SEN 1377
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1149
- Bear Cup
- Olga Wiehle
- SEN Numbers and Input
- Comment on UK proposal
- Pan Am Bunt Info
- SEN and AOL subscribers
Bear Cup - Säkylä Pyhäjärvi ice conditions
We tried to fly a contest for the Finnish Championships last Saturday. No success, as the fog was too dense, and visibility insufficcient. But had a good chance to check the ice conditions.
The ice is thick enough to be safe, no problem with that. However, we have had lots of snow in Finland this year, and that prevents driving a car onto the ice. The snow used to be about half a meter thick until last week. Then, just before the weekend, the weather became much milder, with two days of drizzle. This had two effects. First of all, it compacted the snow a lot, making the top surface much more solid. But there is now, on some locations, water on the ice and under the top snow cover.
That is how the conditions were during the weekend. But the weather forecast for this weeks shows a lot of promise. It will be snowing wet snow until Tuesday evening, but after that it freezes again. The nights towards the weekend will be cold, down below -10C, so it is likely that the wet snow cover will freeze quite hard, probably strong enough to carry a man walking. If this happens, then the conditions will be just perfect. But if it is not cold enough, then there will be more trouble. Underneath the snow cover, the water will remain liquid, so bringing rubber boots may be a good idea. Also, even if the top surface would not carry a man, it will for sure carry a skier. So if you have skis, they would be useful.
Finally, there will be about 10 snow scooters for rental. And during Sunday, Jari went to the lake driving paths with a scooter to various directions from the contest site (in the middle of the lake). These are now further compacted, so they will be frozen solid enough to carry a man walking, making a mesh of paths in the flying area. So I believe that we will have a very nice Bear Cup again this year. Current forecast for Saturday: in the morning below -10C, but warming up to -6C. Light winds (2m/s), sunny.
Olga Wiehle
SCAT is sad to inform the modeling community that Olga Wiehle, widow of SCAT founding member Bob Wiehle past away two weeks ago. Olga continued to live in the house in the San Fernando Valley that Bob and Olga hosted SCAT meetings for many year. Bob and Olga are survived by their daughter and grand daughter Lorna and Jessica Tilson.
SEN Numbers and Input
Firstly it may be of interest to subscriber that we currently send by e-mail SEN to 700 people. The system we use drops people off the list if they no longer want to get SEN or it the e-mail is bounced too many times so the count is fairly accurate. The users are world wide. . In addition a typical issue will have almost 500 online readers.
We welcome all input for SEN. As one might gather from some recent comments sometimes there is difficulties in reading or formatting some of the submissions.
The best way to send contest results to SEN is Microsoft Excel attachment. This lets us format it easily to fit the page. If the contest includes several events generally it is easier if all events are put in one worksheet.
The test of any article should be kept simple with out complex formatting. Any complex formatting may require much manual work to prepare the material and can delay sending it out. The material can be sent as a e-mail, in HTML format or as a Microsoft word attachment. Do not send it as a PDF.
Comment of UK proposal
The UK rules proposal offers a mechanism to introduce new fliers to FAI events and to retain more experienced fliers who find themselves "priced out". This is a long-needed proposal and I hope it receives the support that it deserves.
One point in the rules needs to be clarified: In contests where both F1B and F1T are flown together as one event, the individual contestant should be able choose to fly both F1B and F1T models within the current 4-model limit. This would allow a new flier who builds a couple of F1T models and then obtains an F1B model to use both in a contest. Also it would permit a flier with several F1B models to build an F1T as a back-up model. To simplify things on the flight line, models should be required to display the label F1T in addition to model number.
Louis Joyner
Pan Am Bunt Event Info
Hi Roger,
I just wanted to provide some brief additional details in response to a question concerning the Highest Launch Challenge held at the 2010 Pan American Open, posed by Johannes Seren in Sen 1375. The mini contest was run as an addition to the main contest, to create some extra enjoyment during the main competition. It was run more in the spirit of fun and enjoyment, so there were no strict requirements for altimeters and measuring equipment. Scores were recorded in the same manner as flight times, with competitors measuring and signing off on each others results. Competitors were allowed to measure any "launches" from their official contest flights; some could do so every round and have a set of 7 to choose from, others might just measure one or two rounds and be satisfied with their results. The best result was counted; there was no averaging.
It was my intention that this mini contest may grow in popularity and other contest organizers around the world may include it in their events. A friend of mine has already set up a working space on the internet to record these results, with the hope that we could establish an "all-time highest launch" table, and learn from the results. We are looking to expand this to include other launch challenges from other contests. See below:
Best regards,
Chris Lenartowicz
(F1A Canada)
This will be the first of many nagging invitations to join Pierre, Ron and Mike this coming August in beautiful (it really is) Tangent Oregon USA. As you can see, I have only invited the best of the best so make your reservations early and often so you can savor the local wines and kick the side of the Spruce Goose. Let me know if you have any questions but please not until after April 19th. We hope to see you this summer.
All the Best
Mike, Ron & Pierre
FAI MEET AUGUST 20th 2010 F1 ABC&P AUGUST 21st 2010 F1 GHJQ
Vintage FAI Power & Nos Wakefield will start at 8:30 Friday with 1:15 minute rounds. Bob Stalick CD, cost is $10
ENTRY: $20 F1 ABC…$10 F1 GHJPQ Prizes-- GLASS
All contestants are invited to a Saturday Spaghetti Feed at Grells Farm Sponsored by the Willamette Modelers Club
Contestants must adhere to field/retrieval rules or face Disqualification from the meet.
Roger Morrell