SEN 868 - 11 Apr 2004
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- Category: Archive 2004
- Hits: 1388
SCAT Electronic News 11 April 2004 issue 868
table of Contents
Lost Hills FAI April 2004
Sierra Champs - Dukie
Bissonnette Contest Notice - Ghio
Parks - Segrave
Ernie Linn, Kansas Wakefield Designer, passes from this Earth.......
FAI Schedule with Clarification - Barron
Possible Web Forum - Thomson
Arm Soar - hlg newsletter - Moseley
Pictures of the RUBBER DAYS 2004 at Viabon [France] - Nikitenko
A reader response project? - Segrave
Fwd: [ffml] another chase bike option
Honda XR 70 - Brokenspar
For Sale: Fujinon Binoculars 7x50 Compass/Ruggedized - Limberger
Airfoil Beauty - Segrave
F1Q - for SCAT electronic news - Reid
Rubber developments
Lost Hills FAI April 2004
The contest is now in the past, but plenty to remember.
What great weather we had, and what a great group of
flyers. We had a small turnout but fun competition and a
great B-B-Q after the flying.
Plenty to eat and drink and a whole lot of “Bull” passed
Again the 10 Round format worked very well, A Fly-off to
the ground on Sat. evening as tiebreaker
for ending the contest
1 DON ZINK 1920 sec
Sierra Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here are the results of the Sierra Championships held April 3-4. 2004 at
Waegell field.
Those who didn't come missed a very nice contest with light winds, a
beautiful green (bovine-mowed-and-fertilized) grass.
1. Mike McKeever 1599
2. Hector Diez 1513
3. Ernesto Busnelli 1387
4. Pierre Brun 1195
5. Norm Smith 1193
1. Bob Biedron 1529
2. John Pratt 1509
3. Mike Davis 1493
4. Martin Schroedter 1491
5. Rich Rohrke 1442
6. Jeff Schroedter (Jr.)1422
7. Phil Scheiman 1235
8. Dick Myers 1156
9. George Schroedter 465 3 rounds
10. Dick Wood 347 2 rounds
11. Aimee raymond DNFly
1. Roger Simpson 1560
2. Dave Shirley 1492
3, David Halliday 1241
4. Walt Ghio DNFly
1. John Pratt 780
2. Dick Wood 778
3. Aimee Raymond 772
4. Jeff Schroedter(Jr.) 747
5. George Schroedter 746
6. Mike Davis 742
7. Martin Schroedter 693
8. Bill Davis 577
9. Walt Ghio 575
10. Phil Scheiman 494
1. Ernesto Busnelli 1040
2. Mike McKeever 955
3. Norm Smith 489
1. Dave Shirley 920
2. Ken Oliver 872
3. Jim Haught 480
Doug Galbreath, CD
Bissonnette Contest Notice
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Bissonnette Memorial contest is set for this coming May 28,29 and 30th.
Last May we had the high winds, which limited the planned events. On Friday
evening the 28th, we will hold the 2003 Big Al's Shootout. This will start
at 8PM with a 10 minute window for each event. Saturday is set for the
F1ABC events and Sunday is set for Big Al's 2004 Shootout along with the
F1GHJ events. If you enter two events the entry fee is $30, one event $20.
This year the F1ABC and F1GHJ event winners will receive large gold plated
cup trophies. We will be flying at our normal flying site also. Please
contact Walt Ghio at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subsequent to a recent request for old rubber, Donn Linton in North Carolina
has advised that you can't fly ANY model airplane in the city parks!!
Reference my mentioning that I did a lot of fllying here in similar
Is this common throughout the US of A? He also says that balls i.e., for
games, are forbidden, too. Or is it just in N.C.?
Mike S
Ernie Linn, Kansas Wakefield Designer, passes from this Earth.......
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just a note to let you know...I just got a phone call from Earl Linn, saying th
at his dad, Ernie, died yesterday AM, April 8, 04, 10am, in Wichita. Please pas
s the word to SAM 8, Strat-O-Bats and Boeing Hawks that would have known Ernie.
Ernie was about 85 years old, and had been in declining health for at least th
e last 5 years. He was the designer of the "Kansas Wakefield" and the "Suzie 2"
1/2A gassie, and long time activist in Northwest Free Flight. Thermals, Ern
ie.....Thermals to everyone, Steve (O'Bat)
FAI Schedule with Clarification
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A brief follow-up on a recent message about Wawayanda contests.
For a more complete list check
I erred in the reference to Muncie in May. The Inter-Cities FAI meet is
May 15-16 and the Hoosier Cup FAI is May 22-23. With these sandwitched
between the Eastern FF Champs May 1-2 in Maryland, and the Skyscraper
Challenge May 29-30, we can have an Endless May!
The schedule is updated in the copy of my message below.
On Fri, 9 Apr 2004, Andrew Barron wrote:
> Dear Free Flighters,
> We would like to invite you to our field. Below is a list
> of Wawayanda, New York contests, plus some of the other nice
> meets. The three big ones at Wawayanda are the Sky-Scraper
> Challenge on Memorial Day Weekend (May 29-30), the new Wilber
> & Orville Society Contest (June 19-20), and the Sky-Scraper
> Annual (October 16-17). [Other clubs are welcome to host
> events at the field, either in conjunction with these dates
> or at other times during the year (let me know if you want
> to do that).] Carefully note the dates (also in
> as some other publications have
> been in error concerning dates given for the Challenge and
> the W&O.
> The first Sky-Scraper Monthly is this Saturday (April 10)
> at Barron Field in Wawayanda, NY (277 acres of sod fields
> with adjoining sod, grass, and corn fields of comparable size,
> off of Orange County Route 12, 6.3 miles south of NY route
> 17M, which runs between I-84 at Middletown, New York and
> Highway 17 at Goshen, NY). Dave Acton
> is CD for this first gathering. He plans to start activity at
> 8am Saturday. This is a good day to gather and fly free flight
> models. The FAI events (F1A,F1B,F1C,F1G,F1J,F1H) have been
> especially popular with both kids and adults, plus some
> competitors are using this opportunity to seek total time for
> U.S. team selection purposes. Plus other events will be tallied
> (see and you are welcome to fly any
> free flight model (some of us may have fun with Mulvihill).
> There is a $5 field use fee at Monthly contests.
> The following Saturday (April 17) is the Annual Dinner for
> Sky-Scrapers and friends at the Maneros restaurant on Steamboat
> road in Greenwich, CT (3:30 arrival and cocktails, 5:00-7:00
> dinner). Contact Mike Cook (973-835-7604 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
> if you would like to attend.
> Remember that the field is available to all our free flight
> friends any time! Just be sure to send an email for each time
> you go to the field so that I can keep track of activity.
> Have current AMA membership for insurance purposes.
> Nonetheless, when you go on non-contest days, you are there
> as a friend in touch with me as owner (Barron Field, LLC),
> and not as an entitlement due to any particular membership.
> Contributions to me for the field maintenance fund are indeed
> welcome on a voluntary basis (e.g. to pay for the portable
> toilet that is kept out there from April through early
> November, and to pay for foot bridges, insurance certificates,
> and gifts to neighbors).
