SEN 1557
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1569
- F1H Wanted
- Municie FAI FreeFlight Fest
- USA Junior Team Quilt
- USA Team Time Accumulation
- Pimms and Porkers at Sculthorpe
F1H Wanted
Wanted - competitive pre-loved F1H electronic bunter in good condition.
Would prefer fitted Black Magic timer with leads to connect to Ken Bauer RDT.
Details and photo/s to Malcolm Campbell, Queensland, Australia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Malcolm Campbell
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.FAI FREE FLIGHT FEST
Formally know as the FAI Invitational
International Aeromodeling Center, Muncie Indiana
AUGUST 20th 2011 F1 ABC&P
AUGUST 21st 2011 F1 GHJQ
F1 ABC&P - SATURDAY AUG 20th - Seven 1.5 hour overlapping rounds starting at 8:00 am. Each round will begin on the hour.
F1 GHJ&Q - SUNDAY AUG 21st - Five 1 hour rounds beginning at 8:00AM.
*Weather permitting we will make Round One from 8:00 – 8:30 am and have it be an unlimited “super-max”, time in excess of 2 minutes scored only for those who max out to determine the winner.
Awards: America’s Cup points. Engraved glass to first-place in each event.
E mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contestants must adhere to field/retrieval rules or face Disqualification from the meet.
USA Junior Team Quilt
To help raise funds for the 2012 USA Jr. FAI Free Flight Team we will be holding a raffle for this quilt over several months. Tickets will be available from several sources and the quilt will be on display at a number of contests, including the upcoming NATS, Endless October in Lost Hills and the 2012 Maxmen.
Tickets will be $5 each or 6 for $25. They can be purchased in person at any of the above mentioned contests or you may send a check or money order payable to Charlie Jones at 32130 Cambridge Circle , Avon Lake OH 44012. Please include your return address and email so that we may send a receipt and tickets back to you.
The final sales and drawing will be held at the 2012 MaxMen/America's Cup Banquet.
The idea for the quilt came from Janna and Brian VanNest. It was hand sewn and is a twin or couch size and made entirely of cotton including the batting. If you have questions you may contact Charlie Jones at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The first sale of tickets at the NFFS Cookout at the NATS was very successful. We look forward to showing off the Quilt and selling more tickets in October. Thank you.
A picture of the quilt can be found here:
USA Team Time Accumulation
One way to qualify for the Finals is to accumulate 75 minutes flying time after paying the AMA a $75 entry fee. ($50 for fliers under 25.) There is also a buy-in is $200. One can get up to three minutes in the first round; two minute maxes are rounded to 3 minutes and flyoffs don't cont.
As the official time keeper. I'm regularly posting the accumulation time sheets on the NFFS web site as results and entries become available. They are on the home page, as an item on the left side.
The following are a list of fliers who have not yet registered for the program according to my records:
F1A: Ken Bauer, Pierre Brun, Ernesto Busnelli, Oliver Cai, Jon Davis, Dave Edmonson, Ranan Lachman, Mike McKeever, Steve Spence, Mike Thompson and Don Zink.
F1B: John Clapp, Michael Davis, Walt Ghio, Alex and Chris Parkyn, Bob Piserchio, Rich Rohrke, Aimee Schroedter and Al Ulm.
F1C: Mike Achterberg, Chuck Ethrington, Matt Gwain, Walt Ghio, Austin Gunder, Richard Mathis, Ron McBurnett, Guy Menanno, Norm Poti, Peter Sahlberg and Cody Secor.
These names are off a work sheet inherited from Chuck Ethington and information I get from Colleen at the AMA and various CDs. If you think there are errors, contact Colleen or the appropriate CD.
Pimms and Porkers at Sculthorpe
Dear All, I would be grateful if you would place the following inviation on your website and
resend to your Club's Free Flight mailing lists.
For planning purposes, I would like to ascertain those who may wish to enjoy Pimms and
Porkers at Sculthorpe Free Flight competition on Sunday 7 August, so that adequate stocks
may be acquired and prepared. These will be locally grown and reared products to the
highest gastronomic standards.
The weather, I am assured, will be perfect. Crops are being harvested revealing the
vast expanses of cleared fields from which to retrieve
The competition classes as described on the BMFA Competition Programme.
See you all next Sunday.
Nick Bosdet
Whilst of course the introduction of Free Flight events into next year's Olympic games
are of course purely speculative....... but however may
perhaps stimulate interest.
Roger Morrell