SEN 907 - 10 Oct 2004
- Details
- Category: Archive 2004
- Hits: 2004
SCAT Electronic News 10 Oct 2004 issue 907
Table of Contents
Wake Motor Weight - Shailor
Boots - Segrave
silk span
Report on the Junior World Champs - Segrave
2004 Free Flight Nats video - Abriss
SS Rubber - Bryant
In The Press - Nov 2004 AMI
I'm for 3d - Woodhouse
USA World Champs Team Selection
Honor - Coussens
Wake Motor Weight
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Wake Motor Weight
I agree that the 30 gram reduction with the additional airframe weight was
a bad decision. In prior discussions, the rationale for this was due largely
for contest organizers. For reasons still unclear to me, some who run meets
don't like fly-offs. For me, that is when the contest really gets exciting
even if I am not participating.
I think the rules should favor the competitors, not those who sit in lofty
positions, run contests, and dictate to the flyers what the rules should be.
Those of use who didn't want to go to 30 grams questioned what would happen
if rubber quality fluctuated.
Forty grams may be overkill. 30 grams are borderline and lackluster.
Thirty-five would be a reasonable accommodation.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
At the Junior World Cahmps. I noticed that a number of fliers and supporters
were wearing short rubber boots, about just above the ankle. These appeared
to be ideal for going out in the early morning when there is dew on the
ground and my normal shoes get very wet not to mention my feet and socks.
Bob Piserchio was wearing some as were some of the german team that I saw.
I have tried to find some here in the UK but none of the shoe shops has them
nor do the outdoor shops. Do they go by a trade name or does someone know
where i would be able to obtain a pair, please?
Mike S
silk span
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Hi Roger
Im getting back into flying after many years. I bought a plane on Ebay
but it needs recovering and some other repairs. I looked at Monocote at
my local hobby shop but decided to go with silk span.It's been years and
I can't remember the proper way to instal it. Can you give me a short
refresher course? Please.
Do you know of any clubs active in the Las Vegas area?
Thanks, I can't wait to get back in the air!
I'n not the right guy to do this but
maybe some other reader can help]
Report on the Junior World Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Well, I have been able to condense the 37 pages of notes into only 10 pages
for the article in Vol Libre. I made 3 sketches in Moncontour before I left,
the first, the entry to the City Hall, features at the top of the first
page, the second a general view of the church square at the top of the
second and the sketch of the Hotel Coligny at the bottom of the last. Looks
pretty good if I may say so myself
(a person not normally given to blowing his own trumpet!!!!!!.)
The editor said that it should be out early in October so we may see it
Mike S
2004 Free Flight Nats video
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Fellow Free Flighters,
The new 2004 Free Flight Nats video is finished and ready for shipment.
The video is 117 minutes long and is the fist video to be produced in a
totally digital format.
The price remains the same as in previous additions, $20 + $3 S+H.
It can be ordered directly from my website,
Copies will be available at the Skyscrapers Annual on Oct. 16-17 and of
course at the Nats in 2005.
Alan Abriss
Free Flight Videos now has secure internet credit card facilities.
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
____ _
| __\_\_o____/_|
| o'
My Plane of Thought is miles above!
SS Rubber
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Interesting to read the recent letters regarding F1B motors. As a 'resting'
F1B flier, I have to say that such small success as I acheived was with 40gm
motors + rubber heaters. F1B originally appealed to me because I wanted
to fly an FAI class but am too unfit for F1A and don't have the technical
resource for F1C. With 40gms an F1B is an exciting machine; add a rubber
heater and it is truly thrilling! I thought the change to 35gm without heaters
was drastic enough, but when it was cut to 30gm I kind of lost interest.
Anyone who maintains that
a 30gm F1B even with best Tan 2 is as good a performer as a 35gm model is
deluding himself, in my opinion. A 30gm model with SS is - er - not very
exciting. But I do agree with Peter King that F1B performance with good
rubber is too much
for most of our remaining flying fields. However, I also agree with him that a
return to 35gm would be no bad thing and would help in putting a bit of
respectability back into this class. By the way, has anyone tried a heater
with SS, out of interest??
Graham Bryant
In the Press - nov 2004 ami
There is an article on the Junior World Champs in the Aeromodeller
section of AMI - Includes some great photos.
The November 2004 Aviation Modeller international can be purchased
at some Hobby shops in the USA.
I'm for 35
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Michael J Woodhouse, Norwich, UK.
Free Flight Supplies has secure internet credit card facilities.
All mail to: -
web site: -
on 6/10/04 14:06, SCAT user at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. wrote:
> long standing static rules. Who else, if anyone agrees with say a return to
> 35gms?
USA World Champs Team Selection
Mike McKeever
Randy Weiler **
Martyn Cowley
Jim Parker
alternate Ken Bauer
** Randy placed second but declined his place for family reasons
Alexander Andriukov
Roger Morrell
Bob Tymchek
Alternate Bob Piserchio
Randy Archer
Ken Happersett
John Warren
Alternate Dave Shirley
Excellent weather and organization by
Bob Norton - CD
George Batiuk - Contest Administrator
Don Leath - F1A
Walt Rozelle - F1B
Tom laird - F1C
Al and Judy Hotard and Connie Piserchio scoring
Plus other helpers who I applogize for forgetting including visiting sportsmen
Abad, Blazevich, Kilmakko, Kochkarev, Makarov, Stepanchek, Waltonen, ... etc
Full scores later and judging by the notes she was taking
a report by Tiffanay O'Dell in the NFFS Digest.
Odd snippets ..
Long time F1B man Ghio also flew in F1C - good for the F1C regulars
as they still had a Wakefield to piggy back off even though the events were
flown at different times ..
Most bizarre bit from F1C was Archer blowing a motor at the top
of the climb in the F1C fly off. The motor went just a fraction of a second
before shut off. The lack of momentum caused a flop over rather than a bunt ..
but Randy was still the only flyer out of the 3 classes to make 10 minutes
in the Sunday morning fly off.
Very tough first round for F1B on the first day, perfect weather, except
the air was dead. Only 13 of the 29 flyers made the 5 minute real
max [no wimpy super max here]. For those on the Souper Sport kick
Blake Jensen did a test just before the start and did 4:59 on SS
so played it safe with the real stuff. Most people reported
times of about a minute down on what they would have expected
at Lost Hills that time of day.
Randy Weiler came of [semi ?] retirement to fly F1A one more time.
He hasn't forgotten all that gamesmanship he learnt from Ike -
but maybe the Kerger like moustache indicates a move towards F1C
in the future.
Most interesting model was not in the contest but a new [very] short wing
F1A from Victor Stamov, with the 4 servo Smart Magic timer and killer
bunt. This is still in the experimental stage but looks great for
windy conditions.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This past weekend I competed in my first Finals at Lost Hills. I went into the
competition wanting to win but I wanted to learn things that would prepare me
and make me better for the next team selection finals. I ended up learning smal
l bits and pieces of free flight that I did not know before and I thought I
would go away from this weekend learning how to get a higher bunt or a better
I actually was surprised that the biggest thing I learned from this whole
weekend was actually an attribute of life. I learned what true honor is.
Not the honor of making sure and timing the competitor correctly with showing
no bias but actual honor that will last for more than just 48 hours. This
morning theteam was decided for F1A and everyone was thrilled. But one of
the team members had something else in mind than going to Argentina. This
flyer showed something to me that I have never seen before, the type of honor
and selflessness that you only hear about in fairy tales and legends.
A flyer who is so passionate for the sport but even more so for his family.
Behind all the competitiveness the true character of a person showed through
on the flying field today. I have known good people and I have known kind
people. But today I met someone wh o is more honorable then I have ever met.
I met the true hero of the weekend.
So instead of driving down Holloway road with my usual sadness that the
competition is over and my eagerness to get back on the field, I was almost
speechless because I believe I have seen something this morning that will
forever change my view of this person in my eye. So in the end no matter
what accomplishments I may have on that dust filled field or what pleasures
I may get from seeing my airplane soaring with the hawks, nothing will ever
compare to the day that I met the true Randy Weiler
Roger Morrell