SEN 1696
- Details
- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1288
- Bob Hatschek
- World Champs Summary
- Looking for Optar Wings
This is SEN, short for SCAT Electronic News. SCAT is the Southern California Aero TEAM, a FAI free flight model airplane club. The object of SEN is to promote FAI free flight World Wide. Over 1000 people read SEN. We include contest announcements and results, information about products, proposed and actual rules changes, and any other information about free flight. FAI free flight is a worldwide activity and SEN’s content and readership reflects that.
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Fellow Skyscrapers,
It is with a heavy heart that I let you all know that our friend and fellow
club member Bob Hatschek passed away Saturday night at the Franklin
Hospital hospice.
Dave Acton and myself visited Bob last weekend. He was frail and had trouble
breathing and talking but he was happy to see us and talk about Free Flight
for one last time.
As per a discussion I had with Lucy last week, Bob will be cremated and a
memorial gathering will take place at the Hatschek home on a date to be
announced in the future.
Condolences can be sent to:
Lucy Hatschek
316 Grosvenor St.
Douglaston, NY 11363
I sure Bob would take great joy in knowing that all of you have read his ode
to Free Flight below:
Free Flight by Bob Hatschek
It's other guys like you, the world around, striving for the same graceful
beauty of flight.
It's comradeship across all human barriers. It's bull sessions through the
wee hours.
It's fierce competition with the highest of sportsmanship.
It's a battle against nature, her perversity, her law of gravity.
"Free as a bird," describes God's most unchained creation. Man's is a model
airplane soaring birdlike in a thermal. You created it. Vicariously you soar
with it, with its freedom.
Free Flight is the mist of the dawning's calm as you test. It's the noonday
sun as your model thrusts for the heavens. It's the cool drink after a dusty
It's the piercing scream of a peaking engine, the silence of the glide.
It's sunburn and poison ivy and weariness to the marrow, made worthwhile.
It's skill in your fingers. It's knowledge learned for the knowledge alone.
It's perfection sought , never attainable. A goal everlasting.
Free Flight is all of these, yet much more! I tell you this, and you may
believe. But, you cannot know, unless you know.
and Bob Hatschek knew it......
Rest in Peace Bob and thermals always....
Alan Abriss
World Champs Summary
Hereby a brief translation of the preliminary info provided by the Moncontour Aero Club, Organisation of the 2013 World Champ's.
26-27 July, Contest Beauvoir sur Niort F1ABC. International Contest,
29 July, Contest at Moncontour F1BCHK WC Organisation Paris Aero Club (Viabon Contest )
30 July, Contest at Moncontour F1AG , WC Organisation Paris Aero Club (Viabon Contest)
31 July 01 August, Contest at Noize F1ABC, WC Organisation Thouars Aero Club (Poitou Contest)
03 Aug- 11 August World Champs F1ABC, Organisation Aero Club Moncontour.
15-18 August, Open French National Championships Noize, Organisation Aero Club Thouars.
Beauvoir sur Niort is a small town about 50 mile South of Moncontour.
The World Champ's and Viabon WC contest will be flown from the Moncontor Field at St Jean des Sauves about 5 Mile East of Moncontour.
The Poitou Contest and Open French National Champion ships will be flown from the Thouars field at Noize 4 Mile North West of Moncontour.
Pim Ruyter
Looking for Optar wings
I am looking to buy a set of standard 4 panel 180 cm "Optar" wings used or new is fine, the older (5 to 10 years) the better. If anyone has a set that they would be willing to sell please email me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell