SEN 1807
- Details
- Category: Archive 2013
- Hits: 1458
- AM Cup
- GEF and Stamov F1A
- F1C Motors
AmCup Results
We omitted to put Jim's explantory note, below about the America's Cup Results in last SEN along with the results. Jim can only publish the resutsthat the CD's send him, so if your excellent on the field performance is missing, you can help by following up with the CD to make sure it was sent it to Jim. Talk to the CD, not to Jim.
Sorry for low number of AmCup reports this year. I've gotten several inquiries and requests-- flyers planning out the end of year contest strategy. I just learned that the report I sent just before leaving for France- World Champs trip was not published-- Roger (Mr SEN) had already left for France as well and he only has the Excel to text translator on his home PC. I have also been waiting for some scores. CD and Clubs, please send in your results! I am guilty of this myself-- as the SCAT Annual CD, I did not send in the results to the National Cup score keeper, Bob Hanford. I also got an email from Aram Schlosberg, the FAI FF Team Score keeper who is having the same problem. For AmCup and Team Qualification scores, it is sufficient to publish your results in SEN. I need all the flyers, designate foreign and junior flyers and I prefer all round scores.
Fall contests are near. All events are still open which will make another exciting end of the year contest season.
GEF and Stamov F1A airplanes
Gorskiy | Evdokimov | Favionics is very proud, excited and honored to be able to inform you, that together with the STAMOV Family, we will continue the extraordinary legacy of Victor STAMOV's F1A innovations.
We will be adding Victor's short and Long models to our portfolio and will transition to the STAMOV/Favionics fuselage platform exclusively. The STAMOV Family will be closely involved and will receive part of the revenue. We will strive to match Victor's extraordinary craftsmanship, quality and attention to detail as well as his outstanding customer support. We strongly believe that our wing building experience and technology paired with the STAMOV/Favionics fuselage platform will offer a superior product Victor would approve.
We would like to thank all of Victor's loyal costumers who have already confirmed their orders.
F1C and F2D motors
Hobby Club is now carrying the Zalp line of competition engines.
Thanks in advance for your consideration,
Roger Morrell