SEN-397 March 30 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1173
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 30 March 2000 issue 397
Table of Contents
Lung powered sprayer warning - Markos
Free Flight ? - Biggles
1/2A vs F1J - Ramrod250
SCAT Banco - Brun
Lung powered sprayer warning
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Because I'm quite illiterate when using computers, I wasn't able to open the
drawing of the sprayer and don't really want to. But, unless the apparatus
has effective means of preventing the user from inhaling the vapors, it
could be quite dangerous to use. In my profession (chemist) we are
continually warned to not use mouth pipetting or other techniques that may
result in accidental exposures. You may have heard about kids ending up in
a coma from "huffing" spray aerosols and/or breathing solvents from a bag.
Using a lung-powered sprayer could have a similar result. Let's keep flying
and die only from natural causes!
Free Flight ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
* Thanks - by the way I saw your note about "your understanding of
free flight models", attached to my RDT question last week: However, the
exact wording of ..."(free flight) models may use radio control..." is
not my interpretation but the ACTUAL WORDING in the FAI Sporting Code
section 3.3.2
* So there you have it, since 1989 Free Flight models can LEGALLY
carry RADIO CONTROL at an FAI event, and as the AMA Rule Book has a
blanket acceptance of FAI rules for our domestic contests, the same holds
true here also !
* The next logical step is that if this rule was adopted on "safety
grounds" then clearly it should also be applied to F1J (which did not
officially exist in 1989) for exactly the same reasons.
* Also, if this rule was originally adopted (as Ian states) primarily
for the reason of "safety to other people", then it follows that it
should be compulsory for all F1C (F1J) models - since when was a
"safety rule" optional ? Is it really to be left up to the judgment of
the competitor as to whether or not he should incorporate a safety rule
item on his model ?
[Martyn this probably opens so many cans of worms that we can
give up FF and go fishing]
1/2A vs F1J
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Until a couple of years ago, I too flew locked-up models with TD power in
F1J. Had a fair amount of success, but the development of superior power
plants has changed that.
The turning point for me came in the F1J flyoff at the Nats in 1998. My
locked-up 270-square-inch 5.75-ounce model flew as well as it could, but
dropped a max by a few seconds, while the 350-square-inch composite models
made it easily (this in reasonably neutral conditions, where I felt the
models' relative performance could be judged).
I knew then that I had to make a change to stay competitive in all
conditions, so I have embarked on the mini-F1C journey. I have made about
every possible error along the way, but feel that eventually this will prove
to be the right decision. I even got rid of all the old models (and the TDs)
to force myself to learn the "new way."
Even at 9 or 10 ounces, a Cyclon-powered model with 350-380 square inches of
area offers a vast improvement in raw performance over the old models. And as
always, it doesn't matter in a thermal; but there are times when that extra
performance is absolutely necessary.
How about some good words in this space for AMA and its Competitions
Department? The amount of labor involved in putting on something the size of
the FFWC is quite substantial, and when you consider that 1) There are only
four employees in that department, 2) There is all the "regular" sanctioning
stuff to do for AMA, and 3) The Helicopter WC will be in Muncie next year,
along with the month-long Nats, it will be an extremely daunting task to get
the FFWC done.
Those of you who deal with Teresa, Steve, and the other folks in Competitions
know already the labor-intensive atmosphere there; and the hardest part of
putting a WC on, by far, is all the paperwork and organization required
before the competitors arrive. I'm sure that a kind word here and there, and
a little extra patience, will go a long way.
Jim Haught
[ Jim, you are correct in that we did overlook mention of the AMA
Competitions Dept. My applogies - must be due to sitting on my head,
metaphorically speaking or course in Adelaide.
As the National Aero Club is the body the FAI recognises
the entries have to be made to the AMA and it is the competitions department
that handles all that work.
We do appreciate the work that they do
and realize that the USA taking on this at the last moment will
give them extra work. We know that it cannot be a sucess with
out them. I have worked with Steve and Teresa in the past
and always appeciated the work that they do.]
SCAT Banco reminder
LOST Hills [where else!]
First Round 7:30AM
Good for Selection point.
Good fun Contest.
Competition for CASH.
Pierre BRUN
818 9894970
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell