SEN 1007 - 14 May 2006
- Details
- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1267
SEN 14 May 2006 issue 1007
Table Of Contents
USA Junior Team Update -Batiuk
FAI Events at the Northern California Free Flight Champs - Terzian
Lost Hills and CUFFMAC Reorganization
Swedish Cup
Looking for Vidas
Estonian & Baltic Cups
About re-entry
More contest re-entry
Hoosier Cup - Markos
USA Junior Team Update
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The US Jr. Free Flight Team is going to Germany in August for their
World Championships. I have had the budget approved by all the powers
that be, but it is astronomical, the largest budget of any team I have
managed. So I am asking for some financial support. Any amount will
help! You can send your donation directly to me (2221 King #2, San Luis
Obispo, Ca. 93401), or to AMA. If you send a donation to AMA, send it
attention Lisa Johnson, and be sure to put Jr. Free Flight Team on the
memo line. Also, we have very nice tee shirts available in M, L, or XL.
We will have these at Bib Al's Shootout for $15 each, or if you are not
going to attend, we will mail you some for $20 per. Our US Free Flight
community has always been supportive of our Jr. Team, and I hope they
will be this time. Thank you in advance. George Batiuk, Jr. Team
Manager (slogb@charter
FAI Events at the Northern California Free Flight Champs
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Here are the results from the NorCal contest at the end of April. We enjoyed
excellent weather conditions both days with light drift in the northeast
direction (the best direction) towards the Sierra foothills. Except for
two pilot/timer malfunctions, all flights remained on the main pad or surrounding
Waegell property.
Temperature was in the mid-eighties both days and it appeared that everyone had a
great time. The field conditions were extremely good. Everything was very green
with many wildflower patches brightening everyone's day(s). All retrieval was done
on foot or with motorbikes.
Helium-filled balloons were used before every FAI round to confirm upper l
ayer boundary changes. We only used a two-minute max in the first round of the
large FAI events on Saturday morning, but in reality we probably could have gone
to a 180 with absolutely no overflights of Sunrise or Jackson Roads.
F1A Towline 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total Flyoff/Total
Rene Limberger 120 180 180 180 180 180 180 1200 1620
Mike McKeever 120 180 180 180 180 180 180 1200 1457
Lee Hines 120 180 180 180 144 180 169 1153
Risto Puhaaka 120 180 180 113 180 169 180 1122
Norm Smith 120 180 136 150 180 80 180 1026
F1B Wakefield
Jack Emery 120 180 180 180 180 180 172 1192
Walt Ghio 120 171 180 180 180 180 180 1191
Jerry Peck 120 180 180 155 147 180 176 1138
Joel Raymond 86 62 180 127 155 180 180 970
Bill Davis 120 120 120 120 120 600 Flyoff to be held at Big Al's
Jack Emery 120 120 120 120 120 600 Flyoff to be held at Big Al's
Walt Ghio 120 120 120 120 120 600 Flyoff to be held at Big Al's
Chinmay Jaju 25 120 39 116 120 420
Mike McKeever 120 120 120 120 120 600
Norm Smith 120 120 120 120 16 496
Austin Gunder 120 120 120 120 120 600
Ken Oliver 120 120 120 120 ----- 480
Anthony Ferrario 78 78
Rocco Ferrario 85 116 55 329
Anthony Ferrario 120 89 120 256
There were only flyoffs in F1A, which was decided for Sunday morning as a banquet was
planned for Saturday evening. Jack Emery beat Walt Ghio by only one second in the seventh
round. Since conditions were good, Jack decided to try his Wakefield with the reduced
motor run planned for the AMA rubber events. I believe 20 seconds of his actual motor
run was run down before he was allowed to launch. The climb looked as spectacular as
a Wakefield design from the mid-Seventies--a large, wide flat climb. Jack looked
disappointed---until it started to wiggle into a thermal. Jack now had a very BIG wide
grin, until he realized that the glide trim did not seem right. He turned around grimly
and said: "I forgot to turn the timer on!" Merry Smith and Sharon Emery kept it in sight
with binoculars while sitting in some camp chairs. Jack meanwhile got a lift on a
motorcycle along with several others, all heading north in the direction of the high
voltage towers and the houses beyond.
I set up my tripod with compass-equipped 7x50 binoculars and continued watching it
disappear beyond the high voltage wires. At some point, it flashed when crossing left
(west) or right (East) as the sun reflected off of the covering. I could see the chase
crew standing next to the Kiefer Rd. barbed-wire fence, only able to watch it disappear
from their sight.
When Jack returned, he looked very disappointed, but I provided him with a
direction and compass heading when last seen just above the horizon heading north.
It looked to me as if it may have hit some trees or wound up in the new homes since
it tracked left with a flash but not back to the right. About ten minutes later,
Martin Schroedter returned on his motorbike with Wakefield in hand. How he stayed
with it I have no idea. Jack's wide grin returned!
Walt Ghio flew his F1C but only for Team Selection time and not for America's
Cup or contest points.
Sunday morning, the window was opened for Mike McKeever and Rene Limberger
to go for a ten-minute max after test balloons indicated that drift was still
light and to the north. Rene headed towards the sheep barn to the southwest
while Mike headed northwest and up on a rise. Mike launched first and it initially
looked solid but he only achieved 257 seconds. Rene caught a better piece of air
and remained aloft for 420 seconds, giving him first place.
In Coupe, all three open contestants were clean after five rounds and after
deciding that conditions were so good that it would be difficult not to drop
flyoff flights for the rest of the afternoon, decided to have their flyoff at
Big Al's at Lost Hills.
Junior contestant Chimay Jaju competed in his first official outdoor contest
here and turned in a respectible 420 seconds with the first Coupe he ever built
and flew.
Stanford football player (and two-time FAI Junior World Champ in F1J) Austin Gunder
went head-to-head with Ken Oliver. Austin was clean through five rounds and Kenny
opened the door by completely destroying his three-bladed F1J in a spectacular
vertical dive while under power.
Father and son Rocco and Anthony Ferrario were the only competitors in F1P.
Respectfully Submitted,
Fred Terzian
After much discussion and input, it has been decided that Los
Hills Association will absorb the duties of CUFFMAC (may it
As for the reorganization of Lost Hills, the following will be
filling various positions:
Ted Firster, Director of Operations (handling all
communications plus field activities)
Hal Cover. Chairman of the Board
George Walters, Secretary/Treasurer
Lee Hines, Represents FAI
Bob Beecroft, Represents Nostalgia
Kevin Sherman Represents Old Time or SAM
Currently looking for a Representative for AMA
George Batick, will be our Field Liaison Officer with
surrounding property owners (a non-voting member).
We are currently in the process of negotiating with Halloway
for grading the road and possibly installing permanent port-a-
potties. You will be receiving directions concerning field
scheduling. Of course, it is extremely important that all
participants in an official event are members of the Lost
Hills FREE FLIGHT Association. We will be working on a method
to ensure that this requirement is enforced.
There will be a member's meeting Saturday Evening at each U.S.
FREE FLIGHT Championships and a Board of Directors Meeting
later in the year to (1) evaluate membership input, (2)
evaluate site needs, (3) to schedule contests (formerly
conducted by CUFFMAC) and (4) to give direction/guidance to
the Director of Operations. Any comments may be directed to
Ted Firster, 951-776-4971, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The US FREE FLIGHT Contest will be held over Labor Day Weekend
this year, but in the future the US FREE FLIGHT Contest,
starting in 2007, will be held over Memorial Day Weekend at
the Lost Hills Flying Site. We realize the weather may be a
factor, but decided we will just have to deal with it for the
betterment of the hobby. The Labor Day date was conflicting
with SAM Champs attendance and the MMM Labor Day Contest.
This decision was made after much discussion. This year's
U.S. FREE FLIGHT Championships will be a laid-back event to
allow for financial adjustments after the absorption of
CUFFMAC into the Lost Hills Association. The Lost Hills FREE
FLIGHT Association is committed to conducting a U.S. FREE
FLIGHT Championships that hopefully in the future will draw
entrants from the Western area and perhaps even other areas.
This year's Labor Day Weekend Contest will have a full slate
of events as per the attached flyer. We want to thank the
Grassy Knoll Group for stepping forward with their sponsorship
of the FAC Events. Also, we have contacted Walt Ghio of the
Big AL's FAI Shootout and it will become a part of our U.S.
FREE FLIGHT Championships.
