.
Cat I. Leave the current rules as they currently are. No sense in junking the models just because someone wants to change the rules. Maybe a shorter engine run for them.
Cat II. 2 meter wingspan, same weight per cc, no folders no flappers. 6.5 sec engine run, same wing loading as current F1C.
Cat III. 1.75 meter wingspan, 8.5 sec engine run. Same wing loading as current F1C.
The rationale is to make it reasonable for prospective flyers to get into FAI without a $10,000 investment in three models. Things get tough around the house sometimes when you crash a 3500 dollar model.
Think about ti.
Doug Galbreath
Mechanical purple Elena F1B (Optar wing built by Elena Chernyk). This is my purple winged model with asymmetric wing used at the 2013 World Champs in France. It is an excellent model. Vivchar fuselage with Vivchar simple front end and boom connector. Carbon boom with Stephanchuck fin and fittings. Cut Down Vivchar Stab. Model is 2 g over limit as is.
Mechanical orange Elena F1B (special wing built for me by Elena Chernyk using kevlar wrapped spar, very strong). This is my orange winged model with symmetric wing used at the 2013 World Champs in France. It is an excellent model. Vivchar fuselage with Vivchar simple front end and boom connector. Carbon boom with Stephanchuck fin and fittings. Cut Down Vivchar Stab. Model is 7 g under weight as is.
Mechanical Vivchar F1B: Stock Vivchar parts throughout except carbon boom. Front end is a Vivchar variable pitch unit. Pylon has cutouts for a RDT servo and release arm (I can install these if so desired or make carbon covers for cutouts). Model is 5g overweight as is.
two uncovered CCT 9% thick airfoil carbon D-Box stabs. They weigh 2.5g uncovered and are very stiff.
one 5.5% thick “LDA” stab for use with LDA wings (4.5 g)
Set of asymmetrical Vivchar wings. Covered in micafilm.
Set of 6 panel Stephanchuk wings with matching stab.
If interested in any of the above please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that we can haggle over price. I am happy to make you a good deal, I need to unload this stuff.
Bernard Guest
Mike's rant
Great reading if everyone choice is to put an immediate end to F1 classes instead of the slow and predicted end to a hobby/ sport we all have done our entire lives. Just leave it alone. Are the competitors crying for rule changes?? Think not!! This is the organizers mostly who volunteer to run the contests, but they may go on too long. Hears a thought, don't volunteer to run them then.. Someone will. Problem solved!! Boy that was easy!!
Next, congratulations to all our new team members. Great job.. Now for my bi yearly rant.
I really had given up, but a number of fliers ask me to put it out there again. Yep, the multi contest format. The program that doesn't kill your interest cause of one bad contest, you were sick, or had an injury so you couldn't make the Finals. And then you get to wait for two more years just to try again. Heaven for bid, your model goes out of sight, or you injure your back. Or you happen to be the best flier in the world in your event, and only have to wait 2 more years to hope this time you don't go out of sight.
Now, isn't it better for everyone who doesn't make the team for whatever reason to just say Damn it, but in 3 months, 6months there are one , two, or three more contests to get ready for???? And the Quest continues!!!!!
Example. 95% or more go to the Febuary contests. Hell, there are three right there. But then add the Nats. And then add 2 October contests which once again about 95% OF THE FLIERS WHO COMPETE AT THE TEAM LEVEL GO TO. Wow, what a concept. You can use 6 contest
over a team selection cycle and pick 3 or 4 of your best to make the team. OMG>> Why didn't I think of this sooner..
And think I wont have to wait two years to try again. If I have a bad contest there are 4 or5 more to try again. If I don't make the team, the quest continues to make the next team in only a few months. So simple, so much more fun, so much fairer!!! Just cant believe no one thought of this till now!! Well, we are a bunch of Dinosaurs and cant see past our own extinction.. This will prolong our demise and make the Team Selection process more fun to boot.. Even if you don't make the team, you won't have to wait 2 years to try again!!!!!
Thermals, Michael Achterberg
PS.. Merry Christmas to all..
An FAI World & America's Cup & Team Championship
Dates: Tuesday, February 10th 2015 with Wednesday February 11th as reserve day
Place: Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, CA USA
Events: Individual F1A, F1B, F1C, & 3 Person Team F1A, B & C (Teams can be mixed nationalities)
Entry Fees: $25.00 for F1A, F1B, F1C – Team entry included in fee
Organizer: Tony Mathews: 2 Tralee Street, Brampton, Ontario, Canada L6Z 2X4
F1A/B/C Round 1 8:00 am – 9:00 am Rnd 1: 210 sec max F1A, 240 sec max F1B/C
Round 2 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Round 3 10:00 am – 11:00 pm 180 sec all other rounds
Round 4 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Round 5 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Round 6 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Round 7 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Trophies and medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place F1A, F1B & F1C. Medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Teams.
Medals for top Junior in each event also! Champagne and snacks will be available Tuesday evening. Final awards ceremony will be after the final flyoffs.
(Sunrise for Feb 10th – 6:51 am Sunset – 5:34 pm)
Deviations from the FAI sporting code and special instructions:
Competitors MUST provide their own timekeepers. Two timekeepers per competitor are required for the flyoffs. Fly-off times will be decided on the day depending on the weather.
Team scores will be decided by the total time of the 3 contestants including flyoff times (ie: not as per the sporting code).
Note: A Starting “area” will be utilized without pole positions (depending on entry numbers).
Please e-mail advance entries to Tony Mathews This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. prior to Feb 08th. Entry fees to be paid on the field by Feb 10th (someone will be available to take entries on the field on Monday Feb 9th from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm) please do not send money.
FAI LICENSE NUMBER____________________________________________________
F1A ($25) ______________________________
F1B ($25) ______________________________
SEND ENTRIES (Email preferable) TO: Tony Mathews: 2 Tralee Street, Brampton, Ontario, Canada L6Z 2X4 cell: +1(705) 754-5553 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell