SCAT Electronic News 25 February 2001 issue 549
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1174
SCAT Electronic News 25 February 2001 issue 549
Table of Contents
Tan II update - Clapp
Foot and Mouth - Woodhouse
Re: [Jet-Ex-Press e-list] Foot and Mouth
Re: [FFML] Foot and Mouth
Grass seed - Zeisloft
gear and 107" - Achterberg
WEB site - O'Dwyer
Electronic DT - power out procedures? - Linkosalo
Re: F1B trim - KOPPITZ & Wantzenriether
Tan II update
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have just been informed by "the factory" that one of the synthetic
ingredients in Tan II that was processed in a supplier's plant did not
come out to required spec
( low molecular weight), and will have to be rerun. That impacts on the
next run of rubber and my estimation puts the next batch into FAI
around the end of March.
John Clapp
Foot and Mouth
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hope you will forgive this UK only interjection. There is, as you know, an
outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the UK. In order to help stop the
spread prambulation across the countryside should be kept to a minimum. The
BMFA have therefore postponed the first area meeting due on Sunday 4th
March. If you know of anyone who might miss out hearing this please let
them know. Besides the official events it would behove us all to keep clear
of agricultural land until the situation resolves itself. No doubt whilst
this problem is on the weather will be mint!
Michael J Woodhouse. - Free Flight Supplies the site now has pictures check
them out.
Re: [Jet-Ex-Press e-list] Foot and Mouth
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Mike - Presume March 4 is in addition to Sunday's Linton event. Martin
Re: [FFML] Foot and Mouth
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
First its the Mad cows now foot and mouth disease what next? The cows
have no choice they are too inbred to fight off the diseases, you guys
need some fresh genes introduced to the pool no? Maybe some good looking
French cows would do or perhaps a stray American or two.
In the mean time stay away from the fields you don't need to catch any
of those.
Grass seed
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the course of my working career, I have been involved in reseeding
numerous exploratory drill hole sites and mining locations. Indeed, the
aridity of Lost Hills is a problem. The solution in most cases has
always been a "blend" of seeds, not just a single species. If my
experiences will help, here goes:
The US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will make recommendations for
sites, based on location, elevation, precipitation and elevation. There
are companies which grow and distribute seeds, sold separate or blended,
in the Provo / Salt Lake City Utah area. Be advised, however, seeds of
native grasses will cost an arm and a leg.
If it is appropriate, let me know and I will try to help further with
names, etc.
Jon Zeisloft
gear and 107"
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The story that was told to me was that the gear, of course, out climbed the
107" and then after 4 minutes the gear and the 107 were at the same
altitude. The story was interrupted then and all I heard was that the 107
beat the gear, but did not hear the final times. Terry Kerger has more info
since he was flying and he can relay the results.
We have been trying to get the correct weather to find this information out
for about 2 years now, but when the opportunity arose one or the other could
not get up a good flight. Bad pattern, transition, stalling or something
that made the comparison inaccurate. I believe they both got off reasonably
good flights. Fill us in Terry!!! Bye for now~~~
WEB site
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What is the URL for the SCAT web site ? I'm looking for the America cup
contest schedule.
John O'Dwyer
Electronic DT - power out procedures?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
One month ago I had yet another fly-away with my F1H glider. I do not why
is it that the mechanical timers in my gliders seem to fail ever so often,
as they never do in my F1B's (knock on wood...). The glider was found
three weeks later, luckily.
Anyway, this boosted my interest in trying to build an electronic DT
timer, and this week I got the prototype of Koster-style glider timer
running (only DT, and the single switch closes when hook moves forward,
resetting the elapsed time counter). The actuator is a micro servo (they
are so small and readily available these days), so it would be easy to add
additional functions is required.
My consideration is how to act on possible case of running out of power. I
can think of two strategies: first install a brown-out circuitry that
resets the timer in the case battery power goes below a threshold, and
write the timer code so that the servo is run first to DT position when
the timer starts. This setup would DT the model down in the case power
fails. The low voltage would probably take place when the servo is moving,
so in glider this would probably mean DTing during the bunt manouvers.
It might be possible that the model would land within 20 seconds.
The second approach would be to install a voltage booster circuit that
would keep the timer running until the battery is totally drained. This
would end up with a timer that runs until the battery is so empty that
there is not enough power to turn the servo, enabling possible fly-outs in
the case of battery draining.
Any comments which approach would be more sensible? How have other
timer-makers solved the problem?
On the Black and Red Magic timers there is a low voltage detect.
This causes the LED to flicker, giving an indication that the
voltage is low. In addition there is a capacitor to reduce the
likelhood hood of a brown out. The timer will keep running long after the
servo can be driven.
I do not think it is workthwhile using anykind
of voltage multipler because with NICAD and to some extent NiMH
once the battery voltage has started to fade there is virtually not
life left in the battery.
Note that there might be some circumstances - such as in a flyoff where
you might be happy for the model not to D/T even if the
battery is failing.
I think that it can also be mitigated by using a very good battery charger
and the highest capacity batteries possible.]
Re: F1B trim
Author : j.w.bourdonnay
Peter KING wrote :
>> I am interested to get any opinions about a phenomena that seems to
have happened to quite a few Wake flyers, when motors are lengthened.
>From Albert KOPPITZ : I have tried the 30 g. All occurs more gently.
VIW the least long possible, approximately 15 seconds. The other
adjustments are the same for 28 and 26 strands.
Jean Wantzenriether, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell