SEN 975 - 5 Oct 2005
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- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 1401
SCAT Electronic News 5 Oct 2005 issue 975
Table of Contents
Sierra Cup - McKeever
31st. California F.A.I. Invitational - Livotto
F1E Model for Sale
Re: Flying boats
Re: Which way to warp - a stab!
Free flight club near Munich
"Bear White"
How to reach Vasi...
Patterson Update
AZ FAI FF Championships
Dates for comps?
Euro Champs section
America in Europe
Taibi Powerhouse event at SW Regionals
Favli World Cup
2005 Autumn Cup Announcement
180 is MAX Video
Source of tools
Stonehenge results from Fanto
Hang in there
Vibrating TG
Sound Waves on Airfoils
Re: An American winning F1C - JWB & Simpson
Sierra Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Two items to mention for the Sierra Cup Oct 14-16.
First, FAI Juniors (less than 19 on the contest dates) can enter one or two
events for $20 but must make every attempt to attend the banquet Saturday
Night. We will have a best junior trophy in every event. I still need to have
your entry in advance.
We will be flying F1P (all ages) on Saturday with F1A, F1B and F1C.
I've had some flyers ask for an entry form and while I will be mailing these
out this week, feel free to use this "short form". See you there and thanks!
Name............................................AMA #....................
Mailing Address...........................................................
E-mail Address............................................................
# Buffet ( ) # Vegetarian ( ) Banquet included with entry, additional
persons $20
F1A( ) F1B( ) F1C( ) F1G( ) F1H( ) F1J( ) F1P( ) $45.00 (1 event)
F1G, F1H or F1J and F1A F1B or F1C F1P $60.00 (2 events)
Checks payable to: Sierra Eagles MAC
Send to:
Mike McKeever
4252 Mockingbird St
Fair Oaks, Ca 95628
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it._ (mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Phone (916) 967-8475
31st. California F.A.I. Invitational
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
OCTOBER 8th. And 9th. 2005
FOR CLASSES: F1-A, F1-B, F1-C, F1-G, F1-H, F1-J
SATURDAY OCT. 8th. F1-A, F1-B and F1-C
SUNDAY OCT. 9th. F1-G, F1-H and F1-J
F1-A, Saturday October 8th. 2005 ** First Flight 210 Seconds
F1-B & F1-C, Saturday October 8th. 2005 ** First Flight 240 Seconds
- -7 - One hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours
Fly Offs will start at 4:30 PM "FIRM" as scheduled
Saturday: F1-A = 4:30 to 4:40 **
5:15 to 5:25 **
6:00 to 6:10
F1-B = 4:45 to 4:55 **
5:30 to 5:40
6:15 to 6:25
F1-C = 5:00 to 5:10
5:45 to 5:55
6:30 to 6:40
F1-G, F1-H & F1-J Sunday October 9th. 2005
First Flight for the 3 events will be 180 Seconds
-5- One-hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours
Fly-Offs will start shortly after the 5th. Round with the 5, 7, 9 etc. min.
***There will be NO timers provided, Please find someone to
fly and time with you***
Perpetual Trophies to winners
And 1st. through 3rd. place for all events
NOTE: Per AMA directive, ALL competitors must have AMA insurance
Entry Fee US$ 20:00 for F1A, F1-B & F1-C
$10:00 for F1-G, F1-H & F1-J
(Juniors 1/2 prize)
Contest Director: Juan A. Livotto, 13212 Lake St. LA, CA, 90066, USA
Phone (310) 391-5986.......e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Year 2004 WINNERS
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Could you please change my email address to this one. Also, Aeromodeller
magazine published a review last year of a software program from Australia
by Paul L. Rossier for ff contest model design called ff calc. I have used
Google but cannot locate him. Does anyone know how I can order a copy of
this program? Thank you.
Anthony Avallone
F1E Model for Sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1E Model for Sale - I have an extra short wing F1E model that I
would like to sell. I have more F1E models than I need (I still have
3) so this is a good opportunity to get into F1E flying
inexpensively. The model is designed and built by Dan Petcu who has
been one of the best F1E flyers in the world for many years. Model is
fiberglass & balsa and the wing breaks down into 4 pieces. Fuselage
is 2 piece fiberglass and the pylon has the dt timer installed. The
steering vane is complete and works great. This is a ready to fly
model and I will include Dan's 25 page instruction manual which
thoroughly explains the set-up and flying of F1E models. This model
is almost new and has only been flown a few times. F1E is is now a
world cup contest following the MaxMen contest in February and this
would be a great model to get started with. Price is $150 plus
shipping. As noted in SCAT the USA team came in 2nd place at the
recently concluded F1E World Champs. Our F1E efforts at Lost Hills
have had increasing participation each year so join the fun and fly
with us at the upcoming February contest.
