SEN 860 - 9 Mar 2004
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- Category: Archive 2004
- Hits: 1375
SCAT Electronic News 9 March 2004 issue 860
Table of Contents
Scat Ann Flash - or 2 for Tom
RE: East Coast Friend, Bill Smead - SweepetteLee et al
Low Tech Trimming and Greeks on a plate - Barker
EFFC Ingleside - Wagner
hey where r u guys ??
Effective Use of the Internet for Free Flight Communications - Tomasch
Viabon 2004 - Woodhouse
Bear Cup - Ossi K
antique airmodel ENGINE - Duran
Scat Ann Flash - or 2 for Tom
F1A - Coussens [Tom]
F1B - Tymchek
F1C - Simpson
F1P - Secor
F1 others - still flying ....
Great weather, thansk to Roger C and the Leeper for Organization and Weather
RE: East Coast Friend, Bill Smead
Hi Joe,
Thank you, Walt Rozelle and Ron Sharpton[I got your telcom] for bearing the sad news my way.
He was a fine gentle man, a tough competitor, but especially a good and trusty friend.
I was fortunate and grateful to him for being my chase bike guy at the 2000 FAI Palm Bay finals.
Since he knew that field like the back of his hand, I did not worry or need a GPS...he just went out
and brought them back. No sweat for Gliderguy Bill!
I will miss him.
----- Original Message -----
From: joe clawson
To: Lee Hines
Sent: 3/4/04 12:01:29 PM
Subject: East Coast Friend
Lee Just a little note to let you know that one of your HLG and catapult friends died last night.
Bill Smead. He wasn't feeling well a couple of weeks ago and went to the hospital Found cancer
about the size of a golf ball in the brain behind the left ear Was inoperatable and was traveling f
ast. Don't have any details yet. Nancy Smead 22 Holly st Deland, Fl 32724
386-734-4592 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Joe Clawson
Low Tech Trimming and Greeks on a plate
Red Faced Replies to Dick Ivers and Chris Murphy.
Sorry for the mess-up on the freewheeling prop business. I did the work
several years ago and it was published in the January 2000 issue of our 'SAM
35 Speaks', as a contribution to a discussion going on at the time.
Unfortunately the passing years led to a 'senior moment' in the memory
department. When I took the trouble to check back I had drawn two vector
diagrams; the first with the propeller pointing straight ahead to shew, as
you so rightly said, that there is no lateral force in that conditions; the
second diagram has several degrees of right sidethrust added which gives a
net right turning force from the blades.
When drawing this vector diagram it is convenient to use an amount of
sidethrust that brings the bottom blade to its zero lift angle to the
vectored flow. There is then only a small drag force to consider on the
bottom blade and it is to the right anyway. The aerodynamic forces on the
upper blade are similar to what they were in the straight ahead position (to
the right) but are larger because of the increased (negative) angle of
As well as the sketches of vectors I also made some small indoor gliders
where a propeller could be pinned onto the front at large angles of offset.
The forces on these gliders did not appear to be large but it was
interesting that as well as the right turn with sidethrust it was also
possible to see nose down and nose up tendencies with down- and upthrust.
Sorry about not crediting the New Zealand navy with the 'Achilles', I just
did not know that that was where she came from. I did not mention the
'Exeter' because the 'Ajax' and the 'Achilles' were the two names used by
Keil Kraft for their kits at that time. They were usually talked of as 24"
and 30" versions of the same design but to my mind the 30" 'Ajax' was a much
superior aeroplane. But what do I know. Nowadays the 'Ajax' is an
endangered species whereas flocks of the horrible 'Achilles' regularly
darken our skies.
John Barker - England
EFFC Ingleside
Wagner This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, Could you please post that for our meet on May 1st & 2nd, at
Ingleside, MD; we are going to add F1P to be flown along with F1J in 5 rounds with F1P
at 10 second engine run, F1J at 7 second engine run; both with 3 minute maxes
weather permitting. All the flyers are out and the sanction is on its way,
so this is a late added event because we have had quite a number of inquiries
to include it.
Joe Wagner
hey where r u guys ??
[Ed we are here ...]
Effective Use of the Internet for Free Flight Communications
In my last posting I pointed to the example of the Stuka Stunt online forum
( as an example of
modelers using the internet effectively to communicate and share ideas,
photos, plans and experience. I feel I should add two points to my previous
1) I probably gave the incorrect impression that such a forum format is
*required* for effective internet communication. This is certainly not
true. The main problem the keeps being mentioned is that it is not possible
to post large files, pictures, etc. directly to SEN for broadcast
distribution. This is not necessary, or desirable. All that is required to
solve this problem is the use of web pages. Web pages were invented
precisely to address this problem. Rather than tie up large amounts of
bandwidth transmitting large files to many people, the files are posted to a
web page, and the URL (web address) broadcast to those who might be
interested. People are then free to view the information with a web
browser, and download whatever is of interest. Web pages can serve as
online libraries for contributors to post their material for the benefit of
all. Since SCAT has a web page, it should be simple to establish an address
for contributors to send photos, scans, or documents to be posted for all to
read. In addition, many SEN readers probably have access to personal web
page space from their internet service provider. They can post material of
interest to SEN readers directly on their personal pages, and just pass the
URL along to all by sending a short note to SEN. Many of my colleagues on
the US Spacemodeling (rocket) team use this approach.
