SEN 1376
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- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1275
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- CIAM proposals from the UK
- Comments
- Americas Cup
- Malta's Aviation History
- FAI Flying in the UK
SEN Format
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Proposals for Restricted Technology Classes from the UK
Proposals from the UK for new “Restricted Technology Classes” will be debated at the upcoming CIAM meeting in April 2010.
These proposals derive from the discussion paper: “BMFA – Technology and FAI FF Competition”, already posted on the FAI website. Though many will have seen this paper they may not have connected it with the current proposals, so some further explanation of the thinking behind the proposals will be useful.
The discussion paper suggests that unrestricted technology advance is leading to a decline of interest in the major F1 classes, other than at Championship level events. It further suggests that it is now important to increase the popularity of major FAI class flying, particularly at ‘grass roots’ level, to arrest that decline. The paper details a number of ways to cope with the influence of this unrestricted technology on the major F1 classes – F1A, F1B, F1C, F1E and F1Q.
When questioned, the vast majority of those fliers who no longer compete in the major F1 classes, give among their reasons the feeling that they cannot cope with the present level of technology. They feel that this technology level has taken the sport away from ‘the aeromodeller’ and into the field of the ‘technology specialist’. They further feel that the high cost of factory produced models puts F1 flying beyond their financial means. In general they feel that F1 flying has become a professional sport rather than the amateur hobby they once enjoyed.
The first, and possibly most significant part, of the discussion paper’s suggestions is a draft set of Restricted Technology Class rules. These rules have now been developed into a full proposal to CIAM. The object of the classes is to provide an alternative route to providing the ‘same performance’ as the current specifications but without the advanced level of technology presently employed by most competitors/manufacturers. Importantly these Restricted classes would be flown, other than at Championship events, together with the current unrestricted technology classes at all events – World Cup, National and domestic events. In the UK we have implemented this ‘Combined’ type of contest with general success. The FAI has also achieved success with combining F1P and F1C power classes at World Cup events.
Some may say that we already have alternatives in the shape of the smaller F1 classes – F1G, F1H, F1J, etc. However these are also unrestricted in their technology and are also beginning to exhibit the same problems as the major classes. Additionally they are not capable of ‘combination’ with the major classes. The logic with the new Restricted Classes is to provide an simpler route to the level of performance required to be competitive. The ‘average’ flier would be encouraged to compete with the major F1classes and thus help reverse the decline in interest.
Though the chief concern is with the decline of F1 at a ‘domestic’ level – the feeder to Championship events – there might also be eventual concern with Championship events as well.
It is worth remembering that though the numbers competing at Championship level are still healthy, this is not an indication of the state of health of F1 ‘within’ the competing countries. It only indicates that a country can produce 3 fliers from each class at a Championship (in some cases a country cannot even produce the full 3 fliers). As stated above, it is not currently suggested that the Restricted Class proposals are to be carried to Championship events (these Championship events should, by definition, be unrestricted). However, If the Restricted Technology Classes are accepted, and prove more popular than the current F1 classes, then there might a case for their inclusion at Championship level as well.
Provision of equivalent restricted technology specifications to
Restricted technology glider model specification F1S
i) Total area of flying surfaces…………. 32-34 sq. dm
ii) Maximum wing span……………………..2.2 metres
iii) Minimum airframe weight ..……………..350 grams
iv) Maximum Towline Length……………… 60 metres
v) Circle-tow hooks are permitted provided that they operate only the model’s rudder.
vi) Changes of camber, incidence, or area are not permitted on either wings or horizontal tail during towing, release, or flight. A single DT operation is allowed to terminate the flight.
Restricted technology rubber model specification F1T
i) Total area of flying surfaces…………. 17-19 sq. dm
ii) Maximum wing span .………………….. 1.5 metres
iii) Minimum airframe weight .…………….. 160 grams
iv) Maximum rubber weight ..….…………… 40 grams
v) Propellers must not include: delayed or remote start, variable pitch, variable diameter. Propellers are permitted to fold, feather or freewheel at the end of the motor run.
vi) Only one change may be made to the rudder setting during the flight.
vii) Changes of camber, incidence, or area are not permitted on either wings or horizontal tail. A single DT operation is allowed to terminate the flight.
Restricted technology power model specification F1U
ii) Maximum Wing Span……………………… 2 metres
iii) Minimum weight…………………………..600 grams
iv) Maximum Engine capacity .…………………… 2.5cc
v) Maximum Engine run……………………... 8 seconds
vi) Fuel composition is restricted to the same formulae as permitted under F1C rules.
vii) Propellers are restricted to fixed geometry types and must be driven directly from the engine’s crankshaft .Geared or belt drives are not permitted.
viii) One change to the rudder setting and one change to the horizontal tail incidence setting are permitted during the flight. In addition a single DT operation is allowed to terminate the flight. The following are not permitted: Camber, incidence, or area changes to the model’s wings or tail (other than as already specified).
Worldwide interest in the current F1A, F1B and F1C classes has now become limited to the major championship events and the bigger World Cup events. Most importantly many of the world’s aeromodellers are no longer interested in participating in these classes as they feel that the costs are too high and the technology involved is beyond their capabilities.
We believe that it is necessary to revive the interest in these classes for the majority. To achieve this goal a set of ‘restricted technology’ specifications – to be titled F1S, F1T, F1U – should be provided as an alternative to the current specifications. The introduction of the F1P class as an alternative to F1C at World Cup events took place a two years ago and has proved to be popular. We therefore suggest an extension of this practice, in that an alternative low technology specification be provided for the F1A, F1B and F1C classes. These ‘restricted technology’ specifications would provide the same performance as the current specifications but at a much simpler technology level, thus appealing to far more fliers.
It is intended that this specification is used only as an alternative – but integral part thereof – at World Cup, Open International, and National events within member countries. Championship events would continue to use the current ‘full’ F1A, B and C specifications exclusively.
Comments on Restricted Technology Classes
Even though I personally do not find the restricted classes appealing, but like to have the "bells and whistles" in my F1B's and F1A's, I do not oppose the proposal. The only thing that makes me wonder is that in F1B, I think one-movement VIT should be allowed. In my 32 wakefield models (all self-built BTW) only the first two models did not have VIT, so I am horrified by the idea that I should have tried to tame the initial loopiness of an F1B without the aid of a VIT. Instead, keeping the tail down for the initial 4 seconds for a straight upward burst, then letting the plane go with glide setting, has proved to be, ever since my 3rd model, a mechanically and aerodynamically simple way for a safe initial climb. Thus for the simplicity of trimming and flying I suggest allowing the VIT in restricted F1B class.
Americas Cup
AmCup 2009 just wrapped up with another great time at the award banquet and the 2010 season is well under way, and what a start. In the first 3 contests, there are five double wins and one triple win. I have two wins in F1A, Ken Happerset has two wins in F1C, Bill Booth has two wins in F1G, Julie Parker has two wins in F1Q and Peter brocks has two wins in F1E. The three wins out of the first three contests of the year belongs to Austin Gunder—guess he does not want to win the AmCup in the second to last contest of the year as he did in 2009.
Much more flying to go so hang on. The thirty dollar AmCup sanction fee is due by April 1, 2010. Chuck Markos is unsure of the FAI contest at Muncie in August-- field availability and nearness to the Finals in Sept. Contact him if you have an alternate idea.
Please make AmCup sanction checks out to SCAT and send to: Jim Parker, 9524 Ruffner Ave., Northridge, CA 91343. Chuck Markos is not sure if the Thanks to those that have taken care of this already
Thermals, JIM
America Cup results - with individual placings
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 15 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 15 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 26 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 18 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 3 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 3 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu -x- Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
BAl 14 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
SkC 8 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL -x- McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 3 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
TCC 4 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
MMM 3 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 7 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 7 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 22 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESC 3 Empire State, Geneseo, NY
NWF 6 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 7 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
AFA 3 FAI Invit. Munci, IN
CC 6 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 6 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
O&W 9 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
Scu 14 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
CFA 10 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SWC 8 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 5 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
ESF 6 Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 13 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 13 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI -x- King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Parker, Jim 84 SWR-2 Ike-1 MM-1
2 Hines, Lee 39 SWR-3 Ike-3
2 VanNest, Brian 39 SWR-4 Ike-2
4 Limberger, Rene 30 Ike-4 MM-4
5 Brocks, Peter 29 SWR-1
6 Bauer, Ken 25 MM-2
7 Fradkin, Igor 20 MM-3
8 McKeever, Mike 10 MM-5
8 Diez, Hector 10 Ike-5
10 Puhakka, Risto 9 SWR-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 16 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 20 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 33 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 0 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 0 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 0 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu 0 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
BAl 0 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Sky 0 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 0 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 0 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
TCC 0 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
MMM 0 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 0 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 0 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 0 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESC 0 Empire State, Geneseo, NY
NWF 0 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 0 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
AFA 0 FAI Invit. Munci, IN
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 0 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
O&W 0 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
Scu 0 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
CFA 0 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SWC 0 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 0 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
ESF 0 Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 0 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Jones, Charles 45 Ike-2 MM-3
1 Schroedter,Martin 45 SWR-1 MM-4
3 Saks, Dave 40 SWR-3 Ike-3
4 Andriukov, Alex 30 MM-1
4 Jensen, Blake 30 Ike-1
6 Ghio, Walt 25 MM-2
6 Batiuk, George 25 SWR-2
8 Rohrke, Rich 15 SWR-4
8 Horak, Ladi 15 Ike-4
10 Felix, Ron 10 MM-5
10 Piserchio, Bob 10 SWR-5
12 Biedron, Bob 5 Ike-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 8 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 7 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 19 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 0 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 0 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 0 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu 0 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
BAl 0 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Sky 0 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 0 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 0 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
TCC 0 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
MMM 0 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 0 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 0 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 0 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESC 0 Empire State, Geneseo, NY
NWF 0 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 0 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
AFA 0 FAI Invit. Munci, IN
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 0 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
O&W 0 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
Scu 0 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
CFA 0 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SWC 0 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 0 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
ESF 0 Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 0 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Chesson, Don 53 SWR-4 Ike-4 MM-1
1 Happersett, Ken 53 SWR-1 Ike-1
3 Gunder, Austin 43 SWR-2 Ike-2
4 Parker, Faust 32 SWR-3 MM-4
5 Mc Burnett, Ron 25 MM-2
6 Carroll, Ed 20 MM-3
7 Morris, Gil 16 Ike-3
8 Secor, Randy 10 MM-5
9 Etherington, Chuck 7 SWR-5
10 Gewain, Matt 6 Ike-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 1 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 2 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 3 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 0 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 0 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 0 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu 0 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
BAl 0 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Sky 0 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 0 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 0 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
TCC 0 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
MMM 0 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 0 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 0 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 0 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESC 0 Empire State, Geneseo, NY
NWF 0 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 0 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
AFA 0 FAI Invit. Munci, IN
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 0 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
O&W 0 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
Scu 0 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
CFA 0 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SWC 0 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 0 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
ESF 0 Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 0 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Malkhasyan, Taron(jr) 65 SWR-1 Ike-2 MM-2
2 Parsons, Dave 25 Ike-1
2 Rounsaville, Dave 25 MM-1
4 Pacelli, Brian(jr) 15 MM-3
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 6 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 8 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 17 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 0 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 0 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 0 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu 0 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
BAl 0 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Sky 0 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 0 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 0 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
TCC 0 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
MMM 0 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 0 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 0 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 0 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESC 0 Empire State, Geneseo, NY
NWF 0 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 0 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
AFA 0 FAI Invit. Munci, IN
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 0 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
O&W 0 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
Scu 0 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
CFA 0 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SWC 0 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 0 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
ESF 0 Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 0 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Booth, Bill 53 SWR-1 Ike-1
2 Brocks, Peter 48 SWR-4 Ike-3 MM-3
3 Ghio, Walt 30 MM-1
4 Ioerger, Tom 28 SWR-5 Ike-2
5 Van Nest, Bob 25 MM-2
6 Vanlandingham, Ed 22 Ike-5 MM-4
7 Sac, Dave 21 SWR-2
8 O'Dell, Tiffany 16 SWR-3
9 Clapp, John 12 Ike-4
10 Rohrke, Rich 10 MM-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 5 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 7 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 7 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 0 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 0 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 0 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu 0 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
BAl 0 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Sky 0 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 0 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 0 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
TCC 0 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
MMM 0 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 0 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 0 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 0 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESC 0 Empire State, Geneseo, NY
NWF 0 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 0 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
AFA 0 FAI Invit. Munci, IN
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 0 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
O&W 0 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
Scu 0 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
CFA 0 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SWC 0 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 0 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
ESF 0 Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 0 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Parker, Jim 67 SWR-2 Ike-1 MM-2
2 McKeever, Mike 52 SWR-3 Ike-4 MM-1
3 Smith, Norm 42 SWR-4 Ike-2 MM-4
4 Thompson, Mike 32 Ike-3 MM-3
5 VanNest, Brian 31 SWR-1 Ike-5
6 Hines,Lee 11 SWR-5 MM-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 5 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 2 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 13 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 0 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 0 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 0 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu 0 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
BAl 0 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Sky 0 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 0 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 0 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
TCC 0 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