Jon Davis
Re: Flying boats
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> On a lighter note "Meteorboat" is progressing. I
> said one of the disadvantages of a flying boat is being able to fly as a
> boat only. NOT SO! I am working it out as a removable hull.
Flying boats will ROG quite well provided its off wet grass: I found
that out many years ago with a Vic Smeed "Sea Nymph", a sport model I'd
built for the Wellington club's annual water meet on Porirusa Harbour.
Its simple: start the model, put it on the grass and let go. If it has
the power to take off from water it is just as good on short, dewy
Martin Gregorie
Re: Which way to warp - a stab!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> Now the question is: which side should have more negative incidence - the
> one inside or the one outside the turn?
I think that depends on the properties of the wing (warps and dihedral)
as well as the vertical position of the fin. The wing properties will
affect whether the model flies flat, banked and whether it flies nose in
or nose out in the glide circle. All this will interact in turn with the
vertical fin to produce a rolling moment. My guess is that the effect of
stab warps on this rolling moment is what you need to optimise. I'm
sorry the above is all a bit woolly and theoretical but I haven't flown
your design and haven't a feel for how its parts interact.
My experience is that how a wing flies is more or less independent of
the fuselage or tail-feathers: a good wing flies the same after any or
all the rest of the model is replaced, though if a tatty (though
unwarped) stab is replaced with a pristine one the whole performance of
the model benefits.
Martin Gregorie.
Free flight club near Munich
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Original message from : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'll be relocating to Manching Germany (north of Munich) next month. Is
there a free flight club in the area? Thanks, Rick Ewing
Site of the "Landes Verband Bayern" (State Club of Bayern):
Free flight speaker is Dieter Hoffmann :
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Seen in the newspaper "Thermiksense" :
Regards. JW
"Bear White"
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I see that we now have to compete with the Honorable Bob "Bear" White.
Maybe we could ask Woodhouse to have the queen knight him "Sir Bear"
Maybe it was just "little bear" looking for its porridge.=20
How to reach Vasi...
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Vasi's email is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Patterson Update
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Bulletin !!
The Patterson contest will now feature a classic Wakefield contest as
well. In the interest of simplicity, here are the rules:
No rounds -- fly either day, but must complete flights the same day.
Max - - the usual 2, 3, 4 minutes then continuing 4 min maxes.
Cost -- $10.00 ( US )
Trophies - - Only the perpetual -- If you aint first, you aint nothin.
Tell your favorite Luddite, let`s have a good entry. Notices wil be
bob norton
AZ FAI FF Championships
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In 2 month will have the Arizona Free Flight Championships which again
is the last America's Cup and National Cup contest of 2005 in the
Region. The fliers can be downloaded from the NFFS Competition web site.
Hope to see you in Eloy, Peter
Saturday, Dec. 3, 2005
F1A, F1B, F1C, F1P
Seven 1 hr. Rounds, 3 min. Max
1st Round may be extended
1st Round starts at 8:30 AM
Fly-off schedule after Round 7
Sunday, Dec. 4, 2005
F1G, F1H, F1J
Five 1 hr. Rounds
2 min. Max
1st Round starts at 8:30 AM
Fly-off schedule after Round 5
Entry Fees
$20.00 first Open event
Individual Awards to 3rd Place
$10.00 additional events
in all events
$ 5.00 per event for Seniors (15-18)
Juniors (under 15) fly for free
Please note that timers are not provided. It is the responsibility of
the flyer to have a timer for all rounds and for the fly-off timer pool.
Directions to field: from I-10 Exit #203 (Toltec Road) go South on
Toltec Road for 5.3 miles,
flying field is on your right, watch for sign.
Accommodations: Camping on the field is possible
Motels Exit #203: Super 8 (520.466.7804), Red Roof Inn (520.466.2522)
Motels Exit #200: Motel 6 (520.836.3323), Days Inn (520.426.9240)
Restaurants & Fuel Services at Exits 203, 200, 194
Contest Directors:
Elmer Nelson Peter Brocks
16215 S 7th Dr 9031 E Paradise Dr
Phoenix, AZ 85045 Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone 480.460.1366 480.614.6183
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There will also be a full slate of AMA, Nostalgia, and OT events flown
at the ARIZONA FF CHAMPIONSHIPS (a National Cup Contest)
Saturday and Sunday on the same field. The CD is Randy Burros,
480.357.8164, see Model Aviation for events flown.
The maximum entry fee to fly in both contests in any event is $30.00.
Looking 4 Igor Y
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Looking for current email address and or phone number of Igor Yablonovski.
He must be out there somewhere!!! Your collective assistance would be most
appreciated. Tahn Stowe.
Dates for comps?
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Hi Roger, et al,
Can anyone tell me what the 2006 dates for the big doings at Odessa are?
Black Sea and Antonov Cups and Eurochamps will be bundled together
with closely spaced dates, I have heard.
Just trying to get a handle on the some scheduling, you see...
Hi Lee,
At World Champ in Argentina was presented Bulletin 0 for FF Euro Champ 2006.
After that we made some changes and I attach Bulletion 0.1. All information
is preliminary and can be changed at Bureau CIAM FAI Meeting, December, 2-4
in Lazanne/Switzerland. It is a rule that Official Bulletin 1 comes only
after Bureau Meeting in December, year before Championship.
Compare with Bulletin 0 in 0.1 we changed dates (make them 1 week earlier)
and another change - move Antonov Cup again to Kyiv (July, 8-10). We
(Organizing Commettee) are working now at accommodation, food an other
things. More things will be clear after October, 11 (Commettee meeting).
After that I will publish some information in SEN.
Euro Champs section
I have recieved many more items on this - most are repatative and
not not truly address the issues.
The last is in this issue is from John O'Donnell and is one of
the most rational. And represents a realistic summary of the situation.
This correspondence is now closed.
Euro Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Reading all the back and forth comments regarding the Euro Champs prompts me
to comment as well.
First, thanks to Reid Simpson on the historical perspective regarding his
and brother Roger's accomplishments. As a kid at the Nationals, I would
marvel at their flying as well as the whole Air Force Team and the way they
worked. Really something!
With respect to the Euro Champs, and not speaking from the persective of an
international competitor, it is not my intent to compete at a contest where
neither I, nor my countrymen are welcome. While it appears some flyers from
non-European countries have been given a pass from time to time, there still
is resistance in opening the contest up on a wholesale basis. The reasons,
to me, are unimportant. What is important, though, is that the divide in
European's minds exists.
It's called the "European Championships", I suppose, for a reason.
Bill Shailor
Re: More Euro Comments
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> Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> I'm not sure exactly where Europe ends to the East,
>From Wikipedia (
"Europe is geologically and geographically a peninsula, forming the
westernmost part of Eurasia. It is conventionally considered a
continent, which, in this case, is more of a cultural distinction than a
geographic one. It is bounded to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the
west by the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by the Mediterranean Sea, and
to the east its boundary is culturally determined and unclear. However,
Ural mountains are considered to be a clear geographical and tectonic
landmark separating Europe and Asia."
> but know that the
> British Isles are not geographically part of Europe.
Britain and Ireland have always been politically part of Europe though
its true they are not part of Continental Europe. Now, or course, both
are part of the EU.
Taking the Urals, which are roughly half way from the western Russian
border to the far end of Siberia, as thre eastern limit makes most of
the ex-socialist Republics technically part of Europe because, if I read
the map correctly, the Urals are just east of Kazakhstan.
Regarding the Mediterranean as the southern edge of Europe excludes
Turkey and all countries south of Turkey. Basically, the boundaries east
of the Med are all a bit woolly.
I hope this clarifies things.
PS: What ever happened to the mooted Pacific Champs? That would have
included all nations with a Pacific seaboard. That makes an interesting
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Regarding the participation of Non-Europeans at European Championships. I
am not usually moved to write, but so much nonsense has been written on
this so far.
Firstly ,this event is a championship i.e. in order to compete one has to
qualify by gainning a place on your national team. Secondly, There are
already numerous 'World Cup' events, held in Europe, who are delighted to
accept entries from individuals from anywhere in the world. Thirdly, as
one correspondant has suggested, Great Britain 'is geographically' not
part of Europe. I have to tell him that it is, and with quite a bit of
political and economic connection with other European countries. Has
anybody in the United States heard of the European Community? Finally,
having a European Champion from a country outside Europe negates the
specificity of the event.
