SEN 1009 - 23 May 2006
- Details
- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1308
SEN 23 May 2006 issue 1009
Table of Contents
New Publications from NFFS
Stonehenge Cup 2006 - Watson
A tale of Two Contests - Morrell
Sezimovo Usti - results
F1C Folders - Watson
Looking for Dave Johannes - Mogle
F1Q Timer - Salzer
New Publications from NFFS
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject :
To Readers of SEN:
NFFS Publications Services has just received a shipment of 2006 BMFA FF
Forums from the Printer. This publication has slick and hard covers is spiral
bound. This book contains 112 pages of text, pictures and drawings covering 14
different topics of interest to both indoor and outdoor freeflighters. Topics
include: F1Q, Discus Gliders, F1B Airfoils tests, British Power Models, Outdoor FF
Scale, Design and construction of Indoor Model Propellers, F1C booms,
Recording altimeters and 6 others of interest As in the past, the cost of this
publication is $25.00. Postage in the USA is $4.50. For Mexico and Canada Global
Priority mail is $7.50 or elswhere in the world (where available) for $9.50.
This order can be coupled for savings in postage with the newly available
Winning Indoor Designs,2002-2005 edited by Carl Bakay, which sells for $15.00.
Winning Indoor Designs 2002-2005 has been selling very well and is a
comprehensive book which is a must for anyone interested in any indoor free flight event.
Order one or both from NFFS Publications Services, PO Box 1775, Albany, OR.
97321. For further information on either or both publications, contact Bob
Peter Watson.
Anyone examining my computer records for the week leading
up to the Stonehenge Cup, could be excused for thinking
that I had a bizarre fetish with internet weather sites.
Not true, although in the past my wife has accused me of
having an affair with a sheet of balsa.
As usual the weather did play a significant part in this
years event, although thankfully it never rained.
Saturday had a steady moderate breeze all day, and the
max was reduced for some rounds, because of cows
downwind. A few volunteers stood near the cows, and no
eating or trampling incidents occurred.
Fly offs were delayed in the hope that the windspeed
would decrease, but it never did. Woolner, Vivchar, and
Van Hoorn, all made the 7 minute max in F1B. In F1C,
Screen flew very late in the round, and found better air
than those who flew earlier.
Sunday dawned warm, sunny, with very light drift. What
was expected to be the conclusion of F1B took place at
8:30, when all 3 contenders launched in to gentle lift,
going for 10 minutes. Van Hoorn stalled out of the lift,
but Wooner, and Vivchar were very high at 10 minutes,
with no D/T’s, but both models were successfully
Is this the first time that 2 F1B’s have made the 10
minute max in a contest ?.
F1A started at 9:00 in very pleasant, warm, benign
conditions. Sixteen made the fly off, which under the
conditions at the time looked as if it could go on
forever. However the weather suddenly changed, and the
only fly off required was held in a cool moderate breeze,
with no apparent lift, and won by young Russian, Mikhail
The prizegiving took place, and was followed by the
conclusion of F1B, when Woolner made the 7 minute max in
the cool breeze.
Overall, a successful Stonehenge Cup, with a slight
increase in foreign participation. For a variety of
reasons, it is always going to be difficult to get people
to cross the Channel, but if we are going to build on
this, we desperately need fresh input, and help. A lot of
those involved have been so for along time, and need a
break. Examine your conscience, and volunteer to the
As a late, and sceptical convert to the electronic age, I
am 100% convinced that computers make events such as this
more manageable, and mobile phones should now be
considered as an essential item of everyone’s field
Finally, a big thank you to all those involved, good luck
to my successor, and remember, ‘The weather rules
A Tale of two Contests
I read in Peter Watson’s note a comment about his desire to
encourage people to cross the Channel [or Pond?] to take
part in a World Cup Contest. I’m currently on a 3 week
business trip to the UK and decided to take my models with
me and fly in Peter’s contest, the Stonehenge Cup. I had
flown that contest the previous year under similar travel
conditiond but had done badly because physical fatigue.
Often when I travel I do a day’s work in Europe, generally
the UK, and then when I get back to the hotel have to do my
e-mails and phone calls back to my office in Los Angeles.
So typically I do not get enough sleep.
This year I was able to organize my UK business a little
better so I could leave during the afternoon and drive down
from London, avoiding the major traffic snarl up that
affected many of the other contestants.
Firstly for what ever it’s worth I like Salisbury Plain
[the real Stonehenge site] better than Barkston Heath [last
year’s]. The army is messing it up a bit as the military are wont by
planting for trees for soldiers to hide behind or something
and they have some radio controlled cows, but in spite of
all of that there is a lot of space. I just did not get my
game face on soon enough so dropped the first round . Edge,
Fantham and henchmen made plenty of announcements and it
was clear what was going on at all time. They made special
efforts to make sure that Vladimir Vivchar, who’s English,
is not as good as his brother understood changes in
schedule. Being English gentlemen flyers, the only flew 5
rounds and had a generous lunch break. I would have
preferred to fly seven rounds and start earlier. I know it
harder to get early breakfast in the UK but it’s even
harder to get a calm morning. They cut the round to 150
seconds, all that did was make my models land closer to the
cows when otherwise they over flew them.
Seeing I was in Europe and had my models I looked to see
what was on the next weekend. I found that the Sezimovo
Usti contest in the Czech Republic was the work cup event
that weekend. I have a soft spot for the Czech Republic as
that was the first US team I was on in 1997. The Veschov
site was similar to Sazena, along light plane airstrip,
good if the wind blows in the prevailing direction along
the strip but plenty of obstacles in the other directions.
So I checked up on the contest with some of my Dutch F1B
friends, their comment was interesting, They like going but
were not sure why because the organizer did a number of
things that were demotivating to say the least. I’ll
explain later.
So I finished work a little early on Friday, flew to
Prague, the flight was an hour late, got a rental car and
drove the 100Km or so to Sezimovo Usti and stayed in the
Hotel Mas , the official hotel. Contrary to the UK contest
I did not know any of the sportsmen in the restaurant,
except Pera and Ivan Kolic, who invited me to share their
table for dinner. [In the UK I knew Vladimir, the Sieferts,
Klaus Salzer, Mikhail Kosonoshkin, etc and well as many of
the English flyers I have seen at numerous events.]
I followed Pera to the field as the directions were vague
and there were no signs. I got signed up and they gave me
the contestant packet. On my pole there were two leading
world cup contenders in Serge Teduschi and Ivan Kolic plus
a strong Czech, 2 Swiss flyers and me. I ended up in the
last flying position. It became apparent that I was in
trouble because I almost did not get a flight in on the
very first round. – No one took particularly long but 6
people to a pole is 10 minutes each, I commented on this to
the organizer and he said that it was the contestant’s
problem to organize the time. I was left with about 5
minutes to get my flight and did so. While the contestants
need to work together, but putting so many on a pole the
organizer created a situation that did not encourage a
sporting event or sporting result.
This situation was made worse by the fact that the wind –
according the jury report and my meter was 4-8 m/s across
the field and the models were going into crops, farm
building, a railway line and trees. Mine ended up on the
roof of a house, the home owner was not home so I left it
there and went back and got another model.
Of the people on my pole I was clearly the most handicapped
by the least support, Serge had his motor home, wife,
bicycle, etc. Ivan had Pera helping chase, it was the Czech
flyer’s home country, his wife was helping and the 2 Swiss
had family members etc. I do not have an issue with all of
that but to be the last flyer … and reading Peter’s
words... do you want someone to come back? For whatever’s
its worth if you’ve flown on a team with Alexander
Andriukov, Blake Jensen or Walk Ghio, you are ready to fly
when ever and can wind fast to get the model off so this
stood me in good stead. [And, although this is another
story if you’ve read the book Blink, make fly/no fly
decisions quickly].
In the 4th round the flyer before me was just getting ready
with 15 minutes to go, by the time he was to the line there
was less than 10 minutes, so I wound too. It turned out
that there were 4 time keepers on the pole, so two took the
other flyer and two me. I flew first and maxed the other
followed but was too late. My max was not recorded, either
because that did not like what I did or the other time
keeper forgot.
I did not dispute it because I could find my model, the
batteries in my tracker Receiver died and I could not get a
good signal. So I ended up missing around while I went to
the gas station. To do that I had to drive past the F1A
line, it was not clear to me if there people there were
waiting to fly or not because someone has commented that
there was a lunch break. The flyer did not want to move so
I drove on the grass to give him a wide birth,
unfortunately I snagged his line and got a lot of abuse,
the organizer did not intervene – as like the contestant
flying order this is between contestants! Fortunately a
lady came along, Ms Seren, I think, who directed me in
English to go back and forward until we had sorted things
I then went to the gas station, got my batteries and went
back to pick up both models, I could not find either
because someone had found both and brought them back. When
I had sorted this I flew the remaining two rounds.
There was later an announcement [in Czech] asking if there
were questions on the score or protests, but seeing I did
not understand it I did not question why they gave 2 zero
not just one.
In the end, the reason why I had trouble was my own fault,
not having replaced my tracker batteries. I do not
consider my self to be a great flyer, I know what to do to
give myself a better chance of winning, in terms or
preparation, ground support, etc and because of the
situation cannot do all of those things when I got an event
like this, I accept that, but on the other hand, I have won
one world cup contest this year and scored points in others
so would have not been happy if I was not even able to get
a flight in the first round !
So I did not win one of those magnificent glass trophies,
but did very much appreciated the hospitality of a bunch of
the locals from the Sezimovo Usti club, F1B flyers of
course! at the prize giving and for dinner after wards….
For you Peter, and any other organizer I’m not a typical
flyer, but there are others like me who still work! E.g.
Michael Siefert, Charlie Jones, etc who can try and
squeeze some events in. To encourage people like me to take
Have a comprehensive e-mail package with full details, plus
hotel information.
Do not put 6 contestants on a pole. Four is a better
Make all announcements in one of the FAI languages and
often. It’s better to talk too much than too little.
Sign post the field entrance
Seed contestants in the flying order based on the weighted
sum of this year’s World Cup and last years World Cup
score. I remember a comment from Bob Piserchio, a lone
American that year at Poitou – being told by his fellow
sportsmen on his pole that they took a vote and decided he
would fly last. Maybe a good game plane for the contestants
but not for the organizer.
Make an effort to be hospitable to visiting flyers not
matter if they are ‘important’ or not.
Sezimovo Usti
1Bezak Ivan SVK 38-4 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 180
2Krucky Ondrej CZE 74-99 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 166
3Vosejpka Jan CZE 0-93 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 70
4Aanen Peter NED 552691 180 180 180 180 180 126 180 1206
5Pokorny Jiri CZE 30-3 180 180 180 140 180 180 162 1202
6Kreetz Ivo NED 623857 146 180 180 180 154 180 180 1200
7Chudoba Michal CZE 74-122 180 141 180 180 180 150 180 1191
8Rusch Uwe GER 2076 180 180 120 180 180 170 180 1190
8van Dijk Maarten NED 447618 180 180 110 180 180 180 180 1190
10Gablas Bronislav CZE 259-10 150 180 123 180 180 180 180 1173
11Ryz Bohuslav CZE 67-11 120 180 180 180 180 180 147 1167
12Ibehej Dusan CZE 237-7 114 180 180 180 180 146 180 1160
13Klima Bohumil CZE 467-91 180 149 180 109 180 180 180 1158
14Kornhofer Pavel CZE 30-2 166 180 75 180 180 180 180 1141
15Hladil Vit CZE 340-7 160 180 180 180 180 74 180 1134
16Letko Jan SVK 122-16 180 180 180 135 180 92 180 1127
17Haase Sebastian-juGER 3213 180 117 177 168 180 180 122 1124
18Schulz Dietmar GER 2105 180 123 180 174 160 180 120 1117
19Trachez Bernard FRA 14105 180 180 180 180 120 95 180 1115
20Hudak Gabriel SVK 58-21 180 180 180 180 180 71 137 1108
21Assmuss Ron GER 3024 180 154 114 180 163 180 135 1106
22Rabes Gottfried GER 2336 160 180 180 132 180 60 174 1066
23Holzleitner Rudolf AUT 4300380100 180 180 180 0 180 180 156 1056
24Gerlach Wolfgang GER 133 180 180 47 180 180 105 180 1052
25Kornhofer Ladislav CZE 30-4 180 180 127 180 180 65 120 1032
26MezihorakovaJana CZE 74-121 76 136 180 180 180 180 95 1027
27Levy Vaclav CZE 344-5 110 180 180 120 180 155 100 1025
28Pitlanic Miroslav SVK 514 180 180 40 82 180 180 180 1022
29Seren Johannes-junGER 2963 180 101 79 180 180 180 101 1001
30Seren Matthias-junGER 3333 34 180 180 85 180 180 150 989
31Koglot Roland SLO 141001 180 180 180 180 145 106 0 971
32Amthor Marcel-jun GER 3313 180 61 166 150 69 180 151 957
33Minarik Milan SVK 58-1 180 180 97 165 0 180 147 949
34Kreetz Ron NED 21349 52 142 103 111 180 180 180 948
35Jinda Milan-jun CZE 74-154 77 180 82 180 60 180 180 939
36Rogovsky Jozef-jun SVK 122-6 180 163 74 140 130 70 180 937
37Blecha Petr CZE 222-27 133 82 180 146 45 130 180 896
38Vosejpková Tereza-jun CZE 0-63 180 180 180 180 100 40 35 895
39Svoboda Petr-jun CZE 340-37 133 180 60 57 180 118 115 843
40Sutr Matej-jun CZE 494-21 92 180 180 41 180 77 90 840
41Matura Petr CZE 74-21 99 57 180 71 180 30 180 797
42Spaleny Jan CZE 384-1 75 117 75 180 69 95 180 791
43Melde Jorg GER 2579 180 180 160 80 180 0 0 780
44Volf Roman CZE 242-27 0 92 90 180 85 146 133 726
45Stepan Radim CZE 340-33 180 180 116 180 35 0 0 691
46Wutzl Franz AUT 3100221011 180 180 180 122 0 0 0 662
47Wachtler Marcel-jun GER 2877 87 120 180 180 82 0 0 649
48Dvorak Michal CZE 168-16 180 180 180 74 0 0 0 614
49Keselak Jozef SVK 11-Sep 39 106 180 180 103 0 0 608
50Simek Daniel CZE 222-17 180 180 180 47 0 0 0 587
51Baran Kamil-jun SVK 58-35 112 66 62 180 0 65 82 567
52Limberger Siegfried LUX 6341 180 0 0 0 180 69 125 554
53Bucko Miroslav SVK 22-1 180 115 90 143 0 0 0 528
54Hopfler Markus AUT 4300400019 60 63 180 180 0 0 0 483
55Wachtler Mario GER 2798 180 96 180 0 0 0 0 456
56Fuss Helmut AUT 4300600003 148 180 95 0 0 0 0 423
57Haase Karl-Heinz GER 2024 180 126 113 0 0 0 0 419
58Geisler Andreas GER 2027 98 172 138 0 0 0 0 408
59Adametz Frank GER 1639 180 180 0 0 0 0 0 360
59Hudcovic Milos SVK 22-20 180 180 0 0 0 0 0 360
61Kalandra Roman CZE 74-144 180 136 0 0 0 0 0 316
62Domokova Gabriela-junSVK 63-1 71 180 0 0 0 0 0 251
63Dudacek Zdenek CZE 494-3 180 53 0 0 0 0 0 233
64Blazek Josef CZE 222-20 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 180
65Rabes Jorg GER 2095 156 0 0 0 0 0 0 156
66Blazek Tomas-jun CZE 222-21 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 101
1Silz Bernd GER 459 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 300
2Kolic Ivan SCG 36 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 275
3Novy Milan CZE 273-17 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 176
4Urban Vladislav CZE 337-5 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 168
5Kubicek Martin-jun CZE 222-44 180 180 180 180 169 180 180 1249
6Gey Andreas GER 2030 180 180 148 180 180 180 180 1228
7Absolon Stanislav-jCZE 222-55 180 180 180 150 145 180 180 1195
8Cihak Jan CZE 222-36 180 180 180 180 180 138 156 1194
9Piber Dietmar AUT 5200080883 180 180 180 180 180 95 180 1175
9Tedeschi Serge FRA 668 180 180 180 180 180 95 180 1175
11Hartl Martin CZE 156-11 180 180 180 180 91 180 180 1171
12Seren Thomas-jun GER 2826 180 180 84 180 180 180 180 1164
13Windisch Peter GER 2022 162 180 180 180 103 176 180 1161
14Kubes Vladimir CZE 222-14 180 180 180 180 180 86 172 1158
15Kolar Radovan CZE 260-10 78 180 150 180 160 180 180 1108
16Simlik Jan-jun CZE 222-54 137 180 110 121 180 149 180 1057
17MonninghoffPeter GER 26 180 180 180 94 177 169 5 985
18Rychnovsky Zdenek CZE 74-22 68 107 180 180 140 180 121 976
19Kolar Leopold CZE 260-9 116 180 109 118 91 111 180 905
20Morrell Roger USA 100068 180 180 180 0 0 140 180 860
21Dvorak Pavel CZE 74-4 180 180 0 75 180 180 58 853
22Teppo Sarpila FIN 573 146 173 180 87 138 80 0 804
23Trumpf Rudolf SUI 11207 180 148 109 88 131 86 5 747
24Meusburger Harald AUT 5200030188 180 172 82 0 0 0 0 434
25Waltonen Yrjo FIN 621 180 180 69 0 0 0 0 429
26Schmelter Uli GER 249 180 180 0 0 0 0 0 360
27Amthor Mike GER 2517 23 140 180 0 0 0 0 343
28Kubicek Pavel CZE 222-19 113 180 0 0 0 0 0 293
29Schoder Hans SUI 5525 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 180
30Salzer Klaus AUT 3200190031 82 0 0 0 0 0 0 82
1Truppe Reinhardt AUT 712 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260
2Wachtler Claus GER 2029 180 180 180 180 180 180 138 1218
3Patocs Laszlo HUN 387 180 180 180 180 111 180 176 1187
4Stetz Hans GER 259 180 180 180 180 122 180 155 1177
5Patek Vaclav CZE 242-2 140 180 173 180 142 118 127 1060
6Tietz Matthias GER 2169 96 180 82 180 165 180 167 1050
7Blazek Josef CZE 308-1 149 46 142 133 87 180 112 849
8Blatný Jaroslav CZE 308-1 79 180 31 110 28 149 152 729
9Nogga Manfred GER 2347 180 180 180 180 0 0 0 720
10Svrcek Josef CZE 242-5 86 180 180 48 48 47 85 674
11Clement Helmar GER 3134 180 132 180 0 0 0 0 492
Peter Watson
I recently looked at the FAI definition (Rule 3.3.1) of
a F1C model, which is as follows,
Model aircraft in which the energy is provided by a
piston type motor and in which lift is generated by
aerodynamic forces acting on surfaces remaining fixed in
flight, except for changes of camber or incidence.
Models with variable geometry or areas must comply with
the specifications when the surfaces are in minimum and
maximum extended mode.
This rule was obviously written before folding wing F1C’s
were conceived.
Clearly the surfaces of these models are not fixed in
Is the folding of the wings, simply a change in camber ?.
It could be argued that the camber has not changed, as
the wing panels are only connected at the hinges, and
latch up mechanism.
The rule obviously covers flapped wings, but I feel it is
flawed in relation to folding wings.
Ultimately, if a model was designed with wings that
folded completely, inside the fuselage, for the climb
phase, surely this could not be considered a change in
Am I missing something with this rule ?.
Vintage Glider Model - year Total
1 Des Slattery Nebula 195 180 180 180 540
2 Phil Mitchell Nebula 195 180 180 158 518
3 Malcolm Campbell Seraph 107 180 180 467
4 Col Somers Dream ??? 94 180 65 339
5 Colin Collyer Mantis 195 180 180
6 Van Richards-Smith ??? 20 11 31
Combined % Open Class Max F1 F2 F3 FO % %
1 Phil Mitchell F1H 120 120 120 120188 100
2 Colin Crowley F1B 180 180 180 180122 100
3 Rob Wallace F1A 180 180 180 180 28 100
4 Colin Collyer OR/OP 180 161 169 180 94
5 Roy Summersby Oz Diesel 120 120 120 96 93
6 Paul Rossiter F1B 180 180 133 161 88
7 Karen Kenmir F1B 180 170 110 180 85
8 Stan Hinds F1J 120 120 66 113 83
9 Terry Bond F1B 180 180 62 180 78
10 George Baynes F1G 120 120 66 87 76
11 Peter Braid P-30 120 120 120 67
12 Dave Hegarty P-30 120 120 120 67
13 Dianne Richards-Smith P-30 120 70 87 51 58
14 Van Richards-Smith P-30 120 59 60 72 53
15 Adam Braid (J) F1H 120 119 58 49
16 Dean Braid P-30 120 120 33
17 Tahn Stowe F1A 180 180 33
18 Leigh Morgan F1B 180 180 33
19 Vin Morgan F1H 120 120 33
20 Bill Pudney F1B 180 66 12
Oz Diesel
1 Roy Summersby 120 120 120 120 120 600
2 Peter Lloyd 100 100 120 120 110 550
3 Gary Pope 120 120 56 37 85 418
4 Dennis Parker 76 55 102 100 62 395
5 Barry Frederickson 64 53 48 42 82 289
6 Herbert Reich 38 30 44 50 48 210
7 Graham Maynard 45 37 73 155
8 Des Slattery 67 47 114
9 Malcolm Campbell 41 63 104
10 Col Somers 58 58
11 Phil Mitchell 15 15
12 Stan Hinds
13 Peter Cutler
1 Terry Bond AUS3107 240 180 180 180 180 180 1801320
2 Phillip Siefert (J) GER 2965 240 180 180 180 157 180 1801297
3 Peter Sikora AUS49403 212 180 180 180 180 180 1801292
4 Michael Siefert GER 1863 240 180 180 180 180 151 1801291
5 Alan McDonald NZL196 210 180 174 180 180 180 1801284
6 Leigh Morgan AUS48321 235 180 139 180 180 180 1801274
7 William Jones AUS8465 240 180 131 180 180 180 1801271
7 Richard Blackam AUS8740 240 180 180 165 146 180 1801271
9 Ted Woolley AUS39191 162 180 180 180 180 180 1801242
10 Paul Rossiter AUS20577 155 180 180 180 180 180 1801235
11 Brian van Nest USA23122 144 180 180 180 180 180 1801224
12 Ben Lewis AUS33462 240 180 180 180 180 180 711211
13 John Lewis AUS8019 240 170 123 136 180 180 1801209
14 Mark Armour AUS53780 240 180 103 180 180 180 1161179
15 Neil Murray AUS65713 98 180 180 180 180 151 1801149
16 David Ackery NZL76 240 82 180 180 103 180 1801145
17 Percy Wright AUS24964 157 180 159 180 180 180 971133
18 Bill Pudney AUS15512 158 180 136 180 112 180 1621108
19 Karen Kenmir AUS58548 240 180 118 180 102 180 961096
20 Ted Burfein AUS16390 76 110 180 180 180 173 1801079
21 Van Richards-Smith AUS9988 138 174 118 163 103 180 1601036
22 George Baynes AUS25763 196 109 180 98 105 154 109 951
23 Albert Fathers AUS65588 114 177 164 180 62 112 80 889
24 Barry Frederickson AUS16368 83 180 156 86 98 100 180 883
25 Gary Pope AUS38115 218 180 180 180 84 842
26 Adrian Bryant AUS11 134 180 314
27 Graham Maynard AUS9879 36 85 121
1 Roy Summersby 2153 240 180 180 180 180 180 1801320
2 Bill East 2995 240 180 180 180 180 1801140
3 Colin Crowley 9719 18 180 180 180 558
4 Henning Nyhegn DEN 1901 7 7
1 Roy Summersby 2153 Swiss Mi 180 180 180 540
2 Peter Lloyd 4483 Zoot Sui 180 180 180 540
3 Colin Collyer 3301 Stomper 94 180 180 454
4 Des Slattery 34 Stomper 85 180 116 381
5 Col Somers 16 Stomper 63 180 57 300
Vintage Rubber
1 Suzanne Hegarty 58526 Gollywoc 180 180 180 195 735
2 Dennis Parker 8719 Lanzo St 180 180 180 115 655
3 Malcolm Campbell 32060 Gollywoc 180 180 180 87 627
4 Peter Braid 54198 Gollywoc 180 160 180 520
5 Peter Cutler 12499 Kansas W 151 180 150 481
6 Colin Collyer 3301 1948 127 138 180 445
7 Dean Braid 65214 Gollywoc 180 170 79 429
8 Sergio Montes 58185 Gollywoc 94 149 180 423
9 Dianne Richards-Smith 53779 Hepcat 1 180 180 52 412
10 Col Somers 16 Flip Flo 111 161 112 384
11 Lewis Frederickson 66637 78 134 132 344
12 Herbert Reich 60657 121 111 103 335
13 Terry Bond 3107 Gollywoc 147 116 263
14 Don Pope 3195 157 157
15 Albert Fathers 85586 Korda St 54 54
16 Les Esquilant 60794 16 16
Open Rubber
1 Colin Collyer 180 180 180 338 878
2 Vin Morgan 180 180 180 316 856
3 Peter Sikora 180 180 180 260 800
4 Mark Armour 180 180 180 250 790
5 Paul Rossiter 180 180 180 240 780
6 Terry Bond 180 180 180 66 606
7 Leigh Morgan 180 180 175 535
8 George Baynes 180 172 147 499
9 Malcolm Campbell 180 136 180 496
10 Albert Fathers 130 180 180 490
11 William Jones 180 180 31 391
12 Colin Crowley 147 180 327
13 David Ackery 180 180
14 John Lewis 180 180
15 Colin Somers 41 41
Open Power
1 Roy Summersby 154 180 180 514
2 Peter Lloyd 107 141 138 386
3 Des Slattery 180 62 242
4 Colin Collyer 97 121 218
5 Gary Pope 99 99
6 Barry Frederickson 63 63
7 Col Somers 41 41
8 Stan Hinds 12 12
1 Tristan Siefert (J) 120 120 120 120 120 197 797
2 William Jones 120 120 120 120 120 166 766
3 Daniel Siefert(J) 120 117 120 120 120 597
4 Terry Bond 120 120 120 120 97 577
5 Malcolm Campbell 120 82 120 120 81 523
6 Mark Armour 86 68 120 120 120 514
7 Percy Wright 107 120 76 118 84 505
8 Suzanne Hegarty 109 120 66 89 120 504
9 Paul Rossiter 120 120 120 32 72 464
10 Roy Farren 62 120 120 67 79 448
11 Ted Woolley 53 61 56 118 120 408
12 Dianne Richards-Smith 61 109 120 50 50 390
13 Albert Fathers 120 77 53 250
14 Vin Morgan 120 120 240
1 Stan Hinds 120 110 120 120 120 590
2 Col Somers 120 120 65 120 120 545
3 Des Slattery 120 120 55 120 89 504
4 John Lewis 120 120 120 80 20 460
1 Phil Mitchell 120 120 120 120 120 234 600
2 Brian van Nest 120 120 120 120 120 208 600
3 David Ackery 120 119 120 120 111 590
4 Rob Wallace 120 76 120 120 120 556
5 Ben Lewis 120 120 65 120 120 545
6 Des Slattery 120 120 44 120 116 520
7 Van Richards-Smith 120 74 120 314
8 Ted Burfein 52 120 37 25 57 291
9 Vin Morgan 120 120 240
10 Jeremy Woolley 120 93 213
1 Len Surtees 25 60 60 35 38 60 180
2 Craig King 53 60 24 31 34 27 147
3 Dean Braid 29 16 29 9 6 18 76
4 Phil Mitchell 31 30 12 9 6 5 73
5 Les Esquilant 4 17 3 11 4 4 32
1 Ken Osbourne 19 60 7 35 14 60 155
2 Len Surtees 34 40 45 60 26 27 145
3 Dave Hegarty 56 25 5 19 47 35 138
4 Dean Braid 28 32 42 60 33 17 135
5 Terry Bond 6 45 47 42 134
6 Peter Braid 22 33 44 42 37 44 130
7 Phil Mitchell 6 6 16 20 6 30 66
1 Phil Mitchell AUS12594 180 180 180 180 180 98 1801178
2 Brian Van Nest USA23122 138 178 128 180 180 180 1581142
