SEN 833- Nov 5 2003
- Details
- Category: Archive 2003
- Hits: 1847
News and Reports 2003
SCAT Electronic News 5 November 2003 issue 833
Table of Contents
Fwd: Found F1A - Parker & Campbell
Report: Southwest FAI Challenge - SweepetteLee
Pat and Al Ulm - Piserchio
contact details for Ed Keck - Murph
FAI guys' addresses? - Lidberg
new guy in SC needs a mentor - Deloach
020 $$$ - Jahnke
Chinese Rubber ?
CH Maurice BAYET + F1B event + F1E Commentary - Chaussebourg
Re: little ben. Was Kowal et al - now the editor
NorthEast Juniors - Moseley
Fwd: Found F1A
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello jim: there is an F1A ship that has been turned in to AMA
headquarters. The name was illegible. Most of the AMA number was applied
with red , white, and blue decals, most of which are missing. Does it
belong to your son or another California flyer.
If so, contact the competition department at the AMA. ( Link on NFFS
website for AMA and departments.
Lee Campbell
Report: Southwest FAI Challenge
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi again FF sports fans!
The resurrected 7th SW FAI Challenge returned this year to the America's
Cup schedule, after being unable to do so in 2002.
The 24 fliers who ventured over to the El Dorado Dry Lake near Boulder City
NV were treated to a fine weekend of flying in very good weather plus a
surprise gift for each entrant, courtesy of
Don Zink. We all thank you for the very nice alarm clocks, Don!
It did cool off from the previous days, with some rain and snow in higher
country which finally helped put out many dreadful fires.
But the front blew through on Friday giving us cool and dry conditions with
only some wind Sat afternoon causing the max to be reduce to 2 minutes for
rounds 4 and 5 of glider and Wakefield.
We had no F1C fliers this time, which is a pity.
On Sunday morn, the first rounds for all classes were to ensure no
flyoffs, as they were 10 minute maxes.
No one did the max time and it allowed the flyer to choose a wide
strategy spectrum...go early?...go late?
It was interesting to say the least.
Young Ben Coussens chose to go late in F1H and caught a nice bump
to win the small glider class.
The day stayed very calm and lift was hard to find for long periods
and could decay rapidly as well. So the placing stayed in doubt
to a good degree til the 10th and final round.
Bill Booth and Larry Norvall flew flawlessly to take 1st and 2nd
in F1B.
Norm Smith did 2 sec more than Victor Stamov in the long max rd
to take F1A.
In F1G, Dick Wood and his grandson, Taylor Burrows took the 1st
and 2nd place hardware back to Phoenix this year.
A budding junior towliner, Logan Tetrick[can't miss his red hair!]
was giving it all he had and did very well in[I think]his first
F1A contest ever. He also was the only P-30 flier.
In summary, the format showed promise to most, with a suggestion
to shorten the tie-breaker round time to 20 minutes each, with a
short break between to retrieve and get reoriented.
It would also end one hour sooner, allowing everyone an earlier return to
their homes.
Thank you one and all for coming, and helping to make the 7th SW FAI
Challenge the success it was.
And thank you Jon Zeisloft, for coordinating the difficult path
of clearing the Boulder City site permit process!
The Results:
F1A...13 fliers
1. Norm Smith 1781
2. Victor Stamov 1779
3. Don Zink 1715
4. Jim Parker 1710
5. Vasily Beschasny 1709
6. Lee Hines 1680
7. Pierre Brun 1642
8. Rene Limberger 1618
9. Dallas Parker 1611
10. Peter Brocks 1577
11. Brian Van Nest 1399
12. Logan Tetrick 1327
13. Ben Coussens 227
F1B...6 fliers
1. Bill Booth Jr 1837
2. Larry Norval 1813
3. Rich Rohrke 1764
4. Dick Wood 1711
5. Elmer Nelson 1642
6. Bob Piserchio 1053
F1G...9 fliers
1. Dick Wood 889
2. Taylor Burrows 884
3. Bill Booth Jr. 816
4. Peter Brocks 797
5. Larry Norval 778
6. Jon Zeisloft 729
7. Alan Petersen 647
8. John Clapp 346
9. Elmer Nelson 120
F1H...9 fliers
1. Ben Coussens 1041
2. Lee Hines 887
3. Jim Parker 831
4. Brian Van Nest 797
5. Norm Smith 792
6. V. Beschasny 749
7. Dallas Parker 738
8. Pierre Brun 734
9. Victor Stamov 656
F1J...1 flier
1. Tony Robertson 658
P-30...1 flier
1. Logan Tetrick 304
Pat and Al Ulm
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger
Pat and Al want everyone to know that they can be reached by their
listed telephone number 619 447 3138 It will accept voice mail and
they now have a laptop that allows them to receive email.It is
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. They would like for you to put it in Scat so
that they can stay in touch. I said I would send it to you for them.
They are looking for a trailer to put on their property to stay in
while rebuilding. They are okay doing as well as they can for the
time being. Having their family with them has helped. We are and will
deliver any messages that will still come to us for them. Bob and Al
are going flying on Sat (Perris). Al has two new planes and Bob
isfurnishing motors for time being. Al still has no way to stretch
motors etc.
