SCAT Electronic News 11 February 2001 issue 542
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1287
SCAT Electronic News 11 February 2001 issue 542
Table of Contents
Isaacson Flash
RE: Indoor flying, China Lake, March 3 - Cowley et al
fuel for MM14R - Dukie
Schedules - Schroedter
Free flight pultrusions - Dijk
Going left - Crowley
Closed Loop and Mini-extended Maxes - Augustus
ABAS WebSite Launch - Limberger
Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics - Bowman
Control of stab from hook tension -- Barron
How to format stuff ? - Thorkilsen
Isaacson Flash
F1A - 6 in flyoff
1. Mike McKeever
2. Victor Stamov
3. Javier Abad
F1B - 13 in Flyoff
1. Pim Ruyter
2. Pavel Bogach
3. Don Blackam
A little windy at times ! a little rain at times. But no problems at all
with access to the field. Great burgers etc
Pavel Bogach, a junior from Karkov the Ukraine lost a F1B - Blue and
yellow wings. It did not go very far, probably close to Holloway Road
and north of the entrance. If anyone finds it please notify Roger Morrell
310 374 2136.
RE: Indoor flying, China Lake, March 3
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Larry / George,
* In reply to your recent SEN question / Please circulate:
* Martyn
Moffet Field
From: Dan Kreigh on Mon, Feb 5, 2001 9:08 PM
Subject: Indoor flying, China Lake, March 3
Are any of you guys interested in attending a casual indoor flying session
at China Lake? China Lake is 1 hour north of Mojave, or about a 2 hour
drive from Bakersfield.
What might make the trip interesting is that it is inside their HUGE indoor
RCS test building. The building is half underground. It might be a little
smaller than the Moffett hangar but not by much. Also, it has no exposed
girders and the ceiling is FLAT if you know of any indoor freeflight boys
that want to come down.
The date is Saturday March 3rd. I'm not sure of the time yet.
Rules are:
Submit your SSN to me or John Piri by Feb 25th
US citizenship required
Also, there might be an age limit of 12 years old.
Invite your friends also but they also need to meet the above rules.
If you are interested, submit your SSN to John Piri at:
John and Carol Piri
West Coast Blimps & Electronics
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Or send me the info.
John and Don McGlauflin live in China Lake and they designed the GFS! speed
controller and Sirus chargers. Peter Borders of Spyder Moth fame also
lives there.
Hope to see some of you guys there.
Best Regards,
Dan Kreigh
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fuel for MM14R
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To F1C flyers at the MM 14R.
I delivered the fuel to L.H. on Friday 2-9. There are 4 gallons of castor mix
(clear) and 5 gallons of synthetic mix (pink). It is in the new storage
locker. Bob Tymchek has the key to get in to the locker. Check with Bob or
George if you are looking for fuel. Happersett has one gallon of each that
was to be used at the Issacson.
See you all next Friday.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I meant to ask you
yesterday if you have posted somewhere on the SCAT website the contest calendar
for AmCup, CUFFMAC and world FAI competitions. I have not been able to find
them, but others seem to have the schedules. Thanks,
George S.
[George - and others who also asked
the CUFFMAC and Americas Cup shecules are on the SCAT web site under contest
schedules. The America's Cup is sent out in SEN fromtime to time.
CUFMACC is done in MS word in a does not that does not lend itself
to reformatting for inclusion in SEN.
The World Cup Schedule is on the FAI web site
look under the select CIAM pages pullown]
Free flight pultrusions
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello SEN readers,
Herewith I would like to bring the activities of DPP to your attention.
vDijk Pultrusion Products produces all kinds of high graded fibre reinforced
profiles. Because of my own interest in free flight (I'm a fanatic F1A ***
flyer) I developed some special profiles for this marked. Some interesting
products are:
-Trailing edges (trapezium formed, several dimensions)
-Capstrip material (several dimensions, per 35m on roll)
-Leading edges
-Rectangular rods
-Round rods
-Tapered High modulus spars
All products are off a superb quality (carbon/epoxy). I should especially
highlight the Tapered High modulus spars. The specially processed TENAX UMS
high modulus fibre has a Tensile modules (435 GPa) which is almost twice as
stiff as the standard used HTA carbon fibre (238 GPa).
