SEN 1299<
- Details
- Category: Archive 2009
- Hits: 1415
Table of Contents SEN 1299
- Huron Cup
- USA Junior F1P and F1B
- Big Als
- F1J Stuff for sale
- Bernie's doing fine
Huron Cup
The Huron Cup, an Americas Cup and World Cup contest, will take place at Base Borden, Ontario , Canada on July 11 and 12 with minis being held on Saturday morning and the large events starting at 5:30 on Saturday and concluding on Sunday. A flyer and map to the field are available on request. CD - Jerry McGlashan - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
USA Junior F1P and F1B Info
Bob VanNest has produced new Astrostar kits for the USA Junior F1P program. If you are a junior and want to get started in F1P competition this is a great model to start with. These are complete kits with selected contest grade balsa. If you are an interested junior contact Walt Ghio or Bob VanNest for information on obtaining one of these kits
These kits are also available for purchase by anybody who would like to build this model. The complete kits are $75 and the rib set with plans is $27 including postage. You may contact Bob by phone at 831-663-5254 or e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in purchasing the kits.
F1P Cyclon engines are still available for any USA junior who shows that he or she has a model ready for an engine and are signed up for the Junior Finals. Contact Walt Ghio for information on this junior program or the junior F1B program.
Big Al's Info
The Bissonnette Memorial will be held on Memorial Day weekend, May 22nd to 24th at Lost Hills flying site. This year we will have the field to ourselves because the United States Free Flight Championships has been moved to the end of September. Friday starting at Noon we will have the F1E contest. Seven half hour rounds will be held on our normal hill South East of the main FF flying site. Friday evening we will have a five-flight contest for any FAI Power model from 1950 to present. Saturday’s contest will be for the F1ABCP events and Sunday will for F1GHJQ along with the Vintage FAI Power event. Also, I would like to remind the winners from last year to return the perpetual trophies engraved and polished.
You can down load a copy of the contest flyer from the Lost Hills web site and look under upcoming events;
Special notice: Several flyers have asked me to add Nostalgia Wakefield to the event schedule. On Saturday we will have Nostalgia Wakefield with the first round starting at 9 am. This will be a three round contest per the Nostalgia rules.
We will try a new parking location at this contest. The field to the North has been plowed and makes for difficult chasing along with very dirty models when you land in the loose ground. My plans are to arrive on Thursday morning and place out pylons for the parking and flight line. I will have the porta potties moved also.
G'Day Roger,
Please find attached full results from the Australian Free Flight
Championships held over Easter 2009 at Narrandera for inclusion in SEN.
Best wishes
Phil Mitchell
Combined Open Max 1 2 3 FO % FO%
1 Roy Summersb 120 120 120 120 299 100.00 249F1J
2 Phil Mitchell 120 120 120 120 290 100.00 242F1H
3 Brian Van Nest 120 120 120 120 222 100.00 185F1H
4 Paul Lagan 180 180 180 180 248 100.00 138
5 Neil Murray 180 180 180 180 224 100.00 124
6 Colin Collyer 180 180 180 151 94.63
7 Gary Odgers 180 180 161 163 93.33
8 Sonya Burfein 120 120 120 73 86.94
9 George Car 180 180 180 81 81.67
10 Mike Thomas 180 180 160 93 80.19
15 Harry Sokol 120 64 120 93 76.94
11 Malcolm Campbell 120 108 106 43 71.39
12 George Baynes 180 180 180 66.67
13 Don Boughton 180 180 180 66.67
14 Des Slattery 120 67 75 95 65.83
16 Albert Fathers 180 170 135 56.48
17 Dave Ackery 180 180 108 53.33
18 Chris Behr 180 180 34 29 45.00
1 Vin Morgan 120 120 120 120 120 600
2 Paul Rossiter 112 115 120 120 120 587
3 Jim Christie 104 120 120 120 120 584
4 Brian van Nest 94 120 120 120 120 574
5 George Baynes 95 90 120 120 120 545
6 Albert Fathers 113 85 120 102 61 481
7 Sonya Burfein 120 85 120 49 105 479
8 Brett Townsend 77 73 45 84 120 399
9 Bill Pudney 120 120 240
10 William Jones 38 120 158
1 Brian Van Nest 120 120 120 120 120 220 600
2 Rob Wallace 120 120 120 120 120 184 600
3 Vin MorganV 120 117 120 120 120 597
4 Colin Collyer 117 47 111 92 120 487
5 Malcolm Campbell 66 120 120 96 75 477
6 Phil Mitchell 120 120 120 113 473
7 Des Slattery 66 94 39 43 120 362
