SEN 821- August 17 2003
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- Category: Archive 2003
- Hits: 1352
SCAT Electronic News 17 August 2003 issue 821
Table of Contents
Lake Elsinore Update
Discus - Kargol
Pictures - Gannon
Watch Your Timecard - Bauer
Arizona FAI FF Champs - Brocks
43rd FAI Invitational - Markos
micafilm search - Abad
2004 SYMPO "Call for Papers" - Ghio
Sierra Cup - McKeever
Looking for Matthew Cuthbert - Coussens
Jnr Team
Jnr Team - Wilkinson
pinning the tail on the.... - Skykeing
Lake Elsinore Update
This site has been closed and flyers were told by local
law enforcement not to use it. Contact Bob W for
...... just as well the crops were harvested at Perris !
Discus ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Has anyone worked with discus launch for HLG? It seems to work out well
with RC gliders.
Dennis Kargol
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I just wanted you to know I really enjoyed the website/address that
had the pictures from Hungary of this years FAI World Champs but I didn't
know what team they were of. I also enjoyed the pictures from the AMA /Joe
Mekena of the 2003 Nats. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Bill Gannon
Watch your timecard
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Watch your timecard
Thanks to all the organizers of the Nats in Muncie, and especially to
those who put the junior program together. My son Brian and I made
the trip to experience our first ever Holiday on Grass. The grass
experience was great for a couple desert rats from California, even
though we were wondering after experiencing 3 days of wind and rain
before beautiful weather set in. I think modeling highs are much
better than what the 60's had to offer, although Mac the Bigot might
have more perspective on this. :-)
I do have a comment or two on the HLG event. After flying towline and
catapult earlier in the week, and before rushing to the airport
Thursday, we both flew that most purest of pure FF events - hand
launch glider (real men don't need strings or rubber bands to fly
gliders, wouldn't you agree Lee?). Anyway, I was rushing a bit
knowing that the airport drive was ahead, but I finally got going and
had some nice thermal flights. During one flight however, I had just
thrown the model into what looked like a sure max as several other
gliders were thermaling and I pulled out right under them. After
about 15 seconds there was a big WHAP sound and my glider was diving
straight down after another glider smacked right into mine on launch.
An appeal to the CD revealed that no reflights are allowed. Tough
luck as it would have been my 3rd max (sob).
Brian flew really well and ended up with a couple maxes, just a few
seconds behind Dallas Parker. Right after his last flight we rushed
to turn in the timecards, pack our stuff and drive to the airport as
we barely had time to avoid missing the flight. When the guy at the
scoring table saw Brian's card, he pointed out that the last three
flights had been flown since it was last returned to the table. I had
not been aware of a rule to return the cards after two flights (even
though it was apparently written on the card or announced), and I was
told by a director the day before when flying catapult gliders that
three flights could be taken before recording scores so I assumed the
same would go for hand launch. I explained myself, and got the
impression that everything would be OK and my ignorance would be
forgiven. After returning home and checking scores on the web,
Brian's score seemed to be about 100 seconds short. An email to the
CD confirmed that his last max was replaced with a zero score because
of the timecard issue. I was somewhat shocked that a clerical or
reporting issue would lead to such a scoring penalty, but understand
that rules are rules, and rules must be followed! So from now on we
will pay much closer attention to timecard rules, even though in 30
years of free flight flying with many scoring issues I can't ever
remember a penalty this harsh.
So the moral of the story is: 1- avoid traffic when flying HLG, and
look before you throw. 2- watch the timecard rules! 3- When
you're high on grass don't rush to the airport but just stay and enjoy
the beautiful flying conditions (we missed our flight anyway, but
there are always more planes headed to LA).