Yours Disgusted,
David Hearn,
World or European Champs.
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I am probably missing something vital here but is there a good reason why it
would not be possible to have simply a World Championship every year. I seem
to remember this used to happen years ago. If there are not good reasons
(Financial, logistical or others) why this is not possible, wouldn't it solve
issue and give us a great event for everyone, every year?
Peter King
Non-Euro Flyers at Euro-Champs
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The Pommies who are up in arms about 'non-euro' competitors entering
the Euro champs might want to explain how the Israeli team qualifies as
Apart from that little idiosyncrasy, have a thought for those in even
more remote places than Barkston Heath who don't get much opportunity
to hone their skills in such seriously big events apart from the World
Champs every 2 years.
Or are the Poms afraid of a bit more competition? With their great
showing in the Ashes series recently I'd have thought they'd be
relishing the chance to take on everyone!
any country bordering on the Med 'qualifies' as European. Another
country that as qualified like this is Egypt..]
Northern Hemisphere F/F Champs
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In order to overcome what appears to be be a problem with
allowing other countries to fly and compete in the Eu.F/F
Champs the solution would be to rename the event to the
Northern Hemisphere F/F Champs.
Since the inception of these contests an increasing number
of countries have been allowed to fly, mainly due to the
geo/political nature of the area changing and some despite
their non-European affiliations.
Who knows , perhaps with this sort of change then countries
like China,Japan and Canada will attend also and make the
Championships more meaningful.
John M.
America in Europe
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Dear SCAT,
Opinions expressed in SEN on the suggestion of allowing Americans (and
others) to participate officially in the Euro Champs have ranged from
one extreme to the other.
I am surprised that no-one has pointed out that approving this idea
would make the Euro Champs effectively indistinguishable from the World
If this is considered desirable, then it would seem logical, simpler
(and maybe more honest) to discontinue the Euro Champs altogether and
make the World Champs into an annual event once again.
I know that the bi-annual schedule was introduced for administrative
and financial considerations - but times have changed. In particular the
Euro Champs have grown in status, and in perceived importance. For
example, in Britain our National Society has not only run a Euro Champ
Team selection programme for many years, but has more recently provided
some limited financial assistance.
A Euro Championships cannot be of equal importance, to a World -
particularly if entry to the Euro Champs is limited to Europeans. If
not, then it is no longer a European event and needs a new title.
I do not see how you can have it both ways. Decide what you want, and
the rest should follow.
John O'Donnell
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Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Allard sent us an inmteresting article on his new hook,
this will be publissh later
Taibi Powerhouse event at SW Regionals
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We've added a new free flight event at the 2006 Southwest Regionals [14-15-16
Jan 2006, Eloy, AZ], just for Sal Taibi's Powerhouse:
1.) any Sal Taibi-designed Powerhouse -- any size - as long as it's built
like the original Powerhouse --
2.) any power - period
3.) no folding or free-wheeling propellers
4.) motor run is 25 seconds
5.) flights may be hand-launched, but all flyoff flights must rise off ground
6.) first three flights carry a three minute max subsequent flights' max time
increase by one minute for each attempt
7.) he who finishes with the highest flight time total wins - a tie will be
decided by a flyoff -
8.) all other rules are as per the AMA rule book
Get details about the upcoming contest at:
and look at pictures and results from previous SWRs at:
We would like to have you here flying with us!
Southwest Regionals contest info:
A. A. Lidberg model plan service
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Favli World Cup
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Dear all,
recently I have contacted Ian Kaynes to ask his opinion on the '10
minute rule' as anounced by the organisers of the Italian Favli World
Cup in their first bulletin. The rule said that a competitor has 10
minutes working time for every round. Waiting or towing past the 10
minute time slot would be considered an unsuccesfull attempt.
Ian has contacted the organisers stating that such a rule did not comply
with FAI rules. The contest organisers have decided to comply with the
FAI regulations and remove the anounced local rule.
2005 Autumn Cup Announcement
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Everyone is invited to the 21th Annual Autumn Cup, the second weekend of November.
EVENT Autumn Cup (An American Cup and Texas Cup Contest)
DATE November 12-13, 2005
PLACE Seguin Texas, USAF Auxiliary Field (Gate opens at 7:00 AM)
Located on US 90 Alternate, approx. 1.5 miles east of Hwy 123 bypass
SPONSOR Tri-City Flyers MAC 830
CONTEST DIRECTOR Reid Simpson (903) 677-8525
115 Trailridge Dr.
Athens, TX 75751
E-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
EVENTS Saturday
F1A, F1B, F1C, Open Gas, 7 one hour rounds, start - 9:00 AM
(No Super Max)
P-30, not flown by rounds
F1G, F1H, F1J, F1P, 5 one hour rounds, start 8:00 AM
NFFS Special event, (Starduster-X/Zero)
SOCIAL TIME A social time will be held at the El Ranchito Restaurant at 7:00 Saturday evening.
The awards for the Saturday events will be presented at the social time if the events are finished, or else at the end of the contest Sunday.
ENTRY FEES Open entries - 1 event $15.00, 2 or more $20.00
Sr. entries 1 event $ 7.00, 2 or more $10.00
Jr. entries no charge
180 is MAX Video
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Re: SCAT Electronic News 24 September 2005 issue 974
180 is Max
The NFFS President, Rex Hinson, has made arrangements to purchase copies of
this video from the Canadian Film Board at a reduced cost, which we pass on
to our members. The sale price of 180 is Max is $16.00. Postage is $4.00 in the
USA. The whole works can be yours for a 20 dollar bill. Currently, the
Canadian Film Board provides this video in VHS format only. I have asked for
consideration of its presentation in DVD, but I don't believe it is about to ha
any time soon.
This is an exquisitely presented free flight flim featuring competition at
the Goteborg, Sweden FAI Finals in 1971. If you haven't seen it, you are in for
a real treat. Every free flight club should own a copy of this video.
Copies are expected to be available by the first of October. Send your check
to NFFS Publications Services, PO Box 1775, Albany, OR. 97321.
Source of tools
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I don't if any of you have seen this. here is a source for unique tools
that might suit airplane modeling. They are for building guitars.
Here's a site for a free catalog.
Also does anyone know where I could get a set of foam building beds cut?
Stonehenge results from Fanto
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Sorry for delay been away and needed to scan this lot in from paper copies
+ edit to read.........
Stonehenge Cup.
Day one lost due to poor visibilty in rain and low cloud. All events held
on day 2 to 150 sec max.
1 P.FINDAHL SWE 150 150 150 150 150 260
2 L.PICARD FRA 150 150 150 150 150
188 0938
3 P.WILLIAMS GBR 150 150 150 147 150
4 M.CUTHBERT (J) GBR 150 150 150 129 138
5 M.FANTHAM GBR 150 111 150 150 150
6 C.EDGE GBR 150 109 150 150 150
7 M.COOK GBR 150 150 150 150 104
8 J.CARTER GBR 150 150 101 150 150
9 K.BEST AUS 130 137 150 150 130
10 R.JACK GBR 117 114 150 150 150
11 A.JACK GBR 68 150 150 150 150
12 M.DILLY GBR 150 115 137 150 100
13 W.COLLEDGE GBR 150 99 150 134 118
14 T.NICHOLSON GBR 150 150 150 89 111
15 D.FINDAHL (J) SWE 150 70 150 116 150
16 P.TRIBE GBR 150 29 150 150 150
17 P.BALL GBR 59 58 150 150 150
18 J.BAILEY GBR 118 150 76 80 6=
19 A.BALL GBR 150 103 150 0 0
20 D.TRULUCK GBR 144 109 103 3 0
21 S.DARMON GBR 103 143 109 0 0
22 D.OLDFIELD GBR 150 119 0 0 0
23 G.HART GBR 58 150 8 0 0
24 J.COOPER GBR 150 44 0 0 0
25 G.STRINGER GBR 89 0 0 0 0
26 D.BARTLE GBR 0 0 0 0 0
27 N.BOSDET GBR 0 0 0 0 0
28 P.MARTIN GBR 0 0 0 0 0
1 R.PEERS GBR 150 150 150 150 150 3=
2 P.RUYTER NED 150 150 150 150 150 2=
3 P.MARTIN GBR 150 150 150 150 150 2=
4 M.WOOLNER GBR 150 150 150 150 150 2=
5 M.WOODHOUSE GBR 150 150 150 150 150 1=
6 W.FEIJTH NED 150 150 150 150 1=
153 0903
7 J.BILLAM GBR 150 150 150 150 1=
152 0902
8 H.VAN HOORN NED 150 150 150 150 150 1=
9 B.SPOONER GBR 150 150 150 150 150 1=
10 D.BILLAM (J) GBR 150 150 150 150 150
11 B.MARTIN GBR 150 150 150 150 128
12 M.EVATT GBR 150 150 150 125 150
13 O.FINDAHL (J) SWE 150 129 122 135 150
14 J.WHITBY GBR 114 109 150 150 150
15 C.CHAPMAN GBR 150 116 125 112 140
16 E.CHALLIS GBR 150 150 150 150 0
17 G.STRINGER GBR 150 150 129 0 0
18 K.SALZER AUT 150 150 7 0 0=
19 D.GREAVES GBR 123 142 0 0 0
20 R.MORRELL USA 142 0 0 0 0
21 K.CHAMBERLAIN GBR 0 0 0 0 0
1 J.CUTHBERT GBR 150 150 150 150 150 420
2 P.WATSON GBR 150 150 150 150 150 363
3 S.SCREEN GBR 150 150 150 150 150 352
4 F.RUSHBY GBR 150 150 150 150 150 264
5 A. JACK GBR 150 141 150 150 150
6 R.BAGGOT GBR 0 0 0 0 0
7 J.BAILEY GBR 0 0 0 0 0
8 H.STETZ GER 0 0 0 0 0
9 K.FAUX GBR 0 0 0 0 0
Our team finals - two events past one to come best two results two count.
Points basis 50, 40,30,25, 20, 19, 18 etc as World cup but all get points
Phil Ball and I both won an event and missed the other due to being away
on Holiday! Last event is 15/16 October.
No F1A Aug Sep Oct OA
1 J Carter 19 40 59
2 P Ball 50 0 50
3 M Fantham 0 50 50
4 S Darmon 40 9 49
5 D Bartle 15 30 45
6 R Jack 30 12 42
7 M Cuthbert 25 16 41
8 W Colledge 20 17.5 37.5
9 M Dilly 11 20 31
10 M Cook 12 17.5 29.5
11 CP Williams 18 11 29
12 A Jack 16 13 29
13 A Ball 14 15 29
14 P Tribe 17 10 27
15 N Bosdet 8 19 27
16 D Oldfield 0 25 25
17 C Edge 10 14 24
18 K Best 9 7 16
19 T Nicholson 13 0 13
20 J Howick 0 8 8
No F1B Aug Sep Oct OA
1 R Cheesley 50 40 90
2 M Woolner 40 50 90
3 G Stringer 19 30 49
4 R Jones 30 19 49
5 R Peers 25 20 45
6 B Martin 17 25 42
7 D Greaves 16 17 33
8 M Woodhouse 13 18 31
9 M Evatt 14 16 30
10 P Martin 12 15 27
11 D Billam 20 0 20
12 C Chapman 18 0 18
13 J Billam 15 0 15
14 I Taylor 11 0 11
No F1C Aug Sep Oct OA
1 P Watson 40 40 80
2 J Cuthbert 50 30 80
3 S Screen 25 50 75
4 A Jack 30 20 50
5 R Baggot 20 25 45
6 K Faux 0 19 19
Must go, it's late
Hang in there
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hang in there Bob Hatschek. I had my open heart 17 years ago. Different
operation, tripple bypass. It was wonderful and saved my life. I was
like a new kid again. Now I am back to square one, not able to chase
without my ATV. They forgot to tell me to take an aspirin every day and
I developed an enlarged heart. Thanks all you wonderful cardiologists. I
had 4 and none was smart enough to tell me to take an aspirin a day. If
I was the sueing type I WOULD. Now resulting clots caused an enlarged
heart. I am on critical medication for it. No worry ATV does it for me
at the Nats and SAM Champs. Unfortuneately hard to use ATV for test
flying. Meterboat is progressing fine. Using magnets to hold competition
hull onto competition model. Something learned from the micro radio guys
and the backyard flyers. Need a few more magnets, have ordered from
Edmond Scientific cheaper than the Radio Shack ones I am using now.
Regards, Ed Mate
Vibrating TG
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Original from : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
>> Is this new or is it a variation on what turbulators already do for us?
