SEN 770- Jan 8 2003
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- Category: Archive 2003
- Hits: 1353
News and Reports 2003
SCAT Electronic News 8 January 2003 issue 770
Table of contents
Props - Segrave
Honda Cub etc For sale - Burt
X-Rays - Crowley
F1P as an event - Laffler
Re: F1P - Toto in Kansas
VIMD - Dukie
F1P - Brokenspar
: Re: SEN 768, >Free Flight< - Hatschek
New E-Mail address - Myers
Black Wire Syntrome - Linkosalo
Attaching film - Worsley
Dick Mathis FF design
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Has anyone or organisation thought of a prop blade with a zero pitching
moment? Since the blade is in effect a tailless wing, then a foil like this
might be beneficial - no? If not, why not? Or even a foil with the TE flat
on the board, as a semi reflex? Might it not be an advance on the current
B6356b type - lower drag perhaps?
I wonder.
Mike S
Honda Cub etc For sale
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Honda Cub-90
Just serviced, new battery, exellent tires. $1050. including trailer
Model Builder Magazines
Complete set of M.B. from 1971 (vol 1) through 1996. Beautifully
bound, all 26 volumes for $600. plus shipping
Model Airplane News
Large collection of bound issues of M.A.N. from 1937 through 1984.
35 volumes for $600. plus shipping
(619) 287-2438
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does anyone have an idea of how the new very powerful baggage screening
x-ray equipment could affect rubber if packed in checked baggage?
Paul Crowley
F1P as an event
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I jumped the gun when the F1P rules came out and have built two models on t
he same plan form but with different airfoils.Model One already had its maiden
flight last summer during a testing session with Bob Gutai and although it
had a few bugs which I have since worked out I must say do not under estimate
the potential of these models, they can be very competitive and I think that i
f more flyers give them a chance they will too be pleased and surprised.The ide
a of promoting the event at contests and adding the event to Americas cup is a
sound one and should stimulate interest among more advanced flyers and designer
s and maybe even bring back some rusty talents since YOU CAN'T BUY ONE!
Krine Laffler AMA859
PLACE: Bissonette Mirage Field - Lost Hills, Ca. (see map)
DATE: Feb. 14, 15, 16 & 17, 2003
JURY: Robert Norton, Roger Simpson, Alex Andriukov, Jim Parker
SCHEDULE: F1G, H & J Feb. 14th
5 rounds 45 minutes each Starting at 12:00pm
F1A, B & C Feb. 15th & 16th
7 rounds each day 60 min. each Starting at 8:am
Super max will be used for Rds. 1 & 8 (max times TBD)
Reserve day Feb. 17th
Current Sporting Code will apply
F1C fuel will be furnished, castor only
CONTACTS: Contest Director: George Batiuk
1759 Southwood Dr., San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401 USA
Phone: 805-546-8231 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NOTES: ** Entries will be considered late if received by CD after 2/9/03
** EACH competitor MUST submit a separate Entry Form
** Foreign entries must submit an entry form, either
electronically, or by post, but may pay on the field upon arrival
** All non-AMA members must pay $28.00 Affiliation Fee
MOTELS: Lost Hills Motel 6 – Ph: 661-797-2346
Lost Hills Days Inn – Ph. 661-797-2371
PLACE: Wasco Country Club (see map)
DATE: Feb. 15, 2003
PROGRAM: Dinner & presentation of America's Cup awards for 2002
COST: $20.00/person, $10.00 if under 17
Subject :MaxMen 2003 Entry For
NAME: ____________________________________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________________________
CITY ST ZIP: ____________________________________________
COUNTRY: ____________________________________________
F1A $20.00 ____________
F1B 20.00 ____________
F1C 20.00 ____________
F1G 10.00 ____________
F1H 10.00 ____________
F1J 10.00 ____________
BANQUET 20.00 EA. ____________
BANQ < 17 10.00 EA ____________
AFFILIATION FEE 28.00 ____________
TOTAL ENCLOSED ____________
Re: F1P
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi guys,
I started trying to do a 3-view for an F1P design based on an existing model.
