SEN 932 - 13 Feb 2005
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- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 1266
SCAT Electronic News 13 February 2005 issue 932
Table of Contents
Aero Cup - Deloach
What is going on - beats me - Mate
A cry for decency at the MaxMen Banquet - MAC
gabor E MAIL
nAME change? - Leaper or is it Looker
Which Fokker was that that - JOR
IKE Flash
Power of SEN
Aero Cup?
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Wake Flyers:G
When is the last time anyone saw the Aero Cup? It was awarded for 1st
place in Wakefield at the NATS.=20
On a recent trip to Muncie I noticed it was missing from the display
Don DeLoach
NFFS Publicity
(working on FINALLY getting all of the Nats FF trophies updated)
What is going on - beats me
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What the hell is going on! I have been an AMA member for over 40 years
record of my AMA number 18333??? Only radio guys get recorded?
Ed Mate
A cry for decency at the MaxMen Banquet
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A cry for decency at the MaxMen Banquet
As I have been getting my gear in order and my head on straight for the
upcoming MaxMen, I stumbled across a scribbled note I made on napkin
last year which stained with wine and food. At last years banquet I had
the honor of sitting at the same table as Roger and Lindy Morrell.
While I have always realized that Lindy is a half a bubble off level,
unlike me who is completely off level, I was surprised at the frisky
behavior that took place at our table. We all know that Roger is the
electronic guru of our sport and of course both Roger and Lindy had
their palm pilots with them at the banquet. That makes a lot of sense,
right? Like, what are they going to do, program some timers at the
dinner table? I don't think so. The answer was soon to come. After much
wining and dining, and little more wining, I caught Roger and Lindy in
the act of having palm pilot sex at the table. I almost fell out of my
chair as Lindy pleaded, beam me Roger, beam me. Roger was twiddling
around and said something about not being able to get his stylus out.
I don't know what they were beaming back and forth but I can assure you
that the Pope would have turned as white as his frock. This went on
until something caused them beaming interuptuss. I could have sworn
that Rogers stylus was worn down to a stub. I can assure you the Lindy
was as giddy as a teen ager. I just want to warn everyone before hand
in case you are the bashful type. As for me I'm bringing my palm pilot
to the banquet, Lindy, can I sit at your table?
Mac, the beaming bigot
gabor E MAIL
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The gabor`s mail is:
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nAME change?
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Hi RM,
I noticed you have changed the name on #931 issue to 'wCAT'.
Just wondering...does the 'w' stand for 'wORLD'? oR wHAT?
Leeper, the head scratcher...hmmmm...
Some things are just like they are - contary to the opinions
of various honored subscribers there are no heavy conspiracy theories.
It does not mean that SEN is being subverted by waydio control,
the illuminati or even the FAI. A more likley explanation is possible
but seeing Mac the Beamer has already offered an insight into the
machinations of the editorial staff .. no futher
explanation is offered]
Which Fokker was that that
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AT least several of the "Fokker D7s" were Travel Air 2000 (I think) biplanes.
They were known thereafter as "Wichita Fokkers."
Jim O'Reilly
IKE Flash
Just back from Lost Hills - Great contest, great weather
F1A - Nyghen
F1B - Kulkovsky
F1A - Verbitsky
F1H - Kochkarv
F1G - Gorban
F1J - Menano
Vintage Wake - Bob White
Gollywock - Bob White
Cat Glider - Lee Hines
P -30 Clapp ?
Top Lady Score - Vivchar
Biggest disappointment - no one who won the Stan Buddenbohm gliders
on the first day put them together to beat the Leaper's
token performance in the cat glider contest the next day.
Great to see SCAT's star of screen and TV - Dick Gildersleeve
on the field and actually flying - Dick took a model
out of the attic to fly in Vintage wake. Also Livotto's
Italian Job looked great too. Kudos to 2005 world champs
organizer Hugo Benedini for bring that selection of rubber models from
Argentina to take part in the festivities.
Furtani's famous peanut at the official table were a hit -
it even motivated some people to get thier cards in almost
on time.
Managed to get the F1J flyoff done with haveing to resort to
the usual trickery and draconian launch windows. Guy M
gets the Oscar for the hovering f1J and squeezing a win
after an over run and bad air dumped the others. What else
does one expect from someone in the Biz.
New local produce awards - pistachios in crystal bowls for
the premier places was washed down with the champagne from
the Champagne flyoff winners.
Great the see the East european factories trying out thier next
year's stuff. Verbitsky had an out rigger F1C prop
that folds backwards. Igor Vivchar daughter Veronika contining
her appreniceship in the family business. Saw Stamov
trying out some new stuff on Randy "The Collector" Weiler.
I'm glad to see that in his retirement Mr Fu kept a a loud
hailer for me to play with.
Power of Sen
or is it Zen ?
Blake Jensen reports that with 24 hours of the last SEN
coming out he had receievd 60 orders for the soon
to be classic USA Argentina t-shirt. so if you did not
order yours be sure to get your order
in real soon now.
Roger Morrell