SEN 1820
- Details
- Category: Archive 2013
- Hits: 1414
- Eurofly Comments and results
- Patterson encore
- Who was looking for the good home
Eurofly comments from Ansgar Nuttgens
We include these comments because it was the last World Cup event of the year. The world were collected from reports that Ansgar made from the field, so apologies for some formatting funnies
October 28 at 8:42pm
Report of 2nd day of the great World CUP EURO FLY in Switzerland
contest with 4 rounds in F1A, F1Q and F1G in all kind of weather type flown - rain, sun, wind, turbulence only missing snow this day
F1A Flyoff due 12 m/sec wind not flown, so Mikhail Koshonozhkin win the F1A World CUP
F1Q FO flown, due World CUP winning decision was made by this FO
I'm waking up at 6”30 and it is raining cats and dogs
Instead of flying the 95 entered F1A flyer can better all sing together: "flying un the rain!"
I went early to the field to get a good parking place near the street and not in the 2nd or 3rd road on the more and more during the day changing grass to mud by raining and lots of cars need to take by big trucks out of the mud
I’m sitting in the car with the laptop on my legs and correcting/ writing the report about yesterday – in the back mirror I see in heavy rain the timekeepers taking their starting position and 1st round start at 9"30 in strong rain - only 50 open the box @ allthough heavy rain still nice flights and dead air – for our surprise 34 maxed. The 2nd flight also in rain and then sun coming out with rainbow - sunglass is necessary - beautiful view to see models flying in front of the rainbow @ after rainstop - windspeed increased to 3-4m/sec and Max in round 3 was set to 210sec max and 28 of 44 maxed. Then a break for special 4step menue will start: In 2 hours after short sleep and massage the eurofly show will go on!
4th round was very strange @ first 15min normal conditions, then wind direction changed 180 degrees and went up to turbulent uncontrollable conditions across the valley towards the forest: (only 23 maxes, thereof most in the beginning of the round, but after wind change lots of “disaster” flights, especially 2 from 90m to the ground in 50/58 sec (it seems to me, that LDA are hating such weather and try to land very quick) only 11 in F1A flyoff and 2 in F1Q when Ron Assmus win the FO, he win the total WC @ still waiting: --> what the weather will do ? this is the question for a very difficult decision of CD – but I think Walter made the absolutely right and fair decision for all 11 F1A sportsman, due the start would be a lottery, the luckiest by contingency will win, some models in the trees or over the forest up to the hill flown, retrieval would be the challenge for the next day, due darkness will come soon due to the summer/ wintertime reset this weekend.
16:00 F1A Flyoff cancelled due to 9-12 m/sec dust with turbulence and uncontrollable flying conditions, but in f1Q still waiting, due to result of FO will be decision of Worldcup winner 2013
16:30 great, fascinating 1:1 F1Q WC final will start in very difficult weather with high speed , turbulent wind coming from the top of the mountain down in to the valley, making a loop and exactly in this loop was the starting place in round 4, but FO start more forward over near the
Ron Assmus (GER) go 1st, huge height, but straight flying long time before circling and Heikki Salminen (FIN) short after launch and was standing long time against the wind and then circling and climbing very high in lift behind the forest and rdt as new World Cup Winner F1Q with 270sec over 144sec of Ron Assmus:
So last step: prizegiving ceremony at the field as last point of the wc season.
New and old, now 3 times in series World CUP winner: F1A Mikhail Koshonozkhin (RUS)
>October 26 at 8:15pm
Report of 1st day of the great World CUP and HEC final
EURO FLY in Mühleturnen/ Switzerland
contest in F1B, F1C and F1H/ HEC is successfully done
Andriukov World CUP winner F1B and Artem Babenko in F1C
by Ansgar Nüttgens, Jury member of Euro FLY
Coming now home and like to inform all, who are not life here on this beautiful day in Gürbetal/SUI
The weather was so fantastic, that we can run in T-shirt and shorts over the grass fields. Although there were lots of high corn field s and closed field, where entrance was forbitten there was no big problem at all. Not protest due the great fairness and sportsmanship between all competitors, timekeepers.
The Swiss have invited the Freeflight World for the EURO FLY final and the biggest World CUP contest is the result with more than 250 entrance – big lane for registration and lots of late entries (paying this time higher entry fee!!) with early announcement bring the organizer in great problems, there of it is a clear sign for all contestants in the world: please make the organizers of contests easier by in time registration according the schedule.
Allthough overtime in round 1 and 5 In F1B were 34 from 85 in the 1st FO with 7 min. 10 made the 7 min and go for a 2nd time FO of 9 min. Alex Andriukov flew in a tree, but ue Andrej Burdov only reach 5th place in this strong Fly off and therefore Alex win the World CUP 2013 and receive from this year winner Anatoly Rybchenko the WC trophae at the banquet.
In F1C it was also a very high performing field with 15 of 23 in the 7 min Flyoff. Only 3 survive and grandfather Reinhard Truppe start 1st with his VE model as also Viacheslav Aleksandrov go short behind with his folder and both had a nice climb and flying and flying 7:16 for Truppe and 7:43 for Aleksandrov. Artem Babenko was 15 sec short to 7 min and was standing and waiting for the decision. If he defend his WC title or Aleksondrov will win the contest and the WC 2013. Claus-Peter Wächtler was still standing and waiting and went in the last 2 min and had a wonderful climb, souverän flight and win the contest, so Babenko can take the WC again home to Ukraine.
In F1H it was also a great contest with 5 of 16 in the fly off. Absolutely no wind make the running snd finding for a piece of better air not easy, but I found it and model couldn’t seen flying to the ground, so 12 sec short, but Thomas went in same air 1 min later and model stay better in the height, so that Thomas only maxed and win another time again. Per Fibdahl also was fighting and in the last minute went, but with 25 sec missing due fling behind asmall hill was also not so happy.
In the HEC F1H EURO Challenge total ranking Thomas Weimer (GER) has the 3rd times won it by flying 300 +200 Pts , Gary Madelin (GBR) is made place 2 with 300 + 195,8 Pts and I could take the 3rd place with 300 Pts .
October 25 at 7:51pm
Report from Ansgar Nüttgens about EUROFLY 2013
Report from Mühleturnen in Switzerland – 1 day before the great World CUP and HEC final EURO FLY – the biggest World CUP, the World ever seen, with over 250 declared contestants
The Swiss have invited the Freeflight World for the EURO FLY final and the biggest World CUP contest is the result:...
wow --> 217 competitors from 24 countries made 252 registrations – thereof 22 juniors in all classes – 92 in F1A, 89 in F1B, 26 in F1C, 9 in F1Q, 15 in F1H and 21 in F1G
It ‘s a fantastic event with all what we need in our sports: usually difficult weather, cool in the morning, but getting sunny and warmer in the midday, light breeze, the cows are standing on the farm and looking in the air, if there is coming new fresh carbon from the heaven and sharper profils for their stomach better to digest as appetizer , tremendous, exciting FLY OFF’s, where not always the best will win, but sometimes also the luckiest, also all what your freeflight heart has to need and not always get. Fresh air, grass field with some fences and forbitten areas in marvelous valley, not to forget the food and drinks – prepared by the HC members.
All, who are not able to come, will miss a great final WC contest on a gorgeous flying field in a valley with the scenery view to the Berner Alps with white covered mountains -called snow –and finding sometimes thermal not so easy like in summertime - but the feeling to fly short before Christmas a wonderful contest with lots of good friends around you will be bring you big satisfaction, if you fly for Wolrd CUP winning, for fun or only due you have done it for your whole life or your wife need a free apartment/ floor for this weekend to make the autumn clean.
The new WC rules with 4 results brought a wider range of TOP 10 with the result, that not like 2 years before more people has a final chance by winning this high extra points bringing WC and the total WC win anymore:Therfore actual status looks like following ( without warranty):
In F1A nobody can take Mikail Koshonozkhin (RUS) the 3 rd WC win in a row – MK has too much extra points and nobody has 3 wins before this final.
In F1B Alex Andriukov take by last week Sierra CUP win over the leading in WC before Andrej Burdov. Only if Andrej will come in the last moment and win over AA he can prevent another from several WC win of the great F1B Master Alex for the 7 th time.
In F1C Artem Babenko (UKR) is on the best way to defend his WC win of 2012 and his 4 th win. Only Viacheslav Aleksandrov UKR) can beat him by own win of Eurofly 2013.
In F1Q Ron Assmus (GER) must win to pass the actual leader Heikki Salminen(FIN).
In F1G this contest will be part of 2013/ 2014 F1G EURO Challenge (GEC) and bring the maximum of points for the winner.
The 2 nd final is taking place here in Mühleturnen – the HEC F1H EURO Challenge with his last 2 contests. In EURO FLY the F1H total ranking will be honored and Thomas Weimer (GER) has the 3 rd times won it by flying 300 +200 Pts , Gary Madelin (GBR) is not to beat on place 2 with 300 + 195,8 Pts , only place 3 is open.
The HEC Challenge will have 2 subclasses more since this year, F1H-E and J and same time will be run in Moravske Toplica (SLO) the co – final organized by Bogdan Lemut, where 27 registrated F1H competitors will
fight for good results and 7 have in this subclasses , especially Hungarians and Slovenians , the chance to come under the TOP 3 in F1H-E or J. We have to share the results between Switzerland and Slovenia by SMS or phone to figure out the right winners - let wait and see-SLo results will be quick to find on internet
Last but not least, on Saturday evening the special banquet with “ Berner Alpenplatte “ - fine Sauerkraut from the fructuos Gürbetal with special different meat , the final singer Bernd Silz from Meenz(GER) hopefully in good mood and singing “ So ein Tag, so wunderschön wie heute” - “Such a day, such wonderful like today!“ . Good social sit together and talking about the good old time will be another highpoint of next weekend in Mühleturnen solely restaurant Adler with great conference hall.
Walter – thank you and your wonderful team as main driver for this great and successful event
… and when you readers are curious, pack your suitcase, go to the airport, buy a ticket and fly to Bern-Belp (this local regional airport 15 km from the flying field), call me and I pick you up –have fun, I’m sure we have it , but would like to split with you , if you arrive in time !
For me it is a absolutely must to be there since 30 years and I’m thank Walter Eggimann and his great team from Hockeyclub Mühelturnen (HC) , who organize this event now since several time in a wonderful way.
50 timekeepers from HC will be there with their hockeystick and if competitors don’t fly a max, they will help to evaluate the thermal using their hockeystick in the air for the right moment and place to flight. It works !
