SCAT Electronic News 7 June 2001 issue 587
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1495
SCAT Electronic News 7 June 2001 issue 587
Table of Contents
FF World Champs - Ackery
Model Builder collection - Campbell
epoxy heating box - Joyner
Hot FF Forum - Dilly
Hot Box Query - Edge
Heat Box - Boutillier
FF World Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
do you know if there is any plan to produce a plans book for the World Champs,
as has been done in the past ?.
(I am sure it would be very popular if this were to be done)
David Ackery
{Dave - I have not heard if one is being done. I know last time It was
done by the NFFS and they lost quite a lot of money]
Model Builder collection
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have just placed a Model Builder magazine collection up for sale on
E-bay. Item #1605020747. This collection is only missing vol 1, number
Lee Campbell aka: little-red-riding-hood
Muncie, Indiana
epoxy heating box
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger: In response to Jason Magill's request for info on a box/oven for
epoxy curing: I have been using a very crude set-up for a number of years.
it consists of a open-bottom box made of 3/4 inch Styrofoam (the blue stuff)
held together with Titebond glue and wide strapping tape. Took about 10
minutes to make. The box is big enough to completely cover my vacuum bag
set-up. I'd guess the size at about 1.0 x .5 m, and about .3 tall. There is
a hole at one end to fit a smal hair drier. (I use the hair drier on lowest
heat setting.) Works fine. A much more elaborate heating system is detailed
in the new British Free Flight Forum 2001. The Martin Gregorie/Chris Edge
design features electronic contols. You can check with martin Dilly about
ordering the Forum. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) Louis
Hot FF Forum
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Regarding Jason Magill's query on an epoxy-curing heat box, there's an
excellent paper on exactly this in the new 2001 BMFA Free Flight Forum
Report, available at just 9.00 pounds from me; we take credit cards or cheque
s in
pounds sterling drawn on a bank with a branch in the UK. NFFS will have
some soon, too, in fact I mailed a few boxes of them to Bob McLinden this
The papers in it are: Laurie Barr - The Pleasures of Indoor Model Flying;
Bernard Aslett - Rubber Ramblings; Andy Hewitt - Chucking and Cursing
(Hand-Launched Gliders); Trevor Faulkner - Why Fly F1E Magnet?; Paul
Chamberlain - Improving Contest Performance Through Nutrition; Dave
Clarkson - Binoculars for Timekeepers; Peter Williams - My F1A System -
What Can Go Wrong Does Go Wrong; Pete Watson -1/2A and F1J Developments;
Martin Gregorie/Chris Edge - Heat It Up Scotty (An Epoxy Curing Oven); Dave
Clarkson - The Timperley Flight Scoring System; Mike Woodhouse -
Free-Flight Tomorrow ?
Copies are available from : Martin Dilly
20, Links Road,
West Wickham,
Hot Box Query
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jason Magill in SEN 586 was asking about hot boxes for curing epoxy laminated c
The edition of the UK "Free Flight Forum" for 2001 gives full details of such a
cute device constructed by myself and Martin Gregorie. Built along the lines
of a plywood model box, heat is applied using light bulbs combined with a fan t
o ensure good air circulation. A simple controller built from over-the-counter
electronic components controls the temperature. At 50C you cure laminating epox
y in 3 hours.
Copies of the report, which contains really neat stuff much more startling than
Martin's and my contribution, can be obtained from Martin Dilly; details were
provided in a recent SEN.
Chris Edge
Heat Box
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For Jason Magill
Hi all,
I use a heat box built of 15mm ply, heated by 5 x 40W oven bulbs.
The internal size is 700x125mmx 250mm height.
The bulbs are in the bottom. Above them there is an horizontal partition
slightly shorter than the box to allow air circulation.
The ciculation is made by a small fan, temperature is controlled by an
electric water heater thermostat.
The curing parts are placed on the horizontal partition.
Be sure to use high temperature electric components, withstanding at least
70 Celsius.
For me it was easy, as I used to work in an household appliances factory.
Now I am retired, it will be necessary to look elsewhere for spareparts.
Bernard Boutillier
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Roger Morrell