SEN 927 - 22 Jan 2005
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- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 1557
SCAT Electronic News 22 Jan 2005 issue 927
Table of Contents
SWR Results
2004 Az Champs Final Results
A Call For Draftsmen - Sympo
Lost Hills Update
Conditions on I-5 south near Templin Highway
Aircraft in "The Aviator" - Clemens
Antipodean Teams - Vincent
Mac's Monokote dilemma - Leeper
Turbulators - H
Fw: Fwd: Re: FAI Stamp - Gregorie, Kaynes and the Ed.
Haggart Bowden Postponed and Perris is flooded
2005 SWR Results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It was good to see you again! The following is a short contest report for
At the start of the week it was raining in Phoenix, but by Thursday the Eloy
field was dry enough for Elmer Nelson to get his modest camping trailer onto
the field with no problems. By Saturday there were only moderate winds, and
by Eloy standards an almost tepid temperature to start the day. Picking air
was more difficult than many times in the past and over the two-day event
only 34 contestants out of 75 made it to the fly-offs. Of those who fell
prey, several dropped with less than 30 seconds over the initial 5 or 7
rounds. Elmer is currently working on a complete contest report that will be
published in the NFFS Digest.
We would like to thank all of the contestants who were able to attend, and a
special THANKS to those that remained as timers, you made our job as CDs so
easy! In addition, a special thanks to Elmer Nelson who spent several days
getting the field set-up for the contest; Peter and Brigit Brocks for their
continued hard work and support; and the other members of Southwest
Regionals Committee and the Phoenix Model Airplane club who maintain the
field; order the trophies; and do all of the other things that make this
contest so good.
For those of you how were not able to make it this year, we missed you, and
hope to see you again next year. Once again, Thanks for making this a great
-- Hermann Andresen and John Nystedt, Contest Directors --
2005 SW Regionals
F1A - 26 Contestants Round
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Totals
1 Ken Bauer 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 295 1,855
2 Don Zink 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 276 1,836
3 Dallas Parker 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 261 1,821
4 Brian VanNest 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 250 1,810
5 Micheal Thompson 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 248 1,808
6 Peter Brocks 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 251 1,511
7 Lee Hines 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 250 1,510
8 Andrew Barren 180 180 180 180 180 176 180 1,256
9 Tom Coussens 180 180 169 180 180 180 180 1,249
10 Ernesto Busnelli 177 180 180 170 180 180 180 1,247
11 Pierre Brun 180 180 166 180 180 180 180 1,246
12 Jim Farmer 180 157 180 180 180 180 180 1,237
13 Ryan Archer 180 180 180 152 180 172 180 1,224
14 Brian Bauer 180 142 180 180 180 180 180 1,222
15 Jim Parker 180 180 180 180 141 180 173 1,214
16 Mike Mc Keever 180 180 180 180 115 180 180 1,195
17 Risto Puhakka 180 180 170 180 151 180 135 1,176
18 David Oldfield 180 180 180 119 142 180 180 1,161
19 Sam Farmer 180 180 118 180 180 180 133 1,151
20 Ben Coussens 180 180 117 180 145 180 135 1,117
21 Randy Secor 180 180 29 180 180 180 180 1,109
22 Norm Smith 180 180 175 22 180 180 180 1,097
23 Chuck Markos 180 175 125 77 167 180 180 1,084
24 Jon Davis 180 180 180 180 108 138 100 1,066
25 Billy Farmer 168 180 58 79 180 180 100 945
26 Logan Tetrick 70 180 84DNF DNF DNF DNF 334
F1B - 12 contestants Round
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Totals
1 George Batiuk 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 348 1,908
2 Blake Jensen 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 321 1,881
3 Rich Rohrke 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 320 1,880
4 John Clapp 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 140 1,700
5 Elmer Nelson 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 249 1,509
6 Roger Morrell 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 106 1,366
7 Jack Emery 180 180 180 180 180 170 180 1,250
8 Eddie Vanlandingham 180 180 180 153 180 180 180 1,233
