SEN 1218 - 3 June 2008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1311
- SEN 1217
- Czech World Cup
- The Princess With the Golden Star on the Forehead
- F1Q Observation
- US Junior Team Shirts and Hats
- The Bissonette Memorial
- Great Idea on Electric
SEN 1217
as you may have gather we had some trouble sending it out. Also ATT and it's children or parents depending on what you you look at then blocked it too.
Czech world cup
From Veronika Salzer
Guarantee for happiness
The title of this czech fairytale sounds a bit long for me, but – just to make the point – not long for a guarantee for happiness. The fairytale exists for more than 50 years. Nearly every child in the Czech Republic and Slovakia watches it in christmas time on TV. In this tale the princess runs away from a foreign, evil king she should marry to save her country. She runs from one castle to another.
South Bohemian castles
Luckily this country had then and still has today numerous, different, charming castles. Then only princesses and princes were allowed to enter the castles, but if you come to the contest in Sezimovo Usti you have also the best opportunity to visit one of these 20 castles in South Bohemia. You will see, it is worth it.
Dandelion meadow
The princess runs away and wears a mouse-fur coat with a cowl to hide her golden star. For this coat she is called „Mousy-fur“. And of this fur remind me the meadows full of dandelion fruits we saw on the way to the contest. And the laughter of the princess Lada is like the laughter from each of you who made the max. And the sadness of the princess having to run away from home and from the evil king Krasisvet is like your sadness if you have missed the max.
Flying kingdom
Her father, the king, loved Lada with such a love as the organizers do the yearly contest. This year we were so many as never before. I do not think of the amount, but the quality of this 23rd South Bohemian Cup was very likeable. You could hear various languages. Chech, slowak, russian, ukrainian, hungarian, polish, dutch, english, french, german and ... Any number of couples, many young people, a real range from small to mature.
Everything looked like a flying kingdom-village. Many cars on the ground, model aircraft in the air, even oldtimers from 1956. Colourful tents in a vivid meadow, bicycles, mopeds – as walking aid to support laziness ... binoculars on tripods, a good hot-dog stand with yummy food and drink ... not only czech beer!
Concrete is not just concrete
The sun warmed the concrete. The gray carpet of the Vsechov airfield serves as parking lot, road for gossiping humans, place for starting poles, resting area for blankets on which youth cuddles, plays cards, and also times. Sometimes also as a Wishing-table like a 0-star restaurant, but in a much better mood.
Apropos star: Princess Lada’s is hidden under her mouse-fur cowl, but in each of you there is a very large star to be a good modeller and a great human. Thank you. Applaus to you!
Victory for Love
In the fairy tale the prince in his castle recognizes Lada under her Mouse-cowl and the hearts win ......
In the same way the love to our hobby aircraft modelling wins. Otherwise married couples would not for so many years go together to the contests. The truth is, reality says: hard to believe, married for more than 10, 20, 30, even more than 40 years – isn’t that like a fairy-tale???
Honoured wifes and husbands:
You really have earned a Marriage-award! Here is a flower-wreath from the flower meadow of the true czech countryside. Juchhuuuuu ...
Heroes of the field
To our meadow-stage we now call those who returned to modelling after severe ilnesses. Applause to Reinhard Truppe and Anselmo Zeri for their happy return to us, bravoooooo!!!!!
Both can have a meaning. At the end of the fairy-tale the big bell sounds. The children are sad that it is over.
At the end of each round and of the contest the signal gun cracks. Some of you are happy, some are sad ....
The great fairy-tale comes back next year on TV.
We, too, like to return next year to such a dear Czech contest.
F1Q Observation
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
After reading all of the latest opinions about F1Q, I just wanted to get in 'my two cents worth'. I think the rules for the class are exactly right. The problems, the class presents, are interesting and challenging. There are many ways to make the design work, but which one is best? Let's just leave the rules the way they are and see what people come up with.
Tony Robertson
PS You just might want to use the BOM rule for this class.
USA Junior Team Hats and Shirts
Hi Roger. Just a little shirt and hat info.
