SCAT Electronic News 18 April 2001 Issue 570
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1345
SCAT Electronic News 18 April 2001 Issue 570
Table of Contents
About Wakefield Cup - Kaynes
Timer Sign-up for World Champs - Jones
Rubber Status - Clapp
Ibis - Lindgren
Where is Joe Ed Pederson ? - Nuettgens
Rolled Booms - Malkin
New Covering material - Ioerger
Huron Cup Contest Notice - McGlashan
About Wakefield Cup
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Dear Mr Herbon
Yes, you are right, there is not yet anything on the CIAM pages about the
history of Wakefield. There are many people who are interested in the
history of the Cup, but my work on this site has been initially the current
competition results of current classes, because CIAM is an active
organisation rather than a historical archive. I then extended these
championships results backwards to give all the results of the
championships back to the very first ones recognised by the FAI. You might
appreciate that this was quite a major undertaking in itself, I have
produced several hundred web pages in just meeting these objectives.
History can readily be added to the story in future: current plans are for
extending the information and news presented on the CIAM site and this
could be one element of that.
I am sorry that you were disappointed on the current web site when looking
for with your specific requirements.
Ian Kaynes
[I think that we should remember that this writing of history
is volenteer work and that Ian is to be commended for the
work done so far. If you look at the FAI web Site you
will find that historial results for Free Flight contests is
better than any of the other classes. This is due
to Ian's work.
There is the book by Charles Rushing that has much of the
history of the Wakefiled Cup - as mentioned
by Ron Moulton a few issues back.]
Mail from Aeromodel Dot Com
Timer Sign-up for World Champs
Hi Roger Morell,
My name is Steve Jones. I'm a longtime friend of Doug Galbreath. I was
a teen-ager in the late sixtys who "grew up" in Doug's garage, and
flying airplanes with him and his sons. I was visiting with Doug on the
phone last night (I have lived in Denver since 1978) and wanted info on
this October's World Championships at Lost Hills. He said that a great
way to see the event was to become a "timer" and that I should get ahold
of Brian Van Nest in Bishop, CA. Do you have a phone number for Brian?
I'm trying to make my travel plans well in advance. Thanks for your
Steve Jones
[Steve the timers are being organized by Brian and Janna Van Nest
TYhis is what they had to say ...
This will be your chance to get a front row seat and remain
on the flight line.
Lunch is provided. If you time all three days you get a banquet ticket.
Please we need everyone's help
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Rubber Status
April 16, 2001
Current Tan II rubber schedule
After talking with the factory and sales personal this past
week, this is the production
Schedule as I see it. A new trial batch (several hundred
pounds of 1/8”) of Tan II has been mixed and should be
processed late this coming week. I expect to receive this
new batch by 4/24/01 and have F1B test results by 5/01/01.
If all goes according to plan,
we will release a large (several thousand pound) order for
all sizes of rubber for delivery in mid May.
Contributing causes for this late schedule:
A. Latest batches of Tan II have been plagued with high
hysterisis loses.
B. Process/formulation development research had to be done
to attempt to solve the problem
C. One of the critical additives received for new Tan II was
found to be off spec.
D. Our factory National Sales manager has been on extended
medical leave (due to return next week). He is a key
driver in my ordering/production process
E. The quality control manager is on Easter vacation this
past week and Tan II will not be run without him being
F. The factory will be on vacation 4/16/01 and Tan II will
not be run until all processing equipment is back running
and is stabilized .
I hope this will give you a better understanding of the
John Clapp
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Hi! I've read that Dare Hobby does a kit of the English HLG Ibis. How
can I get in touch to buy such a kit?
Bjorn Lindgren
Where is Joe Ed Pederson ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I#m looking for Joe Ed Pederson, who was in the US - army and leave last
year Germany home to Texas.
Is there somebody, who know his e-mail adress?
Please mail me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ansgar Nüttgens
Rolled Booms
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
SEN 563 had a request for a method of making Rolled Booms
and I finally came across the article that had the answer. Back in 1983
Earl Schick had a plan printed in the American Model Builder and he
graphically shows how to roll a former for a tail Boom.
He started out with a straight piece of 1/4" steel rod and a long strip of
brown paper which he wound onto the rod until he reached the inside
diameter of the boom he wanted. He then obtained some bown wrapping
paper of the same thickness and then marked the length he obtained from
the test strip along one edge and at one end projected a right angle line
that was the length of the tail boom and joined the two marks together
thus forming a elongated triangle which he cut out and proceeded to roll
onto the steel shaft.
When finished he had the boom former that was the exact ID at one end
and 1/4' ID at the other. He then gave the wrapped unit two or three coats
of dope sanding in between lightly and then made his tail boom from this
At the time of reading this I thought it was such a good idea I photo copied
the plan and put it with all the other usefull articles and this was where it
took the time to find it. I think I will have to upgrade my filing system.!
New Covering material
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger
There is a new film covering material available that works great for
Coup and Wakefield stabs and rudders. It is called RA MICROLITE FILM . It
is analogus to monocoat but made with quarter mill mylar film and very light
sprayed on combined adhesive and pigment. The result gives a translucent
effect and you don't have to paint your frame with adhesive, with the
possible exception of undercamber (you don't use undercamber on your stabs I
hope) and balsa leading edges. It is available in sixteen colors and even
in a 0.15 mill version for indoors.
This film is made in Canada at:
Risteen Associates Ltd.
120 Smythe St. , Fredricton,
New Brunswick, Canada, E3B3C4
E- Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I got mine from one of the indoor rc suppliers. See you on the Eastern
Huron Cup Contest Notice
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Toronto FAI Group
Presents the First Annual
Huron Cup for FAI Free Flight
A World Cup and America's Cup Competition
Dates: Saturday, July 14 and Sunday, July 15, 2001
Place: CFB Borden, Angus, Ontario
Events: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J
Entry fees: FAI events $20 Open Rubber $10
Prizes: Engraved glassware and certificates.
Accommodations: Will be available on the base for Saturday night
only-room with 4 beds-$40 OR room with 2 beds-$30. Reservations must be
made with the Contest Director before June 1. Payment can be made in
advance or at contest entry. There is a cafeteria on the base which is
open at 5 a.m. Sunday. Maps and field-entry instructions are available
on request.
Saturday, July 14
Round 1
10 a.m.-11 a.m.
2 minute maxes
Round 2
11 a.m.-12 noon
Round 3
12 noon-1 p.m.
Round 4
1 p.m.-2 p.m.
Round 5
2 p.m.-3 p.m.
3:30 p.m. -
Round 1
5 p.m.-6 p.m.
3 minute maxes
Round 2
6 p.m.-7 p.m.
Round 3
7 p.m.-8 p.m.
Sunday, July 15
Special Event
1 unlimited open rubber flight at 7 a.m. with a 10 min. window for
the Dave Andrew Memorial Trophy.
Round 4
8 a.m.-9 a.m.
5 minute max(weather permitting)
Round 5
9 a.m.-10 a.m.
3 minute maxes
Round 6
10 a.m.-11 a.m.
Round 7
11 a.m.-12 noon
To be determined by necessity and weather conditions.
CD Jerry McGlashan
R. R. 2, 6 Harvest Dr., Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont., L0S 1J0
Phone: (905) 468-1829, Fax: (905) 468-5098, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell