SEN 1558
- Details
- Category: Archive 2011
- Hits: 1353
- Upcoming - Live from the event
- Team Selection
- Comments on the UK Team Selection
- F1B towlines ..?
Up coming - Live from the event
Reported from - Free Flight
Zmiev Cup Results Live!
As a final test before 3 World Cups in Crimea this fall, we will try at Zmiev Cup (World Cup event), August, 13-14 display competition results LIVE. Compare with what some Organizers done before - refresh results after each round, our Score List is saved in the cloud (Google Docs) and results will be filled on-line. E.g. our computer all the time will be on-line connected and every change in the Score List will be visible in the real time. We also will try support comments about weather and what happened in each round (maybe only in Russian this time). We have all hard and software, needed for this activity. Hope before September everything will be tested, adjusted and tuned and even those, who can't visit competitions will be there virtually. That is our GOAL!
We need Your responds and proposals to make system work perfect. Exact instructions, where and how to watch Results will be a little later.
Stay in touch with us!
Competition Schedule:
Saturday, August, 13 - F1B, F1C, F1P;
Sunday, August, 14 - F1A;
Main rounds - 7:00 - 14:00;
Fly Offs - from 18:00 (Ukrainian Time - +1 hour to the Central European Time).
Saturday, August, 13 - F1B, F1C, F1P;
Sunday, August, 14 - F1A;
Main rounds - 7:00 - 14:00;
Fly Offs - from 18:00 (Ukrainian Time - +1 hour to the Central European Time).
P.S.: If system will be functional and effective, we will try integrate it into other competitions (maybe not only in Ukraine :)!
Team Selections
In Argentina I was surprised to hear from other countries that they were interested to read about the USA Team selection saga. I think in most countries no one is completely happy with the selection process, after all not matter what the process the is still only 3 people in each class, so they like to see what others are doing and may be thankful that others are just as or even more confused than them. Of course larger countries have additional complexities of travel with the the country and choice of site. This issue we have comments on the UK selection process, it seems the only thing missing is input from the the haggis.
Comments on UK Team Selection System
Hello Team free Flight
I have been having an interesting debate with Alan Jack and while i would not presume to send Alan's replies my answer might clear the air on where we are, or not are, with team selection and the contest calendar.
Wishing you all the best after a great day at Lodge Farm with the mates.
David Brawn
Biggles FFT
Hi Alan,
Your email has hit the nail on the head so I hope you will not mind me copying my reply around the FF group as what we are saying is at the nub of the problem.
First let me say my apologies to FFTC if my comment has upset people, most of whom are mates of mine. However the Trials and how FFTC conduct them are the cause of the problem so FFTC should also accept responsibility for the confused present situation regarding selecting international teams by a method that bears little, if any, resemblance to the Champs for which the team is being selected.
World. Euro Champs and International contests have a common format that surprisingly the BMFA FFTC do not follow for their team selection process. This common format consists of:-
Defined model specifications eg F1A, F1B, F1C which BMFA FFTC nominally comply with though I have never seen a model checked for specification in UK.
Seven rounds, usually one hour, flown from a line followed by increasing flyoffs - all in one day; very different to the three weekends, a flight every three hours, used for BMFA FFTC Trials selection proceedure.
Official timekeepers; completely different to the BMFA FFTC approach where you are entitled to officially time your own flight. As the results are decided on Time then why this lax approach to UK FFTC team selection.
Basically you can qualify through the FFTC team selection process without ever having flown in the type of contest for which you will represent the UK.
HB Forums:- At the first forum I argued for the FFTC to increase the number of FAI contests in the UK calendar and reduce the six days of Trials. The result was an FAI Gala but with the events being taken from the Anglia Gala, so no change.
The only contests flown in UK that operate in the same way as World/Euro Champs Internationals are the Stonehenge Cup and Equinox Cup but these contests are no part of the FFTC Team Selection criteria.
Why not?
You have the contests already organised so why not simply take the top UK fliers, scored on a Plugge basis not the silly trials points system, as your team for the next year?
Its so easy. Instead of spending endless time reinventing the FAI model specs, which after two years are dead as a dodo, why not face the obvious - Select the UK Free Flight Teams based on the results in contests run to the same conditions as they will face in the Champs.
I see the JC deliberate rcdt attempt, and subsequent max on the second attempt, which if it was in an FAI comp would score less than 20 seconds but under FFTC rules now scores a max, as the final nail in the coffin of a discredited selection system that FFTC have persisted with despite its blindingly obvious shortcomings.
The sooner we start selectinmg our team under the same rules and conditions they will face at the champs the better.
Wishing you all the best.
PS Phil is also expected at Pas de Jeu so it should make for some lively discussions.
F1B Tow Lines ?
Recently while flying with Igor Vivchar he commented that the lines used to hold my winding stooge were too stretchy . At about the same time Bob Piserchio shipped his latest stooge to Tony Mathews and Tony thought the guy lines were too stretchy too. It turns out that both Bob and I used a form of Nylon Line. In my case it was a flat strap and Bob's cord. Tony recommended using Dyneema. It turns out that this is the same as Spectra as used by some F1A people in their tow lines. A Dyneema line of 2.2 mm in diameter has a breaking strain of over 800 pounds, much stronger than wire rope of the same diameter, is very flexible and it does not stretch. Research found a number of extreeme camping/hiking internet sites that sell a 50 foot length is suitable bright yellow or orange for about $14 or $15. So for the F1B guy who has to have the latest stuff....