SEN issue 1088 6 May 2007
- Details
- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1314
- My Article in Citizen Scientist is Online
- IMAC Annual
- Comet Model news DVD
- Thanks from the 2007 USA FAI FF team
- Perris Commentary
From the Yahoo FFML
My Article in Citizen Scientist is Online
Posted by: "Bill Kuhl"
My Article in Citizen Scientist Appears Today! Should be online for the
next month and then go into back issues.
I think this article really explains my interest in model aviation as a
tool to promote science and engineering. sues_2007/ 2007-05-04/ feature2/ index.html
Bill Kuhl
IMAC Annual
From: EDWARD MATE [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
A Contest Note: IMAC Annual, july 8, 2007. Events: Mulvihil, P-30, Catapult Glider, 1/2A Gas, .020 Replica, ABC Gas combined, General Scale or any legal event scale job. Seven events.
Comet Model news DVD
From : Robert Clemens [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
DVD today.
For me, the highlight of the 15 minute show was a series of color movie clips showing Carl Goldberg starting and launching his yellow Zipper during a PR tour for Comet in the late 1930's. Who ever knew such footage existed? The camera follows the ship as it climbs skyward in a lovely right spiral. Earlier there are black-and-white movie clips of him with his Valkyrie, running along with the monster as it majestically floats off on a flight.
Many of the other movie clips are all too brief, including one wide angle scene showing an indoor contest at some large arena. But overall it's a wonderfully nostalgic trip down memory lane and we of the free flight breed owe Nancy Kapitanoff, whose father worked for Comet and is shown in the piece, a vote of thanks for producing this historical gem.
The DVD is available through Bill Hannan at
To quote from Bill's site, "Truly a nostalgic treat, this remarkable award-winning production by Nancy Kapitanoff, daughter of two vital members of the Comet family, was compiled from their personal archives.
"Model airplane meets, Comet model events, and profiles of the men and women who made Comet prosper, are pictured in 8mm color and 16mm black-and-white film footage shot between 1937 and 1941. Also featured are factory still photographs, corporate publicity campaigns and images from company catalogs."
If you're a modeler (or a sportsman) over 70, as I am, or someone in tune with free flight history, this DVD is a must.
Bob Clemens
Thanks from the 2007 USA FAI FF team
The 2007 USA FAI FF team will be leaving in about 8 weeks for the World Championship in Odessa, Ukraine . We would like to thank all the people that have supported the team. In no particular order:
Anthony Italiano
Joe Williams
Faust Parker
Jim Parker
Harry Grogan
George Schroedter
Jim Bradley
Chris Matuno
John Warren
Bruce Augustus
Joe Wagner
Richard Swenson
Russel Backer
Bob Tymchek
Gary Baughman
Dan Tracy
Peter Brocks
Bill Booth Jr
Roger Coleman
Jack Emery
Terry Kerger
Bob VanNest
Norm Furutani
Tom Laird
Fred Terzian
Lee Hines
David Johannes
Norm Smith
Martyn Cowley
Jon Davis
Charlie Jones
Richard Swenson
Tim Batiuk
Jim Farmer
Tom Kerr
Detroit Bals Bugs
San Diego Orbiteers
Willamette Modelers
Southern California Aero Team
Magnificent Mountain Men
Kirkwood Thermaleers
Chicago Aeronuts
Central Ohio FF Club
Star Link Flite Tec Models
Bob Mattes
FAI Model Supply
This is about 25% return rate of the donation letters that were sent out in March. The donation letter is shown below. If you got a letter and it has gotten covered up in the work shop, please find it and send in a considered donation. If you got a letter and you do not wish to make any donations to this or future teams, please send me a short note in the SASE you received or by email (address below) and I’ll remove you from the FAI FF Team Donator List.
If you did not receive a donation letter, please feel free to send a donation per the donation letter below. Please make note of the appreciation gift for those donating $100 or more.
The USA is in the fortunate situation of having two addition members on this 2007 team. John Lorbiecki Jr, the 2004 Jr F1J World Championships was awarded a spot to compete at the WC and likewise Mike McKeever the 2005 F1A World Champion. However it does require additional needed funds and a few more donations would be greatly appreciated.
2007 USA FAI FF Request for Donation Letter
The 2005 USA FF team had phenomenal success in Argentina : World Championship Teams in F1B and F1C and the F1A World Champion, Mike McKeever . A large part of this success was due to the support given by flyers like you. The 2007 team needs this same support. The USA team: F1A; Brian VanNest, Ken Bauer , Steve Spence, F1B; Walt Ghio, Roger Morrell, Bob Piserchio , and F1C; Bucky Servaites, Ron McBurnett , Dick Mathis (Fast Richard), along with Mike McKeever and John Lorbiecki Jr, 2004 Jr F1J World Champion, will be traveling to the Ukraine this June for the World Championships. This is another outstanding USA team, with years of World Championship experience. The team has selected Blake Jensen as their manager and me as the assistant manager.
We are asking your continual, generous support of this team. AMA continues to support our FAI FF teams, although at a lower airfare amount from previous years. The Team Selection Committee funds a portion for the on site team practice and we raise funds through Team Shirt sales to pay for the continual upgrading of team equipment.
Additional funds are need for the ever increasing travel costs. Please send your donations made out to Jim Parker in the provided addressed and stamped envelope or to my address below. Note on the check ' USA WC Team'. These donations are not tax deductible. The advantage to the team is that the funds are in direct control of the manager. The manager is required to give a full accounting of all funds to the Team Selection committee and any remaining funds are put in the Team manager account for the next team.
During the WC we hope to send 3-5 minute video news clips of the day's action. We are working with the organizer to obtain accesses to an internet line to be able to send video. If this can be arranged, a new exciting way to stay abreast of the Team's activities will be made available to all donators.
The premier donators of $100 or more will receive a full size 2008 USA Free Flight World Championship Calendar featuring dynamic photos from the World Championships. We plan to hand or send these out in September-October 2007. These will become highly prized items.
Should you wish to make a tax deductible donation, please send a check to AMA and be sure to indicate on the check the purpose is for the 'FAI Outdoor FF Team' to be sure your money goes where you want.
Jim Parker
2007 USA FF Asst Team Manager
9524 Ruffner Ave
Northridge , CA 91343
(818)892-4110, <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Blake Jensen
2007 USA FF Team Manager
1743 West Powell Blvd
Gresham , OR 97030
(503)666-7832, <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Perris Commentary
We were at Perris this Sat for your usual FAI F1B workout. Saw Biggles who has just flown in from Old blighty - not to see us but to brandish his video camera at the WW II combat aka FAC mass launch. Would have expected the old Squadron leader to be doing battle in his Spitfire - maybe next time.
Joking a side - full kudos to the FAC guys who organized what looked like a greate event with a heavy turn out. I don't know how the weather etc held up but Saturday AM was certainy great and I saw one of those WW II jobs that was too well trimmed as it tightened and centered will in a Perris thermal just after 10 AM.
Roger Morrell