SEN 1755
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- Category: Archive 2013
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Table of Contents - SEN 1755
- SCAT Annual
- Genesco
SCAT Annual 2013 Report
Week earlier weather report looked great but as the weekend drew near, a small front came through Southern Cal. Tom Ieorger almost turned around Friday on his drive from Nevada—wind warning in the Tehachapi Mountains. I arrived at the field at 5:30 Friday, just in time to see Andrew Barron test fly his new model—the wind had just dropped. I set a line up at the West side of the Lost Hills field.
Next morning at 6:30 the conditions were ideal-- dead calm. First two rounds were in excellent conditions. A slight breeze from the north developed consistent with the weather report that morning and so the fight line was moved to the “classic” ridge position. The max time was reduced to 150 sec to insure model did not go into the orchard area. Round 3 went well in good conditions with the addition of a biplane crop dusting show in the south west newly planted orchard. In the fourth round Mike McKeever stopped to talk to the dust crop ground person and learned that the field just to the south would be sprayed next and we were advised not to enter for 24 hours. The round was stopped and we moved to the north Holloway field. This field was in much better condition than at the Finals. The ground was harder but softer than our area and with much less tumble weeds and twigs. After the move the round was resumed. The breeze maxed out in the fifth and six rounds but only one model landed in the sprayed orchard. The breeze droppped and the seventh round max was set back to 180 sec.
Three maxed out in F1B, Aimee and Marty Schroedter and Tom Vacarro, and two in F1C (Lynn Pulley and Matt Gewain). The F1B and C flyoffs were flown together at 5:10. Tom made the 5 minute max and Marty got a slight edge over Amie (229 sec vs 221 sec). Lynn Pulley thinks his bunt line broke on launch and his model did the 100 foot outside loop into the ground. He chose not to fly another model so Matt Gewain won flying his folder. This left me to fly in the F1A flyoff—Lee Hines taking over the helm.
Six maxed in F1A Brian VanNest and Ken Bauer flew LDA models, Rene Limberger and Shlomi Rosenwig flew hybrid models (conventional model with LDA influences) and Mike McKeever and I flew conventional models. Shlomi went to the northwest toward the man made hills that he had been having good success through the day finding thermals. I went down wind and a bit to the east—the air felt good and I decide to go. Shlomi launched about then and was climbing better than my model. Rene launched high but DT at the top of the launch. Bummer, I had done the same a few weeks earlier at Ike’s. My model was going up slowly and I thought all was well but when it got to the barren Holloway piles, the bottom fell out, the model descending to towline height at 3.5 minutes. Once it got past the barren area the model rose slightly and DT'd at 7 minutes and landed near the field’s central pillar. Shlomi’s model was up all the way and DT’d high. On my ride back I did not spot any other models in the area or on tow. I then saw Brian at his model on the ground in the barren area. I returned to the find that no other good air came through and so Shlomi and I were the only two to max. We decided to fly the 7 minute fly off at 6:45p. The round started like the previous, Shlomi going up wind to his spot—he continued more up wind. I felt the air getting better. Shlomi looked very good in circle tow and got a good launch, the first half circle looked to repeat the previous flight but then the bottom dropped out. I speculate the turbulence from the hill changed the direction of the thermal. When I saw Shlomi’s model starting to descend, the air were I was still feeling positive and I launched. In my case this was a repeat of the 5 minutes flyoff, the model DT’d at 7 minutes and again landed near the center pillar for the win.
Glenn Snieder was the solo F1P flyer. We did have three fly in F1Q, Mike Pykelny first, John Oldenkamp second and Mike Callis third.
The hand launch gliders guys a good day too. Tim Batiuk topped the pack with (120 sec x 9) plus 90 sec. Stan Buddenbohmn did (120 sec x 6) plus 100 sec. for second. Sevak Malkhasyan did (120 sec x 9 ) plus 90 sec. (120 sec x 6 ) plus 90 sec. for third. The “pin people” welcomed Ted (dad) and Alex (son) Stalick to the “pin”. Ted is Bob Stalick’s son. Ted and Alex live in Pasadena and looks like we’ll be seeing more of them.
While Saturday’s conditions got a bit breezy, Sunday’s 1-2 mph had its own challenges. F1G and H (again no J flyers this year) did early morning 10 minute tie breaker rounds. Bill Booth had high time in F1G with 240 sec. and Mike McKeever did 242 in F1H. Bill was the only one clean after 4 rounds so a simple 120 sec max in F1G would secure the win. With no help from his CAL Golden Bear cap (ask Dick Woods), Bill did 60 sec. Now Tom needed 81 sec to win—his air was not great either but better than Bill’s—Tom’s model went on to max. Tom did the double rubber win—F1B and F1G. In F1H, Brian dropped a flight so Mike and I were left with all maxes through the fourth round. Mike towed into a 30 minutes dead period and ended up landing the model. I took the opportunity to fly, the air felt good but I double pumped launch and recovered at 60 feet resulting in a 45 sec flight. So Mike had to beat 45 seconds for the win-- which he did.