2) I've stumbled onto the Flitelines Forum (
which is very broad based. What I notice is that there are specialty
sub-forums already established on Flitelines. In particular, there is a
dedicated Control Line forum there. It might be possible to similarly
establish a Free Flight forum on Flitelines. Since the infrastructure is
already in place, the Free Flight community could have a forum available
with a minimum of effort. This is a wheel that does not have to be
re-invented from scratch.
Andrew Tomasch
Viabon 2004
A few of the pictures that I took can be found on the web site.
Michael J Woodhouse, Norwich, UK.
Free Flight Supplies has secure internet credit card facilities.
All mail to: -
web site: -
Bear Cup
Yesterday I sent results of Bear Cup. Here you have the same with link
to photos. Please, replace it
Ossi Kilpelainen
We had wonderful weather and a nice World Cup contest in Pori Finland
March 6.
Lake Pyhajarvi had more than 50 cm of ice and some 5 - 15 cm of snow on
ice. So we could drive the cars in the middle of the large lake.
All the day with no clouds. The morning was cold, -14 degrees celsius.
When the contest started it had got to -10. Almost no wind. Sun was
burning from the blue skies and reflecting from dazzling white snow. So
nice flying. In the afternoon temperature was close to 0 and wind some 1
- 2 m/s.
Large fly offs.
See the list of 17 juniors! Some of them had problems to run fast enough
in snow.
Here you have links to the large collection of sunny photos. by Timo Fors by Jukka
BEAR CUP, PORI 6.3. 04 , World Cup Event in Finland
Ossi Kilpelainen
1 Taponen Teemu j FIN 930+263 - - - 1193
2 Kutvonen Lauri j FIN 930+221 - - - 1151
3 Kiiskinen Tuomo j FIN 208 180 180 180 180 928
4 Sell Janar j LAL 172 173 180 180 180 885
5 Zarins Janis j LAT 210 180 162 105 180 837
6 Joala Mihkel j EST 164 180 180 95 180 799
7 Meisalu Martin j EST 137 131 170 180 167 785
8 Bichele Rudolf j EST 140 126 164 163 162 755
9 Michailov Alar j EST 163 155 79 180 177 754
10 Nordfors Timo j FIN 160 180 180 50 180 750
11 Penttila Topi j FIN 180 180 17 180 172 729
12 Ahmetov Eldar j EST 155 149 57 167 169 697
13 Keto-tokoi Lassi j FIN 136 101 58 135 140 570
14 Grigals Oskars j LAT 91 180 70 45 68 454
15 Parv Artur j EST 40 85 99 119 103 446
16 Jarvinen Mauri j FIN 58 87 67 64 163 439
17 Vuks Virko j EST 179 - - - - 179
1 Persson Anders SWE 930+300 395 - - 1625
2 Holmbom Mikael SWE 930+300 364 - - 1594
3 Kuikka Petri FIN 930+300 333 - - 1563
4 Findahl Per SWE 930+300 318 - - 1548
5 Varhos Deniz SWE 930+300 292 - - 1522
6 Valo Jari FIN 930+300 266 - - 1496
7 Hellgren Robert SWE 930+298 - - - 1228
8 Kulmakko Kimmo FIN 930+284 - - - 1214
9 Koivula Kalle FIN 930+283 - - - 1213
10 Pajunen Timo FIN 930+273 - - - 1203
11 Taponen Teemu j FIN 930+263 - - - 1193
12 Varuskivi Vesa FIN 930+255 - - - 1185
= Heikkinen Juha FIN 930+255 - - - 1185
14 Tahkapaa Heikki FIN 930+254 - - - 1184
15 Lepp Andres EST 930+253 - - - 1183
16 Parna Ardo EST 930+250 - - - 1180
17 Lihtamo Matti FIN 930+248 - - - 1178
= Isotalo Tommi FIN 930+248 - - - 1178
19 Rahkala Pekka FIN 930+247 - - - 1177
20 Leino Laura FIN 930+241 - - - 1171
21 Carter John GBR 930+232 - - - 1162
22 Tuisku Kari FIN 930+225 - - - 1155
= Kordemets Anti EST 930+225 - - - 1155
24 Kutvonen Lauri j FIN 930+221 - - - 1151
25 Henriksson Kim FIN 930+217 - - - 1147
26 Valkonen Kimmo FIN 930+202 - - - 1132
27 Poliayev Valeri RUS 930+200 - - - 1130
28 Ronkanen Pekka FIN 930+191 - - - 1121