RangName / Vorname Nat 1 2 3 4 5 TotaFO1 FO2 Gesamt-
1 Godet Emile Junior FRA 180 180 210 180 750 750
1 Hofmann Felix GER 180 180 210 180 750 750
1 Thom Christopher GER 180 180 210 180 750 750
1 Schuster Robert SUI 180 180 210 180 750 750
1 Kosonoshkin Mikhail RUS 180 180 210 180 750 750
1 Papez Vaclav Junior CZE 180 180 210 180 750 750
1 Trumpf Daniel SUI 180 180 210 180 750 750
1 Findahl Per SWE 180 180 210 180 750 750
1 Kargin Cetin TUR 180 180 210 180 750 750
1 Jama Danier CAN 180 180 210 180 750 750
1 Makarov Sergey RUS 180 180 210 180 750 750
12 Kreetz Ivo NED 180 180 206 180 746 746
13 Bernard Boris FRA 180 180 197 180 737 737
14 Seren Daniela GER 166 180 210 180 736 736
15 Bachmann Christoph SUI 180 165 210 180 735 735
16 Moreau François FRA 180 180 193 180 733 733
17 Ragot Emmanuel FRA 180 180 210 160 730 730
18 Shitrit Nir ISR 180 160 210 180 730 730
19 Meglaj Grozdan CRO 180 180 210 150 720 720
20 Pshenychnyy Oleg UKR 180 160 205 160 705 705
21 Teterin Mikhail RUS 180 133 210 180 703 703
22 Aberlenc Frederic FRA 138 180 200 180 698 698
23 Bleuer Michi SUI 180 180 210 128 698 698
24 Rink Andreas GER 180 180 153 180 693 693
25 Kantipaylo Evgeny RUS 180 161 210 132 683 683
26 Meglaj Petra Junior CRO 180 115 210 169 674 674
27 Primau Margot FRA 180 145 181 147 653 653
28 Bleuer Heinz SUI 180 180 210 57 627 627
29 Brussolo Vittorio ITA 157 144 160 164 625 625
30 Koglot Roland SLO 180 180 210 54 624 624
31 Färber Mathias GER 180 180 69 180 609 609
32 Bezchasnyy Vasyl UKR 180 180 210 0 570 570
33 Kraus Yaron ISR 180 126 210 50 566 566
34 Reuss Steffen GER 158 180 199 25 562 562
35 Ghiselli Paolo ITA 149 180 210 539 539
36 Kühn Jens GER 180 148 210 538 538
37 Gobbo Massimiliano ITA 0 170 183 180 533 533
38 Ragot Capucin Junior FRA 136 87 93 180 496 496
39 Lustig Volker GER 124 95 210 48 477 477
40 Godinho Jean FRA 0 123 184 60 367 367
41 Soulard Sebastian FRA 180 144 324 324
42 Meissnest Oliver Juni GER 0 0 210 93 303 303
43 Thevenon Laurent FRA 115 178 0 293 293
44 Marquois Camille FRA 171 112 283 283
45 Bellet Yves FRA 0 0 126 151 277 277
46 Adametz Frank GER 180 94 274 274
47 Richter Stefan Junior GER 76 89 102 267 267
48 Malila Lauri SUI 78 180 0 258 258
49 Evichard Didier FRA 140 113 253 253
50 Rink Erhard GER 120 123 243 243
51 Andrist Christian SUI 121 90 211 211
52 Andrist Dominik SUI 180 9 189 189
53 Saar Issakov ISR 126 8 134 134
54 Seren David GER 0 0 130 130 130
55 Wächtler Mario GER 113 0 0 113 113
56 Mongai Mathis Junior FRA 0 84 0 84 84
Rang Name / Vorname Nat 1 2 3 4 5 Total FO1 FO2 Gesamt-
1 Kusterle Mario ITA 240 180 180 180 3001,080 420 439 1,939
2 Hagay Gil ISR 240 180 180 180 3001,080 420 402 1,902
3 Rosonoks Viktors LAT 240 180 180 180 3001,080 420 396 1,896
4 Stepanchuck Stepan UKR 240 180 180 180 3001,080 420 393 1,893
5 Burdor A. RUS 240 180 180 180 3001,080 420 364 1,864
6 Kulakovskyy Alexander UKR 240 180 180 180 3001,080 420 357 1,857
7 Gey Andreas GER 240 180 180 180 3001,080 420 336 1,836
8 Shabat Or ISR 240 180 180 180 3001,080 420 330 1,830
9 Marquois Bernard FRA 240 180 180 180 3001,080 420 304 1,804
10 Meusburger Harald AUT 240 180 180 180 3001,080 420 290 1,790
