SEN 1037 - 16 Oct 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1429
SEN issue 1037 16 October 2006
Table of Contents
The Crucible - Coussens
Five years of Free Flight Quarterly - Montes
Finals Flash
BON Rule
The Crucible
Author :
OK, the Fly-Max-Win team didn't do so hot this time, but what a story to tell:
It's Thursday afternoon and F1A is flying round 13. Young "Ben 180" strings
out, thoughts of "coulda, shoulda, woulda" zinging around in his head,
realizing that he would have made the team but for round 12. But still,
there he is, ready to fly another round. Pete McQuade tows up next to him
and looks good from the get-go, sets up and launches. We turn to watch
the ship, when the bunt malfunctions and his ship goes in inverted.
We turn back to launch and instantly what appears to be a trash mover is in
fact a huge gust front that blows 25 kts or better. Chairs are tumbling and
real estate is blowing across the landscape as we try to shield the models
from the wind. It's readlily apparent that the wind is here to stay, and
ships down the line already on tow make huge banzai launches and zing downwind.
Ben realizes it's a new day, turns and faces into the wind, focusing intently
on some bushes about 200 feet upwind, looking for a calm. Lucenec 2002 all
over again, except no rain. After about ten minutes, a timer down the line
calls to me and tells me to put the model away, there's no way we can fly
in this. My reply is simply, "This is FAI. We fly."
About five minutes later, Ben turns back and yells, "Ready!" "Go!" The
model immediately streaks to the outside, but Ben adroitly brings it back to
vertical and lauches a towering bunt into a super thermal in the middle of the
gale. It's instantly evident the Buntbone's in lift as it climbs and
shoots downwind. The line erupts in cheers and applause, and we hi-five each
other as we pass, as he runs to get the chase bike and I run the opposite
direction to get the towline. Not even his baseball home-run hit at age 15
was this good.
Ben flew an epic flight that day. How could the finals end in a better way
than to buck the weather and fly on to a max? OK, a team spot would have
been cool, but despite the score, he left the field with his head held
high, with his proud father looking on.
Tom Coussens, "Squatter"
[We were on the flight line, have got Ken Bauer off a few minutes earlier,
Ken and most of the other team contenders go off just in front of the
dust devil that pre-ceeded the sudden weather chnage and significantly
increased wind. Ben did great launch is really tough conditions]
Five years of Free Flight Quarterly
Author :
With this issue Free Flight Quarterly has attained its fifth
anniversary, having reached issue #21. As we never say anything about
the magazine itself in these short announcements, it may be of certain
interest, in view of this anniversary, to tell a few things about it.
With the support of our readers we have had a modest but continuous
increase in circulation and reach now all continents, with the
majority of readers in USA and the UK. Its format has remained steady,
being largely a continuation of the fine work of our first producer,
Mrs. Jan Pudney of Adelaide. The team of four editors, each one
located in a different country has shown it is possible to conduct this
international operation by means of this wonderful instrument, the
Internet. They are John Barker (UK), Jean Wantzenriether (France), Chris
Stoddart (USA) and Sergio Montes (Australia). The magazine is printed
and distributed in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
Going now to our twenty-first issue, we have as special topic the
English Lightweight models, that interesting type created in wartime
England, and which resulted in simple rubber models of very easy
construction and quite formidable performance. These models are now very
much in vogue in the Small Vintage classes in the UK, but Free Flight
Quarterly readers will recall that even Bob White was attracted to them,
as the photo in FFQ#18 shows. In this issue we have a great introduction
on this class written and illustrated by Andrew Longhurst, followed by a
selection of the best English Lightweight models, including articles on
Hepcat, Buckeridge, Raff V and Scram/Pinocchio. Many more are listed
and illustrated by Longhurst and will perhaps be encountered in future
issues of FFQ.
But this issue is not wholly dedicated to English Lightweights and
there is a selection of other articles on different subjects. Bill Henn
introduces another of his special creations: the scale model of the
Reggiane 2005 Bifusoliero, a twin-fuselage Italian wartime project, and
already twice winner of the FAC Nats in the hands of Bill. John Henson
from NZ describes his quite astonishing retract/deploy gear installation
for rubber scale models and used in an Arado 240 twin. Carl Bakay tells
of a well engineered system for cutting balsa propellers in a a bandsaw.
