SEN 1640
- Details
- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1354
- F1A for Sale
- Back from the Dead
- more Herend Cup info
- NorCal Pics
I sell 6 models with technology Stamov’s fuselage, all three servos.
Models ever broken or damaged, some have flown very little.
Those interested can contact me for more information and photos.
Together models I also sell altimeter, RDT system, Box.
Good price !
Contact me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This past month was a pretty interesting month for me when it came to freeflight. I managed to contract some brutal virus the night before the San Valeers meet and still attempted to fly. I ended up making the fly off's and after secretly creating 2 Vu Doo dolls in the shape of Jim Parker an Don Zink's airplanes I managed to escape as the victor of 2 America's cup contests.I haven't won 2 America's Contests in the past 10 years, so after a prolonged period of prayer and reflection I decided that I really couldn't script a better ending, so I have decided to end my participation in freeflight for the foreseeable future. April Fools anyone? Actually I was just reading SEN's dating back to 2003 that I had posted in and realized I was a real pain in the butt. So I decided to be a pain in the butt again on SEN as a formal announcement of being back in the sport that I love. Thank you to everyone who has sent me e-mails and well wishes on the flying field. I have missed you all (except for McKeever...He tried to convince me that I contracted the Ebola virus this past contest, and I was so out of it that I started to believe him). I look forward to many more days standing in the middle of a dirt plot and running around in circles with you all. Thank you to all the CD's in advance for giving up your weekends and tolerating grown men running around without shirts on pounding the dirt. See you all in May!....and September....and October...
you get the point.
Fly Max Win
Editor's note
... I believe that Squatter is your father's title, not yours ? Winning 2 Am Cup event does not give you that ... yet. Pain or not we're glad to see you back flying and as always appreciate it when you write something for SEN
Open International Free Flight Championship
World Cup and F1H Euro Challenge event
Modell Club Herend organizes a free flight contest in the categories F1A, F1B, F1C, F1H and F1Q. We invite all competitors who have a valid FAI licence and a model suitable to the FAI rules.
(Mura Cup: 3rd June 2012, sunday)
Entry: on the http://faif1abc.comsite, or sending to:
Kerner Ferenc, 8440 Herend, Táncsics u. 67. Tel: 06-20-581-5349
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Entry deadline: 28th May 2012
Entry fee: F1A,B,C,Q: 30 EUR, additional class 20 EUR; junior: 15 EUR
F1H: 10 EUR; junior: 5 EUR /person/class
to be payed at the registration.
Entry fees will be increased by 50 % for late entries and registration on the contest day!!!
Protest: Must be presented to the contest director in written form within 15 minutes. Protest fee: 30 EUR
Accommodation: see , contact the hotels directly
Meals: each competitor will get free warm lunch on the field, and there will be buffet with warm dishes
To avoid unnecessary changes of the schedule of competition registrations on the day of event will be accepted only with prior arrangement with organizers!!!
8:15 : Opening ceremony, arrangements
8:30 – 9:40 : 1. round
9:45 – 10:55 : 2. round F1A, B, C, Q class
11:00 – 12:10 : 3. round all rounds180 seconds,
12:15 – 13:25 : 4. round F1H class
13:25 – 14:00 : lunch break 120 seconds
14:00 – 15:10 : 5. round
15:15 – 16:25 : 6. round
16:30 – 17:40 : 7. round
18:00 – : fly-off, prize giving ceremony
Prizing: the first three overall ranked competitors of each class and the first three juniors of F1A and F1H will be awarded by prizes and certificates, the F1A,B,C winners will also receive Challenge cups.
Please contact us for any additional info or assistance, invitations, certificates to obtain visas
Competitors take part in competition entirely at their own risk and reponsability!
All competitors and visitors are welcome : the organizers
NorCal Pictures
Please pass along the links to the videos and photos I took this weekend. You put on a great event, and every penny you spent on the weather was well worth it!
Thanks for the good times.
Roger Morrell