SEN 1472
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1396
- Faust on the Finals
- Faust on Q
- Editors Comment.
Wisdom from Faust Part 1 - the finals
Caution, Caution, Caution!
Team Selection Process: The bottom line is that there is no perfect solution to the perceived problems with the current selection method. No matter what we do, some will be unhappy. You will not maintain or increase the level of participation because the simple truth is that our FAI population is aging and recruitment will not increase - period. We must be very careful and conservative in any changes to the current selection process or risk losing those who cannot or choose not to participate in a more rigorous selection program (multiple contest/travel requirements) - the whole thing could actually backfire.
Some things to consider:
1) Bill Shailor’s assessment of travel cost was right on. Those of us that do not live on the west coast are at a distinct disadvantage in that we travel longer distances. Living in the middle of the country means that I have to travel east and west. As an F1C flier I have determined that, except for potential World Championship travel, I will no longer fly to contests. Lost Hills is a two day drive, Muncie and Eloy are 1.5 days each way. A conservative estimate of my recent Finals expenses is 2k and that does not include the three days I had to take without pay at work. The Nats normally runs about 1.5k
2) Those still working have limited amounts of paid time off. That time must be spread over the needs of family, illness, spousal demands (real vacation), and last but not least, modeling events. Those retired and on fixed incomes have budget restraints to consider.
3) There is a distinct advantage to the way we currently select the teams. Those that perform at a high level at a selection event within a year of the World Champs, should be more prepared to compete at that level in the W.C. Someone who locks up a spot two years prior to the W.C. may lose their edge in the interim.
4) The days of complete funding of the W.C. teams is over. We need to quit worrying about that aspect. AMA, NFFS and every other organization is losing membership and therefore budget. There will be less money available to support W.C. teams and free flight is most likely at the bottom of that list. In the future, we will be lucky to have entry fees and team manager expenses covered. The cost burden will fall directly on the team members. Having participants spend additional funds to travel to multiple qualification sites may be counter productive.
5) The overwhelming majority of folks that participate in the Team Final would make excellent team members and represent the U.S. in fine fashion. The playing field is very level and on any given Sunday (well except for the Cowboys!). Pay your money, put your name in the hat, and draw a team.
6) And just who has volunteered to organize any extravagant team selection process? Any volunteers?
7) Have we actually come up with what the perceived problem might be with the current program? The more high tech and complicated our aircraft become, the more likely we are to have issues in ANY competition, including the W.C. So how will increasing the number of events required to make the team reduce those issues - I’m guessing not at all. Only three people in your event are going to make the team - everyone else cheers them on.
8) The bottom line is that we have had a very successful Team Selection Program for a very long time (Dukie said he thought it was 40 years) and it has consistently selected very good teams. If changes are deemed necessary by the majority of participants, then I caution us to “tweak” the process and not hit it with a sledge hammer.
Wisdom from Faust Part 2 - F1Q
Caution, Caution, Caution!
F1Q Rules Proposals: Again, care must be taken not to destroy what could become a very successful FAI format. Any performance limiting rules must be simple and not require an electrical engineering degree or special equipment to accomplish (for the contestant or the contest organizers).
1) Energy Limiters (EL’s) are not a viable option. There are way too many issues associated with utilizing EL’s that are not limited to but include: cost, availability of F1Q appropriate EL’s, provision of free EL testers to each flier and all CD’s who request them (if they are not free no one will get them), and the technology for safe use in an F1Q format has not been established.
2) F1Q is a provisional FAI class and as such must be a high performance event. If it is relegated to the locked up, underpowered status proposed by some, then it does not deserve the FAI moniker. The power-to-weight ratio must be equivalent to F1J/F1C (which it is destined to replace) without restriction to surface functions, with the possible exception of flapped or folding wings.
3) Pim Ruyter has many excellent points in SEN 1466. Moderation is key! This is a new event, give it time to evolve. Do not make drastic changes that will cause people to give up being creative. The rules can be modified in due course, but cautiously.
Not quite a greezer, but close!
Editor's Comment
Faust sent a one great e-mail with both subjects, with many valid points. We split it because both deserve equal emphasis and are important, the first to FAI Team selection here in the USA and second to how F1Q progresses world wide. For those not aware Julie Parker is a leading F1Q contender in the America's Cup F1Q category.
Finally Mike Achterberg is working off line in try to format a viable multi-contest propsal so work with Mike if you are of that bent.
Roger Morrell
Faust sent a one great e-mail with both subjects, with many valid points. We split it because both deserve equal emphasis and are important, the first to FAI Team selection here in the USA and second to how F1Q progresses world wide. For those not aware Julie Parker is a leading F1Q contender in the America's Cup F1Q category.
Finally Mike Achterberg is working off line in try to format a viable multi-contest propsal so work with Mike if you are of that bent.
Roger Morrell