Mick and Jane Howick detail the updates and mods on the classic Lulu
glider of John Barker to make it competitive in this year's most popular
postal event. George Schroedter presents the first part of his memoirs
of the Champion Model Products, the FF kit and supply California company
he ran for many years, and Anselmo Zeri is in best form talking about
his very successful Coxy F1B family, whose plan is included. The cover
and full list of contents of this issue are on our website:
Sergio Montes
Finals Flash
US Team for Ukraine 2007
Brian Van Nest [Only sportsman to max out]
Ken Bauer
Steve Spence
Plus - Mike Mckeever current f1A Champion
Walt Ghio
Roger Morrell
Bob Piserchio
[only 3 to max out]
Bucky Servaites
Dick mattis
Ron Mc Burnett
[Result of fly off- at the time we left the filed there was an
outstanding protest]
Full results Plus Livotto plus Sierra Cup Real soon now.
DEC. 2 -3, 2006 AT ELOY, ARIZONA
Saturday, Dec. 2, 2006 Sunday, Dec. 3, 2006
F1A, F1B, and F1C/F1P combined F1G, F1H, F1J
Seven 1 hr. Rounds, 3 min. Max Five 1 hr. Rounds
1st Round may be extended 2 min. Max
1st Round starts at 8:30 AM 1st Round starts at 8:30 AM
Fly-off schedule after Round 7 Fly-off schedule after Round 5
Entry Fees
$20.00 first Open event
Individual Awards to 3rd Place
$10.00 additional events
in all events
$ 5.00 per event for Seniors (15-18)
Juniors (under 15) fly for free
Please note that timers are not provided. It is the responsibility of the flyer to
have a timer for all rounds and for the fly-off timer pool. F1C and F1P are combined for
awards but will be reported separately for America’s Cup points.
Directions to field: from I-10 Exit #203 (Toltec Road) go South on Toltec Road for
5.3 miles, flying field is on your right, watch for sign.
Accommodations: Camping on the field is possible
Motels Exit #203: Super 8 (520.466.7804), Red Roof Inn (520.466.2522)
Motels Exit #200: Motel 6 (520.836.3323), Days Inn (520.426.9240)
Restaurants & Fuel Services at Exits 203, 200, 194
Contest Director:
Elmer Nelson
16215 S 7th Dr
Phoenix, AZ 85045
There will also be a full slate of AMA, Nostalgia, and OT events flown at the
ARIZONA FF CHAMPIONSHIPS (a National Cup Contest) Saturday and Sunday on the same
See separate flier for events flown. The maximum entry fee to fly in both contests
in any event is $30.00
bom rule
Author :
i would like to say congrats and a job well done to
the club that said no to the bom rule and allow any
models to be flown at there monthly contests
the bom rule is probably the dumbest rule in the ama
rule book.
the bom rule is not being inforced and it is
impossable to inforce it.
if the c d ask the flyer if he or she has built said
model and he or she says yes i built .it there is no
way on earth that the cd can prove that he or she did
or didnot build the model.than comes the question did
you build 50 percent of the model?
someone please tell me how you would brake down tha
model into percentages?
there are a lot of models being built and sold coming
from russia.
some are complete and ready to fly and some are in
partial kit form.
i got one of the partial kits and it was georgious
everything fit perfect and was well built.
i contacted the tech director at ama and told him just
what i had to do to finish this beuaty to get it into
the air and asked him if this would be able to be
flown in ama events under the bom rule.
well after a lot of hem hawing back and forth the tech
director said that this would not meet the bom rule
and could not be flown in ama events.
well other modelers are flying this very same model in
ama contests all over the country even the nats at
Munci and cleaning everybody elses plow with them.
this just shows that the nats cd and ama tech director
are not even trying to inforce the bom rule becauseit
is impossable to inforce.
something to think about isn't it?
thx Don.
Roger Morrell