11 Silz Bernd GER 240 180 180 180 3001,080 411 1,491
12 Kraus Ezra ISR 240 180 180 180 3001,080 392 1,472
13 Seifert Rolf GER 240 180 180 180 3001,080 389 1,469
14 Yurtseven Ismet TUR 240 180 180 180 3001,080 380 1,460
15 Laty Julien Junior FRA 240 180 180 180 3001,080 352 1,432
16 Gorban Evgen UKR 240 180 180 180 3001,080 346 1,426
17 Milan Novy CZE 240 180 180 180 3001,080 338 1,418
18 Isatalo Janne FIN 240 180 180 180 3001,080 330 1,410
19 Andruikov Alex USA 240 180 180 180 3001,080 327 1,407
20 Beletskiy Yury RUS 240 180 180 180 3001,080 322 1,402
21 Marquois Gerard FRA 240 180 180 180 3001,080 317 1,397
22 Pietzko Hubert GER 240 180 180 180 3001,080 316 1,396
23 Kulakovskyy Oleg UKR 240 180 180 180 3001,080 308 1,388
24 Rybchenkov Anatoly RUS 240 180 180 180 3001,080 306 1,386
25 Yaroshchuk Artem UKR 240 180 180 180 3001,080 292 1,372
26 Paff Dieter GER 240 180 180 180 3001,080 286 1,366
27 Hagen Stendal GER 240 180 180 180 3001,080 268 1,348
28 Drapeau Jean-Luc FRA 240 180 180 180 3001,080 262 1,342
29 Ghio Walt USA 240 180 180 180 3001,080 260 1,340
30 Windisch Peter GER 240 180 180 180 3001,080 256 1,336
31 Zilberg Igor GER 240 180 180 180 3001,080 247 1,327
32 Marquois Michel FRA 240 180 180 180 3001,080 226 1,306
33 Wollner Mike GBR 240 180 180 180 3001,080 222 1,302
34 Willemsen Gerard NED 240 180 180 180 3001,080 159 1,239
35 Jacquemin Benoit FRA 238 180 180 180 3001,078 1,078
36 Meissnest Marina Junio GER 240 175 180 180 3001,075 1,075
37 Vivchar Volodymyr UKR 240 180 180 180 2951,075 1,075
38 Tedeschi Serge FRA 240 180 180 180 2881,068 1,068
39 Morandini Mateo Junior FRA 228 180 180 180 3001,068 1,068
40 Rigault Eloise FRA 224 180 180 180 3001,064 1,064
41 Ruyter Pim NED 240 180 180 180 2801,060 1,060
42 Siebenmann Dieter SUI 220 180 180 180 3001,060 1,060
43 Murari Bruno ITA 240 180 180 180 2771,057 1,057
44 Tisserond Maxime Junio FRA 210 180 180 180 3001,050 1,050
45 Mark Gilad ISR 210 180 180 180 3001,050 1,050
46 Seifert Andre GER 209 180 180 180 3001,049 1,049
47 Faassen Michiel NED 208 180 180 180 3001,048 1,048
48 Brehm Dieter GER 207 180 180 180 3001,047 1,047
49 Mackus Rolandas LTU 240 180 180 180 2641,044 1,044
50 Luman Tonu EST 240 180 180 180 2631,043 1,043
51 Bodin Jean-Luc FRA 198 180 180 180 3001,038 1,038
52 Barg Manfred GER 240 180 178 180 2601,038 1,038
53 Lucassen Roel NED 225 180 180 180 2701,035 1,035
54 Schalkovski Josef GER 228 180 180 140 3001,028 1,028
55 Seren Thomas GER 240 180 180 180 2471,027 1,027
56 Seifert Michael GER 240 180 180 180 2431,023 1,023
57 Nereng Vegar NOR 240 180 172 180 2511,023 1,023
58 Picol Michel FRA 181 180 180 180 3001,021 1,021
59 Vivchar Igor UKR 225 180 180 180 2561,021 1,021
60 Larsen Dag Edvard NOR 240 180 180 180 2341,014 1,014
61 Lomov Pavel Junior RUS 219 180 180 180 2521,011 1,011
62 Nevers Romain FRA 240 180 180 180 2251,005 1,005
63 Thom Christopher GER 193 180 166 161 3001,000 1,000
64 Barberis Didier FRA 240 180 180 144 253 997 997
65 Mönninghoff Peter GER 220 117 180 180 300 997 997
66 Kolar Leopold CZE 166 180 180 169 300 995 995
67 Morandini Stephane FRA 151 180 180 180 300 991 991
68 Blazhevych Juri UKR 184 180 180 180 264 988 988