Thermals to all, Ken Bauer
Arizona FAI FF Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
When it is getting cold in December it is still warm and nice in
Arizona. Now is the time to mark your calendar for the last America's
Cup contest in the West for the year 2003. The Arizona FAI Free Flight
Championships will be held Dec. 6 -7, 2003 at Eloy. There is a flier for
this contest on the NFFS web site in the Master Contest Calendar or
click on
There will be also a full slate of AMA, Nostalgia, and OT events flown
at the Arizona FF Championships (a National Cup Contest) at the same
time on the same field. The CD for this contest is Dick Strang
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43rd FAI Invitational
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This is an open invitation to all FAI competitors to the FAI Invitational in
Muncie. Besides FAI, we have a full complement of AMA, Oldtimer and
Nostagia events. Both Americas Cup and National Cup points will be awarded as
well as handsome engraved glass mugs especially suitable for fermented
F1A, B and C will be on Saturday, Aug 23 with rounds starting at 9 am. This
is an earlier start than in past years . I've given up on the 11 am start
time from previous years because no contestants were using the early moring
Saturday time for travel and also because of the late afternoon
thunderstorms that had plagued the contest in recent years.
F1G, H and J will be on Sunday, Aug 24 with rounds starting at 8 am. The
contest bulletin is available to all on the NFFS website in the "Master
Contest Calendar" section.
An added attraction may be the battle for the final Jr team position in F1A.
I may be incorrect, but it looks as though either Michael Avallone or Peter
Barron will take a team position if they max out or win the event on Saturday.
Peter has been coming on strong in Muncie this year with a win at the Hoosier
cup and a strong second-place finish to Jim Parker at the Nats.
So, come to Muncie and enjoy the fine late-summer weather and green grass
underfoot. The ponds of water that greeted us at the Nats (created by
unusually heavy early summer rainfall) should be dried up by now.
Chuck Markos
micafilm search
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does someone know where to buy clear Micafilm?
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2004 SYMPO "Call for Papers"
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am the editor for the 2004 NFFS Symposium. One of my duties is to request
nominations from the model community. Would each of you please place the
attached "Call for Papers" in the next issue of your excellent Free Flight
publications that you are editors of. Please e-mail me if you have any
questions or trouble with the Microsoft Word file. I have also included the
request below in the body of this e-mail.
Aram, Schlosberg, Bob Beecroft and myself want to thank you for your
Best regards, Walt Ghio
2004 SYMPO "Call for Papers / Articles"
Each year the National Free Flight Society publishes a Symposium report.
Technical papers and articles are required to make up each edition. If you
have a possible technical paper about Free Flight models or design /
construction / flying article in mind and would like to have it published in
the 2004 SYMPO please contact the editor, Walt Ghio.
Walt's e-mail address is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Mailing address : 1380
Elkhorn Drive, Stockton, CA, 95209
Aram Schlosberg will chair the 2004 Ten Models of the Year committee.
Nomination packages for model of the year should include:
1. One page description of the model's innovations as well as its recent
contest record.
2. One-page plan (a half wing, side and to view of the fuselage, the stab)
with structural details and full size rib sections.
3. Details photographs of nominated model.
4. Resume of modeler / designer (optional).
Aram's e-mail address is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Mailing address :
79-02 212th St., Bayside, NY, 11364-3506
Bob Beecroft is the chairman for the 2004 Hall of Fame members. Please send
any nominations to Bob. The nomination will require a write up on the
individual and photographs.
Bob's e-mail address is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Mailing address : 3488
Linda Vista Terrace, Fallbrook, CA, 92028-9127
All papers / articles and nominations must be submitted electronically,
preferably in Microsoft Word format, via e-mail or CD / Zip disk. Only high
quality photographs and a minimum of 4 Megapixel resolution files for
Deadline for proposals is December 1, 2003. After the proposals are
reviewed and selections made completed nominations will be required February
1, 2004.
Thank you for your nominations, Walt Ghio.
Sierra Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, I'd appreciate it if you would publish this entry on SEN. Flyers
should feel free to print this and use it for their entry.
E-mail Address....................
Banquet Selection ( ) Beef ( ) Chicken ( ) Vegetarian
Nationality and Aero Club International License
Foreign Entrants: Do you have an AMA Affiliate Membership?
If yes, what is your License Number?
If not, membership can be purchased on the filed for $28.00.
AMA Affiliate Membership..........................$28.00 $.................
Group 1: ( )F1A ( )F1B ( )F1C ..........$45.00 $................
Group 2: ( )F1G ( )F1H ( )F1J...........$45.00 $.................
Additional people attending banquet....( ) X $20.00 $.................
Total amount paid......................................... $.................
Note: If you enter Group 2 events (F1G, F1H, F1J) and you enter Group 1
events (F1A, F1B, F1C), your total entry fee is $60.00.
Make all checks payable to: Sierra Eagles MAC
Send to:
Mike McKeever
4252 Mockingbird St.
Fair Oaks, Ca 95628
(916) 967-8475 Evenings
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Look forward to seeing everyone there and don't forget about the Sierra
Petite America's Cup Contest just before. Thanks Roger
Looking for Matthew Cuthbert
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I was wondering if any of you guys might have the e-mail adress of John
Cuthbert or Matthew Cuthbert. I would like to talk to him. If anyone
knows any information that could be helpful, please do e-mail me.
Fly Max Win
Re: Jnr team
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
the website.
this does not work.
thx don.
[Apparartly Bill Gannon was able to access Joe's Web site ..
so I suspect a momentary Internet glitch or ...]
Re: Jnr team
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
i read the letter that young Ben Cossens wrote about
how broken hearted he was about not making the jr
if he thinks he is going to make the team every time
he trys out for it he is in for a rude awakening.
some of my flying buddys have been trying to make the
team for over thirty five years and they have not made
it yet.
Henery Struck spent his entire life trying to make the
wakefield tean but he died before he made the team.
i tried to make the team in the mid sixtys but i also
was amoung the many that didn't make it.
team selection back than was a lot different than it
is now.
You had to go to qualification trials and make twenty
five minutes to qualify to go to the semifinals.
the seminifinials were held all over the United states
and the top winners went to the fanials.
now the fun starts.
there were three finials hels all on the same weekend.
one on the west coast one on the east coast and one in
the mid west.
any body qualified to go to the finials could go to
any one of the three finials reguardless of where they
in order to make the team you had to come out first in
the event you were flying at the finals you were
flying at.
if you came in second it was wait til next year.
this is what we flew back than.
those were the days.
everything was real simple.
Hang in there ben and keep swinging.
thx don.
pinning the tail on the....
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
High Tails
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There have been so many comments about T tails on F1As that I cannot remain
silent any longer.
Well, gee whiz Hank, you don't have to wait until you can hardly stand it
before speaking up! I for one am always eager to hear your well-grounded
opinions. Please, in the future, at the first mere hint of irritation jump
right in! I shudder to think of so many good things we could have been
learning from you all this time -- but didn't -- just because your
threshold of pain is so high.
On page 172 in Frank Zaic's 1959-61 yearbook you can see
the plans for my Nordic which placed the stab high above the wake in the
normal gliding position by putting the boom on at -10 degrees. This is
beneficial because the downwash at this position is only about half of what
it is below the wake. When upset by a gust, the model had a very
unusual reaction. Some might call this a stall but instead of dropping the
nose, it would wheel nose high and go in the opposite direction. I think
that this may have been partially due to the sub rudder dipping into the
wake and partially due to the effect of the product of inertia.
An adverse slant of the axis of the mean moment of inertia that destabilizes
a power ship could be the cause of the beneficial effect you mention above
in the glide. When your glider was upset the force arrangement would feed
into any lateral displacement and the result would be that the ship might
wheel completely around rather than return to its original flight path.
Being more reactive to turbulent thermals would certainly serve well to lock
on any errant bubble that dared jostle it. And yes, I always liked the
looks of that glider of yours.
..... On the last flight the model worked into three
different thermals before dethermalizing in plain sight. (a very long
Thanks to Daniel Protheroe for his donation in support of SEN.
Roger Morrell