Last, but certainly not least....we want to thank Dan Heinrich
for the many, many hours of work put into Lost Hills and the
very successful meets he so willingly ran. We appreciate all
his work and efforts put into our hobby. Now, please come
enjoy earned some fun time! Again, thank you Dan.
Max Out,
Ted Firster and Hal Cover
Magnus Soderling
Swedish Cup 2006
Open international World Cup Contest
DATE 16/06/2006 - 18/06/2006
SCHEDULE June 16:th (Friday). Arrival and registration from 1200.
Test flights at the field.
June 17:th (Saturday).
Contest day F1A. Briefing on site 0615. Preliminary start
of first round 0700 Competition in seven rounds.
Maximum time and length of rounds will be announced during
the briefing.
June 18:th (Sunday). Contest day F1B and F1C. Briefing
on site 0615. Preliminary start of first round 0700
TIME KEEPING No official timekeepers.
CONTEST RULES FAI Sporting Code, except for time keeping.
INTERNATIONAL FAI-Jury is announced before start of the contest.
Entry FEE 250 SEK/30 EURO per class, 150 SEK/20 EURO for juniors,
paid on registration.
CONTACT Magnus Soderling, Tegn=E9rgatan 32 C, 752 27 UPPSALA, SWEDEN
Tele: +46 70 820 91 12. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
CONTEST Per Findahl
DIRECTORS Magnus Soderling
LODGING Lodging in main building, 150 SEK/night. Cooking facilities.
Lodging in building 326 and 327, 120 SEK/night. No cooking
facilities. Bring your own sheets, no sleeping bags.
Free Camping next to military huts, no camping is allowed on the field.
Also on the same location Nordic Cup:
Looking for Vidas
Please, if somebody have the Vidas Nikolajevas e-mail
or phone number in USA , please it tell me.
Thank you
Hernan Alarcon
Estonian & Baltic Cups
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A few images from our trip to Lithuania. Didn't get to do too many as it was
rather windy.
Michael J Woodhouse, Norwich, UK.
About rentry
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Let me be the last to acknowledge and thank you for 1000+ issues.
As to reentry, while it has no place in Amer or Nat cup, it can make for
interesting club contests.
Tho I never participated, the Aeronuts had some gatherings where entry fees
were divied up to some formula like 50, 25, 10 with 15% to club. Advantages
are that club treasury not hurt by major blowout. While it would seem like
winner take almost all should increase revenues, it was possible for 1
person to win all 3 cash prizes. Also popular with better halves who find
cash easier to dust than other awards.
Seemed to work better with fewer flites when maxes were more elusive.
Thanks again for SEN,
More contest re-entry
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Contest Re-Entry
The Freeflight club I belong to, The Willamette Modelers Club, once
allowed re-entry. It was probably in the late 1980's. We featured it for several
years, but finally dropped it. Our re-entry system allowed re-entry without
limit as long as the flier paid the additional even fee, and the earlier score
was crossed off. What we discovered was that people would put in a flight, and
if it didn't max, they would re-enter. They might do so more than once. It
seemed to be a substitute for test flying the model prior to the contest. It also
created a problem for the score keepers who might not always cross out the old
score on the scoresheet. We tried it for a few years and then dropped it. No
complaints were heard even from the proponents when it went away.
Another change we instituted was a cutoff time for event entry. Now, if you
are not entered in an event by 1PM, we don't allow you to add an event. This
means that fliers can't hang back then peruse the contest entry and then fly
once in sparsely entered events so that they can win a prize by simply putting in
a flight in these events.
Bob Stalick
Hoosier Cup
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The Hoosier Cup will be held in Muncie on May 20-21 for FAI FF classic
events: F1A, B and C on Saturday, F1G, H, and J on Sunday. This is this first
Americas Cup contest on the calendar in our region of the USA. The complete
contest bulletin can be found in the Master Contest Calendar on the NFFS
website. Weather can be dicey, but the chase area is twice the normal for Muncie
as the surrounding crops will not yet be planted. The weather can also be
outstandingly good. At the Intercities contest 2 years ago on the same
weekend, I had a 45-minute coupe flight that landed 1/4-mile off the mowed grass
in a yet-to-planted cornfield. Please come and enjoy FAI Free Flight. Nice
engraved glass mugs through 3rd place.
Chuck Markos