SEN Feb. 14 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1566
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 14 Feb 2000
"SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
Un Offical Isaacson Winter Classic Results - Big events!
Big Coupe or Low Blow - Shailor
30 Gram questions for F1B Gurus - Davis
Reid Simpson - Parker
Rubber Rumblings
Un Offical Isaacson Winter Classic Results - Big events!
1. Vasily Beschasny
2. Gerd Arigner
3. Grandfather Peter
1. John Sessums
2. Igor Vivchar
3. Andrey Burdov
1. Dukie
2. Reinhard Truppe
3. Doug Joyce
All flyoffs went to 3 rounds. In F1B we introduced a new twist by
having only a 5 minute window on the last round. Worked well as can
be seen from the above John Sessums wimped the least.
and the main event ..
1. Bob White
2. George Batiuk & Jim Quinn
3. Al Hotard
There was a great turn out - almost 30 in both F1A and F1B. Batiuk reports
200 entries for the Maxmen next weekend. There was very
light drizzle on and off, but the field conditions were great. There
were no problems in getting on or off the field. In fact it
so mundane that only the presence of my bird Boddigton in the car
when I was leaving stopped be from going to find a mud patch to make
my SUV look authentic. The Weiler / Rorhke Burgers on Saturday night
were up to the usual high standard. The weather forecast
for the week is improving to great for the MaxMen International.
As special for Luddites, White and Hotard the award certificates
had hand caligugraphy by Ginny Furutani
Full results will follow...
Big Coupe or Low Blow
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Once again, the Italians are pushing their "Big Coupe" idea that will prompt
the demise of F1B. Like my kids, "keep asking for it, and someday you may
get it."
The problem now is that Denmark (Koster?) has chimed in on a patently bad
Do these folks want to do to F1B what they did to F1D? Turn it into a
ridiculous, low-performance, premium on the best rubber event that draws
There should be a moratorium on motor weight rules proposals until we try
the rule change we haven't flown yet.
We should also insist that rule changes be proposed by those who actually
fly the event, as opposed to those who don't, or haven't for a long time.
Enough is enough. -Bill
I think that we can safely say that most true blue F1B flyers or sportsmen,
Luddite or Technoid are with you on this one. Part of the challenge
is managing the power .. what power at 25 grams.]
30 Gram questions for F1B Gurus
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'm rebuilding some of my old Groovy Tuna models to be all VIT, variable
pitch front ends and set up for the 30 gram rule change next year. Do
any of you have ideas on what the optimum motor tube length and motor
configuration should be using the current Vivchar VP front end and prop
blades? Are there any methods for what the optimum design considerations
might be as the motor size decreases, any ideas of what might be needed
if it drops to 25 grams? (I'm not in favor of dropping it below 30 G yet
but if appears that the proposal may be on the table as the CIAM meeting
this year). Are there any articles or musing on the "overall design"
ramifications of F1B as the motor gets smaller and the model weights
stay static? I ask all this partly because it appears that based on what
I have read lately from Peter King and others that the theorized
optimum model configurations of Coupe and Wake are considerably
different from one another (i.e. aspect ratio for one) and it would seem
to me that as F1B morphs to a smaller motor size there may be other
things about the plan form that may need rethinking? What about
different prop blades for the smaller motors? Any thoughts, comments,
ideas and theories would be greatly appreciated. My immediate need is
to decide on the motor tube length and motor configuration of the old
models I am bringing out of retirement so any thoughts along those lines
are needed as well.
Lest any of you think that the "Tuna" dies with the Groovy let me
mention that in the mid 70’s just before I fell into the black hole and
disappeared from FAI modeling I had completed plans for a "Super Tuna"
model. I am updating those ideas for the 30G rules and will burst onto
the F1B scene one of these days with these "millennium 2000 Retro
Killer" tuna models. Not exactly earth shaking but a lot of fun for me!
Been thinking about names for it too, along the lines of "Tuna the
Tiger", or maybe, "Sing that Tuna again", or perhaps " It takes Tuna to
Tango”, better yet how about " Won't you be my Tuna tunight". In
conjunction with all this word smithing I'm also composing a Tuna theme
song set to the music of "Somewhere over the rainbow". May even sing it
for you at the max men if prodded enough? Any lyrical help anyone?
Harmonies are good too!
Thanks for any help on all of the above!
Jon Davis
[ Jon I could make a comment that if the Killjoy's have thier way
there will be no difference between a F1B and F1G.
I did notice, hear actually Hugo Benedini, F1B flyer from Argentina
singing on the field at Lost Hills - Hugo might have the correct modelling
inclination for your model but his musical one sounded more like one
that went with Benedini.
On a more serious note, I know that BobPiserchio has flown his current F1B
models with 30 grams. I would make then just a little shorter, but still
would stretch the rubber much more than in the original fish.]
Reid Simpson
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just wanted to pass on information that Lynn Simpson sent. Reid had surgery
on Thursday (10th) and all went well. They were able to do procedure
laparoscopicly (sp?) so his recovery time will be minimal. He had no
complications. Obviously he will not make the Max Men, but we hope to see
him out soon!
[ Reid had a problem that was agravated by the sight of his F1C
descending preciptiously at the Ariozona contest and had to be
rushed to the hospital - Everyone will be pleased to here that he
is on the mend and will be up and about real soon now ..]
Rubber Rumblings
Latest rumors on the rubber is that John Clapp will have
some boxes of the latest at the Maxmen and he will be giving
preference to those from outside the US. He will ship domestic
orders as soon as he gets back home.
This rubber has tested well but probably not quite as good as
some killer examples in the past. I suspect that John is disheartened
by the efforts of the non-participating Killjoys to reduce the rubber
further. Doing this would obviously reduce or appear to reduce the
demand so would not motivate the people who manufacture the rubber.
I understand that this rubber will be tougher, wich I assume
means not so mechanically fragile.
Roger Morrell