9 Paul Crowley 180 136 180 180 151 180 180 1,187
10 Mike Woodhouse 180 180 161 152 149 163 180 1,165
11 Larry Norvall 180 180 149 149 180 53DNF 891
12 Richard Wood 180 180 180 137DNF DNF DNF 677
F1C - 3 Contestants Round
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Totals
1 Randy Archer 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 451 1,711
2 Terry Kerger 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 380 1,640
3 Daryl Perkins 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 358 1,618
F1P Round
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Totals
1 Cody Secor 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1,260
2 Sean Andrews DNF DNF DNF 180 92 180 24 476
F1G - 18 Contestants Round
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Totals
1 Jack Emery 120 120 120 120 120 180 229 1,009
2 Peter Brocks 120 120 120 120 120 180 228 1,008
3 Alan Petersen 120 120 120 120 120 180 211 991
4 Tiffaney O'Dell 120 120 120 120 120 180 168 948
5 Chuck Markos 120 120 120 120 120 180 780
6 Bob White 120 120 120 120 120 162 762
7 Roger Morrell 120 120 120 120 120 119 719
8 William Gannon 120 120 120 120 120 5 605
9 John Clapp 120 120 120 120 111 591
10 Richard Wood 120 120 120 120 104 584
11 Larry Norvall 120 120 93 120 120 573
12 Eugene Jenson 91 120 120 120 120 571
13 Bernie Crowe 120 120 120 88 120 568
14 Elmer Nelson 120 120 120 120 83 563
15 Eddie Vanlandingham 120 93 120 12 120 465
16 Alan Mecham 120 120 120 86DNF 446
17 Willard Smitz DNF 84 97 102 65 348
18 Paul Crowley 120 120DNF DNF DNF 240
F1H - 8 Contestants Round
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Totals
1 Lee Hines 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 269 1,289
2 Brian Van Nest 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 213 1,233
3 Mike Mc Keever 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 183 1,203
4 Dallas Parker 120 120 120 120 120 180 229 1,009
5 Jon Davis 120 120 120 120 120 160 760
6 Ryan Archer 120 120 95 120 120 575
7 Ernesto Busnelli 120 120 120 86 118 564
8 Norm Smith 120 120 107 38 120 505
F1J - 6 Contestants Round
Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Totals
1 Randy Archer 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 300 1,320
2 Lynn Pulley 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 275 1,295
3 Terry Kerger 120 120 120 120 120 180 240 233 1,253
4 Jeff Ellington 120 120 120 120 120 180 165 945
5 Michael Thompson 120 120 120 120 120 27 627
6 Daryl Perkins 120 120 110DNF DNF 350
Final Results Arizona FF Championships
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The following is a short AZ Free Flight Championships contest report for
When we left you last we were still digging out of the mud at the December
Arizona Free Flight Championships, and needed to complete the fly-offs in
F1A and F1G. As noted in the SWR report, the field dried off and we were
able to complete the December contest fly-offs during the 2005 Southwest
Regionals Contest.
The following are the final placements:
F1A Place
1 Jim Parker
2 Mike McKeever
3 Ryan Archer
4 Tom Coussens
5 Ernesto Bushnelli
6 Lee Hines
7 Peter Brocks
F1B Place
1 Elmer Nelson
2 Richard Wood
3 John Clapp
F1C - None -
F1G Place
1 Peter Brocks
2 Richard Wood
F1H Place
1 Ryan Archer
F1J - None -
A Call For Draftsmen
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NFFS's '05 Ten Models of The Year is gearing up. Various model plans
have been submitted but most have to be reorganized and redrawn
for clarity and precision. The plans are usually sport full size wing
and stab sections with construction details. In addition, a plan should
contain essential dimension and warps.
Drafting can be done electronically or on paper, and the plans typically
require some final touches.
If you are up polishing your drafting skills, or would like to assist in
the Sympo publication please volunteer to draw one of the models.
The payment, in kind, is a free Sympo if the plan is actually used.
Aram Schlosberg
Chairperson, TMoY '05
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Lost Hills Update
In light of the message below and the one about Perris here is a
Lost Hills update.
I as at Lost Hills today Saturday Jan 22. The problems reported below on the
I-5 are almost completely repaired and there was delay in going either way.
Over the last 3 months it has rained quite a lot a Lost Hills. There
is now more GREEN grass that we have seen for years. The weather was calm,
there was a slight tule fog and the ceiling was probably too low
for a F1C, but a family of crows and I had an excellent flying
The entrance road had couple of mud puddles on that I had to
drive through to make sure the Quattro system on my Audi was functioning
correctly. A more normal person could have driven around them
and not even go their car dirty. The roads are fine. As always at Lost Hills
watch for holes on the field.
Looks great for the Ike and MM in February.
Conditions on I-5 south near Templin Highway
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
These messages date to at the begiing of last week. See the Lost Hill status
entry above for an update.
Subject: Re: Conditions on I-5 south near Templin Highway
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 16:53:24 -0800
Mr. Coleman,
Thank you for your inquiry regarding the status of I-5. I am referring
your inquiry to our Public Affairs unit for ongoing updates. They will be
more than happy to add your email address to their distribution list for
Deborah Robertson
Deputy District Director, External Affairs
100 S. Main, Suite 100
Los Angeles, California 90012
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
----- Original Message -----
To:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date: 01/18/2005 01:27:49 PM
Subject: Fw: Conditions on I-5 south near Templin Highway
Deborah Robertson,
I emailed Ms. Cindy Walker about conditions on I-5 near Templin Hwy this
morning. Mr.
Len Nelson answered my email expeditiously I might add, that you may be
able to answer my questions about how long repairs might take? and what the
impact might be on both north and south traffic through this area. I belong
to a group of folks who hold flying events in the South San Joaquin Valley
throught out the year. These events are attended by many folks who both
in Southern California and travel from around the world to these events
through LAX. We like to provide info that makes their trip both timely and
Best Regards,
Roger Coleman
4737 Boyar Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90807-1238
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 12:51 PM
Subject: Conditions on I-5 south near Templin Highway
> Hello Mr. Coleman:
> I am the manager of the Caltrans Highway Information Network here in
> Sacramento and have been asked to respond to your e-mail inquiry about
> southbound Interstate 5 near the Templin Highway.
> You have asked a question that is probably best answered by Deborah
> Robertson of our Public Information Office in Los Angeles. We report
> current highway information on our Highway Conditions website and cannot
> project openings for closed highways in the south state.
> However, from what I've overheard here in Sacramento, our maintenance
> forces are constructing an emergency detour around the damaged area.
> Their
> hope is to reopen three lanes in each direction by paving the median area
> and using the fast lane of the northbound side for southbound traffic.
> After the initial excavation and site preparation, they discovered
> additional issues with ground water intrusion. As of this morning at
> 9:30
> am, they're projecting that there will be only one southbound lane open
> for
> at least the next 7-10 days while they attempt to de-water the area.
> For more updated information, Ms. Robertson can be reached at
> 213-897-0362,
> or through her departmental e-mail address; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
> Len Nelson
> Division of Maintenance
Aircraft in "The Aviator"
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To Ed Whatshisname who inexplicably derided the flying sequences in "The
I saw this excellent film last Friday and enjoyed it immensely. Yes, the
aircraft shown were often portrayed as computer animations, but I thought
they looked just fine. Ed, what would you have wanted instead? Unfortunately
there are no XF-11 photo recon planes left (only two were built; one
crashed); the Hughes racer now reposes in the National Air and Space Museum
and a lovely replica of it crashed several years ago. And of course the
Hughes Hercules flying boat (there is no spruce in it) is also grounded
forever in a museum up in Oregon. Perhaps you could suggest to us what
existing aircraft could have flown as live stand-ins for these famous- and
totally unique- Hughes designs.
You told us, "At least the British in their movies, films, namely THE BATTLE
OF BRITAIN used great model making in lieu of expensive stupidity." Ed,
that "great model making" may have been state of the art 35 years ago when
"BOB" was first released, but to me those Stukas exploding look precisely
like what they were: RC models blowing up in a most unrealistic manner.
