SEN 1176 - 21 January 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1331
Table of Contents - SEN 1176
- MaxMen Info
- SEN and
- Skyman Champ Series
DATE: Feb. 15 - 18, 2008PLACE: Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, Ca. USA SCHEDULE: F1A Feb. 15 (7 rounds) F1B, C, P Feb. 16th (7 rounds) 7 rds. each day, starting at 8:00 am 1 hour rounds 1st round extended max per rules F1 G, H, J, Q Friday, Feb. 17th 5 rds., 45 mins each, starting at 11:00 am Reserve day Feb.18thSPECIAL NOTES: *FAI SPORTING LICENSE IS MANDATORY FOR ALL COMPETITORS FLYING F1A, B AND C *U S competitors can mail entry form, with fees, to CD (email entries from US flyers will not be accepted) *Non U S flyers may email entry form & pay upon arrival *All non AMA flyers must pay $28 AMA affliation fee *Entries are considered late if not received by Feb. 10th *Fees is double for late entries *Current Sporting Code will applyCOST: F1G, H, J, Q & P $10.00/event F1A, B & C $25.00/eventCONTACT: GEORGE BATIUK 2221 King St. #2, San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401 USA Ph. 805-546-8231 FAX 805-546-0700 Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.LOCAL MOTELS: Lost Hills Motel 6 661-797-2346 Lost Hills Day Inn 661-797-2371 AMERICA’S CUP BANQUET DATE: Feb. 16thPLACE: TO BE ANNOUNCEDPROGRAM: Dinner and America’s cup award presentationCOST: TO BE ANNOUNCED
2008 BOB WHITE MAXMEN ENTRY FORM NAME_________________________________________ ADRESS_______________________________________ CITY,STATE,ZIP_________________________________ COUNTRY______________________________________ I WISH TO ENTER: F1A ($25)______________ F1B ($25)______________ F1C ($25)______________ F1P ($10)______________ F1G ($10)______________ F1H ($10)______________ F1J ($10)_______________ F1Q ($10)_______________ BANQUET ($25)_____________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED___________________ IMPORTANT NOTICE, READ CAREFULLY. JUNIORS FLY FREE!!!!!!! FLYERS FROM COUNTRIES OTHER THAN THE UNITED STATES MAY PAY ON THE FIELD. ALL OTHERS MUST PAY BY FEB. 10, 2008, OR FEE FOR ENTRY IN EVENTS IS DOUBLE. PLEASE SEND TO: GEORGE BATIUK 2221 KING ST. #2 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA. 93401
Note that while going forward we will keep calling the newslterr SEN. It will come from the and the assoicated Web site will be called
The new web site is up and running and will replace the old one. We had a list of Free Flight suppliers and are taking this opportunity to clean up the list so if you are a supplier of Free Flight Stuff and want to appear in our list please e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Note that with the new Web site will will post and HTML item that includes graphics. and of course a link to your site.
Similarily we are updating the list of clibs and organizations so send us that too.
Skyman Champ Series !
could you please post this on SEN.
Following on from the "ICEMAN" mini series way up in the Northern Hemisphere we will also be holding a similar mini series Down Under in Australia and New Zealand this year. The "Southern Skies Free Flight Series" will involve the following competitions being part of the 2008 Free Flight World Cup :-
Round 1 AFFS Championships, Narrandera Australia 21-24 March
Round 2 Southern Cross Cup, Narrandera Australia 25-27 March
Round 3 Kotuku Cup, Omarama New Zealand 29 March- 1 April
Round 4 Omarama Cup, Omarama New Zealand 3-6 April
The winners in each category will be determined from the total individual scores from all rounds flown throughout the series in F1A,F1B & F1C.We will award the individual category winners the title of "SOUTHERN SKYMAN" together with a Certificate and a substantial prize. The presentations will be made at the prize giving banquet after the Omarama Cup in New Zealand.
So why not join us for 4 great competitions held over 17 days on what we believe to be two of the best free flight fields in the world.
good luck and best wishes
Phil Mitchell, Tahn Stowe, Rob Wallace and Chris Murphy
Now that's almost enough to get me to go to Oz. too... BTW it seems that acommodation in Omarama is getting tight because of other events, so make sure you have a reservation...editor
Roger Morrell