SCAT Electronic News 17 May 2001 issue 580
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1434
SCAT Electronic News 17 May 2001 issue 580
Table of Contents
Fred's report - Jahnke
Raiders of the Lost Ark 3 views - Tetrault
Binos - Helmick
Dukie On-line
Rubber density - Andresen
restyled website - Ursicino
Fred's report
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would like to direct Daniel Protheroe to Fred Pearce's article on
binoculars in the 1999 NFFS Symposium Report. Fred is an expert on the
subject and has tested a wide variety of binoculars. The tables in the
article make an excellent guide to comparing brands, models, and prices.
Ross Jahnke
Raiders of the Lost Ark 3 views
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have been trying to track down a set of 3 views or plans to the "
Raiders of the Lost Ark " flying wing. An archived reference about
plans in the Flying Aces Club newsletter led me to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Does anyone have these plans or know where they can found ? Any info
would be appreciated.
Cam Tetrault
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Roger, regarding Dan Prothroe's question about bino's
(Ozzy-ism for Binoculars), they have to be 8 power to
10 power to be legal for FAI Competition timing. Of
course mine are 7x. I believe it would be worthwhile
to buy those with a compass built-in. Carry a logbook
so you can write down the bearing and where you were
standing, either via GPS waypoint or "next to launch
pole 7", etc. Ain't technology wunnerful? However, I
would also suggest not buying anything that is not
WATERPROOF. My $150 Tasco's with compass filled with
SAND at the '93 WC. My $35 Bushnell's have been all
over Taft and Lost Hills many times with no sand, BUT
they fogged up badly at the '83 WC at Goulburn. I
cannot see how a tripod would be useful for timing
models. A "Bipod" or "Chestpod" would be more useful.
Any of these would have to be quite tall to allow
looking upward for most of us, unless you are willing
to sit down, in which case people WILL walk or stand
right in front of you at the worst possible moment.
All that said, I would skip the tripod and buy a
good 8x waterproof with compass, 10x being too jiggly.
A compact set of 7x or 8x would be great to actually
carry on the retreive. As a glasses wearer, and not
finding it practical to use both bino's and glasses at
the same time, I would look at the possibility of
mounting grey filters, perhaps photo-grey. For a
single set, I would look at compact 8x's from Nikon,
Pentax, etc. Also, Cabela's usually has good prices
and their store brand that I would expect to be plenty
good enough. Our bino's get pretty tough duty and are
often subject to loaning or leaving unattended. An
really expensive set would be very useful for timing
those early or late Fly-Off rounds, however, the guy
in the Fly-Off is not going to be paying for them, you
are. The best is nice, but there are other
considerations also. In conclusion: 1) Waterproof 2)
one eyepiece focus and central focus wheel (you're
pretty much on infinity, but need to adjust for
removing your eyeglasses if you wear them) 3) weight
4) compass 5) price 6) able to mount filters for
"sunglasses". I'm not sure if #6 is even available,
but would be something I'd like. The other factors are
pretty much in order of importance, IMHO. Thermals,
Steve Helmick
Dukie On-line
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have had quite a few requests for a catalog via e-mail. My catalog sheet is
in Pagemaker 6.0 and very few people can open it. SO . . . here is my web
page for The Printer, click on Doug Galbreath Free Flight stuff at the
(don't forget the hyphen)
See y'all at the Big Al's Shoot Out on the 26 and 27th of May.
Rubber density
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Tan II I've checked floats on water. It's hard to imagine the density
dropping by over 10% especially since it is made of many ingredients.
Much more likely is a few thou in thickness. In any event it would be
better to compare motors with the same weight per inch, ie the same wt and
Another simple check is to compare stretch ratio to breaking.
Old timers will recall that Tan rubber, though higher energy than Pirelli or
Black, required about 25% more cross section for the same torque and
Here's hoping the rubber situation gets resolved soon as it is critical to
the sport.
restyled website
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
I have almost completed the restyling of the website where the trackers
I manufature are described. Maybe it is worth for those interested to
start having a look at it at:
Roger Morrell