SEN-382 March 8 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1195
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic news 8 March 2000
Table of Contents
The Survey - The answer - Verbitsky
The American 2/3rds Standard - Schlosberg
Re: RCDT - Fletcher
Y2k SYMPO - Jensen
Autumn Cup, Seguin Dates - Parker
Survey Good but are Sportsman Class Questions Correct? - Thornbery
USOC/Nats dates - O'Reilly
Warners Cottage Wings - Godel
The Survey - The answer
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Sir !
I am Evgeny Verbitsky -- F1C flier. First, I not understand why
we must change FF Codex.
This is our Bible. Many years many modelfliers step by step
established this rules. These
rules are convenient for most FF fliers now. Who want to make
this revolution in our FF
models? Why we must going by way of simplification ? Next step of
simplification somebody
maybe will propose return to boomerang or something like that.
I understand that we must deal with a actual problems such objective
timing long Fly Offs ect.
But I am categorically against construction new F1A, F1B and F1C
and other changings.
Anyway I will answer according the question numbers :
[Actual voting removed ]
Yours sincerelly
Evgeny Verbitsky.
[Firstly we have had over 80 replies to our survey - while this might
not seem like a big number it is very high in terms a percentage when
compared with polls and surveys in general.
Secondly a number of people added a response such as the one above.
I said that I was not going to include how people voted but I think
it is important to include some of the comments. .. and seeing that
Evgeny Verbitsky is a very respected member of our modelling community
I included what he had to say. As I have said before I have the greatest
respect for those sportsmen from the Eastern European countries who
must communicate with us in a language they did not
start to learn until later in life - Just as well that I do not
have to write this in Russian. I have a lot of work to do to analyse
the input [and make some motors for the SCAT Annual and timers for
customers] but will try and include over the next few issues some more
personal words of reader wisdom.
Finally while I said the response was good percentage wise I did
note that a number of the people I encounter on the field - who
always seem to have something to say then, have not 'voted' in this
survey - it is important to do this. Many of the CIAM officers read this
and will get copies of the results so make sure that your point of
view is expressed. ]
The American 2/3rds Standard
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The American 2/3rds New Standard.
In case you are really concerned about what happened to the two
free flight proposals we approved last fall, they are still in Muncie as
the following e-mail from Steve Kaluf to Gil Morris indicates:
"Gil here is what I got from Dave Brown regarding the proposals >>
Steve Kaluf
Technical Director
I remember now!
Neither proposal got a 2/3rds majority, and the committee felt that , if we
are going to make a proposal to the FAI, it should have, at least, that
level of support here. The R/C DT proposal also creates a potential
frequency problem, or a legality issue, if other frequencies are used. In
the case of the Nordic proposal, it only got support from 44 of 78 voters,
That's a pretty slim margin.
Dave Brown
Dave Brown Products
Dave Brown, Bob Brown and Bob Underwood constitute AMA's FAI
executive committee. The decision not to submit the two proposals
was made last November without consulting any fliers, not even
George Xenakis who is a member of the FAI technical committee.
It took calls from Gil and me to extract a public explanation.
Well, I thought that only frivolous proposals such as "you can only fly
power if your nose is painted red" should be derailed. Unfortunately,
we have left rule drafting to others - like the Danish proposal to
abolish the 20-second rule as the price of accepting RDT and the
Italian proposal to substitute fuel tubes for engine-timers.
Aram Schlosberg
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hopped onto the web site and went for a wander.
I can see problems with RCDT : -
1. It isn't Free Flight any more. There is no official definition of "Free
Flight" that I have ever been able to find, so I invented my own that is : -
a. "After release of the model by the Contestant, there shall be no control
whatsoever for the duration of its flight"
Of all of the developments that have occurred that I am aware, none other
than RCDT broaches this principle.
2. I see great tactical advantages in flying an RCDT equipped model,
especially DT'ing earlier than 3 mins. when in a boomer.
3. I don't believe the safety claims. The one equipped F1C model I saw
failed to RCDT when clearly out of control.
Jon Fletcher
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There is still time to contribute to the 2000 N.F.F.S. Symposium. However,
the deadline is near. I would like to have articles to edit by the end of
March. Those interested should contact Editor Blake Jensen as soon as
possible with ideas for articles, photos, or art.
503-666-7832 h
503-492-5144 w
E-mail- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1743 W. Powell Blvd.
Gresham, OR 97030
CIAM F/F Subcommittee proposals
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have attached the free flight subcommittee proposals that are annexes to
the CIAM agenda to this email. I also sent them to Dan Tracy.
George X.
[I was going to publish this - but it is in format that
is very hard to convert to e-mail format - I will attach it
to the version of this that is on the Web site but not
e-mail it. - It is in .rtf format - this meeds a special
viewer to read ir - it can be read with Microsoft Word]
Autumn Cup, Seguin Dates
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The dates for the Autumn Cup in Seguin were changed FROM
28 - 29 Oct TO 11 - 12 Nov., 2000. Reid Simpson is the CD.
Survey Good but are Sportsman Class Questions Correct?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Several of the questions on the survey imply the Italian Sportsman Class
proposals would replace the current class rules. I do not think this is
the case.
Attached is a copy of all the proposals. This sportsman classes are a
supplementary class flown concurrently in contests and may not even have
awards. To quote from the proposal
"At any FAI Open International F1A contest the organizers MAY choose to
establish an additional classification for all competitors declaring that
they will fly only F1A-Sport models. Such a Sport classification IS IN
ADDITION to the full contest results. Any awards to the Sport class winners
are at the discretion of the organisers. .... The concept of the F1A-Sport
class is to encourage wider participation in the F1A category by attracting
people not keen or able to fly models or the highest technology. This may
include newcomers and flyers who have not kept up with the technology
returning to the class. The models WILL BE FLOWN ALONGSIDE THE REGULAR F1A
class in any event since they fully meet the F1A regulations."
I fear the way the questions are worded will generate unfounded opposition
to the Sportsman proposal. This is much closer to both what I currently
fly in F1A and would be willing to try and fly in F1B for the expense and
complexity reasons cited in the proposal.
I think it is particularly important for an F1A Sportsman class in the US.
While in rubber and gas there are simpler AMA classes such as P30, 1/2 A
gas, and PeeWee 30 there is no equivalent simple towline glider class. The
present F1H class with the weight increase from the old A1 class is in many
respects trickier to fly than an F1A.
USOC/Nats dates
The dates for the Muncie, IN USOC is July 30 thru Aug. 3. F1A & F1H are July
30 & 31 (Sunady & Monday); F1B & F1G are Aug 1 & 2, (Tuesday & Wednesday);
F1C & F1J are July 31 & Aug. 2 (Monday & Wed.).
Jim O'Reilly, FF Events Director. 4760 N. Battin, Wichita, KS 67220. (316)
Warners Cottage Wings
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Guys,
Carlo Godel here, I have Warners Cottage Wings on the web and I update
frequently you can download anytime from
Roger Morrell