SEN 1203 - 17 April 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1386
- Looking for Steve
- Kiwi Power
- Engine Collection for Sale
- MMM - Fund raiser for Field and Jnr Team
- So what's the rest of the Southern Skies Story.
Looking for Steve Helmich or an other Bat
This is an enquiry e-mail via from:Kiwi Power
Santiago Rodriguez (EC-569) <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
I intend to contact Steve, former Editor of the "Bat Sheet" newsletter, or somebobu from the "Strat-O-Bats" in Seattle.
Any help?
Thanks in advance: Santiago
Can anyone out there explain to me what the rules are for the power event called "Kiwi Power", often seen in results from contests in Oz?
Bill Lovins
You could get your self in real trouble her e- Aussie Power is flown in Oz and Kiwi Power in NZ. I understand they are the same. I was going to say it is a Bio Diesel class with Kiwi Fruit Juice for power but the Free Flight section of the NZMAA web site says
Kiwi Power
a) Suction fed , plain bearing diesel up to 1.5 cc.
b) Maximum motor run 10 seconds.
c) Controls: engine shut-off and DT only.
d) The propeller shall be non folding, mass produced, either
Thermoplastic (Nylon type material) or Wood.
e) 5 flights, 120 sec max.(Note: A three flight contest may be allowed if
declared before the contest)
f) No New Zealand Records are applicable to this event .
Diesel Engine Collection for sale
Hello Roger
Just helping a friend to sell some of his collection of engines so that he can fly F1B.
Dave Edmonson
CONTACT ME BY: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. mobile with message facility: 07831 878375 phone: 01609 881064 Mail: Mill Hill Farm, Deighton, Northallerton DL6 2HL UNITED KINGDOM
TYPE cc Condition Price £ Status
Mills 1.3 Mk I series I 1.3 OK 50
Mills 1.3 Mk I series I 1.3 Used & good 90
Mills 1.3 Mk I series II 1.3 OK 60
Mills 1.3 Mk II series I 1.3 Used & good 90
Mills 1.3 Mk II series I 1.3 Used & good 90
Mills 1.3 Mk II series II 1.3 Used & good 90
Banks VA Mills 0.4 cc 0.4cc NIB 110
Mills Indian 1.5 NIB run in 41
Mills Indian 1 NIB run in 35
Mills 0.75 Irvine Mk I 0.75 NIB 60
Mills 1.3 Irvine 1.3 NIB papers
Gold head limited edition 140
Mills 1.3 Irvine 1.3 NIB papers 100
Mills inline twin Irvine components 1.5 495
Schlosser 0.25 NIB with papers & run 120
Schlosser 0.5 NIB with papers 80 SOLD
Schlosser 1 NIB with papers 110
Super Tigre G32 BB 1 good excellent 165
Oliver Rustler Jaguar replica 2.34 NIB with papers 80 SOLD
PAW 29 RC 4.8 VGC 40
BE twin & carbs -> MVVS 6 new 195
Deezil Burford BR 2 NIB with papers 165
Dunham Valkyrie 5 NIB 1984 152
Air-O-diesel new VV rare 350
Allbon 2.8 cc 2.8 Exc 300 SOLD
Amco 0.87 MkI 0.87 Good 125
Amco 0.87 MkI 0.87 NEW 200 SOLD
Amco 0.87 MkII ser I 0.87 V good 155
Amco 0.87 MkII ser I 0.87 new 200 SOLD
Amco 0.87 MkII ser I 0.87 new no carb 155
Cipolla AAC TR 90's 2.5 NIB with papers 415
Clan Original prodn 0.24 NNIB with papers 80
C.I.E. 2.5 As new Los Angeles 255
Cox Tee Dee 0.51 NIB with papers 60
Cox Tee Dee 0.51 NIB with papers 60
Deezil original with tank 2 new 125
Drone Gold Crown 5 NIB fixed & var comp 190
Dyno original 2 Good 290
D.C. Rapier blue head 2.5 NN marked head 65
ED MK4 3.46 Series II 3.46 NIB 110 SOLD
ED MK4 solid crankcase 3.46 Excellent 80 SOLD
Eisfeld DVII AH replica 2.5 NIB Papers 153
Eisfeld DVIII replica 6 NIB Papers 191
ETA 15 MK II 2.5 Excellent 145 SOLD
ETA Elite close spaced fins 2.52 Good in box 315
Class B special Ken Bedford signature one of five
ETA "5" Inc. tank 5 VGC short exhausts 155 SOLD
E.D. MK4 3.46 Greenhead 3.46 good 40 SOLD
E.D. Super Fury 1.5 NIB + papers 120
E.D. Super Fury silencer 1.5 excellent 100 SOLD
E.D. Racer MK II 2.46 OK driver marked 80 SOLD
E.D. Racer MK V 2.46 VGC 45 SOLD
Minature ED Racer 0.75 New 120
FROG 180 MkII 1.8 Excellent 80
FROG 250 2.5 Excellent 145 SOLD
FROG Vibromatic 1.5 Excellent 95
GHG 2.4 Excellent 450
Kemp 4.4cc series II 4.4 VG 365
Kemp Kestrel 1.9 Excellent 110
Micro Replica CS 2 NIB 57
Micro USA 2 New 225 SOLD
Micron 2.5R TBR plain TR series I 2.5 new but oversize holes 160
Micron 2.8 cc red hd '46/7 2.8 new & pristine 185 SOLD
Micron 5 cc Fixed comp 5 VGC 185
Movo D-2 series2 2 Excellent 200
Nelson RI RE Goodyear 2.5 Excellent 95 SOLD
Pares TR 1983 2.5 NIB 200 SOLD
P.A.W. 2.49 DS-4 Run in & NIB 41
P.A.W. 1.0 Run in & NIB 55
P.A.W. vertical intake 1.49 rebored in box 40
PAW 1.49 Run in & NIB 40
P.A.W. 0.55 BR Run in & NIB 39 SOLD
PAW 29 good 44
R G U 5 good 135
Reeves 3.2 Excellent 180
Ritm with CS Tiger cylinder piston Hd. 2.5 Good runs v well 100
Sesqui Racer 1982 No.214 1.5 NIB papers tools 250
Speed Demon 5 N New 550
Super Tigre G15RV D ('69) 2.5 Exc rare Cox carb TR 145
Dave Edmonson, proprietor
F1A, B, G, H, J, P-30 models and supplies
MMM Jr. Team and Field Lease Fund Raiser
From:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Could you please help us spread the word about this fund raiser we have going on.
Thanks to a generous donation we are raffling off a Super Candy G. This model has been flown and does have a small patch in the covering on the underside of the stab. Otherwise the model is in perfect shape. We will conduct the lucky drawing at the MMM FAI Annual dinner Saturday June 28. Winner doesn't have to be present and the club will pay shipping to the winner.
Tickets are $5 each or 6 for $25. Send your checks to Chuck Etherington 33946 Goldfinch Dr Elizabeth, CO, 80107. The proceeds will be evenly split between the Junior team and the MMM Field Lease Fund.
With your support we can sent our team off to another great competition and also help protect free flight in the Rocky Mountain West.
Jerry Murphy
9 Via Escondido Valle
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
So what's the REST of the Southern Skies 08 story?
From: Leeper
Inquiring minds need to know...
Why did Rob Wallace fly a third FO flight, after he had won Kotuku Cup?
ANS - To break the New Zealand F1A record
ANS - To break the New Zealand F1A record
And why didn't Henning make FO flights after maxing out in both Kotuku
and Omarama?
Good to see you made several FOs, Henning.
ANS - Henning has a new way of testing if the conditions are flyable to his personal standards. In addition the NZ wine is good and probably related to the testing technique.
AND...did anyone count how many flights BVN [aka, Brian Van Nest]
made in both OZ & NZ, combined?
Must be in the thousands...mostly maxes! And several wins, too!
Congrats to all the winners, of course.
Especially Rob, for being King of the Southern Skies, F1A-wise!
Surely sorry I was not there...2010 is the target now!
Roger Morrell