>> If
it is new, I guess it's only a matter of time before someone tries it with
models and, if it works, the FAI has to decide what to do about it. That'll
be fun... <<
In the 1960 the Germans tried a "Turbulenzgummi" - TG - in front of their
glider wings, in the classes A1 and A2 - today F1H and F1A. This round wire
of rubber was vibrating, sometimes singing, and when well trimmed in tension
and diameter it worked better than the "Turbulenzdraht" - TD - used in the
wind tunnel measurements. "Draht" means rigid steel wire. "Gummi" gave less
drag and a higher Cl max. The TG usually was held in front of the LE, say 10
per cent of the chord ahead. Very fragile and inconvenient by hazardous
landings, so they were abandoned. Years later a new TG was tested, some
millimeters above the uppersurface and 5 percent or so behind the LE. No
good results, it seems, because the boundary layer was not properly
Sound Waves on Airfoils
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Moe Whittemore had interesting article in Sympo94 "Active Surface Treatment"
describing tests with vibrating surfaces on an indoor model.
Jim Richmond was impressed with this and also a remote (ultrasonic?)
whistle. Jim also related how he won a major contest with an unbalanced
single blade prop.
Bill Waterman suggested a flapping wing for aero improvement but with prop
for better propulsion efficiency.
I tried unbalanced single blader on EZ60. Worked fine performance wise but
tail boom unplugged at altitude and wing ribs kept breaking.
Anyone else play with this?
Re: An American winning F1C
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Reid,
Firstly forgive my poor English.
Do you know that you made the cover of the French newspaper Modele Magazine
in Nov.1968 after your presence in the Europa Cup of that year ? I send you
a copy... not available on SEN. In these years there was no European
Championship, but only a contest organized by the Germans and called Europa
Cup. In 1968 I was at that contest as a photographer only... a year later as
a competitor in Wakefield.
The problem is : in which year the Europa Cup -- a local contest -- was
turned in a Europa Championship ? There was a ruling of the CIAM, which
allowed Continental championships - in America or Asia too... When I
participated, the contest was a Cup, a simple international contest, not a
Therefore we have to see that a Continental championship is not a simple
international contest. Each of the SEN members may write all the reasoning
he wishes... in a continental event there are selection trials and so on...
and likely a single person is not allowed to participate at a World
championship without being elected. Of course, international competition is
joy and learning... but it is another story.
Why do the Europeans not participate much more to these threads ? Because of
the English language, it's very simple to understand. Are you able to
understand this, my friends of the SCAT E. N. ? Mucho theoretical and
practical problems were worked out in the French or German or Swiss
newspapers 30 or 40 years ago, and the US model builders have no ideas about
that... why? at your opinion ? just like very few of us Europeans never have
read Zaic's lessons and are tearing their hair out on the simplest trim
problem... and the far East friends have lots of secrets which we all do not
Re: An American winning F1C
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Jean,
I am honored that you remembered me from 1968. And I am also honored that I
was on the cover of the French Model Magazine. I had no idea that this had
happened. Were you the photographer? And for the French flyers who were at
the contests throughout Europe during the 1966 - 1970 years I would ask you
to thank them for treating my brother and myself so well at those contests.
I also want to thank you for the history lesson on the Europa Cup contest in
Hamburg Saar. I did not know it's origin, only that I was told at the 68
German Nations that I was on the German team and asked if I could represent
them at the Europa Contest later that year. It was one of the best
highlights of my European contest flying during those years.
I hope that all of you in Europe understand that I was trying to describe
the International contest atmosphere in those years. It was a very pleasant
experience where I was never made to feel unwelcome. And I was trying to set
the context of the story about my brother competing and winning at Zagreb in
1970. A contest where he was invited to compete by the host country and was
helped in his victory by other European modelers. Those days were great days
for him also.
The letter to SEN was intended to show that we were always welcomed no
matter what contests we competed in during those particular years and that
the two of us were never made to feel that we had deprived anyone of winning
a contest. The comments by the British flyer indicated that he thought we
had done so and he was using that as an example of what could happen in this
current time frame. My letter was intended to show that he had picked a bad
example to justify his logic.
As for the questions about the language barrier. Yes I know what you mean.
It can be hard to bridge (And you did not have to apologize about your
English. It is well done.) I have tried for years to keep abreast of the
European models. For many years I took the "Vol Libe" magazine as well as
some German model magazines. While I could not always understand some of the
technical explanations in French and German, I have learned enough of the
aviation terms to see trends develop, how construction has changed, and to
learn what types of models were now winning. I learned back in the 60s to
measure in millimeters while in Germany and brought measuring instruments
back to the states that I still use to this day.
Thank you for the photo of the November 1968 Model magazine. Another rich
treasure to place on my work shop wall.
Warm regards,
Roger Morrell