29 Laaksonen Jori FIN 930+154 - - - 1084
30 Kiiskinen Tuomo j FIN 208 180 180 180 180 928
31 Vihul Ular EST 191 180 180 180 180 911
32 Kuningas Juhani FIN 210 180 148 180 180 898
33 Jusslin Jukka FIN 193 180 163 180 180 896
34 Sell Janar j LAL 172 173 180 180 180 885
= Sillgren Jukka FIN 195 164 166 180 180 885
36 Lamberg Esa FIN 153 180 180 180 180 873
37 Selgoja Ants EST 148 173 180 180 180 861
38 Lepp Toomas EST 193 168 180 162 152 855
39 Zarins Janis j LAT 210 180 162 105 180 837
40 Nordfors Jorma FIN 192 180 117 180 160 829
41 Joala Mihkel j EST 164 180 180 95 180 799
42 Meisalu Martin j EST 137 131 170 180 167 785
43 Runnari Valve FIN 164 160 110 180 161 775
44 Bichele Rudolf j EST 140 126 164 163 162 755
45 Michailov Alar j EST 163 155 79 180 177 754
46 Nordfors Timo j FIN 160 180 180 50 180 750
47 Kiljunen Harri FIN 151 180 151 180 83 745
48 Lindgren Kari FIN 195 169 142 72 159 737
49 Penttila Topi j FIN 180 180 17 180 172 729
50 Holmbom Sofia SWE 180 180 180 180 - 720
51 Puju Enno EST 131 140 83 169 175 698
52 Ahmetov Eldar j EST 155 149 57 167 169 697
53 Jarvinen Timo FIN 57 180 133 120 148 638
54 Keto-tokoi Lassi j FIN 136 101 58 135 140 570
55 Silm Erki EST 133 124 130 113 - 500
56 Grigals Oskars j LAT 91 180 70 45 68 454
57 Parv Artur j EST 40 85 99 119 103 446
58 Jarvinen Mauri j FIN 58 87 67 64 163 439
59 Munnukka Niilo FIN 45 30 25 63 155 318
60 Vuks Virko j EST 179 - - - - 179
1 Rolandas Mackus LIT 930+367 - - - 1297
2 Peers Russell GBR 930+360 - - - 1290
3 Woolner Mike GBR 930+348 - - - 1278
4 Rosonoks Viktors LAT 930+332 - - - 1262
5 Solodov Maxim RUS 930+327 - - - 1257
6 Waltonen Yrjo FIN 930+307 - - - 1237
7 Shelepov Alexsander RUS 930+301 - - - 1231
8 Kutvonen Ari FIN 930+298 - - - 1228
9 Isotalo Janne FIN 930+273 - - - 1203
10 Saari Pekka FIN 930+271 - - - 1201
11 Isotalo Juhani FIN 930+254 - - - 1184
12 Kiiskinen Markku FIN 930+253 - - - 1183
13 Soderling Magnus SWE 930+251 - - - 1181
14 Sarpila Teppo FIN 930+138 - - - 1068
15 Harjo Indrek EST 192 180 180 180 180 912
16 Khreptov Andrey RUS 210 180 161 180 180 911
17 Kilpelainen Ossi FIN 179 176 138 180 180 853
18 Pakarinen Teuvo FIN 50 73 85 86 62 356
1 Niiranen Timo FIN 930+368 - - - 1298
2 Naaber Raimond EST 930+331 - - - 1261
3 Kuukka Kaarle FIN 204 180 180 180 180 924
4 Roots Jyri EST 210 180 180 - - 570
F1A2m *1
1 Sarkka Ville FIN 184 51 161 84 180 660
2 Keto-tokoi Lassi FIN 129 129 65 141 133 597
3 Nordfors Johanna FIN 142 118 123 62 102 547
*1) national clas for juniors max. 15 years, simple glider, max. 2m
wing, no circle towing, no bunt, no weight limit.
The origin of list is a DOS ASCII kode. Please use Courier or similar
font to see the columns
antique airmodel ENGINE
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Interesting engine, howerver I do not use or collect such engines. I'm forwarding to SEN for wider distribution.
Good luck,
Jim Parker
>Dear Sirs,
>I own this antique beautiful compressed air model engine. It's marked on the propeller "INTEGRALE BSGDG PATENT DRP"
>The engine is made of aluminium and it's very lightweight.
>It runs perfectly.
>I would like to know about its origins, its value, and would be grateful for any information you could e-mail me about it.
>In case you were interested in buying it please send an offer.
>kind regards,
>Pedro Duran.
Thanks to George Schroedtler, Ed Wogulis and a couple more people
I forget for there donations this weekend in support
of SEN.
Roger Morrell