> Here is a contest list (you can also find it on
> together with some additional
> details):
> DATE EVENT SITE CD or contact
> April 10 Monthly Wawayanda, NY (Dave Acton)
> April 17 Dinner Maneros, Greenwich, CT
> May 1-2 Eastern States FF Champs Ingleside, MD (Wagner,Kerr)
> May 15-16 Brainbusters Meet Petersburg,VA (Van Dover)
May 15-16 InterCity Meet Muncie, IN (Crowley,Shailor)
May 22-23 Hoosier Cup Muncie, IN (Chuck Markos)
> May 29-30 SKYSCRAPER CHALLENGE Wawayanda, NY (Schlosberg,Barron)
> June 12 Monthly Wawayanda, NY
> June19-20 WILBUR&ORVILLE CONTEST Wawayanda, NY (Art Ellis)
> June25-27 Great Grape Gathering Geneseo, NY (Jim Moseley)
> July 10 Monthly Wawayanda, NY
> August2-6 USFFC, AMA National Champs Muncie, IN
> August14 Monthly Wawayanda, NY
> Aug27-29 Empire State FF Champs Geneseo, NY (John Carls)
> Sept 11 Monthly Wawayanda, NY
> Oct 16-17 SKYSCRAPER ANNUAL Wawayanda, NY (Andrew Barron)
> Dec 29-31 King Orange Palm Bay, FL
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Possible Web Forum
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
After seeing all the discussion on SEN
lately about creating a web forum for free-flight models, I set one up
using the open source ;YaBB (Yet another Bulletin Board) software and hosted it
on tripod's free server. ; The address is ; I'm not sure how
useful a forum of this type will be, but this is a good way to find out
at no cost to anyone.
Ben Thomson thomsonben3@hotmail.
Arm Soar - hlg newsletter
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just a quick note to you all that Arm Soar is being mailed next week and
should arrive a few days after to you all.
Please accept my apologies for its delay. I have been working a tremendous
amount of hours and my flying activities have taken a back seat somewhat the
last few weeks/months. Last event I got to was in November -That and the
duties of being a parent, owned by cats and planning a vacation etc etc has
not given me much time at home at all to do anything. my wife and son are
wondering who I am!
I have this Thursday off 15th - all will be mailed then.
In it is:
Bill Smead- sadly passed away
Praga HLG phot
Flying activities from jeff Row
Rule changes for Clg
detaild of drooped leading edge developments - Tet Shin Ho
Emporer of Pain photo
Len Surtees @ Sting Areo products
Lee Hines and Stan buddenbohm cionstruction and trimming
malaysian news
Photo's of Ian McQueens helper!
small model postal details - John O'Sullivan
Millenium Dome dates and some more stuff to whet the appetite.
Thanks for your understanding and will get the next one off early for you
Best wishes and hope your easter brings you happiness, thermals and good
Kevin Moseley
Pictures of the RUBBER DAYS 2004 at Viabon [France]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
That was during the last week end of February.
More and more pictures on the PAM website :
Best regards.
A reader response project?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
this is for you mainly. Some time ago, I tried to create some interest
within the readership of Vol Libre by submitting a drawing of a stab and
asking the readers to try to build one to less than 2 grams, The area was 2
dm2 or 31 sq.ins and a suggested construction that I had tried shown, as I
could not do this myself.
Readers were asked to submit their designs and construction notes verified
by someone else. There were no replies according to Andre Schandel but a
dentist from a town near Poitiers approached me during that years Poitou
event with some very intersting ideas and a novel approach as I recall. But
it appears he did not go any further. By the way, the only prize that I
could think of was a portait done by me!
Could this be done through SEN? Since no drwaings are possible, the plan
could be detailed with lengths, curves etc. so that the reader would be able
to draw his plan from the info given.
Mike S
we can do it thru SEN and attachments can be submitted
if the readers think it is workth while]
Fwd: [ffml] another chase bike option
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This looks kind of interesting:
Eugene, OR
Honda XR 70
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In a SCAT newsletter sometime before February 9 ( my oldest saved SCAT )
there was a message that extolled the virtues of the Honda XR 70.
(...for the mature freeflightter, as I recall )
I have such an item, !998 model.
Grandson Thor, then the user at age 10, is now age16,
6 ft 5 inches. about 220 lbs. Gus, another grandson, age 12,
has used it for some time, and now has big eyes for something more =
Gus is all bones, his knees scrape on the ground.
This XR 70 is for sale! don't get defensive - pay attention.