Memorial Day at Lost Hills was very exciting for the Jr. Team. We
collected a total of $1845 by selling 40 shirts and 48 hats, all at
$15 each. Don't bother with the math, that adds up to $1320, which
means $525 was collected in donations. Exceptional! Good job Cody and
Anthony. We plan to put in another order for both shirts and hats, so
anyone interested in getting some can contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
or any team member. If we ship the items, there will have to be a $5
fee added for up to 5 items sent to the same address. The shirts are
good quality white, with a black, orange, blue and red design, with
each members name listed on the back and an outline of Ukraine with
the 3 types of model inset in it. The hats are khaki tops, with a
burgandy bill, and blue lettering that says USA Free Flight 2008
emboidered on the front. Get them while they are hot, and help our
Junior Team be successful in Ukraine this summer. Thanks, George
The Bissonnette Memorial
The Bissonnette Memorial contest was completed after several delays due to Mother Nature giving us some windy conditions for the three days. Friday, the F1E event start was delayed till five o’clock due to high winds. One and a half hours late high winds from the West put a stop to the contest. We were flying half hour rounds, which give us three flights for the contest. Dave Parsons who had a quick repair of a broken tail boom just before the first round started ended up in first place, followed by Norm Furrtani and Bruce Hannah. Peter Brocks and Richard Wood come in fourth and fifth.
The next morning we were again greeted with a good wind from the West. At eight o’clock I called a meeting of the flyers and called for a two hour delay. Around nine thirty the wind had reduced and I announced that we would set of the flight line to the West and start flying at ten thirty. The flyers find out that the conditions were very difficult. Big thermals, along with big down drafts were making some flyers happy and some not so happy. The wind was taking the models to the car park and into the gypsum pits to the East. After the second round, I decided to hold the next round for a half hour to see if the wind would change directions. After another half hour delay the third round was started. One more round was flown and then the wind from the West increased and stopped all flying for the day. A check with Jim Parker about America Cup rules and I announced that we would have round five at six thirty the next morning and the flyoffs to follow.
Again, the next morning a good wind was blowing from the West. We started the round at six thirty with a two-minute max and a half hour round. Next, we had a meeting of the flyoff contestants and it was suggested by Don Zink to have the timers follow the models on motorcycles for the flyoffs. This was agreed upon by the F1A flyers and we had the flyoff for this event. The F1B and F1C flyers agreed for the same format and both events used the timers on motorcycles following the models to the ground. For sure this did not end up as a binocular contest. FAI rules do not allow the timer to follow the models. FAI rules are for World Champs and World Cup contest and guide lines for other contest. Jim Parker and I agreed that for American Cup contest the use of timers on motorcycles was not a problem and would give a fare results for the flyoff contestants with the conditions that Mother Nature had give us.
Brian VanNest was the winner in F1A. Jim Parker and Andrew Barron both ended up with the same time and enjoyed another flight with Jim coming out on top by one second.
Blake Jensen made an excellent winning flight of 314 seconds. Jerry Peck was second and George Batiuk come in third. One notable F1B flyer had the fourth flight land with the prop still turning. Some days one should just stay in bed and not fly
Mike Roberts was flying has non-folder and ended up in second place behind Matt Gewain who was flying has own design folder. Both models used a geared Nelson. Kenny Happersett’s VE powered folder come in third.
Dave Rounsaville was the only entry in F1P and completed the five flights.
The Sunday events started at nine o’clock. The wind had reduced to a breeze again from the West. The first round was one hour and the remaining four rounds were one half hour long. It was raining to the North and also in Taft. We all felt that we should get the contest completed before the weather changed. Some rain did fall, but did not stop the contest. The conditions were very good for the rest of the day.
This was the first contest for the new Vintage FAI models. For sure the weather sent some flyers home who were in attendance Saturday. The 1951 to 1957 models are getting very high using the twenty second engine run. Of the six flyers four made the flyoff. We reduced the engine run to ten seconds for the first flyoff flight and seven for the second. Bruce Hannah was flying a Fubar with an OS Max 111 and came in first. Jim Muther and Glenn Schneider came in second and third. Marty Thompson had an equal model to these three but he over run in the first flyoff flight. Dave Parsons was test flying and putting in contest flights at the same time. His last two flights were very high and he will be in contention at the next contest. Ed Carroll was flying the contest directors K&B Green Head Fresco Kid, which did not climb as high as the OS powered models. Overall it was a good start for the new event.
F1G had three entries with Perter Brocks edging out Tiffaney O’dell in the flyoff. Mark Belfield ended up thired with a 104 second flight in the last round.
F1H had six entries like the Vintage FAI event. Four of them made the flyoff with Jim Parker taking first over Brian VanNest on the third flyoff flight. We had decided to use a five minute window for the flyoffs. Mike McKeever and Jon Davis had a line tangle. Both had to take a second attempt. Mike was late on the thermal that Jim had placed his model in and Jon had a damaged wing tip that come off on the tow.