69 Evatt Michael GBR 225 164 180 146 272 987 987
70 Trumpf Rudolf SUI 225 180 180 180 222 987 987
71 Buisson Guy FRA 200 180 158 156 287 981 981
72 Schoder Hans SUI 150 180 160 177 300 967 967
73 Gorbach Grigory RUS 240 180 162 150 231 963 963
74 Garet Claude FRA 159 178 180 180 256 953 953
75 Lamers Kevin NED 230 180 100 180 250 940 940
76 Kolar Radovan CZE 240 180 140 172 207 939 939
77 Helmbrecht Heiko GER 191 180 180 180 200 931 931
78 Bernard Boris FRA 183 164 141 139 300 927 927
79 Rigault Mickael FRA 240 180 180 24 300 924 924
80 Hoffmann Manfred GER 240 148 120 180 141 829 829
81 Petcu Daniel ROM 167 102 180 180 194 823 823
82 Morandini Julie Junior FRA 127 146 47 168 300 788 788
83 Greimel Verena AUT 44 154 180 140 179 697 697
84 Varadi Mihaly HUN 230 230 230
85 Lihtamo Matti FIN 199 199 199
Rang Name / Vorname Nat 1 2 3 4 5 Total FO1 FO2 Gesamt-
1 Wächtler Claus Peter GER 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 420 540 2040
2 Aleksandrov Viacheslav UKR 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 420 463 1963
3 Truppe Reinhard AUT 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 420 436 1936
4 Marrot Pierre FRA 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 413 1493
5 Babenko Artem UKR 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 405 1485
6 Stakhanov Dmytro UKR 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 394 1474
7 Seydel Sigurd GER 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 374 1454
8 De Boer Piet FRA 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 370 1450
9 Nogga Manfred GER 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 365 1445
10 Perchuk Yury RUS 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 341 1421
11 Faux Ken NED 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 338 1418
12 Gretter Claus GER 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 334 1414
13 Meissnest Dittmar GER 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 278 1358
14 Maurer Peter SUI 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 278 1358
15 Sondhauss Michael GER 240 180 180 180 300 1,080 261 1341
16 Banci Andrea ITA 240 180 180 180 297 1,077 1077
17 Sychov Vladimir SLO 240 180 180 180 281 1,061 1061
18 Roots Juri EST 240 180 180 180 247 1,027 1027
19 Stäbler Rolf GER 240 180 180 150 270 1,020 1020
20 Naber Raimond EST 240 180 180 180 233 1,013 1013
21 Gradi Franco ITA 116 180 180 180 300 956 956
22 Fux Christian GER 191 180 175 180 175 901 901
23 Karpov Aleksei RUS 168 180 180 180 161 869 869
RangName / Vorname Nat 1 2 3 4 5 Total FO Gesamt-
1 Salminen Heikki FIN 180 180 240 180 780 270 1,050
2 Assmuss Ron GER 180 180 240 180 780 144 924
3 Sauter Dietrich GER 180 180 240 148 748 748
4 Richter Matthias JuniorGER 180 153 240 155 728 728
5 Lindner Andreas GER 172 180 240 105 697 697
6 Tietz Matthias GER 139 65 165 160 529 529
7 Seren Paul GER 159 123 94 0 376 376
8 Assmuss Gerd GER 0 180 0 180 180
9 Seifert Andre GER 106 0 106 106
Editor's Observation . We noted quite a number of models in Trees during the F1B Flyoff, including Alex Andriukov, again !. Looks like the AA/OK factory needs to work on tree avoidance technology !