Lacking the various full-size Hughes aircraft to fly as themselves in the
movie, I thought director Martin Scorsese did the next best thing by using
pretty damned good computer animation. Why you should be so upset by this is
beyond me. "Cartoons'"? Nonsense!
Bob Clemens
Antipodean Teams
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger, have not seen any news on the Australasian teams for the worlds,
so here goes,
New Zealand,
F1A: Antony Koerbin, Craig King, Chris Murphy.
F1B: Alan McDonald, David Ackery, Lincoln Vincent.
No F1C.
F1A: Phil Mitchell, Vin Morgan, Martin Williams.
F1B: Richard Blackham, Terry Bond, Leigh Morgan
F1C: Roy Summersby, Bill East, Jon Fletcher.
I note the return of Jon Fletcher, the Morgan husband and wife (and tracker
beacons) and the Ackery/Vincent mothers living in the same retirement
village. (make what ye will of that).
Mac's Monokote dilemma
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[Or should I call you Monokote Mac?]
My experience matches your tests.
If you have turbulation that has shown good glide action, then smoother
or rougher underneath seems to not matter. Micafilm or Icarex or Polyspan,
seem to perform equally, even though the surfaces have slightly different
smoothness. It seems to me that the correct height and location of the
turbulator[s] is primary factor.
My guru for low RN info, Hank Cole, sez: allways trim the model first without
any turbs, then try them and see what happens.
Some airfoils and plane configurations don't need any at all.
If I have a glide trim problem, I usually find the cure in going back to check
CG loc, or fix wrong twist[s] of the flying surfaces.
Not because the turbulation is wrong.
BTW, I have had and seen other gliders that did not fly[i.e., thermal] worth
a d**n, no matter where you turbed it, put the CG or revised surface twists.
In those cases, the magic fix was to add dihedral to center panels.
So I say, leave your Monokote color trim alone and rest easy for 2 years.
[Disclaimer: not aspiring to Guru status]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks for supporting the SWR.
Sorry I didn't get to put in my 2 cents worth to the bigot @ SWR.
Look in any fluids text at drag coeff vs Reynolds No and see a flat plate has a
low RN region where orag is independent of turbulators/roughness and a high RN
region where any turbulator or roughness is always bad. A circular cylinder
always has higher drag than a flat plate. It also is unaffected by surface
irregularities at low RN and always hurt at high RN.
There is a narrow transition
region where the drag can actually be reduced eg dimpled golf ball. Obviously
any ball, no matter whether dimpled or smooth will have more drag than a flat
plate (at 0deg) of the same dia.
The same is true of airfoils, even full scale versions (see SYMPO 88). A
cambered plate or single surface airfoil will not only have more lift and
less drag (in the glide at least) it will also not be helped by turbulators
so you can forget them.
As an easy srep in that direction you can leave off the bottom covering, saving
a few grams and some building time. If you want more bouyancy for LOW , you
can cover the bottom a panel at a time and see if some other flotation device
would be better for flying near water.
Sounding like a broken record,
Fw: Fwd: Re: FAI Stamp
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Message from Martin Gregorie forwarded as he requested.
I can add a response to his question to me - the FAI do not charge for the
stamp specifically, the charge they make is a total national subscription
fee for each country. Historically these have been set at different levels
according to the amount of aviation activity in each country, there is now a
move towards basing it on some explicit count of the number of airsport
participants. On either count of activity the USA is at the top of the list
and pays the highest level of fee. Intrinsically this should come to the
same level of cost per person in all countries spread across their active
membership but it seems the chosen distribution of fees in USA are more
loaded on to a smaller number of people.
Ian Kaynes
[Ian the complaint is not that we have to pay the fee but that
it is require for a person who does not do international flying -
except in the MaMmen. The UK equlivalent is that all paticipant
in the Stonehenge cup requiee a FAI Stamp - even id they never
fly in a FAI outside the UK.]
----- Original Message -----
The following is a reply I sent to SCAT. Unfortunately, somebody has
done something to a mail server in front of SCAT since 1st Jan because
emails sent since them are being rejected. Anyway, my view supports
yours but adds experience of FAI licenses in the full-size world. If you
agree with it, please forward to SCAT.
