SEN 1222 16 June 1008
- Details
- Category: Archive 2008
- Hits: 1326
- Willard Smitz
- Huron Cup
- Sympo Sponsorship
- Wilbur Whoops
- 1/2A/P-30/ Catapult Team Contest
- Found Winning Indoor Design book AND Looking for Rainer Lotz
Willard Smitz- USA FF Team member
Dear flying friends,
I want to give you the sad news that Willard Smitz passed away last night, June 13. He had a car accident on April 29 and was in the hospital here in Phoenix and then in rehab. We were all hopeful that he would be out very soon. Then 2 days ago Willard's health took a turn for the worse. His son Kurt was with him.
We will all miss Willard on the flying fields.
Peter Brocks
The Toronto Free Flight Group
Presents the Eighth Annual
Huron Cup
An Americas and World Cup Competition
Dates: Saturday, July 12 and Sunday, July 13, 2008
Place: CFB Borden, Angus, Ontario
Events: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J/P
Entry fees: $20 for F1A, F1B, F1C $10 for F1G, F1H, F1J/P Juniors $10 all events
CD: Jerry McGlashan
372 6th Concession Rd. ENR, R. R. #1,
Clear Creek, ON N0E 1C0
Phone: (519) 875-2734
Saturday | |||
F1G F1H F1J | Round 1 | 8 a.m.—9 a.m. | 2 minute maxes |
Round 2 | 9 a.m.—10 a.m. | ||
Round 3 | 10 a.m.—11 a.m. | ||
Round 4 | 3 p.m.—4 p.m. | ||
Round 5 | 4 p.m.—5 p.m. | ||
Fly-offs | Sunday morning | ||
F1A F1B F1C | Round 1 | 5:30 p.m.—6:30 p.m. | 3 minute maxes |
Round 2 | 6:30 p.m.—7:30 p.m. | ||
Round 3 | 7:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m. | Extended max (weather permitting) | |
Sunday | |||
F1A F1B F1C | Round 4 | 8 a.m.—9 a.m. | Extended max (weather permitting) |
Round 5 | 9 a.m.—10 a.m. | 3 minute maxes | |
Round 6 | 10 a.m.—11 a.m. | ||
Round 7 | 11 a.m.—12 noon | ||
Fly-offs | To be determined by necessity and weather conditions. |
Map showing entry to the field available on request.
Something to do while we’re waiting for the humungous thermals to subside—Saturday 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.—
Barbecue featuring Hungarian sausages and hamburgers, chips and soft drinks.
Sympo Sponsorship
For the last month or so, NFFS has been conducting our annual campaign to offset the cost of printing the 2008 Symposium. If you received a letter and have not sent us your contribution and would still like to, please do so soon. The minimum contribution is $45. Any amount over $25 is tax deductible. This year's Sympo, edited by Rick Pangel, will contain feature articles on Energy Testing and the Performance of Rubber Powered Models by Fred Pearce, A History of Mechanical Timers by Hank Nystrom, F1A Airfoil Design and Wing Optimization by Peter Alnutt & Brian Eggleston, A Systems Approach for Design & Building an FAC Scale Model by George Mansfield and F1E Bunting by Daniel Petcu. There is also a rumor that a certain electronic newsletter is reciving a "Special Award" in the Model of the Year section.
Your contribution will get you a copy of the Sympo as it rolls off the press and also a mention on the "Patrons" page in the Sympo, but I need to receive your contribution before next Friday (or until the Printer asks for the list).
You can send contributions to:
NFFS 2008 Symposium Report
325 Carlsbad Village Drive, Suite D2
Carlsbad, CA 92008
or, we can accept PayPal contributions. Go to the PayPal web page and send your contribution to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bill Booth Jr.
Wilbur Whoops
Art Ellis and Lisa Pacelli ask that I inform that Nostalgia Gas events will be held this weekend at the Wilbur and Orville contest at Barron Field. 1/4 A Nostalgia on Saturday and 1/2 A Nos and AB Nos on Sunday. Their omission on the previous notice was inadvertant. The updated contest announcement is attached. -- Andrew Barrron
1/2A/P-30/ Catapult Team Contest
From: Dukie
Here is a little reminder of the 1/2A/P-30/ Catapult Team Contest at Waegell field on June 28th. It starts at 7 a.m and over at noon.
We have made a couple of changes since it was first announced. we said 1/2A/P-30/Catapult originally.
We will allow:
1/2A models with .051 engine will be allowed.
Any rubber power model will be allowed, since our rules have a time target flyoff rule. Just fly something and have a bit of fun.
Hand held Catapult and Discus Launch gliders. This should be interesting.
The plan is to return all of the entry money as prizes, so, more contestants . . . better prizes!
Re-entries are encouraged.
See you there!
Doug Galbreath, CD
Forgot to mention . . . anyone needing FAI qualifying time can do it June 28 at Waegell Field, Sacramento.
Found Winning Indoor Design book AND Looking for Rainer Lotz
From: Bob Stalick - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rainer Lotz Contact Needed/Winning Indoor Designs book.
I am looking for the email address of Rainer Lotz, who sent NFFS Supplies money to order a publication. The order does not identify the publication. I need to contact him to find out the details of his order and a clear address to which it should be sent.
NFFS Publications Supply has just received 15 new copies of the old 1989 Winning Indoor Designs book. These had been sold out, but Fred Terzian found them lurking in a box in his storage area when he was cleaning things out. If you are interested, they are for sale for $10 each plus postage of $5 each in the US.
Thanks to all.
Roger Morrell