Patterson redux
In the last SEN there was a formatting Artifact in one of the lines , so in case it was a problem here it is again.
Nov 9,10 Reserve Nov 11, 2013at Lost Hills Field, CA
Saturday, Nov 9: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q F1P
Seven one hour rounds start @ 7:30 AM with extended max times
F1A and P: 210 sec, F1B and Q: 240 sec, F1C: 300 sec
Remaining round maxes are 180 sec.
Fly off schedule 30 min after end of last round. Event start times will be posted
Sunday, Nov 10: F1G, F1H, F1J, E36
Tie Breaker flight to the round. F1G 7:30- 7:40; F1H 7:45-7:55; F1J 8:00: -8:10
There may be a slight delay if F1A, F1B, F1C require morning fly offs
Standard Five rounds 45 minute long starting @ 8:30 AM, 120 sec maxes.
2 FO flights starting 45 min after end of last round Event start times will be posted
If tied at end of standard rounds, tie breaker flight time add
Sat 7:30AM - 5PM
Nostalgia Wakefield, Sat 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
E36 flyoffs15, 10 and then 5 sec engine runs and all 2 min Maxes.
Must be completed by 3 PM
Entry Fees:
FAI events: FIA, B, C, G, H, J, P, Q; $25 first event, $10 for second
Other events: $15 for first event, $5/each added non-FAI event
All-In Fee of $40 to fly your little hearts out!
AMA age juniors: $5/event, or All-In Fee of $10
Trophies awarded for 1-2-3 places in F1A, B, C, G, H, P, Q, and E36
Perpetual trophies for F1A, B, C, G, H, J (if they show up at the field!
Junior Hi-Time Trophy Glider, Rubber, and Power
Nos-Wake winner receives perpetual trophy
F1J and Nos-Wake 1st only
AMA & Lost Hills Field Assn memberships are MANDATORY
FAI events run to the 2013 FAI rules
Processing of models will not be done as normal course
Protest in addition to 20 euro ($28) requires equipment needed for model processing
Q flyers to measure, calculate, and monitor one another’s motor runs
Flight line will move as needed to avoid retrieval from fields
No Moto-flapping
RDT allowed all events.
Contest Director
Brian Van Nest
2346 Cheyenne Dr
Bishop CA 93514
Home 760-873-5073
Cell 760-937-0177
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Looking for a good home redux
in the last issue we left Jim's name and email off the end so if you didn't figure it - here it is again
I've started my professional modeling career and starting to clean out the garage (a required retirement project). I had brought in some of our late friend Martyn Cowley's F1A modeling things which I have worked within the FAI fraternity to distribute.
One item that ended up in my garage is a Tomboy laser cut short kit of wing ribs, stab ribs and fuselage bulkheads.This is a .5 to 1 cc diesel model (Martyn loved diesels). It was designed by V.E, Smeed and published in Nov. 1950 Aeromodeler. There are Tomboy, Tomboy Senior and Tomboy-3 plans (not full size). Martyn did a copy machine enlargement to full size (8.5" x 11" sheets taped together) of the original 1950 plans.
I also have for free:
A roll of 1/8 mil clear mylar that could be of use to the indoor folk to give away.
A box of silk span cream white, lite weight, 24" x 18", approx 25 sheets and 18" x 12", aprox 300 sheets.
Model Box: 61" long, 12" x 12". Construction: out 1/8 ply- 1/4 frame- 1/8 ply inner (hollow core construction)-- light for the size. Top is 1/2 thick. Great for larger AMA one piece wing models-- F1P.
Jim Parker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Roger Morrell