-----Forwarded Message-----
>> Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. wrote:
>> Along with many others, I am very disturbed over the fact that FAI is
>> now insisting that we pay $50 for an FAI stamp in order to compete in
>> the two World Cup contests here. It is not so much that we can not
>> afford the $50; rather this cost really amounts to the straw that broke
>> the camel's back. Free flight is no longer an inexpensive hobby. The Max
>> Men and the Sierra Cup are the most costly contests.
I'd suggest that the fault, if thats what it is, lies with your national
aeroclub, not the FAI or CIAM. I have a number of reasons thinking this:
1. your national aeroclub is the USA's representative at the FAI.
Your CIAM representatives are delegates of your national
2. I've just paid my CIAM competition license fee this year. In the
UK it cost GBP 10.00 (about $US 18.30).
3. I also have an FAI Soaring competition license, which cost me
GBP 14.00 (about $US 25.60) last year.
4. Last year there was discussion on rec.aviation.soaring about the
cost of FAI competition licenses and soaring badge applications
in the USA. Again the numbers quoted were at least double the
cost we pay here in the UK.
I find it unlikely that the FAI would charge different nations different
fees for the same items, but I could be wrong. Maybe Ian Kaynes can
correct me on this point. In any case, it seems to me that the right
place to take this up is firstly with the AMA and then with your
national aeroclub, which represents the AMA at the FAI.
Hope this helps,
Martin Gregorie
Haggart Bowden Postponed and Perris is flooded
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and others
Hi Everyone: I have been holding back the newsletter as long as
possible to see what we should do about our Haggart Bowden contest. I
drove to Perris today and the field is on poor shape still. Please read
the following excerpts from the newsletter (which will be in the mail
Tuesday or Wednesday).
The Haggart Bowden IS POSTPONED!!!!!!
The significant rain here in Southern California has put a damper on
more than just my mood; it put the Haggart Bowden contest in jeopardy.
I have been in constant communication with Allen Heinrich, and we have
been weighing our options, holding back the newsletter as long as
possible. My Dad and I went to Perris and the field is not in good
enough condition to hold the contest. Allen Heinrich made the decision
to postpone the contest until February 20th. Look for an updated flier
in this newsletter. If anything changes, we will try to notify everyone
before the 20th.
Flying in So Cal
Our weekly flying sessions at Perris have come to a splashing halt.
Every once in a while, we have an anomaly in our wonderful sunshine
state; rain! But, rarely do we have it in the quantity we have seen in
the past month. A friend who lives in the Wildomar, California area
(near the Perris field) received 15 inches in his rain gauge over a 10
day period. Today, January 22, 2005, my Dad and I drove to the Perris
to see the current condition of the Perris field. I was shocked to see
how much standing water was there, especially across the canal. Between
the canal and the 215 freeway is about 50 percent underwater. Under and
around the water is a freshly disked field, so chasing in that direction
is impossible. On Wednesday, Bruce Kramer flew his Quaker and put it in
the canal (see pictures elsewhere in this newsletter). He was able to
retrieve it from the canal, and after letting it dry out, tried to fly
it again. The model landed in the field between the canal and 215
freeway, between to of the larger =E2=80=9Clakes=E2=80=9D, where it is
still sitting, impossible to get to. While we were there, we drove on
the far side of the canal to see if we could retrieve the model for him.
We looked for a good path, and found none. If the Perris local sketchy
crack-heads won't walk out there to steal it, then you know it
is impassable.
Because of the condition of the field, Allen Heinrich and I thought the
best thing to do was to postpone the contest. We looked to see the best
date would be, trying not to interfere with any other planned events.
Two dates were feasible, the 13th and the 20th. Because I really
doubted the field would be flyable in two weeks, we pushed it back to
the 20th. That also allows us to give another short warning if the date
has to be moved again. In the event we have more rain, and can not host
it on the 20th, I will put the next newsletter out a little early with
that information.
Thanks, Kevin
Wew have fixed most of the network and e-mail problems we have had
on and off over the last few weeks - applogies for duplication etc.
No slights intneted by sending multiple copies or bouncing e-mails!
Roger Morrell