I kept coming up with the picture that I would have to reduce the chord and
area after the span was scaled up. I don't know where I made the error but
my earlier stuff about a low 6.67 aspect ratio was based on a mis
calculation. Please can the earlier stuff which mentions 6.67 AR. The
figures from the rules actually yield an AR of over 8. (You guys probably
knew this & wondered where in tophet I got my info!!)
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
HArdy is still calculating where to put the VIMD on the rubber models. Due to
a much lower speed than a power model, he thinks the stripes should be closer
together and closer to the front. It could be that they need to start on the
spinner and go as far back as the pylon.
F1P specs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
With my diligence defending against, and deleting
SPAM, as I guess it's called, I can nowhere find
the model specifications for the F1P.
I get rid of stock tips, penis enlargement, diet programs,
teenys in their dorms, housewives at home....
I have the complete FAI Model specs...rockets...
slope soaring...all the F's...right up to
before the effing 1 P came onto view
( takes a long time to scroll past... ! )
Please recite the F1P specs for old brokenspar..
The new event - F1P - will include a maximum dimension to the wing span
(1.5m) and a minimum wing area (26 dm2). The minimum weight will be
250g. The engine is 1 cc with a 10 sec run using a direct drive
propeller and no brake. 7 flights with a 3 min maximum is the flight
requirement with one change in incidence allowed (in addition to DT
function) obviating a bunt capability.
: Re: SEN 768, >Free Flight<
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Responding to the item >Free Flight< in SEN 768 (1/2/03) and its leading
question, "Why do we love this free flight hobby so much?," I composed a free
verse on that very subject a number of years ago. Coincidentally but not
surprisingly, it bore the same title: Free Flight. It has been published in
at least half a dozen magazines, newsletters, symposia, and other
publications. But the chances are that few current flyers have seen it and
even fewer remember it. I'd like to share it again -- as follows:
Free Flight
What's free flight? A thrill, a challenge, a puzzlement.
It's other guys like you, the world around, striving for the
same graceful beauty of flight. It's comradeship across all human
barriers. It's bull sessions through the wee hours.
It's fierce competition-with the highest of sportsmanship.
It's a battle against Nature-her perversity-her law of gravity.
'Free as a bird' describes God's most unchained creation.
Man's is a model airplane soaring birdlike in a thermal. You created
it. Vicariously you soar with it-with its freedom.
Free flight is the mist of the dawning's calm as you test. It 's
the noonday Sun as your model thrusts for the heavens. It's the
cool drink after a dusty chase.
It's the piercing scream of a peaking engine-the silence of
the glide.
It's sunburn and poison ivy and weariness to the marrow-
made worthwhile.
It's skill in your fingers. It's knowledge learned for the
knowledge alone.
It's perfection sought-never attainable. A goal everlasting.
Free flight is all of these. Yet much more! I tell you this,
and you may believe. But you cannot know-unless you know.
Bob Hatschek, July 1962
New E-Mail address
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
Just a short note to let you know that Bob Tymchek has taken over the =
Gorban F1B and F1G business from me. Also I am changing my
E-Mail address to--- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hope to see you all at the MaxMen in Feb.,bionic hips and all.
Happy New year and gentle thermals to all,
Dick Myers
Black Wire Syntrome
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There is a lot of information on this at:
Basically, it is a case of battery electrolyte leaking along the negative
wire, corroding it on the way. For a pack, the cure is to replace the lead
if it is too corroded. In RC gear the electrolyte may cause more trouble,
so the main advice is to disconnect the battery when not in use.
The corrosion does not cause loss of battery capacity. Rather the
opposite, if batteries are over-charged or otherwise mistreated, the
internal pressure builds up and causes electrolyte leak. This will then
strengthen the black wire syntrome.
Attaching film
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I use nothing but Pritt Stick or Bostick Blue Stick (It goes on Blue to see
where there's glue then dries clear). The good thing about these is that
they are very easy to apply, remain tacky for a short while and hold the film
in place but allow you to adjust the position.
John Worsley
Dick Mathis FF design
I am familiar with many of "Fast Richard"s free flight designs, mainly from Flying Models magazine, but not the Bounty Hunter. Does anyone know when and in what mag it was offered. I fly only HTL in AMA classic. TIA;
Roger Morrell