SEN-398 April 1 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1147
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 1 April 2000 issue 398
"SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
F1J v 1/2A - Kaynes
ICAREX P-13 - Dona
Goodies for the Sal Valeers Annual - Thorkildsen
Can of Worms - Thorkildsen
The vote - Rozelle
Rubber motor testing? -Schroedter
A friendly challenge - Brush
Confusion - Gannon
Aeromodeller online
F1J v 1/2A
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I completely agree with Jon Fletcher about why the mini-F1C ships have come
to dominate F1J when our original intent had been specifically to include
the traditional 1/2A models - which had a good performance against the 2
min max. The only thing that changed in the internationalisation of the
class from 1/2A was rounding up the engine capacity to the round metric
1cc. Was it this 0.06 which disadvantaged the old 049 models?
Ian Kaynes
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We do have in stock: ICAREX P-13 on the following colors:
Orange, yellow, blue and charcoal
Goodies for the Sal Valeers Annual
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Jim [Haught],
We are only a week and a half away from our San Valeer annual on April 8th
and 9thand I wanted to thank you and AMA for the loot (delta darts, HL
gliders, etc,) that you gave me at the IMS show from AMA that I can give to
the kids at this contest. It was appreciated!
Terry Thorkildsen
CD for San Valeers annual
Can of Worms
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I think if you give up FF you should go surfing not fishing. It is more
[ .. yes but I can't use Martyn's can of worms for that]
The vote
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Of the hundreds of avid SEN readers on the globe, am I
the only one who doesn't know the identity of
the"smoking, bony-assed bastard" who cast a sneaky U.S.
vote at the recent CIAM meeting?
Walt Rozelle
Rubber motor testing?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I received several responses last month regarding my questions on
applying micafilm. Perhaps the SEN can help me with something else, and
this is what is a good way to select F1B motors to use in fly-offs? With
the old grey rubber I had a very good system, but it involved winding to
100 ft-lbs. I feel I don't want to stress any of this Tan II rubber that
much. I know how to use a pull scale and a boat winch, but there is no
garage where I am living now and no place to store something that long.
If someone has a reliable method that would be suitable for me, I'd
greatly appreciate hearing from them at .
A friendly challenge
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To SCAT readers around the world......
We just received a late notice from one of my favorite publications.
Fearing that we would miss a couple of issues if immediate action was
not taken, I made out a check for renewal. I decided to fail-safe the
other 10 modeling subscriptions from being cut off. During my check-up
I remembered it has been about a year since our contributing to another
of my favorite model pubs, Scat Electronic News. We print out, high
light, punch and file in huge 3 ring binders for future references.
As we all know, Scat Electronic News is FREE and they do not send out
renewal notices. Perhaps that is why it is easy to forget to say
"thank you" in a realistic material way. I am certain the editor
appreciates the praise and applause, and he deserves that, but, hey
guys and gals (Tina is a fan too), let us continue expressing our high
approval, our esteem for a job well done! BUT.....putting those
intangibles aside , if you `dig it,' let's all dig down with some
tangible offering of commendation.
You probably are asking "what brought all this on." Do as I did and
check out the Scat web site under supporters
and sponsers. It shows over 320 browsers; which means over 300 users
are aware of the need to help carry the financial management of this web
This is offered, not in the spirit of condemnation, but as a friendly
challlenge to those around the world who benefit daily from the latest
FAI trends and developments. Let us keep it going and give Roger a
reason to work late at night, early in the morning and on weekends
(when he is not flying)!!!
Al & Tina Brush
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, Did I miss something? By reading all those other letters I'm
confused. Did we get or are we (US) hosting the 2001 World FF champs
or are we just submitting a very good proposal and everyone is just excited
about the possibility of having them come to the U.S.
[William - the US did submit a proposal to host he 2001 World Champs
and it was sucessful. So the event will be held in October 2001 at
Lost Hills.]
Aeromodeller Online
The traditional British magazine, Aeromdeller now has an online section
at the Nexus Publications Web site
Roger Morrell