SEN 867 - 1 Apr 2004
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- Category: Archive 2004
- Hits: 1308
SCAT Electronic News 1 April 2004 issue 867
Table of Contents
Latest developments in the area of rubber !!! - Zeri
Old Rubber - Segrave
Inertia hook - Van Wallene
Latest developments in the area of rubber !!!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Good morning to all the rubber challenged friends around the world.
I would like to share with you some results of research I come across
recently in my field of medical devices (as some of my friends know I'm in
the business of patents and inventions) and in particular in the area of
advanced self lubricating elastomeric polymers for re-usable condoms, of
course the intended main indicated use can not be considered as limiting
the other possible applications.
You probably know that one of the main problems in continents like Africa
in relation to the spreading of sexual transmissible diseases, especially
HIV and AIDS, is the scarce use of condoms, due to local habits and cost,
so a lot of money is spent in research to arrive to a product that can be
used and re-used in the harsh conditions typical of those countries,
including the high temperatures and the tendency, in those conditions, to
loose the effect of lubrication and even to show damage by friction or
even sort of explosion induced by friction-heath and possibly internal
The elastomer described in the paper, with the high resilience quality and
friction resistance, coupled with built in lubricious behaviour, could
probably be re-engineered with a sort of clever technology transfer and
made available to the modellers community.
I'm myself trying since some time to obtain a specimen of this interesting
product, but the contacts with those people are not always easy, it
appears that the most appealing way could by to get in close contact with
some of their test team, obviously chosen among very keen and dedicated
young persons who use the prototype products in their daily business
activity, putting them to real extreme test situations of multiple
repeated use in sometimes dangerous conditions.
I think that, if our rubber situation will one day improve, we should be
grateful to the sacrifice of those unknown young people, mostly ladies,
doing their best for our sport, or at least for the sportmen.
Kind regards,
Anselmo Zeri
Old rubber.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have received offers from 6 different people of 3/16 Grey FAI rubber and
wish to thank them AND Scat Electric News for the response. What would we do
without it?
Mike S
Inertia hook
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger, might have sent this message to the wrong adres, so here it is
ciao, Allard
Hi all,
as to advantages and disadvantages of inertia hooks, we have seen the
main arguments on these pages. To overcome the main disadvantage of
accidentally releasing due to twanging of the towline under high tension
(like falling, medium tension line cross with breaking towline, towline
being caught in weeds etc.) I have come up with a solution: the dual
latch system. It is basically a combination of a classical latch and an
inertia latch. The inertia latch can not release if the classical latch
is still engaged.
The classical latch will release upon the first launch attempt (at 9 kg
of line tension). After this exercise, the 'safety pin' is off and the
inertia latch can now release the latch on impulse.
So you can trip, fall, twang as much as you like without release of the
model. But after an aborted launch you gotta be a bit more carefull not
to fall as the hook is now 'ready to shoot'.
An image of the hook can be seen at:
the hook is shown with the first classical latch released and the hook
'pulled' down.
The system has never failed on me (knock on wood).
thermals, Allard
[ I'm not sure if this issue shows a dangerous trend or governemnt
or other influence on our private lives with two articles
coming out of the EPO on impulse control ! ]
Roger Morell