SCAT Electronic News 20 April 2001 issue 571
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1367
SCAT Electronic News 20 April 2001 issue 571
Table of Contents
Radio Retrieval System Request - Carstens
Wakefield History - Stalick
Re: rolled tail boom mould. - Montes
Ibis details - Pennington
Tail Boom Form -Klinthworh
Radio Retrieval System Request
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrel:
I am looking for a good functioning radio retrieval system, ie, Walston
or similar, for my FAI planes, preferably a system which is not
currently needed or being used. Your help would be appreciated in
putting this in the scaten. Thanks, Fred
Wakefield History
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Re:Wakefield History. The Wakefield International Cup-A History, is available
from Charles Rushing, PO Boix 1030, Sutter Creek, CA. 95685. This is the new
revised edition and covers the period from 1911-1997. The cost is $30 plus
$10 postage in the USA. Added postage for overseas is $5.00. This is an
excellent book with quotes, pictures, sketches, three views and the whole
works. A labor of love, I think.
Bob Stalick, NFFS
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : SEN For Sale ?
Printed on System : aeromodel dot com for scat
on Date : Thu Apr 19 03:37:58 2001
* For SEN if possible ?
For Sale from Bill Watson:
Lithuanian-Made Junior F1A model, only few flights, good condition, well
trimmed, flies nicely, circle tow / zoom launch =D1 $100
1994 Honda Cub, 90cc, 2-stroke, centrifugal clutch / automatic transmissio=
n (ie one hand operation), low mileage, very good condition, like new,
all-red color model, recently paid $1350 =D1 will accept $1,100
Contact: Bill Watson
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : RE: SCAT Electronic News 18 April 2001 Issue 570
Hi Roger,
I will be working on the san valeers annual results this week and hope to
send them in the right format to you. I had to do taxes first. I found an
old scat newsletter where you talked about it and will try to do it that
I might send it both ways just to make sure when I get done. Can I send the
results in excel? Or is there something I have to do to make it presentable
in excel? I plan to have a general writeup and the results in excel.
P.S. The flyers that stayed had a great day Sunday with perfect weather so
the mini guys had a great time. We had flyoffs in two of the mini events.
F1J and Glider.
Terry Thorkildsen
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Re: SCAT Electronic News 18 April 2001 Issue 570
A couple of years ago Joe Ed's e-mail address was This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Jim O'Reilly
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Joe Ed Pederson
Printed on System : aeromodel dot com for scat
on Date : Thu Apr 19 03:37:58 2001
Joe Ed is now located in Killeen, TX. I do not have his E-mail address
or phone number at this time, but he is comming to our Spring Cup (Seguin)
and I will try to get them for you. His address is: 1308 Bristol Drive
Killen, TX 76542
Faust Parker
Laboratory Director
PBS&J Environmental Toxicology Laboratory
888 West Sam Houston Pkwy, S. - Suite 110
Houston, TX 77042-1917
Tel: 713-977-1500 ext. 114
Fax: 713-977-9233
Re: rolled tail boom mould.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There is a simple, traditional solution to the problem of making a rolled tail
boom mould.. Although I have a wood lathe, I have found that
it is not that easy
to turn a long tapering cylinder without an intermediate support that my lathe
lacks, but it is quite easy and accurate to carve it using a spokeshave.
The local hardware store sells dowels of large diameter, and a 30 mm dowel 1 m
long of some tropical wood was purchased. This had the
required maximum diameter.
the center of the minimum diameter, 7 mm was marked at
the other end, and using
Luddite tools: a drawknife and a Stanley spokeshave
the nearly finished cone was
ready in less than an hour. It was then placed in the lathe for the final
sanding. Finally I rubbed some candlewax on it.
The mould has served for several
Coupes and old-fashioned Wakes. I imagine it is more durable, less fragile than
the paper cone filled with plaster. Other SEN readers may have found the same
problem with the finished booms: the thin balsa (1/32" for Coupes, 1/16" for
Wakes) can warp easily in the drying
process after moulding it to shape. In some
cases several tries are needed to get a perfect boom. Any ideas to prevent this
Sergio Montes
Ibis details
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi! I've read that Dare Hobby does a kit of the English HLG Ibis. How
can I get in touch to buy such a kit?
Bjorn Lindgren
In reply to Bjorn's request SEN 570 the details are as follows;
Dare Design & Engineering Co
551 N Centre St
Maryland 21502
Tel 301 722 0356
Fax 301 722 4115
no email or web site!!
Kit price is $49.95
no details on postage rates but I asked they were quoting postage of $28.7
6 to UK which appears to be quite high
Also there are other hlg web sites which have down loadable plans at
Hope this helps Bjorn
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel/fax +44 (0) 117 9568683
Tail Boom Form
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger: Here is a method for Rolled Tail Boom Forms that has been
mentioned in the Scatt emai. This is from the February '99 issue of
Free Flight, the NFFS Publication. I have used this method for years
and it works well. In fact, I have a box full of forms I no longer use
that I would like to get rid of. If anyone is interested I'll give them=
the dimensions. Phil Klintworth
Roger Morreell