SCAT Electronic News 16 May 2001 issue 579
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1380
SCAT Electronic News 16 May 2001 issue 579
Table of contents
" Srem kup "
Einstien and Elegance - King
More on Koestler - King
MMM 14 Rounder Challenge
Timing Equipment - Protheroe
April 2001 Tan II?? - Goldstein
" Srem kup "
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
" SREM CUP " World cup F1A,B,C
12-13.05.2001. Yugoslavia
Einstien and Elegance
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I once heard a description of how Einstien tackled problems. It was said he
would sometimes look for an 'Elegant' equation and then set
about proving it.
I believe he was very aware of the 'beauty' of good science and felt that
scientific truth had a strong element of 'beauty'. I read that when he
first hit on the thoery of relativity, he made an little abstract drawing
that only he could understand, as an aide memoir, working on the full theory
The great writer Arthur Keostler knew Einstien and many other great
scientists and gives an amazing description of the workings of genius, both
in science and the arts, in a great book entitled 'The Act of Creation' This
was part of a trilogy of books that were a milestone in literature. Keostler
was an amazing guy who worked as a journalist, novelist and writer on science
and art and was a bit of a genius himself. He wrote about his experiences as
a Jew in occupied France wher he just managed to escape being sent to
Auswitzch from the notorius French concentration camp, Le Vernet. He also
spent time in one of Franco's Spanish jails under sentance of death, for his
work with in the Spanish Civil War. He had degrees in subjects as diverse
as Science and Psychology and was the last of a dying breed, a true
'Renaiscence Man'. Check him out and his many great books. I know most of
them but will not list them here. I would be happy to answer any enquiries
about him.
Peter King
More on Koestler
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I found good info on Goggle for Arthur Koestler. Here is a little more info
on the man for those interested. He was a Hungarian Jew who lived most of
his life in England. Like his friend, George Orwell, Koestler was
originally a Comunist but soon saw the truth during the Stalin's Purges and
like Orwell turned violently against the system and became one of it's most
powerfull opponents, both through his work as a famous journalist with the
British press and through several powerful novels, (eg Darkness at Noon).
He fought against Franco in the Spanish Civil war but mainly to fight
Fascism. He had, by then, no illusions about his Comunist fellow fighter's
political ideas.
I know this is not about Free Flight but hope some one will find it
interesting as this man is one of the great thinkers of our time and his
later writing about science, art and psychology are well worth checking out
and are still as pertinent today as when they were
first written, years ago.
Peter King
Sponsored by the Magnificent Mountain Men, Denver, CO
Take the Mile-High Challenge...
"The toughest FAI Contest in America"
June 30 - July 1, 2001
Denver, Colorado
An America's Cup Contest for F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J
Perpetual Trophies for F1A, F1B, F1C. Plaques for F1G, F1H, F1J.
Entry Fee: $20 per event for F1A, B, C. $10 per event for F1G, H, J
Banquet 7:30 Saturday Night, Bennett's Pit Barbecue, 3700 Peoria, 3 Blocks
south of I-70. (Cost not included in entry.)
Round Schedule: 14 Rounds for F1A, B, C. 5 Rounds for F1G, H, J (Sunday)
Saturday, June 30 Sunday, July 1
Round 1 0730 - 0900 Round 8 0730 - 0900
Round 2 0900 - 1000 Round 9 0900 - 1000 *
Round 3 1000 - 1100 Round 10 1000 - 1100 *
Round 4 1100 - 1200 Round 11 1100 - 1200 *
Round 5 1200 - 1300 Round 12 1200 - 1300 *
Round 6 1300 - 1400 Round 13 1300 - 1400 *
Round 7 1400 - 1500 Round 14 1400 - 1500
Flyoffs start at 1530
* Rounds for F1G, H, J
For more information, contact:
Chuck Etherington (CD) at tel. (303) 646-3705,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Frank Menanno, (Assistant CD) at tel. (719) 347-0208,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Or check our Web Site at:
Sponsored by the Magnificent Mountain Men, Denver, CO
Come join us for a uniquely fun
contest in beautiful Colorado ...
Sept 15 -16, 2001
Denver, Colorado
This contest is open to all classes of free flight models
Contest Events: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J, Open Glider, Open Rubber,
Open Power
Open Glider is for any glider meeting AMA or FAI rules.
Flights scored as percentage
of max. (e.g. a 2 min flight in HLG is equal to a 3 min flight in F1A.)
Similar rules for Open Rubber and Open Power.
An America's Cup Contest for F1A, F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J
Permanent silver cups for winners of each event.
Awards through third place.
*** NEW THIS YEAR: Two-Person Team Competition in each event. Certificates
for winners
Entry Fee: $20 first event. $5 each additional event.
Event/Round Schedule
Saturday, Sept 15 Sunday, Sept 16
(Open Glider, Rubber, Power) (F1A, F1B, F1C,
F1G*, F1H*, F1J*)
Round 1 10:00 - 11:00 Round 1 8:00 - 9:00
Round 2 11:00 - 12:00 Round 2 9:00 - 10:00 *
Round 3 12:00 - 1:00 Round 3 10:00 - 11:00 *
Round 4 1:00 - 2:00 Round 4 11:00 - 12:00 *
Round 5 2:00 - 3:00 Round 5 12:00 - 1:00 *
Round 6 1:00 - 2:00 *
Flyoffs start at 3:30 Round 7 2:00 - 3:00
Flyoffs start at 3:30
* Rounds for F1G, H, J
For more information, contact:
Pete McQuade (CD) at tel. (719) 522-1239, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Duane Hjerleid, (Assistant CD) at tel. (303) 973-1435
Or check our Web Site at:
Magnificent Mountain Men Contest Information
Our field is located about 15 miles east of Denver Colorado. It is large
, with gently rolling hills.
There are very few trees in the immediate vicinity. Chasing on motorcycles
is the norm. But due to
occasional ruts and small holes, etc, you must drive carefully. The elevati
on at the field is 6,000 ft
above sea level. Because of this, sunburns occur more quickly than at lower
elevations. Sunblock is a
must. The summertime weather is usually hot and dry. (Bring plenty of wate
r to drink.) However,
evenings are always cool. Rainstorms can come up quite suddenly, and when t
hey do, the temperature
drops suddenly. Bring a warm jacket.
Places to Stay
There are many motels within 25 miles. Here are a few. The MMM does not
officially endorse any motel.
Country Manor Motel Motel 6, Aurora Super 8 Motel (formerly
Travelers Inn)
I-70 & Watkins Rd Iliff Exit off I-225 I-225 & 6th Ave.
Watkins, CO 80137 Aurora, CO Aurora, CO
(303) 261-9650 (303) 873-0286 1-800-800-8000
(About 20 Rooms. No Pool.) Restaurants/shopping nearby. Restaurants,
etc nearby.
Truck stop dining nearby. About 40 min drive to field About 30 min drive.
About 20 min drive to the field
Or try the MMM Bed & Breakfast
Some of our club members are able to make room in their homes available for
visiting fliers, for the
contest weekend, at no cost. To see if there is a room available,
please contact Bill Lovins, (303), 758- 7011, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Bill will also be happy to provide travelers' information, such as
where to shop for provisions, where to find a church, etc.
Call him, anytime.
We may also have a few motorcycles available for loan. Check with Bill.
Timing Equipment
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'm getting ready to buy a high quality set of binoculars and tripod. What
is the ultimate timing set up? What binoc power is the most practical? What
tripod (and head) set up operates the smoothest and holds up the best in
the field.
I'm also interested in any timing technic tips anyone might have.
Daniel Protheroe
Daniel Protheroe
Sage Recording
My personal advice is get good binoculars. A good quality 7x50 or 8x50
is very much better than a 10 power cheap binoculars. Also
it is important to check them out as some work better
with individual people. At the next contest ask people
if you can try theirs. Fred Pearce did write something in the Sympo a little
while back and Fred certainly knows his optics]
April 2001 Tan II??
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just wanted to poll the group about the April 2001 Tan II batch. Previously
posted was this comment:
> [I did try one of these motors at today's convocation of the Lake
> Elsinore Wakefield Dudes - One of the other [dudes] put almost 500 turns
> a 28 strand motor and I put almost 450 on a 30 strander to get a
> about like May 99. The rubber seemed very durable as we were both able
> to get 2 flights on the motors]
This seems to be in contradiction to what has recently been posted on the
Indoor list and FFML. Here is a post from Fred Tellier:
> I have done some testing on this rubber and it is only OK not great as
> some people may have been lead to think. It is about 8% down from my 5
> 99 that I use for indoor and is soft and somewhat fragile. I needed 9
> samples to get 5 tests as compared to 6 samples for 54 tests with 5 99.
> It is also lighter rubber for example a .6 gm motor of 5 99 is about 8"
> before use and 4 01 is 9.125". Thus a larger cross section will be
> needed for the same motor power.
> This rubber does not chafe as bad as 2 99 but breaks unexpectedly often
> at far less than full torque and though it takes as many turns as 2 99
> it has nowhere near the power.
> From what I see so far John has more work to do to get up to his
> previous standards. I have done some testing on this rubber and it is only
OK not great as
> some people may have been lead to think.
I am waiting for mine to arrive so have no personal experience with it.
Others have posted that they are having lots of breakage compared to May 99
and that batch was considered fragile.
Anyone else with any experience using April 2001 yet?
[Denver, CO]
The source for carbon steel razor blades
Within a 10 pound box the rubber varies between splices. The rubber
that I flew with first came from a test sample. Since then I got
a box and found the rubber at the bottom of the box to be much better
than the rubber at the top. My guess is that the sample I flew
with came from the bottom of box. I believe that it is necessary to
control our expectations, no matter the efforts of John Clapp and what
his supplier says, our rubber is based on an organic compound and
goes through manufacturing process. There will always be variations
between the batches and even within a batch, that's one of the things about
rubber flying. I expect that we could get a higher standard of
rubber but it would no doubt cost a more. Looking closely at the April
rubber there are parts where there are more flaws than 'normal',
this rubber will break more often. No doubt John will point this
out to the factory. We need to examine the rubber carefully as we make
our motors. ]
Roger Morrell