SEN 1698
- Details
- Category: Archive 2012
- Hits: 1364
- Remembering Bob Hatschek - Pierre Chaussebourg
- Hatschek and North East News - Andrew Barron
- Bike for Sale
- So lets help the C guys too
- 2013 Finals - Jim Bradley
- Tan 2 For Sale
- Mike's Pics
Remembering Bob Hatschek
About Bob HATSCHECK.The first time I met Bob was at the W/Ch in Bulgaria, 1975. THen, in July 1976, my wife and me went to USA. We stayed mainly in California, with Bob and Toni White, Bill and Inza Hartill, Bob and La Vera Isaacson, Tom Hutchinson and Bob and Connie Piserchio. Then, we went to the AMA Nationals in Springfield near Dayton where we visited the USAF Museum with Dave Rounsaville and Jim Quinn...,after that, we flew to New York where Bob Hatscheck was waiting for us at La Guardia. We spent one day with him, he drove us to New York city, we walked in the streets, near the two big towers and visited the Modern Art Museum. We finished the day in a famous restaurant which was a real farm, in the middle of the city... The day after, Bob had to drive us to JFK earlier than scheduled, because a hurricane was coming... I remember that it was very impressive, all people working at taking the boats out of the sea, attaching chairs and tables with ropes, around big trees... and constant information about safety on the radio.At the airport, we waited for three hours. Many flights were cancelled, one after one and finally the airport had been closed for landing. Our Air France Jumbo Jet took off and it took a long time before to fly normally, out of turbulances...Bob Hatcheck told me a lot of memories about the Wakefield Cup in France. He had articles of French news papers, and many magazines with his picture. There has been a great moment when he put in my hands the model he exchanged with the Russian winner... I visited his workshop, where I could see his small lathe he made so many beautiful things with, as his famous Hatscheck tow hook!So many good memories are gone...My condolances to Lucy and all Bob's friends.
Pierre Chaussebourg
Bob Hatschek's final thermal and gatherings this weekend
Free Flight friends,
From Alan Abriss, I pass on the sad news of Bob Hatschek's passing. Bob was a giant in the Free Flight community: founding member of the Brooklyn Skyscrapers; tireless advocate for FAI and AMA freeflight; top competitor in power, glider, and rubber events; editor of superb newsletters; great sportsman and great friend. Now riding his final heavenly thermal. Alan relays information of memorial gatherings at New York fields this Saturday (Galeville and Wawayanda). The memorial gathering at Barron Field is at about 12:30pm.
This weekend is also the FAC Barron Field Air Races run by Tom Hallman and John Houck. This is an excellent meet. For the schedule and events see
Finally, I report that the Eastern US Free Flight Champs will be held at Barron Field in New York this year, November 10 and 11 (due to crop difficulties at the customary Maryland site). It is run by Dave Lacey and Gene Ulm.
Andrew Barron
Good mechanically but cosmetically challanged. This model is a two stroke with auto oiler. No mixing gas.
Contact Mike 661-805-0221 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
So let's Help the C guys too
Thank you for submitting this thought-stimulating idea.
It may have some merit for the future of F1C.
I am sending this as you see, to George Batiuk, Roger Morrell for SEN, plus post
on NFFS Forum page.
From: edward hopkins
To: sweepettelee
Subject: F1C Rule change
Hi Lee,
A proposed rule change for F1C from Ed Hopkins. Yeah, Ed Hopkins the guy you've
been pleading with to increase the dihedral on his A ship. I did. Built a whole
new wing for it and its awaiting testing.
But this E mail is about an idea that I had that could increase participation
and lower costs for F1C; Eliminate the minimum weight rule. Everything else in
the specs would stay the same and competitors could continue to compete with the
planes they have now and continue to do very well.
The rationale: F1C has become very expensive and very time consuming. I think
the main factor in this uptick in cost and time is directly related to the very
high (27+ oz.) minimum weight requirement currently in place. Any competent
builder could build a ship of this size that would come in at 17 oz. maybe less.
