SEN 858 - 29 Feb 2004
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- Category: Archive 2004
- Hits: 1316
SCAT Electronic News 29 February 2004 issue 858
Table of contents
SCAT Annual Contest
Zit DT - Kuczek
DLG Fin Area - Dilly
Design limitations - Schroedter
a limerick - Brokenspar .. or is it Broken shoulder ?
Texas Cup contests - Simpson - [the other one]
Jr Team- Official Announcement - Parker et al
FF in Miami ?
Low Tech Trimming - Barker
SCAT Annual Contest
Bissonette-Mirage Field * Lost Hills, CA * March 6 and 7, 2004
An America's Cup and National Cup Contest
Saturday, March 6 Sunday, March 7
Open Events: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Mini Events: 8:00AM to 1:00PM
Seven 1 hr rounds, 3 min. Max Five 1 hr rounds, 2 min.Max
* F1A Nordic - 4 min. 1st Rd. * F1G Coupe - 4 min. 1st Rd.
* F1B Wakefield - 5 min. 1st Rd. * F1H A-1 Glider-3 min. 1st Rd.
* F1C Power - 5 min. 1st Rd. * F1J Power - 4 min. 1st Rd.
* F1P Power - 5 min. 1st Rd.
FAI Events: Fly-off Schedule TBA.
1st Round times count.
National Cup AMA Events:
Saturday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM * Hand-Launched Glider Jr & Sr/Op
Sunday 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM * Catapult Glider Jr & Sr/Op
Juniors welcome!
Award for Junior High Time!
Entry Fees:
$20.00 for First Open Event
$5.00 for additional events
$10.00 for Cat. Glider & HLG
Juniors (18 or younger in 2004)are half price for each event
Contest Directors:
Roger Coleman
4737 Boyar Ave
Long Beach, CA 90807-1238
(562)428-8542, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lee Hines
376 Magnolia
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 645-4850, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
AMA and Lost Hills Field memberships are required.
Sign-ups at the field if required.
Awards in all events!
Many FAI and AMA Records have been set at this contest in years past!
Sanctioned by the Academy of Model Aeronautics, Sanction # 04-0058
Zit D/T
Dear Fellow FF flyers:
I'm sending in an order for Zit EEM's and timers in approx. two weeks. Deadline is 3/10/04. Delivery is expected 5/10/04 or before. Please submit any questions and, of course, orders prior to.
Best of Luck,
Kevin Kuczek
DLG Fin Area
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I write as one who last flew HLG in the 1970s, and who still
recalls the barely supressed giggles from the then-young studs who actually
knew what they were doing and had the arms to prove it.
However, reading Skykieng's comments about the conflicting needs of DLG fin
areas in the launch and the glide prompted a thought. Has anyone tried
using variable fin area ? One possibility might be a hollow upper fin and
a thin underfin spring loaded to retract into it at the apogee (assuming
the whole mess reaches anything recognisable as one). An airspeed-sensitive
tab could be arranged to hold the underfin locked in the extended position
and I recall something similar was used on some of the Stan Stoy HLGs,
though for a different purpose.
Happy discus-ing.
Martin Dilly
Design limitations
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would like to see some discussion in the SEN regarding the merits of
the FAI rules that place rather close limits on the projected areas of
the A,B and C classes. I can clearly see the necessity for the rules to
set a minimum model weight for all classes and a maximum rubber weight
for F1B models. But I have never understood why the projected areas of
the wing and stabilizer are so restricted. There are no such limits on
the mini-class models. Why not eliminate these limits for the major
classes too - at least for a trial period - and see what results. To an
inexperienced observer, F1B flyers all fly the same model. In profile
they are indeed quite indistinguishable.
I recognize that changing FAI rules is a long drawn out process, but I
would at least like to see what some of the other FAI competitors think
of removing the area limits.
George Schroedter
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The SIERRA CHAMPS is a two day contest
The Sierra Champs was made a two day contest after it was awarded
America's Cup status in December. By that time is was already on the
CUFFMAC contest schedule as a one day contest, and then carried into the
NFFS contest schedule as a one day contest as well. After I received
several calls from out of state competitors, I contacted Alan Peterson
to correct the NFFS schedule.
On Saturday April 3rd we will fly F1A, B, and C, as well as the normal
AMA events scheduled. The first round will start at 8:30 AM. 7 one
hour rounds will be flown. Flyoff will start at 4:00 PM. Event start
times and durations will be announced. If you are in a flyoff you must
provide a timer for the flyoff timer pool, or you can't fly.
On Sunday April 4th we will fly F1G, H, and J, as well as AMA events.
The first round will start at 8:30 AM. 5 one hour rounds will be flown.
