SEN 1463
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1405
- SEN Submissions
- F1Q
- Team Selection Rebuttal - Simpson
- Team Selection Thought - Andriukov
- BIggles encore
- Editor TS Summary
- Airtek/Bauer RDT set for sale.
SEN Submissions
At a recent event a regular SEN contributor complained to me that he had thought out something very carefully and try to get a good presentation only to have it butchered when published and he was disappointed because felt that it distracted from the presentation of the important ideas.
Firstly I have only limited time in getting the information out if I have to work on the format I will do it the best I can but I will not re-type the submission.
SEN comes out in two different formats - HTML and plain text. If your version has double underlining with the equal = character you are getting the plane text format. You can request the HTML format it is probably better.
I did a quick poll of a couple or regular contributor whose stuff always comes out well and they say that they use the full version of MS Outlook, NOT outlook Express to prepare their submissions. They obviously do it it at work :-)
Results are always best submitted in a spread sheet that is separate from any description of the event. It should be a MS Excel or and Open Office calc spread sheet. If the results are embedded in a Word table, I have yo cut them out, put them in a spread sheet to print them. One of the reasons is that when a MS word table is converted to HTML it generates a lot of hidden formatting characters that sometimes exceeds what some subscriber's ISP will permit.
If you are very fussy about getting your submission pretty in both formats the you can send one in HTML/MS Word format and another in plain ASCII text with 60 character max to the line.
Do not go great lengths with MS word making your literary master piece very elegant, setting the font size, margins, the chances of this coming out right , given the wide variety of e-mail systems and mail programs is zero
This new class is currently going through a very critical period. the number of particpants is increasing and people are figuring out how to make it work. There are a small number of sportsmen, mainly from Germany and Finland who have produced high performing airplanes that easily exceed the performance envelope specified by the rules.
At some point it will be necessary to change the rule as these best of these airplanes exceed the vertical performance of a F1C model.
there are 3 issues -
- when should this rule change take place?
- what form should the new rules be, in particular how to restrict the performance. The CIAM FF technical sub committee is thought to favour the use of Energy Limiter devices. This device is similar in concept to the fuel allotment used in the original Texaco event back in the 1930s - In this case your electric motor can draw a certain number of watt- seconds. there are other ideas such as battery or motor weight either as a absolute number or a percentage of the airframe.
- Should there also be an electric mini event, with a simpler form of power restriction.
Andriukov modification and reasons
After Finals there are 9 happy guys who like the current format... True or False? I asked 6 team members who were present at the Patterson. ALL SIX prefer multiple contest system. In my opinion it is the only way to achieve the two main objectives.
1. We want strongest fliers to be selected
2. We want the system to encourage people to fly and increase participation.
Let’s have a look at both topics
1. What is strong flier? If you look around, you may probably say: this guy is strong flier and that one is not quite... How do you know? Try to dig into your mind and you will likely see: you intuitively assign "strong flier" label to the guy who often wins large contests! OK, let's go one step further. Does that "strong flier" win all the contests? No. Why? Because of the nature of our sport and its rules. We count every flight, not the best of many attempts. So, we need sufficient statistics. When the single finals 14 round system was developed 50 years or so ago, you could drop a quite a few flights and make the team. Back then it was sufficient statistics, but not anymore.
2. The most valuable thing that the selection process must have is producing fair results. If so, anybody will have a clear path to the team: make your models fly better, become stronger flier yourself and you will have a fair chance to make the Team. This clarity is the most motivating thing. Not lottery.
Roger Simpson system looks really good to me. I would suggest just couple of changes.
Count 5 best results out of 6.
Define the selection contest as this:
”Before the beginning of each year Team Selection Committee designates 3 most reputable contests in US as selection contests, preferably in different parts of the country.” This will keep door open for any club to apply.
This system will make me travel to all of them. It will save me time and money. This year I took a week of vacation and arrived to Lost Hills 8 days before the Finals. If it was 3 contests, I would only take three Fridays off. Fliers who only attend local contests will be able to see all of USA at their own field. Isn't this a promotion of the sport?
Alex Andriukov
However, one major weakness has also been clearly stated in SEN (Roger ???). It is not possible to equally compare scores and results from two different days held under different conditions. One day could have easy conditions and the other tough conditions and so who gets the 3rd Team Place and Alternate position ?