This bike has lived in the Brokenspar household for these few years,
haveing had the best care that he remembered to give....checked the oil,
filled the gas tank, put air in the tires,,,etc !.
It was used once only, five or six days at a time, each year, including =
at Muncie, where it traveled between the flightline, and the
museum ( airconditoned ), and the hot dog vender. (..and the outhouse )
That's not a lot of total miles !
It one time had the chain tightened, and with six experts on hand,
took only two tries to get it right.
It is in mint condition ! ( peppermint )...well, the decorative decals =
on the tank
are a little blistered. I think this is it the =
patina of use !
We'll bring it to Muncie, the Inter-City, or the USOC ( ...and the NATS =
where we can exchange the bike and legal documentation for 1000 USD.
awaiting enthusiastic responses...
For Sale: Fujinon Binoculars 7x50 Compass/Ruggedized
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have a brand new pair of ruggedized/armored Fujinon FMTRC-SC 7x50
binos with build-in compass for sale. These binos are brand new, still
in original box, plastic wrapped, never used or unpacked.
These are outstanding binos with exceptional lense clarity. the body is
fully armored and the case is gas filled for absolute air, water and
dust proof design. these are build to last.
these binos where a gift but i already have the same pair in use so i
am offering these for a good price. please call or mail me with offer.
Rene Limberger
phone: 310-815-4673
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Airfoil Beauty
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I wonder if we could have a census of the best lookinf airfoils, that is,
best looking to the modeller which might not be the same as others. This way
we might see some obscure sections which would be suitable for some of the
more popular classes.
They would noot have to be one from the Benedek,NACA,Isaacson or the like
stables. Even one of the famous "drawn around my shoes" would be acceptable.
The only drawback would be that the readers of SEN would not be able to view
such a section and would have to plot it themselves if it was bot viewable
from a readily available source such as Martin SIMONS book.
Mike S
[Roger - is this OK?]
F1Q - for SCAT electronic news
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tapio Linkosalo, D. Shirley and others have raised some excellent points
regarding a possible FAI free flight electric powered class. I agree that
there should be no limits on type of motor, battery chemistry or on using gear
Performance would be controlled by specification of a) model size (maximum
total area and minimum wing loading would do), b) battery pack limits (maximum
capacity and maximum nominal voltage) and c) motor run time.
However, in my view no other limitations are necessary, particularly the
idea of limiting power by the use of added resistance in the power circuit.
That only creates an internal heat source (resistors can get VERY hot), and a
model bursting into flames is not good for the sport!
Because motor and battery development are proceeding at great pace, these
specifications would need amendment over time, as specs for other F1x classes
have over the years. F1Q is thus a perfectly feasible class, clean, quiet and
environmentally friendly. I'd like to see it come.
A point on motor type has not yet been addressed, though, at least to my
knowledge. There are basically two types of motor available for model use -
brushed and brushless. Brushed motors are easy to use for FF models - just
connect a battery pack via a switch (mechanical or electronic) and a motor run
timer and away you go. Brushless motors are different, however. They require
controller to convert DC (the battery pack) to AC, since the motor lacks a
commutator. These controllers (electronic speed controllers, or ESCs) are
normally used in radio controlled models, where the radio link supplies and
varies the pulse rate used by the ESC to provide and vary the AC power to the
motor, thus both making the motor go and also varying its speed. For FF use w
wouldn't need the speed variation part of this (our motors would operate at
maximum power), but we would need the pulse generator part to make the motor
go at all.
I have yet to run across a device to replace the radio controlled pulse
generator, which would make brushless motors viable for free flight use. Mayb
someone out there has, or maybe some electronic wizard could concoct a
combination brushless motor controller/pulse generator/motor run timer for our
In either case, I'd like to hear from them.
Jack Reid
Rubber developments
I got a number of replies .. all enjoyed Anselmo's article
and there are many offers ...
Thansk to Vasily Beschasny for his domation in support SEN
Roger Morrell