Thanks, Connie
contact details for Ed Keck
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does anyone out there have an e-mail address for Ed Keck, failing that a
phone number?
Chris Murphy
FAI guys' addresses?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The mailing list for the 2004 SW Regionals [3 contests; Jan 17, 18, 19, Eloy,
Arizona] is missing addresses for some FAI 'sportsmen'. These folks are
probably still active because they were here in 2003:
Tom Coussens
Ben Coussens
David Oldfield
Dean Clark
Allen Ulm
Martin Schroedter
Anybody have this info for us?
BTW: all free flight flyers/info/entry blanks have been mailed except for
these. SAM RC OT will be mailed by Bob Angus - soon I think.
If you don't receive the FF packet within the next 4-5 days and want one,
contact me off line - or, go to the SWR website:
where you'll actually find more information than we're mailing out!
A. A. Lidberg model plan service
new guy in SC needs a mentor
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Is there an experienced flyer or club in the area that would be willing to
help Jared? He is a newbie on the FF Mailing List.
thanks and thermals
Don DeLoach
MMM, Colorado
>I'd love to join a club but am unsure if there are any in my area. By the
>looks of the single hobby shop in my area I have been kinda doubtful of
>locating an FF club in this area. I am in Darlington, SC or in a broader
>sense... I am in the Darlington and Florence County areas.
>This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
020 $$$
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I wonder if any of my SCAT friends can tell me what a new Cox TD .020 with a
Kern Craft needle valve is worth. It also comes with two extra needle
valves, spray bars and, venturis and an extra tankless backplate and
wrenches. None of these items were ever taken out of the packaging in which
they arrived at my home over a decade ago.
Ross Jahnke
Chinese Rubber ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
has anybody used the new true torque rubber from china?
I want to know if someone can help me and tell me how long should be the motors
and how many strands,
Ittai Shichman
CH Maurice BAYET + F1B event + F1E Commentary
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
In N=B0 831 SEN, Mike EVATT asked about the dates of Coupe d'Hiver
Maurice BAYET.
It will be on saturday 28 February 2004, with an F1B contest on the
sunday 29 Feb ( probably World Cup depending of CIAM Bureau decision) .
Both contests will take place at the usual venue in VIABON and will be
organised by PAM (Paris Air Model).
I take this opportunity to give you the dates for the "summer events":
Beauvoir: July 30 - 31 & August 1st
Poitou: August 5: 2minutes classes
August 6th: F1A
August 7th: F1B+C
and Junior W/Ch from August 8 to 14.
Last month, the news was published in SEN that Bob SIFLEET won the F1E
World Championship in Romania, and so became the 1st US World Champion
in this class.
I would like to make some more comments about this beautiful result.
There was first a World Cup contest on the same site, a few days before
the World Champs, and Bob placed 10th.
Then, he made the fly-off with 7 other competitors, which was already
something not easy to do. Then, he has been alone to make the ideal
flight. The starting area had been moved down the slope almost in the
bottom of the little valley where we had been flying 3 of the previous
rounds. He managed to trim his model in order to slide to the right,
avoiding to land on the slope where he started, and then the model
escaped from that slope, gaining some altitude and went across the main
valley to land on the other side of it more than 5 minutes after the
start and more than 2 minutes ahead of Jaromir OREL who is not a
beginner in that F1E Class. This is a real achievement which has been
saluted by all the participants, officials, timekeepers, competitors and
Two days later, Bob went also in the Fly-off of the second World cup
event and placed third.
He has been congratulated by everyone at the closing banquet and US Free
Flighters must be proud to have Bob Sifleet as the new F1E World
Champion. I hope that his win will make new participants in this class
who will discover new flying site for F1E models in USA which would be
Bob, congratulations again for what you did!
Pierre Chaussebourg.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our hearts are with all who are threatened by the fires take care.
Dennis Kargol
Re: little ben.
A few issues back Ken Kowal comment that Ben Coussens had been doing
well in some contests and it was a pity that he did not make team ..
This drew some mail to Ken critisisng him for taking that position.
Ken did send a rebuttal to that to SEN and directly to the writer of the e-mail.
As Ken points outs he entitled to his opinion and as it happens Ken
is merely an observer, not a paticular friend or support of any
of the current junior contendors. We have chosen to not publish Ken's
rebuttal, partly because in doing do it will give light to
the other, un published e-mail.
The editorial position is clear - that this year we changed to the
rules of the Junior team selection process and that the intent was to
make it a fairer competition to select the team , and that all parties
involved did everything with that spirit in mind. But now looking
back with, naturally 20-20 hindsight there were some things that should
have been done better from organizer's point of view
and some of the top contestants could have flown a better tactical
game to have scored better. Given all that everything was fairly clear,
particularily in F1A where all the discussion was about so all parties
concerned do not believe that anything should be done by retroactively
changing the rules. For this reason we hold the position that discussion
about this year's events in Muncie are counter productive and emphasis
should be placed on the remaining event, gettign the team ready for the
World Champs and then doing a better job on the team selection next year.
NorthEast Juniors
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> Clearly, FAI free- flight is critical to Junior flying in the North
East, as it is for
>many their next step past HLG, Catapult, P-30, and Mulvihill
I'd like to think of it as their next step alongside HLG, Catapult, P30
and Mulvihill
Roger Morrell