This means that F1C designers have almost 10 oz. to play around with. If it has
to weigh at least 27 oz. you'd want to put those 10 oz. to the best possible
use. This has led to folding wings, flapped wings, geared motors, 3 and 4 bladed
props, multi-stage bunt systems and so on. All of these things just eat up money
and time. It's gotten so that the only guys that can compete are well-heeled
retirees (or guys on their way to a divorce!). But its also spectacular to see
what these guys come up with. Our collective jaws fall open when we see the
staggering complexity of Gil Morris' designs and I certainly wouldn't want to
see any of these amazing creatures grounded.
Drop the minimum weight rule and all of these planes and their flyers are still
right in the hunt; They don't have to change a thing. And it opens the door for
a whole array of different, probably less complex, aircraft to compete on
relatively equal terms. You could design a fairly simple F1C with a non-geared
Nelson, a 2 bladed prop and maybe 4 functions operating off the timer and come
in at, say, 19 oz. but you would have to give up much of the the performance
enhancing gadgetry. You could even design a plane with a smaller wing area than
the specs allow and just bore a hole in the sky if you know how to
tame something with such a high power to area ratio. It would really open the
door to all kinds of new designs!
So why am I sending this to you? Because I have no standing at all in the FAI
community. I've never competed in any FAI event and am not even a particularly
capable AMA flyer. So my words and ideas carry little weight. I sent this idea
to Don De Loach and he really liked it. He suggested I pass it on to George
Batiuk our CIAM rep but, again, I'm not the guy to do it. But people woul
listen to Lee Hines! Seriously, if you like what you've read or would like it
with some modifications go ahead and pitch it to some of the other FAI guys and
see what they think. It seems to me to have a lot of potential but it may
possess some negatives that I'm blind to
Anyway, I'd value your opinion.
Ed Hopkins
2013 Team Selection Finals:
I would like to congratulate Amiee, her staff of volunteers, and the jury, for running the past Team Selection Finals. The origination and planning were wonderful and everything worked as she had planned it. Process was fast and efficient, flight line moves and flyoffs were handled fast, efficiently, and fairly. The jury was very pro activities insuring everything was done correctly to the FAI and Team Selection rules and offering every competitor a fair chance to make the teams. For the most part the weather even cooperated.
The current activity with the planting of the nut trees did not pose much of a problem. When models did go into the areas where the planting is to occur I found the farm workers to be helpful and polite. I thought the new launch areas worked very well and I hope we can continue to use them.
To insure the continued use of the field the modelers must continue our good relationship with both the farmer and Holloway. Remember, we are asking favors from them and really offering nothing in return.
Jim Bradley
Tan 11 surplus stocks
The sorting of stocks reveal that I now have a surplus of Tan II rubber. The rubber has been stored in a freezer since purchase. The rubber has either been a purchase by myself or acquired from other individuals. I can give no details as to the quality of the stock other than the details listed below. The rubber described below is all 1/8”, or as noted and supplied in standard boxes unless otherwise advised:
Date Quantity available
October ’97 – 820 grammes in 6 bags of various sizes (1 lot)
2 x 450 grammes boxes (2 lots)
December ’97 – 920 grammes in 6 bags of various sizes (1 lot)
March ’99 - 1 x 900 gramme reboxed as a single item (1 lot)
July ’99 - 1 x 900 gramme reboxed as a single item (1 lot)
August ’00 - 2 x 450 gramme box (2 lots)
1 x 450 gramme non-standard box (1 lot)
March’02 - 12 x 450 gramme boxes (11 lots)
1 x 600 gramme box plus 150 grammes (1 lot)
July’02 3 x 450 gramme supplied as ¼” cut to 1/8” (3 lots)
2 x 450 gramme supplied as 3/16” cut to 3/32” (2 lots)
2 x 450 gramme boxes (1 lot)
1 x 230 in bag (1 lot)
The above in total represents about 30 x standard boxes of rubber.
Offers for these lots are sought. A postal charge will be added to the price of the rubber. The postal charge will depend upon the volume of rubber ordered, the price paid and the delivery destination.
This offer will last from the date of posting until the end of November. The best/sensible offers will secure. The method of payment to be agreed between, myself and the prospective purchaser and payment before despatch will be required.
Michael J. Woodhouse
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Mike's Pics
A few images just added.
Michael Woodhouse
Roger Morrell