The interesting models were the F1Q’s of Frank Pollard and Bernie Crowe. They have their act together for this event.& nbsp;They get very high and when more modelers have models like theirs this will become a very competitive event. Frank maxed out for the win with Bernie dropping the last round. Richard Wood came in third flying a new model.
Dave Rounsaville was the only entry in F1J. For some reason it looks like this event has slowed down with very low entries at several of the last contest.
The water melon that I had for the prize giving went over well and those who had stayed enjoyed the conditions with some test flying after the contest. Maybe next year we will be blessed with some good weather.
F1A 1 RD 2 RD 3 RD 4 RD 5 RD 1 FO 2 FO TOTAL
Brian VanNest 180 180 180 180 120 320 1160
Jim Parker 180 180 180 180 120 301 205 1346
Andrew Barron 180 180 180 180 120 301 204 1345
Don Zink 180 180 180 180 120 292 1132
Mike McKeever 180 180 180 180 120 288 1128
Peter Brocks 180 180 180 180 120 187 1027
Lee Hines 180 180 180 180 120 158 998
Michael Thompson 180 180 93 180 77 710
Daniel Protheroe 180 133 180 180 0 673
Ken Bauer 180 166 180 124 0 650
Norm Smith 135 180 32 180 120 647
Jon Davis 180 39 180 180 0 579
Hector Diez 180 62 180 121 0 543
Pierre Brun 180 180 82 98 0 540
Blake Jensen 180 180 180 180 120 314 1154
Jerry Peck 180 180 180 180 120 223 1063
George Batiuk 180 180 180 180 120 204 1044
Mark Belfield 180 180 180 127 120 787
William Booth 180 116 180 180 120 776
Roger Morrell 86 180 156 180 120 722
Mike Mulligan 180 180 180 132 0 672
Bob Piserchio 180 180 110 180 0 650
Rich Rohrke 180 147 180 140 0 647
Michael Davis 180 180 93 138 0 591
Jack Emery 180 180 180 51 0 591
Bob Tymchek 180 157 108 61 0 506
David Saks 107 166 180 0 0 453
Alex Andriukov 180 105 96 42 0 423
Richard Wood 50 0 0 0 0 50
Matt Gewain 180 180 180 180 120 456 1296
Mike Roberts 180 180 180 180 120 445 1285
Kenny Happersett 180 180 180 180 120 410 1250
Ron McBurnett 180 180 137 180 120 797
Fred Ginder 180 180 180 146 0 686
Lynn Pulley 180 180 138 130 0 628
Jeff Ellington 180 180 180 0 0 540
Dick Mathis 180 180 144 0 0 504
Doug Joyce 180 29 38 155 0 402
Roger Simpson 180 180 0 0 0 360
Ed Carroll 180 166 0 0 0 346
Terry Kerger 180 156 0 0 0 336
Don Chesson 180 136 316
Perter Brocks 120 120 120 120 120 94 694
Tiffaney O'Dell 120 120 120 120 120 87 687
Mark Belfield 120 120 120 120 104 584
Jim Parker 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 240 1260
Brian VanNest 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 180 1200
Mike McKeever 120 120 120 120 120 180 160 940
Jon Davis 120 120 120 120 120 180 0 780
Michael Thompson 120 120 110 120 120 590
Norm Smith 120 120 120 120 103 583
Dave Rounsaville 120 120 120 57 120 537
Dave Rounsaville 180 94 180 180 120 754
Dave Parsons 90 120 120 330
Norm Furutani 56 72 120 248
Bruce Hannah 53 111 42 206
Peter Brocks 60 66 35 & nbsp; 161
Richard Wood 26 25 33 84
Frank Pollard 120 120 120 120 120 600
Bernie Crowe 120 120 120 120 105 585
Richard Wood 120 111 120 45 0 396
Vintage FAI Power
Bruce Hannah 180 180 180 180 180 300 105 1305
Jim Muther 180 180 180 180 180 300 95 1295
Glenn Schneider 180 180 180 180 180 300 21 1221
Marty Thompson 180 180 180 180 180 0 0 900
Dave Parsons 158 148 180 180 180 846
Ed Carroll 159 160 92 136 0 547
Great Idea on Electric
From: Ken Bauer
Roger Morrell
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