MMM 0 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 0 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 0 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 0 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESC 0 Empire State, Geneseo, NY
NWF 0 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 0 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
AFA 0 FAI Invit. Munci, IN
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 0 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
O&W 0 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
Scu 0 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
CFA 0 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SWC 0 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 0 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
ESF 0 Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 0 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Gunder, Austin 79 SWR-1 Ike-1 MM-1
2 Malkhasyan, Taron(Jr) 44 SWR-4 Ike-2 MM-4
3 Parker, Faust 29 SWR-2 MM-5
4 Spence, Steve 24 MM-2
5 Poti, Norm 19 MM-3
6 Mennano, Guy 15 SWR-3
7 Carroll, Ed 5 SWR-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 4 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 2 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
MM 3 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 0 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT 0 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 0 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu 0 Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
BAl 0 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Sky 0 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL 0 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 0 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
TCC 0 Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
MMM 0 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA 0 Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC 0 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 0 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESC 0 Empire State, Geneseo, NY
NWF 0 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW 0 NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
AFA 0 FAI Invit. Munci, IN
CC 0 Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC 0 Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
O&W 0 Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
Scu 0 Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
CFA 0 Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SWC 0 S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT 0 Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
ESF 0 Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC 0 Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC 0 Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI 0 King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Parker, Julie 50 SWR-1 MM-1
2 Crowe,Bernie 35 Ike-2 MM-3
3 Cover, Hal 25 Ike-1
4 Schlosberg, Aram 20 MM-2
4 Roseberry, Mike 20 SWR-2
6 Pykelny, Mike 15 SWR-3
7 Oldenkamp, John 10 SWR-4
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR -x- Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
Ike 4 Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA
Cal -x- MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 3 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
SCT -x- Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA -x- NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
Hcu -x- Hoosier Cup, Muncie. IN
BAl 0 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
Sky -x- Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
McL -x- McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA -x- Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
TCC -x- Texas Cloud Climbers, Haslet, TX
MMM 0 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
SkA -x- Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY
HC -x- Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO -x- US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
ESC -x- Empire State, Geneseo, NY
NWF -x- NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
NW -x- NW FAI Challenge Tanget, OR
AFA -x- FAI Invit. Munci, IN
CC -x- Canadian Cup, Camp Borden
DC -x- Dynasty Cup-Denver, CO
O&W -x- Orville and Wilbur, Wawayanda NY
Scu -x- Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA
CFA -x- Calif. FAI Invit./ Canada Cup, L.H. CA
SWC -x- S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV
ACT -x- Autumn Cup USAF Aux Field- Seguin, TX
ESF -x- Eastern States FF Champs. MD
PC -x- Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA
AZC -x- Airazona Championships-Eloy, AZ
KOI -x- King Orange Intl- Palm Bay, FL
1 Brocks, Peter 50 Ike-1 SCA-1
2 Ioerger, Tom 40 Ike-2 SCA-2
3 Wood, Dick 30 Ike-3 SCA-3
4 Parsons, Dave 10 Ike-4
Malta's Aviation History
I note in the Ike report the comment "where is Malta?". Malta was one of the most strategic islands of the Mediterranean since Crusader times (and earlier into antiquity), when it was the stronghold of the knights of St John. Malta commanded the sea routes between Italy/ Sicily and Egypt and was the scene of one of the great air battles of of WW2 .
In that a small RAF force under Kiwi , Sir Keith Park, the main group commander in the Battle of Britain, fought off superior German and Italian Forces using the same tactics Park had used in the BOB.
One of the great moments of the battle was when, with the RAF almost out of fuel, two British warships brought in a heavily bombed tanker strapped between them to keep it from sinking.
The Island was awarded the George Medal, Britain's highest bravery award for civillians.
It is also the home of F1B flier Michael Seifert.
I'm a little sad to miss the bash at Husbands Bosworth as its just up the road from me and a great chance for an excellent meeting unencumbered by models. However my own views are well known - 1 day selection over seven rounds decides the team, saves all those wasted costs on 6 days of airfield hire, organiser etc.
Team Selection - An open letter
Last Sunday Biggles were at our 'Big Din' bash, a great time being had by all, when Andy Crisp opined that the 'Team' situation had changed from what it was back in the 60s, 70s 80s etc.
Back then there were debates that the 'Team' did not include the best UK fliers so FFTC has struggled to produce a system whereby the 'best' fliers should eventually be selected for the 'Team'. Basically the weird system we have today of three weekends with results averaged so that if a 'proper flier' has an off comp they won't be elbowed out of the 'Team' by some upstart we'd never heard of before the trials.
As Andy pointed out the 'Best fliers not in the Team' situation no longer exists. We have no new fliers and everyone who aspired to a place in the 'Team' has now been a team member; well when Stuart takes up his F1A place this year.
The reason that so few fliers compete in the Trials is basically because only a few people are interested in being in the Team. For this we pay for six days airfield licences, six days of organisers expenses, an HB conference, etc etc; all for a few people who will make the team anyway.
If so few people are interested in being in the 'Team' then why don't we ask them how they want the selection process organised, or better still why not devolve the whole selection process to those few people interested. F1C selection could be decided over tea and muffins without any of that uncomfortable flying having to take place at all. F1A and F1B could be decided by an early morning on Sculthorpe finishing well in time for a good lunch over which the important details of the 'Team' could be decided.
While FFTC need to recommend a 'team' to BMFA, note it is only a recommendation, it doesn't mean we have to go through all the current kerfuffle, conferences and expenses to get to that recommendation.
Cheers David Brawn
BMFA 052517
Roger Morrell