The catapult glider guys put in a bunch of maxes. Sevak Malkhasyan did 5 maxes plus 104 sec. for the win and we think a new junior national record. Lee Hines did 5 maxes plus 14 sec for second and Stan Buddenhohmn did 4 maxes plus 64 sec. for third.
Classic glider wraps up the events, Tim Batiuk first, Stan Buddenbohmn second and Alex Stalick third.
Thanks to Norm and Mary Smith who helped greatly at the score table and with the Saturday line moves. My hearing isn’t what use to be but I did not hear F1B murmurings when line moves were announced. The reality of the trees is starting to hit. Only a couple of model s went into the orchard land. Currently the retrieve from the orchard land is good, there are now cross roads and so the longest walk to your model is 1/8 mile. For our weekend, the field to the south was dry and so an easy walk. Driving home I stared at the trees at various stages of growth and I hoped the people working the land swap are successful.
All and all, a great contest.
Jim Parker
| F1A | total |
1 | Jim Parker | 1770 |
2 | Shlomi Rosenwig | 1757 |
3 | Mike McKeever | 1467 |
5 | Brian VanNest | 1451 |
4 | Ken Bauer | 1432 |
6 | Rene Limberger | 1225 |
7 | Jim Farmer | 1200 |
8 | Andrew Barron | 1189 |
9 | Don Zink | 1183 |
10 | Peter Allnutt | 1171 |
11 | Jimmy Farmer | 1164 |
12 | Logan Tetrick | 1096 |
13 | Garret Treymayne | 1057 |
14 | Austin VanNest | 1047 |
15 | Joey Farmer | 850 |
16 | Dean Clark | 707 |
17 | Billy Farmer | 543 |
18 | Lee Hines | 134 |
| F1B | total |
1 | Tom Vacarro | 1530 |
2 | Marty Schroedter | 1459 |
3 | Amie Schroedter | 1451 |
4 | Alex Andrikov | 1223 |
5 | Bob Tymchek | 1196 |
6 | Bill Booth | 1153 |
7 | Mike Davis | 1139 |
8 | Bob Piserchio | 1109 |
9 | Roger Morrell | 1000 |
10 | Al Ulm | 816 |
11 | George Batiuk | 749 |
12 | Rich Rohrke | 610 |
13 | Richard Woods | 225 |
14 | Tom Ioerger | 225 |
15 | Norm Beatie | dnf |
| F1C | total |
1 | Matt Gewain | 1435 |
2 | Lynn Pulley | 1292 |
3 | Ed Carroll | 963 |
| F1P | total |
1 | Glen Sneider | 671 |
| F1Q | total |
1 | John Oldenkamp | 1003 |
2 | Mike Pykelny | 1157 |
3 | Mike Callis | 673 |
| F1G | tie brkr | total |
1 | Tom Vacarro | 198 | 580 |
2 | Tom Ioerger | 0 | 563 |
3 | Bill Booth | 240 | 540 |
4 | Mike Pykelny | 93 | 489 |
5 | Kurt VanNest | 34 | 426 |
| F1H | tie brkr | total |
1 | Mike McKeever | 242 | 600 |
2 | Jim Parker | 223 | 525 |
3 | Brian VanNest | 233 | 228 |
4 | Lee Hines | 23 | 0 |
| HLG | total |
1 | Tim Batiuk | 1153 |
2 | Stan Buddenbohmn | 940 |
3 | Sevak Malkhasyan | 810 |
4 | Lee Hines | 547 |
5 | Ralph Ray | 302 |
6 | Alex Stalick | 281 |
7 | Taron Malkhasyan | 227 |
8 | Ted Stalick | 118 |
| Catapult Glider | total |
1 | Ralph Ray | 641 |
2 | Tim Batiuk | 614 |
3 | Stan Buddenbohmn | 553 |
4 | Lee Hines | 544 |
5 | Alex Stalick | 405 |
6 | Taron Malkhasyan | 387 |
7 | Sevak Malkhasyan | 353 |
| |
| Classic Glider | total | |
1 | Tim Batiuk | 480 |
2 | Stan Buddenbohmn | 477 |
3 | Alex Stalick | 210 |
Geneseo NY at the 1941 Historic Aviation Museum Field
Saturday Sept 14th and Sunday Sept 15th 2013
Check max time with CD for all other rounds
**May change due to banquet schedule (at field) BYOB
*Q = 15sec/180 1st round, 10sec/120 for other 6 rounds
CD: JOHN CLAPP 570-888-0997 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All max’s at CD discretion no moto flapping
Motels: QUALITY INN 4242 Lakeville Rd Geneseo NY 14454
Phone 585 243 0500 Mention: model plane contestant for better rates.
Conesus Lake Hotel Lakeville NY 585-3462330 Oak Valley Inn Geneseo 585-243-5570
Country inn & Suites Mt Morris 585- 658-4080 Travelodge - Avon Cedarwood 585-226-3635
Days Inn Dansville 585 335 6023 *** early registration for motel is advised***
Roger Morrell