SEN 934 - 24 Feb 2005
- Details
- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 1335
SCAT Electronic News 24 February 2005 issue 934
Table of Contents
Cuffmac Calendar 2005
Re:Medallion.049 piston & cylinder
Huron Cup 2005 - GMcG
Walston 4 sale - Ray and Coleman
Krylon Section
Re: Krylon Products...A question from Mike S.
Paints info - Buntnelli
Krylon is - Myers
Paints and Galaxie plans - Markos
WC score error - Furutani
F1E News
Other F1E News
Mini F1E - Square Eeeeek
Deviation from editorial policy
Cuffmac Calendar 2005
This is the California, Arizona and Nevada FF calendar
for 2005 - attached.
Re:Medallion.049 piston & cylinder
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Quite by accident it was discovered that the currently manufactured
Texaco.049 cylinders are identical to the slit exhaust version Medallion
cylinders (two equal sized slits, two bypass, two boost ports as per
current Nostalgia rules.) They are available from ESTES part # 1476
(Cylinder, Piston & Rod.) Although not cheap, at least they can be
Bob lipori
Huron Cup 2005
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Toronto Free Flight Group
Presents the Fifth Annual
Huron Cup
A World Cup and America's Cup Competition
Dates: Saturday, July 2 and Sunday, July 3, 2005
Place: CFB Borden, Angus, Ontario
Events: F1A, F1B, F1C (Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning), F1G, F1H,
F1J (Saturday)
Entry fees: $30 for F1A, F1B, F1C $20 for F1G, F1H, F1J
CD: Jerry McGlashan
372 6th Concession Rd., R. R. #1,
Clear Creek, ON N0E 1C0
Phone: (519) 875-2734
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Something to do while we're waiting for the humungous thermals to
Saturday 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.-
Barbecue featuring Hungarian sausages and hamburgers, chips and soft
Map showing entry to the field available on request.
Walston 4 sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Roger,
Will you please put this in SCAT user.
For sale- Roger Coleman's Walston Retrieval System's TRX-3S receiver
with folding antenna and two moda 2338 xmitters. Nearly new $500.00.
Call Ralph Ray @ 619-766-4650 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you, Roger.
Re: Krylon Products...A question from Mike S.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mike...Krylon is a spray paint used by many of us to cover Jap Tissue with
a clear coat. It is slightly heavier than clear nitrate,but it has much more
flexibility. It can also be used to cover other materials.
It is produced by The Sherwin Williams Company [ an American Paint producer]
in Cleveland Ohio 44115 USA. You can call them at 800.247.3268. They may be
able to tell you how to obtain it" across the pond".
I have used it on several rubber powered scale airplanes and am very happy
with the results.
If you need more info or have me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it._
(mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) .
Best Thermals.....Roger W. Orbiteers, San Diego CA. USA
Paints info
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It is used for keeping drawings from smudging. I use it on pencil and
charcoal perspectives and renderings.
It will make the drawing stay put inspite of handling and it improves the
between lines of different weight. I have an old can and the number is 1306
not 1301
but the difference should be the coloring only since this can does not say
The coat is workable and even after sprayed you can use and eraser and
the drawing if need be.
If you find it use it outdoors because it is really nasty stuff.
Hope it helps.
Krylon is
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Krylon is an acrylic lacquer that comes in a very wide range of colors. It's
packaged in an aerosol spray can. It's fuel proof insofar as model diesel
fuel is concerned, and might handle FAI fuel. It drys very quickly--usually
dry to the touch within a couple of minutes for a light coat, and fully dry
within 15 minutes after application. Look for it in do it yourself or hardware
Mike Myers
Paints and Galaxie plans
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Krylon brand paint that Seagrave is looking for is an acrylic lacquer
based coating. A quick search of the internet will show several suppliers in t
US as well as Europe for similar lacquers. They are widely available.
The last person who I've seen fly an 1/2A-Galalxie is Jr World Champion John
T Lorbiecki. Maybe they still have the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
I've still got a set of ribs and fuselage sides that I cut out about 20 years
Chuck Markos
WC score error
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Rog,
Just got the SEN. Was too slow on the send button. The error in the Winter
Classic score was Tom Laird's in Nos Wake. He should be a total of 749sec.
Third place. Award presentation was correct, transcription from the score
sheet to pc was the problem. I think he'll understand - might cost me a
- Norm
F1E News
The US Team has been selected for the upcoming World Champs in Slovakia,
Tom Ioerger
Vince Crogan
Peter Brcoks
alternate Ken Bauer
Current World Champ Bob Sifleet will of course be taking part too.
Best Wishes from SCAT to them all.
Ken Bauer can now truely be called the Alternate glider guy in more
ways than one . He is the alternate for both the F1A and F1E teams ..
but better or worse depending if you are a ludster or not ...
ken's first F1E has it's magnetic motions genetaed by a battery.
Ken's adapted F1A started it's flight with a killer bunt and
generally performed very well .. a clever circling concept shot him in
the foot on a couple of rounds. Just a little more development needed.
Remember this guy had not seen an F1E event before last week.
This F1E is just another part of Ken's alternate glider family,
the other member is the infamous [acording to the ludster] discus
launch HLG. What next ?
Other F1E News
Planned for next year is a World Cup F1E to be held between the
Isaacson Winter Classic and the MaxMen International. This
secret project with the code name of the Brown Material Cup
[after Brown Material Road near the Lost Hills site .. not the
body of the Hill or surface of the road etc ...] Look for an
annoucement soon fron SCAT Central with the real name of the
event. Remember you can slip one of these babies in your model box
with that hulking F1C and enjoy a quiet day on the hill side.
News of this came out to SCAT members the same day that George W
[not George Bat] said he would fix Social Security. This fixing
so concerned America's Cup Godfather Al Hotard that he immediately applied
for the Brown Material Mule franchise so he could augment his retirement
income to compensate for GW's fixing. For those not familar with the F1E
event, a mule is the preferred way of getting back to the top of the hill.
Especially that Brown Mound on Holloway. Al will have mules and mule
feed in his livery stable. Being a environmentally concerned citizen, Al has
already assured Cal OSHA that all mule output will be transported
by his grandsons from the hill to the "World Champs" flight line to
boost of the Kerger-Raymond turf replentishment program.
Mini F1E
Seen at the Winter Classic F1E contest the F1Eeeeeks. Only rule is
span of 60 cm. Peter Brocks has the magnet pod kit and you only need
simple winks and Fuz. Normf adapted Square Eagle flying surfaces with
a kit carbon rod fuselage to make his Square Eeeeek. According to Nork
it was great watching a FF ship from the top rather than from underneath.
An eagle's eye view ?
So get ready for next year and get that steering unit from Peter and
start building, suitable even for the ludster. The carbon boom in Norms
model can be replaced by WOOD!
I realize that plagerism is maybe the sincerest form of flattery but the term
Luddite first appeared in SEN way back b4 the Luddite Free Flight Team.
So to record for whatever and when ever ... ludster first used in
a Free Flight contest SEN Feb 24, 2005 copyright Roger Morrell
Deviation from editorial policy
At the Maxmen I had a discussion from long free flighter and SEN
contributor Brokenspar who questioned why printed or did not print
something. I admit BrokenSpar sometimes pushes the limit but
I print most things. Sometimes I forget, lose an email
or make an editing mistake. I do not print articles
that could be considered a business dispute between two parties
... and I do not print anything with a political message.
However the mental picture of Muleskinner Hotard was so enchanting
that it out weighed any pseudo political under tones on the above
Roger Morrell