But probably a more crucial problem is the likely lack of available daytime and personnel to organize literally twice as many fly-offs to a satisfactory conclusion, during a 3 or 4 day period. All contest are weather dependent, but maybe shorter rounds and longer fly-offs might help alleviate the schedule. But it just might not work ?
F1B: 12 in Fly-off: Alex Andriukov, Robert Tymchek, Dave Saks, William Booth, Michael Davis (-8 sec), Greg Simon (-31 sec), Charlie Jones (-38 sec), Robert Piserchio(-58 sec), Martin Schroedter (-60 sec), Jim Bradley (-62 sec), Anthony Ulm (-125 sec), Eddie Vanlandingham (-139 sec). (25 flew; Bill Shailor and Tom Vacorro DNF Day 2)
F1C: 8 in Fly-off: Henry Spence, Mike Roberts, Randy Secor, Faust Parker, Don Chesson (-8 sec), Edward Carroll (-12 sec), McBurnett (-70 sec), Roger Simpson (-195 sec). (16 flew; Mike Achterberg, Matt Gewain and Austin Gunder DNF Day 2)
But just as the argument goes that the Finals rounds shouldn’t be lost because of a small mistake, so the Finals fly-offs shouldn’t be won or lost on one lucky or unlucky flight. Therefore, as a minimum, the all-inclusive fly-off rounds should consist of at least the 5 minute round and the 7 minute round, (and for the fly-off to continue for any who are still maxed out for the whole event). So, each flyer’s final score will therefore be the overall accumulated total, including any dropped time in all the rounds and both fly-offs.
Another Proposal:
In an attempt to address all these concerns a proposal could be written along the following lines, but hopefully expressed more elegantly and concisely.
The Premise: The US Team Selection Finals format will comprise of two separate-day qualifications, and must include a mandatory fly-off finale to determine the Team:
The US Team Selection Program will include the following tasks:
1) 14 qualifying rounds per discipline, held over three days (7 rounds per day as at present) for each discipline (example A + B, B + C & C + A) with the objective to down-select the group of competitors who will participate in the culminating mandatory fly-off Finale rounds.
2) A minimum of two mandatory Fly-off rounds will be flown by all fly-off Finale qualifiers per discipline (5 minutes and 7 minutes max) to be held, irrespective of whether or not these competitors have achieved a maximum score during the preceding rounds.
3) Following the first two mandatory fly-off rounds, those competitors who are still maxed out will continue fly-offs as required (ie 9 minute and / or early morning round) until the top 3 Team Members and 1 Alternate are selected.
Eligibility for advancing to the Mandatory Fly-off rounds will be as follows:
1) All competitors who have maxed out all the rounds on at least one single day (ie either day 1 or day 2)
2) In the event that fewer than 30% of the total participants who have flown (rounded to the nearest whole number) have achieved a one-day maximum score (in their discipline on either day) then the next highest scoring competitors, totaled over both days, will also be advanced to the mandatory fly-off rounds to make up this 30% figure, irrespective of whether they have achieved a full score on either day (example: 5 one-day max-outs, from the 28 entries who flew x 30% = 8.4, rounded to 8 persons who will compete in the two mandatory fly-off rounds. So the next 3 highest competitor’s scores (from both days totals combined) will also qualify for at least 2 more mandatory fly-off rounds, to produce a field of 8 competitors)
3) In the event of tied round scores, all those with exactly the same two day total score will be advanced, even beyond the 30% participation objective (example, 10 flyers max-out both days then all ten advance to the mandatory fly-off with no additional participants; or, given 5 one-day max-outs, plus next 2 highest scores, plus in this case the third highest identical score achieved by two competitors where both will also advance, ie in this case 9 advance to the mandatory fly-off rounds).