1 Roy Summersb 120 120 120 120 120 600
2 Alan Jack 120 120 120 120 95 575
3 Harry Sokol 120 120 55 112 51 458
4 Stan Hinds 85 92 120 57 80 434
5 Des Slattery 56 49 120 80 305
6 Chris Behr 120 4 124
1 Paul Rossiter 180 154 180 180 180 180 180 1234
2 Bill McGarvey 157 180 180 180 173 180 180 1230
3 Terry Bond 180 148 180 180 180 180 180 1228
4 Brian Van Nest 180 138 180 180 180 178 180 1216
5 Ted Burfein 180 180 180 180 137 170 180 1207
6 William Jones 180 180 180 180 106 180 180 1186
7 Gary Pope 145 180 180 180 135 180 180 1180
8 Vin MorganV 180 180 180 97 180 174 180 1171
9 Richard Blackam 180 180 180 180 180 163 99 1162
10 Graham Maynard 180 180 180 117 139 180 180 1156
11 Dave Ackery 180 180 180 144 180 148 137 1149
12 Leigh MorganL 180 180 129 107 180 180 180 1136
13 George Baynes 150 180 155 143 180 132 180 1120
14 Paul Lagan 180 176 180 95 180 152 137 1100
15 Bill Pudney 47 180 180 180 180 166 158 1091
16 Neil Murray 180 115 179 155 98 180 180 1087
17 Adrian Bryant 161 180 341
18 Verena Greimel 148 154 10 312
19 Harald Meusburg 180 102 282
Open Power
1 Colin Collyer 180 180 180 540
2 Roy Summersb 177 180 180 537
3 Des Slattery 107 79 180 366
4 Stan Hinds 150 73 105 328
5 Gary Odgers 180 180
Combined Vintage Model Year FO
1 Roy Summersby 180 180 180 270 540
2 Des SlatteryG 1954 180 180 180 75 540
3 Phil Mitchell 1954 179 180 180 539
4 Jim Christie 1941 180 180 175 535
5 Malcolm Campbell 1953 178 180 107 465
6 Les Esquilant 1947 126 176 158 460
7 Des Slattery 90 180 180 450
8 George Car 1952 0 180 180 360
9 Paul Lagan 1945 180 180
10 Harry Sokol 1950 10 10
1 Peter Lloyd HLG 58 60 60 178
2 Phil Mitchell HLG 21 33 28 33 19 26 94
3 Tahn Stowe HLG 6 11 19 20 8 15 54
4 David Brawn HLG 20 22 5 3 4 47
1 Les Esquilan CLG 19 60 33 24 37 22 130
2 Malcolm Campbell CLG 32 60 7 31 32 17 124
3 Phil Mitchell CLG 22 43 27 35 23 26 105
4 Brett Townsend CLG 15 14 16 15 26 21 63
5 David Brawn CLG 20 18 12 3 9 19 57
1 Eric Holland 42.5
2 Stan Hinds 41.5
3 Gary Odgers 40.5
1 Alan Jack 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260
2 Roy Summersb 180 180 180 180 180 121 180 1201
3 Terry Bond 180 180 103 180 180 180 180 1183
4 Percy Wright 180 180 130 180 135 154 180 1139
1 Phil Mitchell 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260
2 Martin Williams 180 180 180 150 159 180 180 1209
3 Tahn Stowe 128 180 180 180 180 180 180 1208
4 Mike Thomas 123 180 180 180 180 180 180 1203
5 Brian Van Nest 180 180 180 180 180 87 180 1167
6 Vin MorganV 180 180 139 120 180 180 180 1159
7 Rob Wallace 180 113 180 180 129 180 180 1142
8 Malcolm Campbell 141 180 180 180 66 122 180 1049
9 Paul Lagan 180 180 180 180 180 73 65 1038
10 Ted Burfein 180 180 180 180 137 0 180 1037
11 Albert Fathers 25 180 117 180 152 21 180 855
1 Jim Christie 120 120 120 160 360
2 Vin Morgan 120 120 120 0 360
3 Leigh Morgan 120 120 116 356
4 Neil Murray 107 120 120 347
5 Les Esquilan 120 120 100 340
6 Adrian Bryant 120 92 108 320
7 Brett Townsend 120 80 64 264
8 Phil Mitchell 41 120 42 203
Open Rubber FO
1 Gary Odgers 180 180 180 430 540
2 Jim Christie 180 180 180 401 540
3 William Jones 180 180 180 335 540
4 Paul Rossiter 180 180 180 257 540
5 Leigh Morgan 180 180 180 211 540
6 Graham Maynard 180 180 180 189 540
7 Paul Lagan 180 180 179 539
8 Peter Greenhil 155 180 180 515
9 George Baynes 180 148 180 508
10 Colin Collyer 180 180 134 494
11 Les Esquilan 101 180 180 461
12 Malcolm Campbell 180 179 88 447
13 Brett Townsend 70 180 180 430
14 Vin Morgan 106 64 120 290
15 Dave Ackery 180 103 283
16 Chris Behr 88 88
1 Phil Mitchell 2095
2 Tahn Stowe 1753
3 Malcolm Campbell 1690
Oz Diesel
1 Roy Summersb 120 120 120 120 120 600
2 Malcolm Campbell 120 120 120 114 55 529
3 Des Slattery 120 70 93 93 95 471
4 Phil Mitchell 120 120 89 64 77 470
5 Harry Sokol 120 85 70 120 56 451
6 William Jones 120 73 70 51 120 434
7 Stan Hinds 73 120 110 30 85 418
8 Tahn Stowe 107 80 187
AFFS Champion 2009 : Phil Mitchell
F1J Stuff for Sale
Hello Roger, Please include this message in the next SEN
I'm giving up on the project to fly F1J so have a CNC Matrix by Victor Stamov, with 4 panel wing for sale complete, already built and covered but needing an engine and installation of the rear end hardware. Includes a new Mini-combo timer with remote release. Also have a brand new, as delivered 6 panel Stamov wing. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Buzz Averill
Roger Morrell