For more information you can take a look at: WWW.DPP.Nu
In Europe there is already an intensive distribution network. Michael J
Woodhouse Free Flight Supplies has all the interesting free flight
pultrusions in his assortment. He will bring some materials to the Maxmen
competition. So for all the US flyers: it's worth to take a look!
Maarten van Dijk.
vDijk Pultrusion Products
Rozenstraat 78,
NL-5014 AL Tilburg
Tel.(+31)(0)(13)5444712, Mobile (+31)(0)615003115
Fax (+31)(0)(13)5110278
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[*** actually Maarten is the current F1A World Cup Champion so that
is very fanactic!]
Going left
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Peter,
I too on occasion have experienced my model opening up the cruise circle
after the burst and sometimes stalling or floundering.I think one setup
that can cause this is starting out with to small amount of right
thrust, say 1 deg.You get a good burst pattern with a small amount of
left rudder and wing wiggler, but when the stab comes up and the model
slows down I feel that the combined left rudder and wing wiggler
overcome the small amount of right thrust you have.
The first of the high tech models I built after the 93 WC used the
following systems, thrust(down and right), wing wiggler, 3 position
rudder and VIT. It worked like this, burst rudder and stab at about 4
sec.,intermediate rudder and WW at about 30 sec.This worked fine because
I controlled the cruise circle with the intermediate rudder.Then I
thought I would simplify things by using a 2 position rudder and that's
when the open cruise circle first showed up.Went back to the 3 position
rudder and have not had the problem since.
Closed Loop and Mini-extended Maxes
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Two things: Closed loop systems are identified by a key factor -
feedback. If there is no feedback, it is open loop, plain and simple.
Clearly the entire process of towing is closed loop - the tower
provides input to the glider and responds to the feedback from the
glider. In flight, unless the glider's aerodynamic response to the
control input is fed back into the control system, it is open loop.
About first round extended rounds serving as flyoff times. It sounds
to me like having a batting derby before the first inning, and then
if the score is tied at the end of the ninth, the game is settled by
the results of the batting derby, and we don't have to go into extra
innings. That's not the way the game is played. And in free flight,
losing a model is part of the risk. I have declined to fly in some
hazardous flyoffs, thereby forfeiting the win to the more courageous
competitors. That too, is the way the game is played.
ABAS WebSite Launch
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I just want to inform everybody that we just launched our
new project web site for the ABAS system. unfortunately
there is not much on there jet but we have put up some
sneak preview screenshots of our developments.
feel free to browse to:
Rene Limberger
Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A few weeks ago I asked for help in finding information about low
Reynolds number aerodynamics. I wanted to thank everyone for the many
leads they sent me. I am still tracking many of them down.
I wanted to let you know that I am still researching the area. Several
members of the group expressed interest in any good information I found.
The best overall summary of low Reynolds number science that I have
found so far was written in 1981 by B. H. Carmichael. It is titled "Low
Reynolds Number Airfoil Survey." It is a NASA Contractor Report
(NASA-CR-165803-Vol-1). He did a very impressive job of summarizing
what was known in 1981. The document is about 100 pages long. I had to
make my copy from microfilm of the original document.
W. Jerry Bowman
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah
(801) 378-4316
Control of stab from hook tension -- Barron
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Klaus Salzer raising some interesting points about our control of
models on the line prior to launch. I think of the use of hook tension
to control the stab during launch acceleration as much the same as the
long-time practice of using the hook tension to control the rudder for
circle tow and/or zoom. Whether these controls are implemented
directly mechanically (as I had done for some time) or by conversion
(from mechanical to electrical and back to mechanical again) seems to be
simply a matter of individual preferences.
How to format stuff ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am not a computer guru and basically just do excel, word and math cad and
Is there a simple way to explain the conversion you are talking about so
that we can get it to you in the form you need for posting on your sites.
for inclusion in SEN plain test is best. When you have the document in MS
Word - select the entire document and chnage the font to 12 point Courier.
Then do a "save as" as part of this you can select the type of document -
choose ascii text with line breaks. This will give a .txt file. The can
be attached to your email.
To post something on the web site in a 'pretty format' if you are not
familar with HTML [the formatting language used on the WWW] make the
document in word, then do a Save As HTML - this is a separate save
option in my version of word. This will make a htm file. You can
look at this with your web browser ro see how it will look. You
might want to do this for a contest announcement or for Free flight
suppliers announcement. Mail this as an attachment]
Roger Morrell