SEN 1522

Table of Contents - SEN 1522-

  1. 2011 World Cup Status
  2. 2011 FFF
  3. ditto
  4. Paul Photos
  5. Lost Hills Stuff

2011 World Cup Status


In view of the continued problems with the FAI web site, I have temporarily posted the 2011 World Cup results on my web site at
The detailed results, competition results and jury reports for 2011 are included but links to other places such as the index to results from earlier years do not work.
Ian Kaynes




It’s new! It’s the twenty-seventh!! It’s packed with free-flight technology!!! And… it’s a month earlier than normal!!!

If that hasn’t whetted your appetite for the 2011 Free-Flight Forum Report the contents list ought to do it.

Making Carbon Tubular Spars and Other Amusing Techniques - Mick Lester

Up the Pole - Endeavours in Electronic Air Picking - Roy Vaughn

Wing Construction Without a Contoured Surface Jig - Chris Edge

Radio Linked Thermistor - Peter Brown

F1E Slope Soaring Gliders - Ian Kaynes

Some Aspects of Construction - D-boxes, Carbon Spars, Open Rubber Fuselages, Fins and Propellers Neil Cliff

Engines by Design - Peter Halman

Laminated Propeller Blades - Bryan Spooner

My Approach to F1B and How I Come to Be Using a Single Blade Prop - Ray Elliott

Six Successful British Models from 2010

Be the envy of your friends and get yours now. Prices are as follows:

UK - £10.00 including postage

Airmail to Europe - £12.00 

Airmail elsewhere - £1 4.00

You can order by credit card, but cheques (OK, checks to you…) should be payable to ‘BMFA F/F Team Support Fund’, in pounds sterling only, and drawn on a bank with a branch in the UK.

Copies are available from : Martin Dilly

20, Links Road,

West Wickham,




or by fax to: (44) + (0)20-8777-5533, or by e-mail to <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

The BMFA FF Forum for 2011 available soon from NFFS Publications

     NFFS Publications announces the arrival of the 2011 version of the BMFA FF Forum. These popular British books are once again being sold here in the USA. Price is expected to be unchanged from 2010. Orders will be taken soon.
The contents of the 2011 book, all 94 pages, include:
Mick Lester's "Making Carbon Tubular Spars and Other Amusing Techniques;"
Roy Vaughn's "Up the Pole- Endeavours in Electronic Air Picking;"
Chris Edge's "Wing Construction Without a Contoured Surface Jig;"
Peter Brown's "Radio Linked Thermistor;"
Ian Kaynes' "Slope Soaring Gliders;"
Neil Clift's "Some Aspects of Construction - D Boxes, Carbon Spars, Open Rubber Fuselages and Propellers;"
Peter Halman's "Engines by Design;"
Brian Spooner's "Laminated Propeller Blades; "
Ray Elliot's "My Approach to F1B and How I Come to be Using a Single Blade Prop;"
and "Six Successful British Models of 2010"
     Look for an announcement of availability and price soon.
2010 FF Forums are still available from NFFS Publications, too. See <> for information.
Bob Stalick, NFFS Publications <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

Paul Photos

Great photos of WorldCupF1ABC Lucenec Slovakia 
One of the best photo  ever, & of the latest kit going, too. 
Great close-ups of details of Rudi Holzleitner's carbon Flapper, Koglot's Black Killer A2, Power & Wakes, etc, etc.

Palo Polonec is the photographer.

Lost Hills Stuff

On Saturday at San Valleers Annual, Ed Carroll 'found' Richard Cline's
Talon Classic Towliner, which he lost during SCAT Annual the week before.
I will allow Ed to tell how his motorbike 'found' it.
Or you can use your cumulative imaginations!



Roger Morrell