Sen-415 May 9 2000
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News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 9 May 2000 Issue 415
"SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
Making Ribs, Capping - Schlosberg
The 51st Annual Inter-City Meet June 24 & 25, 2000 - Ioeger
FW: 1999WC - Rushing
Blazevitch counts ? - Korsgaard
For Sale ?
Making Ribs, Capping
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The three items on this subject yesterday in SEN by Rex Hinson, Mike
Fanthom and Richard Stratman (on Victor Stamov) open a door on a vast a
nd interesting subject matter for those of us who build high-tech wings,
stabs or even fins. I would like to add my two cents on this subject.
1. In general, the best balsa to use for ribs is an A-grain, counter to
accepted wisdom. The bending moment in the rib's plane is capture by
the CF-caps
and the balsa acts as a filler between the two caps. Experience shows that
on impact, the C-grain (quarter grain) crumbles, while the A-grain is much
more flexible and occasionally splits along the grain - which is easy to repair
by using thin-CA.
2. Ideally, a rib's grain should follow the mid-camber of the section.
method attains this goal, but requires the ability to slice the ribs after
they cure.
This is not easy to achieve in tapered panels which seem to be the standard
in the wings I build. Alternatively, one can splice each rib-blank which
give a
good approximation to very thin and curved ribs (see drawing in older Sympos).
3. Ribs are very thin, particularly in the last quarter. To achieve accuracy
while sanding, it is useful to glue two pieces of 1/8" balsa in the front
and back of each block of ribs as an anchor. For most panels, I use two
.030" steel
wires marked by each template with a pin and drilled to size with a finger-held
drill gives the most accurate results. Very thin sections, typically at
the wing tip,
require gluing the blanks together with Ambroid glue and using .020" wires
(Jerry McGlashan's idea). Once sanded, the ribs are separated with an
Acetone bath.
4. Top and bottom pre-capping are used by Stamov and M&K to save
building time, but require high accuracy. M&K actually cut a slit at the
front of each rib as a fudge factor to help fitting to the D-box. My own method
is to glue to bottom cap to each rib and then assemble the wing with the back
of the D-box and the trailing edge supported on a balsa strip along the
panel. The upper ribs are sanded to attain a perfect fit to the D-box and
trailing edge. The big advantage of this approach is that no jig
is required, and you
can change the under camber, rake and warps at will along each panel.
5. Final point - D-boxes in outer panels have to be twisted. Gluing them
on a flat panel entails an outer section with excess camber or even worse - a
strange hybrid section. The twist is usually .020-.030" washout at the root
of an outer panel and it is controlled by carefully building up layers of
paper tape.
Aram Schlosberg
The 51st Annual Inter-City Meet June 24 & 25, 2000
AAA Contest SANCTION 00855
FAI Americas Cup - AMA - Nostalgia - National Cup
AMA Field Muncie, Indiana
SAT 0800 - 1700
FIA ) 90 min overlapping
FIB ) rounds, hourly
FIC ) starting at 0800
HLG (J) (S, O)
P-30 (J) (S, O)
Nostalgia gas combined
SUN 0800 - 1600
FIG ) no rounds
FIH ) fly offs
FIJ ) at 1400
Dawn Mulvihill (at 0700-0715)
A,B,C,D gas combined
1/2 A gas
Catapult glider (J) (S, O)
Junior free for all
(Any AMA model 3 x 180)
1. Unless otherwise noted, events are all age groups combined.
2. First FAI round will be extended flight time. (A = 210, B & C = 240)
3. Extended flight times and flyoff starts will be
weather and thermal activity permitting.
4. Catapult and HLG will be flown from the box (inside, any
flight is official; outside none are).
5. Trophies to third place will be etched glassware.
6. Two man team awards in F1A, B, C.
7. Junior high time trophies in F1A, B.
8. Novice high time trophy. (Declare novice status when entering.)
9. Contact Tom Ioerger or FAI Model Supply for information.
Email: Tom Ioerger This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FAI Model Supply This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: FAI Model Supply 570/882-9873
FW: 1999WC
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger, I have been unable to obtain information of the 1999 WC F1B
event held in Israel last year. Can someone who attended and/or flew in the
F1B WC please help me? I need this information to update my book "The
International Wakefield Cup A History 1911 to 1999." I will need to know:
the date, day, and the time the F1B event began. A description of the field,
its condition, and size. How far is the field from the USA Team housing.
Were chase motorcycles provided? I need the temperature and weather
conditions from start to finish of the event. What time of day did the
fly-offs begin and end; what were the weather conditions? I need to know the
names of all of the contestants and their countries, who flew in the F1B WC
event. I need a photograph of the Wakefield Winner and the Model. If the
Winning model is available where can it be purchased? Thank you for any
help: Charles Rushing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; (209)267-0866;
fax:(209)267-0865; POB 1030 Sutter Creek, CA 95685 USA.
Much of this information is available on the scat Web site - by going to the site and selecting
current news. By selecting the UP arrow a couple of times you will get
a list topics containing the list of items - go to the one
with the second half of 99 and find the World Champs items]
Blazevitch counts ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
Thanks for all your efforts and energy.
I wonder if you or any of the SEN readers know a source where I
could get a reliable mechanical or electronic counter to be mounted on my
Ukrainian Blazewitch rubber winder. I am tired of counting loudly to myself
during the winding ...
Thanks in advance/Thermals
Jorgen Korsgaard
I saw a prototype that Yuri developed with an electronic counter.
I understand there was some issue with getting the parts] FOR SALE
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Like all of you we get all kinds of strange offers
in our e-mail. This one was a little different !!
Please pardon the intrusion.
The domain name is now for sale. After years of offers
from your industry, I've decided to sell this domain name.
Little history on the domain. I'm the original owner of it
was purchased for a project that fell through. In sort this domain name is
To place a bid, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If there's a lack of silent bids via email, will be
auctioned on eBay in the next couple weeks.
To be removed from this list, reply with "REMOVE" in the subject line
Thank you, for you time.
Roger Morrell