The CD shall arrange the daily schedule to allow for all normal qualifying rounds to be completed, or cancelled as necessary, in time to permit a minimum of two one hour mandatory fly-off rounds to be completed, and be concluded at least 30 minutes before sunset. At the CD’s discretion, qualification round times may be reduced to a minimum of 20 minutes flying and 10 minutes break, with 1 hour between each round, announced in advance in the Finals Program, as needed to make the daily schedule:
1) Day 1 — 7 qualifying rounds, no fly-offs
2) Day 2 — 7 qualifying rounds, 2 mandatory flyoff rounds one hour apart (5 & 7 mins) for first event to be completed (ie F1B) plus any further rounds (9 mins) as time permits
3) Day 3 — 7 qualifying rounds, 2 mandatory flyoff rounds one hour apart (5 & 7 mins) for the second and third events completed (ie F1A & F1C), each event started with half-hour separation (ie on the hour and on the half-hour) plus any further rounds (9 mins) as time permits
4) Day 4 — Reserve Day and / or Early Morning rounds, as necessary
Final scores to determine the US Team will be the accumulative total of:
1) Total qualifying round score over two days (14 rounds)
2) Plus 2 mandatory fly-off round scores for those advanced to fly-offs (2 rounds)
3) Plus any additional fly-off rounds, as necessary (all other deciding fly-offs)
On a personal note, for all the years I have participated in, or witnessed the US Team Selection Finals (over 15 Programs), I do believe that the Team Selection Finals has been, and remains, the single best and most exciting FAI contest held in America (irrespective of location). Everybody who is anybody is there from all across the US. It’s often the only time you get to meet many of the fellow FAI flyers from across the States.
Everybody attending is well prepared, with their best models, trimmed, practiced and ready to go with their top game. The format is fair, everyone gets an equal shot, on their own pole, with their own timer, and lots of help and support available from others as and when needed. There are no excuses, except for what can go wrong that is within your own control. It doesn’t get any better than this — except of course the World Championships itself.
Fly-offs are crucial in Free Flight to determining a winner. Invariably there will be drama, upsets, close calls, uncertainty and jubilation at the conclusion of the event. We NEED a BIG FINISH to celebrate our Team’s accomplishments and expectations. That’s what makes a Team Finals.
— Biggles
Editor/Moderator Comments
Firstly what's great about all the proposals are that they come from people who have actively taken part in the Team selection process for many years. The only particpant who is not current is Biggle and now that he has hung up his F1A towline maybe he's waiting for F1Q to make it to the world stage.
In summarizing the articles written so far the reasons why people are looking at changing the Team Selection process are, in no particular order:
- Because we are finding it hard to get good people to run the finals mainly because it is always at the same site , Lost Hills.
- Because missing out on a place in the team when the selection is a one time event is demotivating to a significant section of the active community FAI free flight community..
- Because the current system does not generate sufficent net funds to help the team.
- Because the current system does not select the best team?
- No one else does it this way, in particular the Ukranians spread it over several contests so that way must be better. :-)
- The selection of the the TSC members is not-democratic so using the TSC as a representaive democracy to come up with a new Selection plan will not truely represent the desire of the particpants.
So far the most thought out proposals mentioned here are Roger Simpson's with Alex Andriukov's modification.
Also Alex was the only person to actually explain how a multi-contest format might address the motivation issue or rather the lack of motivation in not getting on the team after a one contest finals with this comment " This clarity is the most motivating thing. Not lottery."
Biggles looked at everything from every angle but did not provide a single solution.
I believe that the only way there will be a change, that that's what the particpants want is if at the time of the in-person TSC meeting , the TSC members can say - hey Sportsman X has written this proposal, he has addreses the issues and he has a grass roots consensus behind him .
One procedural note, Roger included references to some people/groups/events in the current US political landscape. These were for illustration only. These were taken out. This is not intended to be a critisim of Roger or his position. In fact I agree with his position the bitterness and tactics employed in US politics should be kept away from model sport. But I did not want include a reference that might imply an alignment one or another with anything political.
For Sale: Bauer RDT System - 5 Receivers - 1 Transmitter
for sale is a complete, ready to use Bauer RDT system including 5 (five) receivers and 1 (one) transmitter. the receivers are for internal use - aka have 3 wire ribbon cable and 3 pin connector. if an interested buyer would like external mount, i would be willing to modify for right-angle headers on request.
system is completely functional and ready to use, great shape. great range on all receivers. lipo in transmitter holds charge well.
$600 (450euro) for complete set incl. shipping worldwide.
interested buyers please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rene Limberger
Roger Morre