Flyoff will start at 2:00 PM. Event start times and durations will be
announced. If you are in a flyoff you must provide a timer for the
flyoff timer pool, or you can't fly.
Contest Director Doug Galbreath Day 1-530-753-2519
a limerick
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Out to launch
I guess it's just not my biscuit,
to launch my glider as discus,*
While twirling about
I clobbered my snout.
Now I'm stuck with a damaged probiscus.!
* This is a 'near rhyme', so defined
by Zukofsky ( The Limerick
in Green Point, 1923, Chapter IX,
Rhyme as Rime ),
citing the added effect of tension,
surprise, and the inplied humor
of dislocation.
Texas Cup contests
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, would you please post this additional Texas Cup information on SEN
After posting the Texas Cup Announcement to SEN (857), I received e-mails as
to the dates of the 4 Texas contest. See dates below.
Spring Cup April 24 - 25
Tri-City Annual June 05 - 06
Cloud Climbers June 26 - 27
Autumn Cup Nov 06 - 07
I Also received this Starduster-X Kit information from Lee Campbell
----Original Message-----
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 8:26 AM
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject: Starduster-X
Hello Reid: R/N Models (the kitting business of Aerodyne Models)
is no longer in the kit business. Starduster-X kits may be available
from Penn Valley. (There is a link at
I have pre-cut Starduster-X short kits and plans.
Thank you
Lee Campbell
Jr Team- Official Announcement
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The final approvals have been made and the following fine young flyers are the
offical 2004 Jr FAI FF team members. They will be competing at the Jr W.C. in
Moncontour, France this summer, Aug 8-14.
Brian Van Nest is the manager and will be sending out letters for donations.
Please beat him to the punch and send your checks to:
Brian Van Nest
2346 Cheyenne Dr
Bishop, CA. 93514
This is the first full team is many years which is an indication of the steady
Jr growth and interest. With the addition of Austin Gunder as the defending F1J
Jr Champion and this cycle's special 4th F1P power team member, Amanda Barr
, the USA will be sending a 12-member team. AMA covers travel and entry costs
to the same extent as the open team which greatly helps but does not cover all
the expenses. Roughly we need to raise $14,000. The FF community has graciously
supported the Jrs in the past and I sure this team will be no different.
F1A Junior Team
1. Brian Bauer
2. Michael Avalone
3. Tyler Secor
F1B Junior Team
1. Taylor Gunder
2. Sara Radziunas
3. Phillip Scheiman
F1J/P Junior Team- Defending W.C.Austin Gunder
1. John Lorbiecki
2. Jon Schelp
3. Cody Secor
4. Amanda Barr
Jr Team Selection Committee
Jim Bradley Chairman
Art Ellis
Jim Parker
FF in Miami ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does any F/F´er lives in Miami Downtown or in the area near the
Inter-Continental Hotel?
Answers to: Santiago
Low Tech Trimming
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Response to Bob Lipori in SEN857
The turning effect of freewheel props is well known amongst vintage flyers
in this country. It is a primary effect of the aerodynamics of the
freewheeling prop and not a secondary effect such as gyroscopic or
slipstream. It does increase with sidethrust in that more right sidethrust
gives more right turn.
I agree that these effects are not easy to diagnose. What I recommend is
looking at the forces on the blades when in the Top Dead Center and the
Bottom Dead Center positions. These give the maximum differences in lateral
forces on the blades. The forces obviously change from one state to the
other as a blade moved from TDC to BDC or vice versa.
Draw two diagrams shewing an element of the blade at BDC and at TDC. Draw
vectors for the wind direction on the blades. There will be a vector for
the forward speed of the airplane coming from straight ahead; this will be
the same for top and bottom blades. There will be another vector due to the
rotational speed which of course will come from opposite sides depending
whether it is the top or the bottom blade. Summing the vectors will shew
the angle of attack on the blades (it will be negative). From this you can
estimate the direction of the lift forces on the blades which you will find
is to the right. You can then see that changing the blade angles to
simulate right side thrust will give a greater turning force to the right.
The 'Achilles' is a typical kit cabin job of the early 1940s. 24" span,
short moment arm, a top fin stuck on the tailplane and an underfin. The
short fuselage and quite small fin probably contributed to the errant
behaviour. (BTW the name came from the two British warships, 'Ajax' and
'Achilles' which were involved in the 'Battle of the River Plate' early in
the '39-'45 war.)
John Barker - England
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The site is a farm with plenty of parking and plenty big. Retrieval is
limited to bicycles on roadways and rye grass but the wheat fields
require footwork.Plagued in the past by wind and rain, the date was
moved forward (April to May) so hopefully the weather will be better.
Contestants are mostly from the east coast and hail from the Carolinas
to Maine.
[this does not answer Bill's implied question if you can stay on the
site with an RV]
Roger Morrell