3 Jeremy Woolley AUS39083 180 180 171 125 115 180 1801131
4 Ben Lewis AUS33462 168 180 180 105 180 180 1351128
5 Antony Koerbin NZL4499 117 180 114 180 84 180 1801035
6 Craig King NZL3300 104 70 180 180 180 94 117 925
7 Rob Wallace NZL378 99 81 128 180 180 94 73 835
8 Albert Fathers AUS65588 95 180 140 54 78 62 65 674
9 Nikolay Nickolov AUS55663 113 57 64 180 140 29 79 662
10 Ted Burfein AUS16390 102 142 167 122 63 596
11 Gottfried Bachman SUI11562 129 55 83 98 180 545
12 Malcolm Campbell AUS52060 82 39 75 70 61 62 117 506
13 Van Richards-Smith AUS9988 119 35 56 40 59 132 441
14 Ardo Parma EST0048 67 156 161 384
15 Vin Morgan AUS19046 121 180 75 376
16 Tahn Stowe AUS3184 38 180 218
17 Neil Murray AUS65713 180 31 211
18 Len Surtees AUS53852 118 118
1 Paul Rossiter 120 120 120 360
2 Suzanne Hegarty 94 120 120 334
3 Terry Bond 120 120 25 265
4 Vin Morgan 120 120 240
5 Roy Farren 120 120
1 Roy Summersby AUS1352 240 180 180 180 180 180 1801320
2 Bill East AUS2995 240 180 180 180 180 1801140
3 Colin Crowley AUS9719 18 180 180 180 558
4 Henning Nyhegn DEN1901 7 7
1 Stan Hinds 32 34 66
2 Dave Hegarty 34 31 65
3 Dennis Parker 36 13 49
1 Tahn Stowe 1789
2 Phil Mitchell 1642
3 Dave Hegarty 1186
4 Van Richards-Smith 609
Austrailan Free Flight Champion 2006 : Roy Summersby
Bill Gordon Memorial Trophy (Best Overall Rubber): Terry Bond
Looking for Dave Johannes
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I hope Dave Johannes reads this as I need his mailing address.
Dave, your timers are ready to ship.
Rod Mogle
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello there,
I read about your ideas about a F1Q-timer in SEN.
If you think about developing something new in this direction it is my
belief that not only DT, but VIT and rudder must be part of the servo
functions. This does not necessarily mean a fine direct incidence control as
with current F1A or F1C timers, but intermediate positions to release trip
wires would be sufficient.
The power to weight ratio of even a conservative setup with a brushless
outrunner would be very difficult to trim without these features.
(and I am quite sure that the next step would be a bunt setup as well
On the other hand: For the mechanical minded a simplified version might just
deliver the motor control impulses if a switch controlled by a mechanical
timer is activated.
I would like to be informed about your further developments!
Klaus W. Salzer
J.-Hoenigsberger-G. 5
A-2540 Bad Voeslau
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Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I recieved a note from Nick Bosdet, with the above subject complaining about the
commerical practices of the "International Model Group" Steov Oleg's FAI's model
building enterprise.
It is SEN's policy to to get involved in disputes between suppliers and customer.
Normally we do not even mention that we we have recieced such an e-mail.
However in this case we have got other complaints about IMG.
So if you have have some outstanding issues with IMG, I suggest trhat
you contact Nick directly your self.
Roger Morrell